My Master Is a God

Chapter 3044 Entering the Hedao level

Although four of the opponent's five powerful men escaped, one of them was killed by the Blood Infant.

Of course, being able to escape a few is indeed a sign of strength.

Among them, the five elements of fire and the five elements of water were broken up from the body, but the body turned into fire and water, which actually did not damage the root.

One of the five elements trees was injured, but not dead.

The Five Elements of Earth has always been the most cautious one. He went to lure Sister Mei away, but later turned back and built an earth wall to intercept the Blood Infant's pursuit of the Five Elements of Fire and Water, thus escaping.

Known as the Five Elements Family, the specialness of cultivation is also the power of the Five Elements.

Only the Five Elements Gold can be killed by the Blood Infant in one hit.

At this time, Yang Yiyun called the blood baby to come back. There was no need to chase him, because he was afraid that the blood baby would suffer.

His cultivation is key at this time.

After shouting, Yang Yiyun entered the cultivation state.

Since they all feel that the barrier of breakthrough is about to be broken, they just rush away.

This time he was severely injured by the opponent's Four Great Harmonies despite his desperate efforts. Although he still could not resist, the possibility of fighting against the Four Great Harmonies was enough to illustrate his strength.

After practicing now, what he didn't expect was that the sluggish Ten Daoshu would be baptized by another force after running the technique.

This was something he didn't expect at all.

This power comes from the Qiankun Pot.

Yang Yiyun couldn't remember how long it had been since the Qiankun Pot had such power. He didn't expect it to appear again today.

In fact, ever since Rang followed Lord Rabbit to the world of the Qiankun Pot Temple and opened the ninth level of the temple, and the temple inside the Qiankun Pot and the world of the Qiankun Temple were integrated, he thought that the potential of the Qiankun Pot had reached its extreme.

Now it seems that he was wrong.

The Qiankun Pot is still a treasure and still mysterious.

Just like before, the Qiankun Pot will evolve once it encounters a special force.

After each evolution, a treasure will appear in the space of the Qiankun Pot, such as water of life, spiritual peach, five thunder purple leaves and thunderbolt.

These all appeared independently before the Qiankun Pot, and each time the Qiankun Pot swallowed some special energy, there would be some changes.

But since the Qiankun Pot and the Qiankun Pot Temple world were connected, the Qiankun Pot has not changed much, and no treasure has appeared.

Even with no power appearing, Yang Yiyun once thought that the potential of the Qiankun Pot had come to an end.

The origin of the Qiankun Pot. After Yang Yiyun came to the world of Qiankun Temple, he also learned that it belonged to the Qiankun God, and he inherited it by chance.

But Yang Yiyun's understanding of the level of the Qiankun Pot also stopped here. He even thought that the level of the Qiankun Pot might not be comparable to the Chaos Clock.

Because the Qiankun Pot has not seen any changes since then.

After such a long time, Yang Yiyun has regarded the Qiankun Pot as a storage artifact.

But now it seems that the Qiankun Pot is far more than he imagined, and the room for improvement has stopped.

When he was practicing just now, he was a little worried about the decline of the Ten Dao Trees. When he was repairing the Qiankun Dao Seed Technique, he did not expect that a stream of heat emitted from the Qiankun Pot and went straight into the Dao Seed. The Ten Dao Trees Recover from depression in an instant.

Moreover, Yang Yiyun also discovered that this energy was extremely powerful, far beyond his imagination.

Not only has the Ten Avenue Trees begun to be restored, but it also has a tendency to grow.

Yang Yiyun was overjoyed.

At this moment, he felt that it was really a state of neither destruction nor establishment.

He felt that he could follow the power that came out of the Qiankun Pot and entered the Tao Seed, breaking through to the Hedao level.

After two battles with strong men at the Hedao level, both times he was on the line between life and death. In addition, he had discussed the practice at the Hedao level with Sister Mei. With the blessing of the energy that suddenly appeared in the Qiankun Pot, Yang Yiyun became more and more clear. I feel the edge of breakthrough.

He sank in, practiced the exercises with all his strength, and entered a state of selflessness.

After the outside enemies escaped, Sister Mei guarded Yang Yiyun, and the blood baby also flew back.

Perhaps sensing that Yang Yiyun could not be disturbed, Xueying squatted obediently on the other side of Yang Yiyun, peeking at Sister Mei out of curiosity from time to time.

This is also the first time for Sister Mei to meet the blood baby. Before, the blood baby was in a deep sleep state and could not do anything.

