My Master Is a God

Chapter 3070 Someone attacked

Yang Yiyun also noticed that the thick fog was intruding into his body while he was breathing, which made him feel dizzy. He quickly started to use his skills, and then he felt better.

With a wave of his hand, he opened the black and yellow umbrella.

The black and yellow yin and yang scattered the green and yellow divine light, and immediately dispersed the thick milky white fog, forming a three-meter-diameter space.

"Everyone come in~"

Yang Yiyun shouted, but Sister Mei and Xiong Huan had less influence and walked in quickly.

Then, Yang Yiyun took a deep breath and used the technique to the fullest. Only then did he feel much better, and quickly walked towards the Yin Yang Vajra couple and Duan Shengang.

These three people were obviously the most affected.

When the Xuanhuang Umbrella shrouded, the thick fog dissipated, Yang Yiyun released a hand and poured a Qi force into Duan Shengang's body. During Duan Shengang's period, the dense fog in Duan Shengang's body was refined during the operation of the technique, so Duan Shengang There was energy in Shen's eyes just now.

"My lord, what's wrong with me?"

Duan Shengang looked puzzled, as if he didn't know what he was doing.

"The dense fog affects the mind, your mind is confused."

While Yang Yiyun was talking, he turned on the Yin Yang King Kong couple like a magic weapon, allowing the Yin Yang King Kong couple to regain their sanity.

Only then did everyone recover.

Duan Shengang recalled awkwardly: "I was obviously walking forward just now, why did I turn around and fall back~"

"So you were confused by the thick fog."

Sister Mei rolled her eyes.

In fact, she and Xiong Huan were not affected much in this thick white mist.

Yang Yiyun, on the other hand, had powerful skills to support him, and it had little impact on him. Duan Shengang and the Yin-Yang King Kong couple were much weaker in this environment.

But fortunately, after Yang Yiyun took out the black and yellow umbrella, all the problems were solved.

This sacred weapon was indeed the right choice at the time.

I didn't expect that what appeared on the Heart Star Luo Road this time would be such a thick fog that could affect the mind, but with the Xuanhuang Yin Yang Umbrella here, everyone doesn't have to worry.

Another strange thing is that there were no strong winds this time.

This was beyond Yang Yiyun's expectation.

But it's normal to think about it. What's happening at this time is thick fog. If there is strong wind, it will blow away the fog, and it will have no effect.

Whether it is strong winds or heavy fog, they are actually just to confuse people, to set up obstacles to prevent people from moving forward. On the three-meter-wide Xingluo Road, if it is blown by the strong wind, or there are some obstacles, it will be very difficult. It's easy to fall down. There are voids on both sides of this road. Falling down the Xingluo Road is the fate of being exiled to the void, and you can't come back.

But for Yang Yiyun, he has a chance, because he has a Void Conversion Talisman in his hand. Even if he falls into the void, he can use the Void Conversion Talisman to return to the Star Road again.

Likewise, he can use this void conversion talisman to save people.

Anyway, once again, there are more opportunities than others, which is their advantage.

At the moment, the thick fog almost obscures everyone's vision. We still don't know what will appear or happen next. Yang Yiyun led everyone to slow down. They didn't dare to go fast, and they couldn't go fast. They couldn't use their spiritual consciousness at all, and the visibility was poor. Less than three meters, you can only move forward slowly on the Xingluo Road.

If it weren't for the Xuanhuang Yin Yang Umbrella, if his mind were not confused by the thick fog, he might have turned around and turned back like Duan Shengang before, or he might have fallen into the Xingluo Road, either of which was very dangerous.

There is only one void conversion talisman, and it cannot save everyone.

It’s better to proceed with caution.

Everyone continued to move forward, this time slowly. After half an hour, they found that the thick fog was still there, and they could not see anything more than three meters ahead.

I don’t know how far it is from the fifth star compass.

Sister Mei said as she walked: "It seems that the fog this time should have penetrated all the way to the star compass."

"It should be."

Yang Yiyun nodded.

So far, they haven't seen anyone.

But it's not surprising that they set off half an hour later than others.

Fortunately, with the Xuanhuang Umbrella, everyone was no longer affected by the thick fog.

Let's continue walking, just as slowly as possible. Yang Yiyun didn't care. Anyway, the weapon spirit didn't set a time limit this time, let alone any additional rewards in terms of ranking.

Not in a hurry anymore.

In other words, as long as you can reach the fifth star compass, everyone will be rewarded. This establishment is also special, but you can get a teleportation order. If you can't stay here and want to go out, you can use the teleportation order to go out at any time. This means that after reaching the fifth star compass, one's life can be guaranteed.

