My Master Is a God

Chapter 3063 Void Transformation

"You are quite interesting, I will give you a black and yellow umbrella."

Qi Ling Xingluo's voice was filled with a hint of appreciation.

As he finished speaking, the Xuanyang Umbrella suspended in the air fell in front of Yang Yiyun.

"Quick refining~"

Qi Ling Xingluo said.

Yang Yiyun was not polite and immediately started refining the black and yellow yin-yang umbrella using the method of blood sacrifice.

Although it is a holy weapon, the refining method is no different from other magic powers. The blood sacrifice method is the fastest.

After Yang Yiyun refined it, he realized that he might have made a profit this time.

The black and yellow yin and yang umbrella has the balance between the black and yellow qi and the yin and yang. When the umbrella is opened, the heaven and the earth are determined. Not to mention how far the defense can be achieved, just being able to coordinate the yin and yang of the heaven and earth can make him stand firm in the next Xingluo Dao. A place of defeat.

Of course, this might be a bit exaggerated, but at least he knew he could withstand the strong wind.

"Okay, boy, change it back. With this Xuan Yang Yin Yang Umbrella, you can have an advantage in the next few levels, and I also tell you that the Xuan Huang Yin Yang Umbrella is the strongest among the three sacred weapons. One piece, not only for defense, but also for attacking with Xuanhuang power, mobilizing the yin and yang energy of heaven and earth, but it is no worse than that holy sword, go back!"

When Qi Ling Xingluo's words rang out, Yang Yiyun felt a golden light shining on him.

After three breaths of the same feeling, when he appeared again, he had returned to the third star compass.

"Is Yunzi okay?" Sister Mei stepped forward and said.

Yang Yiyun grinned and said: "It's okay, I just picked out a sacred weapon, this Xuanhuang Yin Yang Powder. With this sacred weapon, we will be much better off in the next few hurdles."

"That's good." Sister Mei was relieved.

"Are you guys okay?" Yang Yiyun saw that Xiong Huan and the others had recovered, but he still asked.

"Master God, we are all fine~"

Here Yang Yiyun is concerned about the injuries of his men.

On the other side, Jiuli Chaji Wuming thanked her loudly: "Thank you, senior~"

Yang Yiyun looked over after hearing the sound. It was almost as he guessed. The Shensha Suppressing Demon Sword was in the hands of Jiuli Cha. This old boy was in second place, and Ji Wuming, who was in third place, was broken. Empty boots.

After the two thanked them, the voice of the weapon spirit sounded again: "Okay, juniors, let's start the fourth step. Hehe, the time is still one hour to reach the fourth star compass, otherwise the punishment this time will be It will be very serious...

Of course, if you reach it on time, the rewards will be very generous. This time, the rewards are open to everyone. No matter who is a star compass, as long as they reach the fourth star compass within the specified time, they will be rewarded. It can be said that this time is Everyone has a share.

The reward this time is the Holy Fruit, which can always be used by everyone with obvious effects. The top three will get two copies, and the latter will get one regardless of their ranking. Those who reach the top of the fourth star compass will get an extra one. Void conversion character. "

In a few words, Qilin Xingluo told the rewards of the Fourth Star Compass, but did not elaborate on the punishment. He only said that the punishment would be severe.

The reward is the holy fruit. According to Qi Ling, this kind of holy fruit has obvious effects on them, the gods of the holy way.

The top three still have the advantage and can get double copies of the Holy Fruit, and the first place can get an additional Void Transformation Talisman. It sounds like the extra rewards are attractive.

But I still don’t quite understand.

Everyone can understand the Holy Fruit, but the Void Transformation Talisman is a bit unclear.

At this time, Jiuli Cha opened his mouth and said: "May I ask, senior, what is the void conversion talisman?"

"That's a good question. This void conversion talisman is just a helper in normal times, but in this world of void heaven and earth, if any of you have a void conversion talisman, it is equivalent to having an extra life, do you understand?

