My Master Is a God

Chapter 3034 Sister Mei enters the Blood Beast Mountain Range

According to Sister Mei's story, Master Rabbit's arrangements for them have been predetermined long ago. It is completely based on the zero rule. As long as you can survive being thrown into a place, you are a strong person. If you can't survive, you will die.

Fortunately, Sister Mei survived in the end, but most of the dragon clan died.

The good thing is that Sister Mei and the remaining nine true dragons have reached the heavens in cultivation.

Especially Sister Mei has reached the first level of Hedao cultivation.

The breath is on par with Xuchu.

Of course, Sister Mei doesn't know anything about the realm of cultivation in the divine world, because she was thrown into a sea of ​​blood by Lord Rabbit after her ascension. After so many years, she has never seen Lord Rabbit and Little Phoenix again.

In the next ten days, Yang Yiyun was talking to Sister Mei and the others, talking about everything, talking about the divine realm of Yunmen, the way of cultivation, the cultivation realm of the divine realm, enemies and friends...

It was also the tenth day that Yang Yiyun took Sister Mei and everyone out of the sea of ​​blood.

This trip to the sea of ​​blood was originally to search for the blood of the holy way. He wouldn't say it. After practicing for thousands of years, Xuantong and others were the main force. They found the place where the blood of the holy way was found, but they had been absorbed and refined by Sister Mei and the others. .

But in Yang Yiyun's heart, he is extremely happy. Sister Mei is his woman. She has evolved to the first level of Hedao in the blood land of the Blood Sea Holy Dao. Yang Yiyun is happier with her promotion than his own promotion.

With the appearance of Sister Mei, he finally felt a little more confident. If a strong Hedao person appeared, he would not be helpless to fight back, and even let Xue Ying fight the incident as an infant.

Besides, the nine true dragons around Sister Mei are all powerful at the fifth level of Heavenly Law, the top ones.

Their growth is quite rapid.

To be honest, according to what Sister Mei said, it has been more than 30,000 years since they ascended from the fairy world to the divine world and entered the blood sea of ​​the gods. They have been practicing and fighting for more than 30,000 years. In fact, according to the time comparison of the outside world, less than 20,000 is more than 10,000. It's only a year, which means that the time in the world of Gods Realm is inconsistent with the outside world. This is normal. After all, the Gods Realm itself is a normal space world.

Sister Mei, who has been practicing for more than 30,000 years, is able to enter the Hedao. In addition to absorbing the energy of the blood of the Holy Dao, it is also due to their fighting and growth, so it is so fast.

Of course, the most important thing is that Sister Mei and the others are true dragons, with dragon blood, and powerful mythical beasts in the world. Their growth talents have been fully stimulated.

This also shows from the side that Master Rabbit, that old immortal, does have the means to lead his group of mythical beasts in the lower world into the world of gods. In other words, Master Rabbit himself has an incomparable understanding of the way to advance the mythical beasts. learn.

The old rabbit really has something in his belly.

Although their methods were radical against Sister Mei, the effect was very significant.

But it was too cruel for Sister Mei and the others. Can you imagine what kind of situation Sister Mei and the others were in when they were thrown into a sea of ​​blood by Master Rabbit?

They were just little gods who had just ascended to the God Realm. They were thrown into the sea of ​​blood and faced powerful alien beasts in the sea of ​​blood. They had been struggling on the edge of life and death every day for 30,000 years. In this way, they inspired the blood of the dragon in their bodies. potential to grow.

Cruel but effective.

Yang Yiyun was afraid when she thought about it. What if Sister Mei had something wrong with her?

He also cursed Lord Rabbit.

Now he is more worried about Little Phoenix and the others. Master Rabbit has made such miserable arrangements for Sister Mei, so wouldn't he be even more cruel to Little Phoenix and Diao'er?

I kept muttering in my heart: Old immortal Master Rabbit, please don’t let anything happen to Little Phoenix and Diao’er. If anything happens to them, I can’t mess with you~"

For Yang Yiyun, he didn't expect Xiao Fenghuang and Diao'er to be as powerful as they were, he just hoped they would be safe.

In Sister Mei’s words, Lord Rabbit told them that they were all rare beasts in the world. Unfortunately, they did not realize the potential of the beasts. If they did not unleash their potential, they would not be able to live in the divine world. Not as good as ants.

So under the stimulation of these words, all the mythical beasts gathered by Master Rabbit agreed to Master Rabbit's arrangement and helped everyone develop the potential of the mythical beasts. But no one expected this result, right?

Now Yang Yiyun just hopes that Little Phoenix and the others will be okay and find that old immortal Master Rabbit as soon as possible.

But having said that, reason told Yang Yiyun that although Lord Rabbit's approach was extreme, it was the most beneficial to him and the entire Yunmen Divine Realm.

Sister Mei has achieved the state of harmony, but what about Little Phoenix, Diao'er, and Niu Duzi?

You must know that their bloodline potential is no worse than Sister Mei, or even more powerful.

If the little phoenix and all of them had entered the realm of harmony...

What would that be like?

Yang Yiyun's heart is in tangle...

The journey to the sea of ​​blood is over.

There are more than ten real dragons such as Sister Mei around me.

A strong man in the realm of harmony appears.

Next, Yang Yiyun set out for the Blood Beast Mountains in the north of the world of gods.

He thought that Lord Rabbit, Little Phoenix and others would most likely be training in the Blood Beast Mountains to the north.

They entered the world of the gods and only went to the last two places.

The land of the north and the center of the realm of the gods.

