My Master Is a God

Chapter 3058: One strike of the divine dragon swaying its tail

After half an hour of waiting for Xiong Huan and the Yin Yang King Kong couple, half the time has passed, but Yang Yiyun is definitely worth it this time.

The realm of harmony~

There isn't much of a presence in this divine world.

There are now more than ten visionaries in this void world, totaling twenty or thirty people.

In Yang Yiyun's opinion, this person may account for 80 to 90% of the powerful Hedao people in the entire God Realm, so it is something to be happy about that three major Hedao people were born around him.

And with half the time, they still have a good chance of reaching the Third Star Compass within the stipulated time.

The point is that now, they are all at the Hedao level.

Although except for Xue Ying, everyone else, including him, is at the first level of He Dao. But adding up the six major He Dao, Xue Ying's strength is calculated individually. If this child really breaks out, he will definitely be able to compete with the second level He Dao. The strong man fights hard.

Based on this calculation, among the other Hedao combinations, they are considered the stronger one among all the forces.

Of course, if other forces unite, they will not have the numerical advantage, but Yang Yiyun believes that the chance of these forces truly uniting is still very small.

Anyway, in his opinion, there is nothing to worry about for the time being.

The focus right now is to break through.

Qi Lingxing Luo said that there are nine major levels, and each level is dependent on blessings and misfortunes. It all depends on who is lucky.

For him, he already has the next few hurdles after opening the door. If he can compete, he can compete. If he can't compete, then just keep stable.

Being able to pass smoothly is the key.

It is also clear that the levels going down will become increasingly difficult.

Be careful in everything, and safety is the top priority.

Of course, he will never give up if he has to fight for it.

In this world of the Void Emperor Pan, the dangers are indeed great, but they are also full of opportunities.

Whether it can improve strength is the key point here.

He doesn't think about anything now, he just wants to keep improving his strength.

The first floor of Hedao is the starting point, and there are four more floors to follow.

Only when he has truly reached the third level of Hedao or above can he meet his inner requirements. Rang said that he would go find Emperor Zun after he left, and Emperor Zun's cultivation was already at the stage of reaching the fifth level of Hedao.

If his strength is not above the third level, even if he leaves from here, it will be in vain.

The nine passes here may seem dangerous, but they are full of opportunities.

This has been confirmed.

As a reward for the first level, he received three holy pills, which made Xiong Huan and the Yin-Yang King Kong couple achieve harmony.

If they can reach the third star compass next, Artifact Star Luo said that there will be rewards waiting for three holy instruments.

I believe that the further you go, the harder it will be. But according to this rhythm, the rewards will become more and more generous, which means that strength gains strength.

Yang Yiyun didn't say anything, but he was really longing for it in his heart.

There has to be a fight.

They set foot on the white jade road to the Third Star Compass.

What will happen on the way to this level is still unknown.

Will there be thunder and lightning storms again?

Or was it the white divine light from before?

Yang Yiyun was vaguely worried and also looking forward to it.

Facing the severe situation, his blood boiled.

At first, he took the lead and left very quickly. He was already half an hour behind the others, and they had to catch up.

Even if you can't get a ranking, you still have to make sure you arrive within the stipulated time. It's a good thing if you don't get punished.

I don’t know what will happen this time?

Is it still related to the twinkling stars in the sky above?

Is there any sign?

With this thought in mind, my steps became faster and faster.

After walking out for about a few hundred meters.

A sudden change occurred.


But the flames on the white jade avenue beneath his feet were born out of thin air.


Yang Yiyun roared and activated his magic power immediately.

In fact, the others immediately defended themselves without his reminding. Everyone had the previous experience, so they were naturally extremely cautious.


As the flames appeared, strong winds also rose.

The flames were no ordinary flames, and the strong wind was still extremely powerful.

In an instant, everyone's body was burned by flames, and their bodies moved involuntarily under the impact of the strong wind. If they were not careful, they would fall down.

Although these flames are domineering and extremely destructive, as long as the magic power is deep, they can be defended and cannot harm the body. However, the tricky part is that it consumes a lot of magic power.

In the blink of an eye, Yang Yiyun felt that nearly one-third of his Qi power had been consumed.

And this is not the most terrible thing. What is terrible is that the strong wind accompanying them appears out of thin air and will blow them down the white jade path.

This is the most dangerous.

If it is blown down, it will be accidentally exiled to the void.

Yang Yiyun roared loudly, but directly urged the ten great trees to appear.

The Tao tree appeared and took root on the white jade road, so he stabilized his figure immediately. At this moment, he was just one step away from falling down the white jade road.

At the same time, Yang Yiyun saw several other people out of the corner of his eye, each of them bursting out with mana, and each one of them was blown around by the strong wind.


Xiong Huan went berserk in panic, stamped his feet, and finally stabilized his figure.

Sister Mei's whole body was covered with golden light, but she still stayed at the edge of the White Jade Avenue.

The Yin-Yang King Kong couple joined hands and exerted great magic power to finally avoid falling.

At this moment, Duan Shengang was at the end, but his reaction was a beat too slow. Although he mobilized all his magic power to resist the impact of the divine fire and strong wind, he became unlucky and fell out of the White Jade Avenue.

The white jade avenue, which was only three meters wide, was struck by divine fire and strong winds without any warning. It would be risky for anyone.


Duan Shengang shouted out in horror, because he knew that after leaving the White Jade Avenue, he was accidentally exiled to the void and could not come back.

Anyone else would be panicked.

"Old Duan~"

Yang Yiyun was anxious.

"Ouch~" At this moment, a dragon roar sounded.

Between Yang Yiyun and Yang Yiyun, Sister Mei's body was shining with golden light, and a dragon tail shot out with lightning, but it hit Duan Shengang.


In the flash of lightning, Sister Mei took action and struck the dragon with a swing of its tail, forcefully pulling Duan Shengang back and landing on the White Jade Avenue.


Yang Yiyun breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, the divine fire and the strong wind also disappeared, and they left just as quickly as they came.

Everything has returned to calm.

There was only the sound of everyone gasping.

Duan Shengang's face turned pale, and after gasping for air, he got up and said to Sister Mei, "Thank you, Mother Goddess, for saving my life."

"Get up and take precautions. This is just the beginning. Let's walk hand in hand." Sister Mei was still calm.

Yang Yiyun nodded and said: "We should have walked hand in hand just now. If the magic weapon-level rope does not work under the divine fire, it will be burned to ashes in an instant."

Just such a sudden change cost everyone a lot of mana.

Yang Yiyun returned the Shura Pill in his hand. At this moment, he waved his hand and distributed the three Shura Pills to everyone: "Keep it in your mouth to replenish your magic power at any time. I don't know how many times the divine fire will be consumed in the future. Everyone, get ready. Let's Keep going, time is not waiting for us.”

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