My Master Is a God

Chapter 3039 There is only the center

Sister Mei looked at Yang Yiyun and said, "How did you find this place?"

Yang Yiyun rolled his eyes and said, "When you haven't come back for nine months, I asked Dalong to sense your aura and find it."

"I underestimated the hugeness of the Blood Beast Mountain Range. I almost went through the Blood Beast Mountain Range. Finally, I found this small space. However, I didn't expect to encounter two junior ladies and senior Lan Xin who were in trouble. Fortunately, I caught up with them. Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous.”

Although Sister Mei is not as familiar with Martial God, Palace Master, and Lan Xin as Yang Yiyun, she has met them at Yunmen in the Immortal Realm, so she naturally knows what to do.

Now, although he is a cultivator of Hedao, he has no airs at all, and his proper attitude and etiquette are not missing at all.

I was originally looking for Little Phoenix and the others, but I didn't expect to meet three people here, and they were rescued casually.

"Thank you so much, Miss Mei~" Lan Xin stepped forward to thank her.

"It's all as it should be~" Sister Mei waved her hands quickly. With Yang Yiyun's relationship, even if she was a holy cultivator, she wouldn't dare to show off in front of Lan Xin and the others.

After some courtesy, Yang Yiyun asked Lan Xin to recover from her injuries quickly. All three of them were injured.

Then Yang Yiyun looked at Sister Mei and asked, "Is there no trace of the Blood Beast Mountain Range?"

Sister Mei knew that Yang Yiyun was asking about Little Phoenix and the others, so she shook her head and said, "No, I searched almost the entire Blood Beast Mountain Range. This small space is the last place. When I came in, I found the three of them, Master Niang. There is still no trace of Little Phoenix and Mink."

Yang Yiyun frowned and muttered: "Then there is only one place~"

"The place at the center of the gods' domain." Sister Mei also pondered.

Yang Yiyun nodded.

Now they have traveled to all the places in the world of the gods, and they only met Sister Mei in the Blood Sea, which is the last hidden place in the Blood Beast Mountain Range, but there is no such place.

But fortunately, the two master wives and Lan Xin were found, which was also a good thing.

Little Phoenix and Diaoer Rabbit must be in the center of the Gods' Domain.

Then the next step is to go to the center of the Gods Realm.

"Don't worry about Diao'er and Xiao Fenghuang. They have the old immortal Master Rabbit with them. They will be fine. Next we will go to the center of the Gods' Domain." Sister Mei knew the status of Xiao Fenghuang and Diao'er in Yang Yiyun's heart. , was born to comfort him.

"Hmm~" Yang Yiyun nodded as he thought about something.

As soon as the two of them were talking, Xuantong and the others had already returned.

"The Lord God has solved it."

Xuantong reports.

Yang Yiyun nodded, the result was expected.

Although there are many people in the Demon God Realm and the Bright Heavens, there are also many nine true dragons under Xuantong and Sister Mei. The point is that each of them is a fifth-level existence of the rules of heaven. Killing more than thirty people is not all At the fifth level of Heavenly Dao, the result is obvious.

It didn't take long for the three martial arts masters and wives to recover from their injuries.

After some conversation, Yang Yiyun learned how they entered this small space, and also learned that people from the Demon God Realm and the Bright Heavens were trying to make things difficult for them.

According to the Goddess of War's wife, after the three of them ascended to the God Realm, they inadvertently arrived at the wild land of the God Realm. In total, it was the place where the four heretics guarded the edge of the God Realm. They broke into an ancient ruins, and then directly Entered this small space.

After arriving here, I discovered that this place is a natural garden of magical medicines. There are countless magical medicines, but the most important thing is that there are three sacred medicines.

So the three of them simply practiced retreat here and waited for the holy medicine to mature.

Just a few days ago, when the holy medicine matured and the three of them obtained the holy medicine, they did not expect that people from the Demon God Realm and the Light Heaven entered here.

So the scene of snatching the holy medicine and even teasing the three people was staged. Although the three people were at the first level of heaven, they were no match for the more than thirty good people. The three of them were injured as soon as they took action. At the critical moment, Sister Mei appeared and saved them.

Yang Yiyun also arrived shortly after.

Everything was just right and a coincidence.

It was destined somewhere, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

Things in the world are so wonderful.

Yang Yiyun sighed after hearing this.

At the same time, he also asked with a thought: "Master, what do you mean, there are other entrances to this space?"

"Yes, there is an altar to the east. I think this is also an ancient ruins. There is an entrance and exit." said the Goddess of War.

"Can I still go out?" Yang Yiyun asked again.

"It should be possible!" Martial God Master's Wife was not sure either.

"Take me over and have a look~" Yang Yiyun said.

A group of people came to the place where the three martial arts masters and wives came in.

Sure enough, it was an ancient altar. Yang Yiyun and Sister Mei checked it out, and they determined that it was indeed possible to go out here.

Yang Yiyun looked at the three martial arts masters and wives and said: "Master, I am going to the center of the Gods Realm next. It is very dangerous. It is said that only Hedao can enter, so what I mean is that I will have someone escort you back to the God Realm. My master misses you very much. , I have been looking for you all these years, and now that you have found it, why don’t you go back to the Yunmen Divine Realm?”

The God of War and the Palace Master looked at each other, then nodded and said: "Okay, our cultivation has reached a bottleneck. The holy medicine we want has been handed over, and there is no point in staying here. Then we will go back and not cause trouble to you."

They had talked with Yang Yiyun and naturally had some understanding of the situation here. They knew that with their cultivation level, following Yang Yiyun would not be of help and would most likely become a burden.

In addition, when they chose the Heavenly Road to come to the God Realm, they actually wanted to find Yun Tianxie. However, due to a strange combination of circumstances, they broke into this small space and have been practicing here. Of course, they also looked for Yun Tianxie back then, but when they ascended, they In fact, when they arrived in the God Realm, they discovered that their cultivation was just that of minor gods in the God Realm, and that there was no way to find Yun Tianxie in the vast God Realm.

Now that we know that Yuntian Xie is in the Yunmen Divine Realm, and that Yang Yiyun has surpassed them in growth, it is time to reunite with Yuntian Xie.

Yang Yiyun looked at Lan Xin, who said, "I'll go back with them."

"That's very good." Yang Yiyun said with a smile.

Finding the two mistresses and Lan Xinshu helped him understand something that was on his mind.

Since you can go directly to the wilderness of the God Realm by going out from here, let's go out from here, and take the way they came in from the God Realm World, but it will be full of variables.

Next, Yang Yiyun decided to let the Nine True Dragons, Xuantong, Medusa, Granny Shahu, Brother Aoqing Aoyun, Xuangui, Beiyu, Xiong Youtian, Ancestor Shenmu, and Madam Honglian all follow the two master wives and Lan Xin returned to the Yunmen Divine Realm.

He planned to leave only Xiong Huan, Duan Shengang, the Yin Yang King Kong couple, Sister Mei, and the Blood Infant by his side, and then go to the central world of the Gods Realm.

This arrangement was also his reason. After all, the center of the Gods Realm was not a good place and was full of variables. He had to retain some strength. Moreover, it had been more than a thousand years since he entered the Gods Realm world. Let Xuantong take him with him. Everyone can rest assured when they go back and take a look. After all, he has killed many people from various forces here. There is no guarantee that the outside world will not find out about him and take revenge on him in the Yunmen Divine Realm.

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