My Master Is a God

Chapter 3016 The blood baby has changed

Yang Yiyun, Xuantong and others rushed out of the sinkhole to the ground in one breath, and then put them down.

"We can't stop yet. The forces behind will definitely catch up. Let's leave the Tiankeng first." Yang Yiyun knew very well that after getting the blood baby, the major forces would be jealous.

Although he is not afraid of anyone, he is also afraid of trouble if all forces unite.

So he kept running.

I didn’t think about any sense of direction, just straight lines.

It wasn't until one of them ran out of the Shura field that he breathed a sigh of relief and stopped.

"Okay, let's stop and take a rest." Yang Yiyun said.

All the subordinates were actually nervous, and now they were relieved of their worries.

They had all witnessed Yang Yiyun's previous operations, and in their hearts they felt nothing but admiration and admiration.

The Yuan Shen attack at that time directly caused everyone to fall down, but Yang Yiyun was not affected, and he grabbed the blood egg, rolled them up and flew away in an instant. Such methods and abilities were truly the only one among the dozen or so forces present today. .

"What will the Lord do next?"

But it was Xuantong who came up to ask questions, but his eyes were fixed on the Chaos Clock in Yang Yiyun's hand with a hint of curiosity.

Yang Yiyun smiled and said: "I finally got the blood eggs, so I naturally studied them."

He also knew that all his subordinates were full of curiosity at this time.

After listening to Yang Yiyun's words, everyone came together. No one was not curious. The commotion caused by the blood egg was really too great. Now that their master has obtained it, everyone is happy.

This shows that the master's methods are indeed extraordinary.

Counting the thirteen forces and hundreds of powerful people in total, Yang Yiyun was the only one who was not attacked by the soul that erupted in the blood egg at the last moment and got the blood egg.

I don’t know what kind of creature is inside the blood egg?

"What's in the master's blood egg?" Duan Shengang saw that Yang Yiyun was in a good mood and asked boldly.

"It's a blood baby." Yang Yiyun said with a smile.

Previously, there was a red-skinned baby inside the blood egg. Only he and the five people from Dusk Abyss, Bright Heavens, Demon God Realm, and Chi You Clan saw it. The others only saw the blood egg fall to the ground.

"Blood baby?"

"I didn't expect that~"

"Isn't it..."

Everyone was surprised for a while.

There were many speculations, but I never expected that there would be a blood baby inside.

"Okay, let's not talk about it for now. I don't know what kind of monster it is with. I'll take a look now when you put up a barrier."

Yang Yiyun interrupted the discussion of his subordinates and asked them to set up a barrier. He wanted to release the blood eggs to see.

Xuantong Lingming led everyone to unite, form a circle, and jointly set up a barrier to prevent any accidents.

A barrier with a diameter of one hundred meters was formed.

Only then did Yang Yiyun put away the Chaos Clock in his hand.

The next moment the blood egg appeared on the ground and returned to its round shape.

The top of the huge blood egg was broken open, but the other parts were intact and tight.

Yang Yiyun levitated and leaped in the air, thinking about looking inside the blood egg.

It's still the same as before, the blood baby is still inside.

Yang Yiyun approached cautiously. He adjusted his soul state to its peak. Although he had the blood baby now, he still had to be on guard. The blood baby's soul attack was no child's play.

Slowly approaching the opening where the blood egg was broken, nothing changed.


At this moment, a soft groan came from inside.

Yang Yiyun's whole body trembled subconsciously.

There is no way, both the blood egg before and the blood baby inside now are simply terrifying existences.

At this soft moan, I thought something was going to happen again, or there was an attack.

Yang Yiyun quickly stepped back.

But something he didn't expect appeared.


A very slight cracking sound was heard.

Immediately afterwards, the remaining blood eggs cracked open.

Under Yang Yiyun's gaze, the eggshells emitted red light after breaking and gathered together.

When the light dissipated, the next moment the blood baby was fully visible.

The eggshell disappeared automatically. To be precise, it was absorbed by the blood baby.

It's normal when you think about it. The eggshell itself is what the blood baby was born from, so it must have some kind of power. Now that the blood baby is completely born, it's normal for the eggshell to dissipate and turn into energy to be absorbed.

But when Yang Yiyun looked at it, he was surprised.

Good guy, the blood baby in sight seems to be a bit bigger. I saw it before as a seven or eight-year-old baby, but now it looks like it is almost a year old.

Another very big change is that the skin color of the blood baby has changed significantly.

Before, the blood-colored complexion would look frighteningly red. But now, looking at it, I did find that the skin color of the blood baby was no longer blood-red. Finally, the skin color of a normal baby started to turn yellow.

Of course, the blood baby's hair remained unchanged, still the same crimson color and half a foot long.


So far, no attacks are taking place.

This made Yang Yiyun feel relieved.

He landed on the ground and cautiously approached the blood baby again.


This time Yang Yiyun could hear clearly that the blood baby made baby babble sounds.

At this time, Yang Yiyun also arrived three meters away from the blood baby.

"Master, please don't come near~"

Duan Shengang saw Yang Yiyun continuing to move forward and couldn't help but remind him.

Yang Yiyun stopped and signaled that they would be spoken to.

Continuing to move forward, he finally saw the blood baby up close.

"Yah ah ah ah~"

When Yang Yiyun saw Xue Ying's face, Xue Ying's eyes were open and he made a series of dumb baby sounds.

At first glance, Yang Yiyun saw the blood baby's eyes, which were red, but then he saw the blood baby's eyes flickered, and their eyes turned into black like a normal person.

Yang Yiyun immediately dissipated a lot of fear.

The blood baby's eyes were big, round, sparkling, and extremely smart. Yang suddenly felt a little familiar when he looked at them.

Just because of the agility of these eyes, Yang Yiyun suddenly felt that the blood baby was not so scary.

He looked at the blood baby, and the blood baby looked at him.

"Hey yeah~"

The little guy was babbling at him, but he waved his little arms and actually laughed. Of course, this smile was just a baby's smile, and it didn't feel weird at all.

Somehow, Yang Yiyun suddenly felt that this blood baby was a bit lovable, and he didn't know if it was his imagination.

The golden dots on the eyebrows are very bright. They are divine seals, just like those of the Celestial Clan, but they are round, different from the Celestial Clan.

The hair is half a foot long and blood red, but it does not cover the face. The skin color is no longer the blood red before, and looks slightly normal, but it is still very red.

Yang Yiyun looked at the blood baby, and with a flash of light in his hand, a drop of water of life appeared.

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