Why do you say that? Listen to me slowly, this Void Transformation Talisman, as the name suggests, can be used in the void. For example, if you are accidentally exiled to the void, you can use the Void Transformation Talisman to return to the Star Luo Avenue. In other words, if someone around you is exiled to the void, you can exchange them back with a void conversion talisman. Is that understandable? "

After Qi Ling Xingluo finished speaking, he added: "By the way, you have an additional right to ask questions to me, but it has been used up now."

Jiuli almost vomited blood as soon as these words came out.

He, Ji Wuming, and Yang Yiyun won the top three places respectively. Yang Yiyun got the priority to select the holy weapon. Jiuli Chao was the second place. Although Ji Wuming did not have the priority to select the holy weapon, they But there was an opportunity to ask questions.


But now this opportunity was wasted. If I had known that I would not have spoken just now, I just asked casually and canceled out an opportunity.

This made Jiuli Cha's face turn purple.


When Yang Yiyun heard this, he couldn't help laughing.

He felt happier than anyone else when he saw Jiuli Cha being defeated.

This old immortal is an enemy to begin with, and I wish he could waste this opportunity.

Yang Yiyun, who looked like a murderer in Jiulicha, looked over. Yang Yiyun didn't care. Everyone was not on the same star and compass, and no one could attack anyone, so he was not afraid.

Jiuli was so angry at Yang Yiyun that his teeth itched, but he had no choice but to kill Yang Yiyun with his eyes a hundred times. Unfortunately, he only stared blankly, that's all.

At this time, Ji Wuming slowly said: "I dare to ask senior, what kind of power obstacles will appear on the way to the fourth star compass?"

Ji Wuming began to use his reward and asked Qi Ling Xingluo questions.

As soon as his question came out, everyone began to prick up their ears to listen.

It is true that if you can know in advance what power obstacles will arise next, you can be mentally prepared, so you can reduce losses.

But I just don’t know if Qiling Xingluo’s answer will be made public?

After all, Yang Yiyun’s previous questions were through sound transmission.

Time passed by minute by minute.

No sound was heard.

But Ji Wuming bowed to the void and said, "Thank you, senior."

Now everyone gave up. Sure enough, it was a sound transmission method, and only Ji Wuming knew about it.

Although everyone was unwilling to give in, there was nothing they could do, because this was Ji Wuming's best effort to get third place.

"Okay, let's start the countdown now~"

Immediately afterwards, Qi Ling Xingluo's voice resounded throughout the sky.

Divine light flashed in front of the Nine Star Compass, and nine Star Luo Avenues began to appear, which were the avenues to the Fourth Star Compass.

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh..."

One after another the figures flew away quickly.

The first one to rush out was Ji Wuming. After this old boy asked questions, he obviously knew what kind of power obstacles would appear on the road to the fourth star compass, and he must have already had a plan in mind to deal with them.

And everyone else is not willing to lag behind.

By now, everyone already knows the importance of ranking.

In the fourth level, although it is said that as long as they reach the fourth star compass within the prescribed hour, everyone can get a holy fruit.


The top three still have the advantage and can get double copies of the Holy Fruit.

The first place can even get an additional reward of a void conversion talisman, which is a life-saving talisman~

Everyone knows the importance.

The value of a Void Conversion Talisman must be higher than the Holy Fruit.

Who doesn't want that?

The gods present are all old ghosts at the level of the Holy Path. Each one is more skilled than the last. They all know that it is just a challenge, but it can be said to be a treasure trove of experience. The more you complete it, the more generous the rewards you will get.

The opportunity is huge.

Who doesn’t want to compete for ranking?

Everyone including Yang Yiyun was very excited.

At first everyone thought they had entered some dangerous place, but now it seems that it is a treasure trove.

It is in the treasury of the pantheon.

Of course, this protection is guarded by someone, and it may have many treasures that they have never seen before, but it is not easy to get the treasures, and you need to pass a test.

The examiner is Qi Ling Xingluo.

Since it is a treasure house, since you want to get it, how can it not be dangerous?

How can anyone not pay the price?

After doing this, they all developed a desire to win.

A fierce fight can be expected to begin from now on.

Qi Ling Xingluo said from the beginning that this is the world of the Emperor of the Void, a chessboard of heaven and earth. They are all chess pieces, a nine-step chess. Now they have taken three steps and started to rush towards the fourth step. .

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