My Master Is a God

Chapter 3019 Three powerful men are coming

Yang Yiyun greatly agreed with Chunyang King Kong's words.

My heart suddenly became brighter.

He nodded repeatedly and said, "That makes sense."

Chunyang King Kong said what he felt in his heart but did not say out loud.

No matter what happens to this blood baby in the future, at least for the time being, he knows that there will be no danger. After all, it is a baby, and he just needs to stay by his side to guide and observe.

Although he is of Shura bloodline, he is still alive, and he is born with seven exquisite orifices. As Chunyang King Kong said, the focus is on teaching.

Become a god or a demon, all in one thought.

This shows that one can become a god.

If you are born psychic, if you learn the right way, you will follow the right path.

Yang Yiyun immediately decided to do this, at least for the time being, take him with him to observe.

Let him cultivate the blood baby and achieve his own success. To be honest, Yang Yiyun really can't do it.

If this blood baby turns evil upon contact, he may kill and refine it without hesitation.

But no.

After he picked up the blood baby with both hands, he heard that everything was normal and did not show any evil.

Nature cannot be killed.

Besides, the elves born from such heaven and earth have infinite potential.

If we really kill them, it will really outweigh the gains.

Yang Yiyun was not sure whether it was a blessing or a curse for him to keep the blood baby, but now that he had made a decision, he would not change it.

According to the information that Shennong Yueming had inquired before, the creature born from the blood egg was called the Shura God Slave.

In fact, the only way to subdue them is to enslave them.

He thought so at first, giving the blood baby a drop of water of life just to control the blood baby, but it turned out that the water of life had no effect on the blood baby.

But his goal was achieved.

The blood baby's bite of him was in itself a contract of some kind established between them.

Anyway, he planned to keep this blood baby.

"Holy Lord, what should we do next? Otherwise, we should leave the ghost battle soul field. After you take away the blood baby, the other major forces will definitely not give up. Many people are thinking that the blood baby can achieve harmony. , I guess they won’t give up." Xuantong said.

Yang Yiyun muttered: "We can't leave yet, Xiong Huan has not been found yet, we must find her."

Hearing what Yang Yiyun said, everyone suddenly responded. Yes, all the lost people were found, but there was no news about Xiong Huan.

As Xiong Huan's father, Xiong Youtian was deeply moved when he heard that Yang Yiyun was still thinking about his daughter. In fact, he had always wanted to bring it up to find his daughter Xiong Huan, but he didn't find the chance. Now that Yang Yiyun brought it up, he was naturally extremely moved. .

Yang Yiyun's eyes fell on Xiong Youtian and asked: "Old Xiong, you are Xiong Huan's father. Are you connected by blood and can you feel the general direction of Xiong Huan's existence?"

Xiong Youtian was actually about to say this when he heard Yang Yiyun ask the question and said quickly: "I can only get a general idea when reporting back to the Lord God. We are afraid that we have to go back. Huan'er's aura should still be within the range of the Shura Field."

The place where everyone is at this moment has actually gone out of the Shura field.

"Then go back, I said no one should be missing." Yang Yiyun said.

No one had any objections.

Because everyone knows that Yang Yiyun values ​​​​Xiong Huan very much among everyone, and Yang Yiyun will not give up if he cannot find Xiong Huan.

No one would object, Yang Yiyun took the risk.

Indeed, if you go back, you are very likely to encounter other forces. Now that the blood baby is injured in Yang Yiyun, those forces will definitely not give up an opportunity that allows them to advance to the Hedao level.

"Let's go~"

Yang Yiyun gave an order and asked Xiong Youtian to lead the way to Xiong Huan.

Although he has to turn back, Yang Yiyun is not afraid of trouble now. Even if all other forces are against him, it doesn't matter to him.

The blood baby that was snatched before was full of instability.

But now after the blood baby bit his finger, it was actually stable.

Don't worry about what happens to the blood baby, he can deal with anything with his heart.

Are you really afraid of strong men from other forces?

Yang Yiyun just smiled in his heart, he was really not afraid.

He was able to crush those at the fifth level of Heavenly Dao, so he was really not afraid of those people. He ran away before because of the uncertainty of getting the blood baby, but now he no longer has such worries.

Just go back, no big deal.

As long as he doesn't meet a strong person at the Hedao level, he doesn't care at all.

Besides, Xiong Huan must be found.

That girl's potential is among the best among these people.

Besides, Xiong Youtian can sense where Xiong Huan is through his blood, so he just needs to find him.

After making the decision, he led his men back.

You may not necessarily be able to meet the major forces.

At the same time, in the center of the world of the gods, powerful men with powerful auras appeared in various places. They looked towards the distant sky one by one, but they all looked towards the direction of the ghost battle soul field.

Someone said to themselves: "A half-god and half-Shura has been born. Shouldn't we go and see it~"

“It’s hard to tell whether it’s a blessing or a curse~”

"Creatures like these should not be left in the world."

There were dozens of these powerful men in the center, none of them together, but they all said similar words.

In the end, three people turned into divine light and headed towards the ghost battle soul field.

Naturally, Yang Yiyun and others didn't know that three powerful men were coming.

At this time, he led a group of men back to Shura Field to look for Xiong Huan.

After returning to Shura Field, he naturally did not go to the sinkhole where the blood egg was before.

Instead, under Xiong Youtian's action, he went to find Xiong Huan and went to the northwest of Shura Field. According to Xiong Youtian, he sensed that Xiong Huan was in the northwest.

Along the way, they walked about three hundred miles, but they entered a grand canyon.

"Old Xiong, are you sure you didn't make a mistake?"

After entering the Grand Canyon, Ancestor Shenmu couldn't help but ask Xiong Youtian.

Xiong Youtian rolled his eyes and said: "Bloodline sensing is always possible, and it is more accurate than any innate magical power. It is right here."

It’s no wonder that the ancestor of Shenmu asked, because this canyon seemed to have been cut out by a sword of some great supernatural power. On both sides were ninety-degree vertical mountains, as if cut out by a sharp sword, and the farther it went, the more it was cut out. The deeper you go, the whole canyon is filled with blood mist and smells of blood, making it feel eerie.

It's very uncomfortable anyway.

"Everyone should be vigilant and be prepared." Yang Yiyun also felt that this place was too eerie.

He was holding the blood baby in his arms. The little guy was babbling and calling twice, his big eyes filled with curiosity.

Granny Shahu saw that Yang Yiyun was holding the blood baby all the way, and she didn't find anything unusual about the blood baby. On the contrary, he was very well-behaved, so she said, "Young Master, will you let me hug you and have a rest?"

When Yang Yiyun heard that it was true that he was a grown man holding a baby, it didn't seem like that. He also admitted that his arms were a little sore, so he nodded and said, "That's fine~"

While speaking, he handed the blood baby to Granny Shahu.

But when Granny Shahu stretched out her hands, the blood baby burst into tears. At the same time, a bloody light radiated from her body and went straight to Granny Shahu.


Unsurprisingly, Granny Shahu was hit by a bloody light emanating from the blood baby, and instantly flew backwards.

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