In addition, it is said that there is a holy path to enlightenment, which is the key point.

Yang Yiyun also values ​​​​it. He knows that the opportunity to break through the second level of Hedao may lie in the enlightenment of the holy way, so he is also determined to reach the fifth star compass.

Walking and talking with Sister Mei...

But at the next moment, a sudden change occurred.

"Be careful~"


Sister Mei and Yang Yiyun spoke almost at the same time, and also took action at the same moment.

Both of them immediately felt a huge energy wave coming from the front.

Yang Yiyun used one hand to activate the black and yellow yin-yang umbrella to protect everyone, and waved out the other hand, and the powerful Qi magic power burst out.

Sister Mei also struck out with a palm, but it turned into a golden dragon claw mark.

With a roar, the thick fog exploded.

The front bombarded the line of sight eight or nine meters away, but the two of them saw someone appearing in front of them.

But it just passed by in a blink of an eye. It was obvious that the other party had made a sneak attack on them, failed to succeed in one blow, and left quickly.

In the blink of an eye it disappeared into the thick fog.


Yang Yiyun was a little angry now.

At the same time, he also knew that the nine intersections mentioned by Qi Ling had finally appeared.

The person who sneaked up on them just flashed past. The other party was too alert and fled immediately after the sneak attack failed, without even seeing who it was.

I chased him directly.

If he hadn't been with the Xuanhuang Yin Yang Umbrella, he would have definitely suffered a loss from the sneak attack just now, which really made him shocked and angry.

In an instant, everyone was chasing behind Yang Yiyun.

Different from the previous slowness, this time it sped up.

Since there are people ahead, it means it is safe.

They are not afraid either.

After chasing him all the way, there was no trace.

After about ten minutes, Yang Yiyun slowed down.

"What's wrong?" Sister Mei asked.

"It doesn't feel right." Yang Yiyun pondered, and then asked Sister Mei: "Do you feel that we are going around in circles?"

When Sister Mei heard what he said, she was stunned for a moment, shook her head and said: "No, we have always been walking in a straight line, and we didn't notice that we were wandering in the same place~"

"No, calculate the time, or compare the several sections of road we have traveled before. This time is long enough to reach the Star Compass twice, but this time we seem to be trapped on the Star Compass Road for so long. , there is still no end, and there is also the sneak attack just now. Now that I think about it, it seems that it is not like other people. It disappeared in a flash and the shadow did not catch up. This is not in line with common sense. It seems to be intentional. We must find a way to make it happen. Let’s see if this dense fog dissipates.”

Yang Yiyun said in a deep voice.

"I'm afraid it's impossible to dispel the dense fog. We have tried it before. The dense fog gathers very quickly. Even if it is dispersed, it is of little use. We can't see clearly at all." Sister Mei said.

Yang Yiyun muttered: "Wait a minute, I'll fly up to the sky and take a look."

"How can that be done? If it exceeds three meters, it will fall into the void. If it doesn't work, it will be too dangerous~" Sister Mei shook her head immediately.

However, Yang smiled and said: "Have you forgotten that I have a void conversion talisman? I just want to go beyond the scope of Xingluo Dao and enter the void to see what's going on, so that we can go out. Nothing is clear in the thick fog. There are also sneak attacks, which are hard to guard against. You can't stay trapped in them all the time.

The Void Conversion Talisman is valuable only when used, and now is the time to reflect its value. Even if I am exiled in the void, I can still use the Void Conversion Talisman to return to where I was. You guys wait for me where I am, and I will come back as soon as I go. "

"Then... okay, be careful." Sister Mei felt relieved after hearing Yang Yiyun talk about the void conversion talisman. By then, she had forgotten the extra void conversion talisman that Yang Yiyun had obtained before.

"God Lord, be careful~"

Since Duan Shengang couldn't help, he could only obey.

"You control the Xuanhuang Umbrella~"

Yang Yiyun gave the black and yellow yin-yang umbrella to Sister Mei.

Then he jumped up.

After his body flew three meters high, he suddenly lost his balance. He felt like his body was floating upward like a feather. There was no gravity around him at all, and he felt as if all his power had failed.

He knew he had entered the void.

He was not in a hurry, because he held the void conversion talisman in his hand and could return to where he was at any time.

At this time, his body slowly rose into the sky, and he gradually felt that the thick fog was getting thinner. However, the next moment he saw what was going on below. Just as he thought, there was indeed a mystery.

But this time he made the right bet.

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