My Master Is a God

Chapter 3021 You give us the blood baby

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!


Another beast roar

But it sounded from the front.

Everyone could understand that this beast's roar came from around them.

He suddenly turned around, but his eyes were all focused on Yang Yiyun.

To be precise, it was focused on the blood baby in Yang Yiyun's arms.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun was a little confused.

Indeed, there was a loud roar just now from the blood baby's mouth.

"Hey~ the blood beast has retreated~"

Xuantong, who was in front, suddenly spoke out.

Everyone looked at them together, and sure enough, the blood beasts seemed to have seen something that made them extremely terrifying, and they whined and dispersed.

As quickly as it came, it went as quickly as it came.

Everyone is still a little confused.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, daddy~"

The blood baby suddenly spoke.

At this moment Yang Yiyun came to his senses. The blood beast in front was pushed back by the blood baby.

But it’s not surprising when you think about it. Before the blood baby was born, a blood sacrifice caused millions of blood beasts to sacrifice. You can imagine what the blood baby’s roar means to the blood beasts. .

Everyone's eyes were focused on the blood baby. At this time, it didn't seem so scary for everyone to see the blood baby.

Everyone also understood what happened just now.

Perhaps the existence of blood babies is still a blessing or a curse.

But one thing is certain now, the blood baby is a blessing in Yang Yiyun's hands.

Yang Yiyun laughed loudly: "So good and awesome."

As he spoke, he kissed the blood baby on the face.


Xueying smiled and learned to speak, and seemed to know that it was Yang Yiyun who was praising him.

After this incident, everyone's views on blood babies have also changed.

Medusa came up and smiled and said to Yang Yiyun: "Give the blood baby a name. The little guy has learned to speak now. With a name, everyone can teach him to speak."

Yang Yiyun thought about it, calling him Blood Baby all the time was not the case.

After thinking for a while, he said: "Since he is a half-Asura and half-god, he is called Xiudao. Yang Xiudao. I hope he will cultivate the Dao and correct the Dao."

"Cultivation~ It will be appropriate when the time comes." Medusa nodded.

Xuantong came over and said, "Sir, are you planning to accept him as your son?"

Yang Yiyun was stunned. He had never thought about it. Although he taught the blood baby to call him daddy, he never thought about adopting him as his adopted son.

He has a son and a daughter and doesn't care about having one more.

But be careful.

After all, the blood baby is not a mortal thing. Most of the time, Yang Yiyun actually knows that he needs to teach and guide him.

Now that I have been given a name, I should also consider the issue of identity.

He thought about it and said, "I will accept him as a closed disciple."

This is also the most suitable identity that Yang Yiyun just thought of.

Cultivation always requires inheritance. Naming a blood baby Cultivation means inheritance.

The four disciples under his sect, Dugu Hui, Wang Zongren, Wu Jian, and Meng Tian, ​​to be honest, although each disciple has good talents, they have not met their own expectations.

However, blood babies are spiritual beings raised from birth, and their talents are absolutely unparalleled.

It is most appropriate to accept him as a closed disciple.

After hearing what Yang Yiyun said, Xuantong and others also felt it was appropriate.

He quickly congratulated: "Congratulations to the Lord for accepting a closed disciple."

"Congratulations, master..."

Everyone congratulated.

Yang Yiyun smiled: "Everyone, get up. That's it. I'll make up for the apprenticeship ceremony when I get back."

Of course, the blood babies are too young now.

"You will be Yang Xiudao from now on." Yang Yiyun looked at the blood baby in his arms and said.


I don’t know if I understood it or not.

Anyway, from now on, the blood baby's name will be Yang Xiudao, and his clone will become Yang Yiyun's closed disciple.

It can be said that his status is extraordinary.

Became everyone's young master.

The status of a closed disciple is not transcendent on the surface, but in fact it is transcendent, because all the closed disciples are the most beloved by the master.

The appearance of the blood beast became a sideshow, and everyone also saw the other side of the blood baby, or Yang Xiudao, who could fight off the blood beast with a roar.

To a certain extent, blood babies can also summon blood beasts.

This actually became Yang Yiyun's reliance in the world of gods.

Then everyone continued to move forward.

One day later, Xiong Youtian said: "Sir, I feel Huan'er's aura seems to be in front."

"Then hurry over." Yang Yiyun said.

The Grand Canyon is very deep and has not reached the end until now.

The ground was relatively flat.

Five minutes later, Yang Yiyun said: "Stop."

Everyone stopped.

Xiong Youtian said: "The Divine Lord is nearby, I will go look for him."

Yang Yiyun looked at his mouth and said, "There's no need to find it, it's right in front."

As he spoke, Yang Yiyun's voice turned gloomy.

Because he had already seen Xiong Huan.

Among all the people present, besides him, Medusa saw it, and Medusa could even see earlier and further than he did.

Both of them have refined the eyes of blood beasts. In the land filled with blood mist, they can indeed see farther. He can see a hundred meters, while Medusa can see a thousand meters with her double pupils. Before, the beautiful Dusha saw it and sent a message to him.

At this moment, Xiong Huan was located a hundred meters away from Yang Yiyun.


At this time, Xiong Huan was under control.

And the people who control Xiong Huan are old acquaintances, not just one family.

It is really an ancient heavenly clan, a five-element clan of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and half of the ten major clans. The other forces have not seen it.

At this moment, everyone in the Wu Xing family was standing in the blood mist a hundred meters away, and he and Medusa could see clearly.

And Yang Yiyun found that the other party was also looking at them.

Apparently people from the Five Elements Family can also see them.

This is not surprising to Yang Yiyun. Since they can refine the eyes of the blood beast, the people of the Five Elements family can naturally use other methods to let them see further in the blood mist.

It seemed as if he knew they were coming and was waiting for them.

After Yang Yiyun signaled Xiong Youtian to be calm, he squinted his eyes and looked at the blood mist in front of him and said: "Fellow Taoists of the Five Elements Family, although you are also a Celestial Clan, you are an ancient Celestial Clan, and you are not the same as those of the Thirty-Three Heavenly Clan of Emperor Zun. The clans are different. I, Mr. Yang, have no grudge against you, right? Why did you arrest my people?"

As soon as Yang Yiyun opened his mouth, Xuantong and others knew that Yang Yiyun had seen something further beyond the blood mist, and that in front were people from the Five Elements Family of the Tian Clan. It sounded like they had captured Xiong Huan, and everyone immediately entered a fighting state.

"Yang Shenzun, what you said is wrong. We happened to meet this girl, and it can be said that we saved her life from the blood monster. Speaking of which, you have to thank us. Of course, we really have no grudges, and we don't I don’t want to be your enemy. As for you and the Thirty-Three Heavenly Clan, our Five Elements Family has no interest whatsoever.”

A response came from the blood mist.

Yang Yiyun chuckled: "In that case, please, fellow Taoists, please let my people come over."

The other party's voice sounded again: "Haha, it's okay for Yang Shenzun to be released, but we saved her after all. As a god, you have to thank us, right?"

Yang Yiyun said slowly: "Oh? I wonder what kind of thanks you want before you are willing to let me go?"

"It's very simple. Give us the blood baby in your hands. The blood baby is a great evil. It is not safe if it is left in the hands of Lord Yang. For the sake of the divine world, you give us the blood baby and we will return this girl to you. , I wonder what Yang Shenzun’s intention is?”

The conditions of a certain strong man from the Five Elements Family rang out in the blood mist.

Yang Yiyun's eyes were filled with murderous intent. He stared at the blood mist ahead for a long time without speaking.

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