"Can I call you Dao'er?"

Sister Mei looked at the blood baby and asked with a smile. She learned about the blood baby from Yang Yiyun's mouth. For this elf born in the world, with the blood of Shura and the ancient gods, Sister Mei also remembered the story in Journey to the West. The Monkey King.

When Yang Yiyun talked to her about blood babies, she and Yang Yiyun had the same view.

But he also knew the dangers of blood babies.

However, since the blood babies have been accepted as closed disciples by Yang Yiyun, as Yang Yiyun's woman, she will naturally support Yang Yiyun, which means that she will also treat the blood babies as her own children.

In her chat with Yang Yiyun, she could feel Yang Yiyun's love for the blood baby.

Aiwujiwu, now Sister Mei also has a good impression.

In her eyes, the child was a two-year-old baby who seemed to have just learned to walk. He was wearing a red bellyband and his long blood-colored hair was tied up into a braid.

It actually looks cute.

In Sister Mei's eyes, the blood baby's facial features are indeed similar to Yang Yiyun's. If they didn't know the origin of the blood baby, people who didn't know would definitely think that the blood baby was Yang Yiyun's child.

"who are you?"

The milky sound came out of Xue Ying's mouth, and he stared at Sister Mei with a bit of curiosity.

Sister Mei smiled and said: "I am Sister Mei, you can call me Master Mu."

"Master...?" Xueying tilted his head, as if he didn't know what it was.

"To Master." Her tone was gentle.

"Okay, I will call you Master Mu from now on. You are a good person. You helped dad." Xue Ying tilted his head and thought for a while before saying this to Sister Mei.

Good person~

Xue Ying's words made Sister Mei smile bitterly. Good guys and bad guys were the values ​​Yang Yiyun instilled in Xue Ying. Sister Mei knew this.

However, she knew that Xue Ying labeled herself a good person, which meant that he recognized her, which was a good thing.

She was also idle, and she happened to be communicating with the blood baby, so she could be considered as sharing some of the burden with Yang Yiyun.

The big one and the small one talked through Yang Yiyun.

It's interesting.

As for Xiong Huan, Duan Shengang and others, Yang Yiyun had previously told her that she had given them pills, and they had also entered the recovery period.

Several people were injured to varying degrees, but they were not fatal.

Sister Mei, why don't you just keep an eye on them? As long as she is here, nothing will happen to them.

Time flies so fast, one year has passed in the blink of an eye.

During this period, several Xiong Huan woke up one after another, and then practiced and recovered.

Yang Yiyun has been in a state of cultivation.

Another year later, all four Xiong Huan recovered from their injuries.

And Yang Yiyun's practice continues...

Ten years passed by.

It was not until the eleventh year that Yang Yiyun's practice finally came to an end.

On this day, Yang Yiyun's whole body shone brightly.

At the same time, a powerful aura of coercion spread out.

Sister Mei's heart moved, a smile appeared on her face, and she said to the blood baby: "Dao'er, let's step back, your father is going to break through the cultivation level."

"Oh, okay~"

Xue Ying jumped into Sister Mei's arms, and Sister Mei held him back more than ten meters.

Sister Mei was also speechless about the fact that the blood baby called Yang Yiyun father. She corrected the blood baby and called him master, but the blood baby couldn't change it.

Everyone else is also retreating at this moment, so as not to affect Yang Yiyun's breakthrough cultivation level.

When Sister Mei said she wanted to break through, she meant that her cultivation had reached the realm of harmony.

Everyone is looking forward to it.

Finally, Hedao will be born.

After the previous battle, everyone had a subversive understanding of the power of the Hedao level.

The level of Heavenly Dao rules cannot compete with the level of Hedao. Only Hedao can fight against Hedao.

Although there is Sister Mei by their side, if she encounters the siege of many Hedao strongmen, it is obvious that Sister Mei cannot handle it alone. Now that it is better, the master Yang Yiyun breaks through and steps into Hedao, which is the biggest problem for them. protection.

At a certain moment~


A dull sound sounded from Yang Yiyun's body.

At the same time, the aura emanating from Yang Yiyun increased horribly.

The divine light dazzled the eyes, but it also dissipated in an instant.

The powerful force of oppression also disappeared.

Everyone looked and saw Yang Yiyun opened his eyes and stood up with a smile.

Everyone knew that Yang Yiyun had entered the Hedao level.

The aura just now was as powerful as those of the Five Elements Family, and he successfully advanced to the level of Tian Dao He Dao.

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