The other three parties have all gone, and except for finding Sister Mei in the Sea of ​​Blood, Little Phoenix and the others were not found anywhere else.

All that remains is the north and center.

As for the central place, in the words of Shennong Yueming at the time, it was not a place that could be visited at the level of the rules of heaven. Only those with the level of Hedao could enter the central place.

So the only thing left is Northland.

Therefore, he guessed that Little Phoenix and the others were probably in the Blood Beast Mountains to the north.

A month later, they entered the Blood Beast Mountains in the north.

"Sister Mei, I'll be counting on you from now on~"

Yang Yiyun looked at the endless mountains and said to Sister Mei.

The Blood Beast Mountain Range is the largest mountain range in the world of the gods, with countless peaks, like forests and seas, stretching as far as the eye can see.

The mutated vegetation is extremely lush.

It was also the place that Xuantong had seen in the Great Dao Classics where blood beasts were rampant and the resources were the most abundant.

Although Sister Mei has entered the world of the Gods Realm for more than 30,000 years, she has never come out of the sea of ​​blood and does not know the entire world of the Gods Realm.

It was also the first time to set foot in the Blood Beast Mountain Range.

But Sister Mei is a strong person in the realm of Hedao.

In her words, with his current cultivation level, under the normal environment of the world of gods, there is no restriction for her.

Of course, except in some special circumstances.

The divine power in the Hedao Realm is the ultimate evolution, the power of Qi, the origin of the power level, so the blood mist here is basically ineffective against Sister Mei, and her divine power can be used here.

First of all, with Sister Mei here, it will be much easier for them to find Little Phoenix in the vast Blood Beast Mountain Range.

"Don't worry, I miss Little Phoenix and Diaoer too~"

Sister Mei replied with a faint smile. At this time, she was actually very happy that she could finally help Yang Yiyun.

With the presence of Sister Mei, Yang Yiyun and others felt much more at ease than before, facing the endless Blood Beast Mountain Range.

The entire Blood Beast Mountain Range is extremely vast, with hills and peaks as well as large peaks reaching into the clouds.

The Blood Beast Mountain Range is also the richest in resources among the four places in the world of the gods, but it is also the place where the most blood beasts exist. Compared to the blood beast groups attracted by the blood babies in the ghost battlefield, the Blood Beast Mountain Range is really a child's play.

Not long after they entered the Blood Beast Mountain Range, they encountered the Blood Beast.


A roar rose throughout the day.


The whole earth was shaking.

Yang Yiyun turned his face slightly and looked forward. His eyesight could still see a hundred meters, but he could only see the tree dozens of meters high shaking violently.

I thought there was some kind of blood beast group.

At this time, Sister Mei said: "It doesn't matter that your cultivation level is not high, the breath I released is enough to scare it away, like a mutated blind bear."

After Yang Yiyun heard this, he said: "Then don't scare them away. Stay and let Xuantong and the others deal with them and sharpen their combat experience. There are different blood crystals in the blood beasts, which are treasures to the gods."

"Okay, I'll take the lead." Sister Mei nodded.

There are people in the team who think they are at the level of Hedao, which is totally equivalent to cheating.


The next moment, Yang Yiyun saw a big blood-haired guy who was more than thirty meters tall. It looked like a moving hill. The hair on the outside of the body was like steel needles. His eyes were as big as copper bells and the red eyes were very scary.

It's really a giant version of a bear-like blood beast.

The aura feels at the peak of the fifth level of Heavenly Law.

This was not long after entering the Blood Beast Mountain Range, and I encountered such a huge blood beast. It was indeed the northern land known as the Blood Beast Mountain Range.

"Leave Xuantong to you~" Yang Yiyun said.

"It's the God~"

Xuantong and others are also eager to try. It is actually good for them to face such a huge blood beast. They also know that there are blood crystals in the blood beast, which are all cultivation treasures.

Next, except for Yang Yiyun who stood motionless holding Xueying, Sister Mei and the nine true dragons under her, Xuantong and others all took action, including Medusa.

Yang Yiyun thought that more than a dozen masters of the laws of heaven were more than enough to deal with a mutated behemoth blood bear.

But I didn't expect that it took so many people an hour to kill the blood bear. As expected, they got a blood crystal as big as a fist. The energy was extremely pure, and it contained more power of the soul. This It is a treasure for many practitioners, but unfortunately Yang Yiyun has checked that there is no special talent.

Just like the Eye of the Blood Tiger that he killed that day, after refining and absorbing it, he could see clearly within a hundred meters.

Yang Yiyun thought that this might be related to the region. The blood tiger was encountered in the Ghost War Soul Field, and this is the Blood Beast Mountain Range. In addition, blood crystals may only occasionally be found in a mutated blood beast. More Time is a pure energy crystal.

But even so, it is helpful for cultivation.

Next, Yang Yiyun gave the order to move forward and let Xuantong and others fight and kill the blood beasts individually. They would practice and collect the blood crystals. Even if they didn't use them, taking them out to other people in Yunmen would be of great use.

Of course, Yang Yiyun told everyone that the blood beast blood crystals they obtained were limited to satisfy themselves. When they absorbed and refined them and it no longer helped them, they could start accumulating them and bring them back to Yunmen.

Everyone had no objection to this, and also ordered the nine true dragons under Sister Mei to join the team that hunted the blood beasts and collected blood crystals.

On the other hand, he was with Sister Mei holding the blood baby in his arms. With Sister Mei holding the battle, he was not afraid of anything.

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