My Master Is a God

Chapter 3072 This makes me very uncomfortable

A scene that Yang Yiyun didn't expect appeared.

Originally, he thought they were the first to board the fifth star compass, but who would have thought that when he stepped onto the star compass, he found that someone was already there.

"Hey~ there are people faster than us~"

Duan Shengang was surprised.

Yang Yiyun looked over and saw two people who were from the Guangming Heavens. One was on the first level of Hedao and the other was on the second level of Hedao.

There were three people in the Bright Heavens at first, but now there are only two left, and he saw one person in the void. In fact, people from all major forces suffered losses along the way, and some only had one person left.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun saw the two people in Guangming Heaven. It was unexpected, but it was reasonable when he thought about it.


There are two reasons. One is that the people in the bright heavens are very skilled in formations, so the first wave boarded the fifth star compass.

The second reason is strength.

Among the powerful people on the second level of the Five Great Harmonies, there are the powerful people from the Bright Heavens.

From the beginning, among the five second-level experts, only Jiulicha and Ji Wuming performed very coquettishly, and they were always at the top. Unfortunately, they were always suppressed by themselves, and they became the number one along the way. , it was all done by him, Yang Yiyun.

Except for Jiuli Cha and Ji Wuming, the remaining three second-level Hedao experts performed mediocrely, but they did not fall behind at every level.

Perhaps Yang Yiyun's understanding is that the other three people chose to keep a low profile, or that in the first few levels, their respective strengths were not suitable for the limelight, and now the strong men of the bright heavens can be the first to board the The fifth star compass can only show that he is quite capable in the way of formations. Besides, he is one of the few second-level Hedao experts. It is reasonable for him to appear here. It is not surprising.

But now there is a big problem in front of Yang Yiyun.

That is, he and the Guangming Heavens are hostile, because he killed the disciples of the Heavenly Laws of the Guangming Heavens, but it was a last resort. The forces of the Heavenly Laws he killed were all those who provoked him. The original disciples of the Heavenly Laws of the Guangming Heavens No exception.

Now we meet together. The fifth star compass is a place of summary. There are no nine star compasses to separate everyone. Instead, at the fifth star compass, a huge star compass appears directly, showing that everyone is To gather in one place.

Yang Yiyun told everyone to be careful. If the other party wants to take action, then go ahead. He will not back down.

When Yang Yiyun boarded the fifth star compass, the two great unions of Guangming Tiantian who were meditating in the opposite corner immediately discovered Yang Yiyun and others.

"Senior brother is that boy Yang Yiyun. He killed all the disciples of the laws of heaven who entered the world of the gods in our bright world. Is he killing Yang Yiyun to avenge the disciples?"

The speaker's name is Yue Yunteng, and he is asking about his senior brother Yue Juque. The two of them are the real strongest people in the world of light besides the rulers.

Of course, these words were spoken via sound transmission, and only the two of them could hear them, not Yang Yiyun and others.

Yue Juque is the senior brother, and Yue Yunteng is the junior brother.

Yue Juque looked at his junior brother Yue Yunteng as if he were a fool and said, "Revenge? Are you going?"

"Well, senior brother, you are joking. Yang Yiyun and his team are at the first level of the Six Great Hedao. How can I be my opponent? What I mean is that, senior brother, you are a strong man on the second level of Hedao. If you and I join forces, we will definitely be able to kill him. Yang Yiyun and others wanted to avenge my disciples of the Guangming Heavens, and by the way, wouldn't they have snatched the sacred weapon in Yang Yiyun's hand..."

Yue Yunteng didn't finish what he said, but he couldn't go on because he felt the evil spirit emanating from his senior brother.

I can't say anything else anymore.

Yue Juque rolled his eyes at his junior brother and couldn't help but reveal that you are a fool. You have always been that way. This junior brother doesn't know if fools are blessed with stupid things. He has always had a clear head and whatever he thinks is what he thinks. I really know. How did you achieve your current level of cultivation? Maybe this is the advantage of being single-minded. It is simple to think about things straight and straight. It is precisely because of this that there are fewer distracting thoughts and you have an advantage in cultivation.

I sigh in my heart, but I still have to tell you what I should be told, otherwise you may not know when something bad will happen.

Yue Juque's voice transmission coldly snorted: "Huh, you idiot, you are like this when it comes to everything. You never think too much and just go straight. Do you think Yang Yiyun is so easy to deal with?"

Yue Yunteng seemed to be still wary of Yang Yiyun when he heard the message from his senior brother. He felt a little dissatisfied and said, "Senior brother, why do you need to increase others' prestige? Although Yang Yiyun has five major Hedao practitioners around him, including Yang Yiyun, they are all first-level cultivators of Hedao. That's all. Senior brother, you are at the second level of Hedao and you are almost at the second level of cultivation. After taking the Holy Fruit before, you are only one step away from breaking through to the third level of Hedao. Junior brother, after I also refined the Holy Fruit, His cultivation has reached the pinnacle of the first level of Hedao, and with the unique formation method of our Guangming Heavens, can't we still destroy him, Yang Yiyun, a junior who has just been promoted not long ago?"

Hearing these words, Yue Juque rolled his eyes and scolded through his voice: "You idiot, don't even think about how fast Yang Yiyun cultivated? When he entered the realm of the gods, he was only at the fifth level of the rules of heaven, right? , it has only been a short time since he broke through to the level of Hedao. The second son is a person with great luck, don't you know?

This is something that cannot be messed with now. Let’s just say that in this Void Heavenly Emperor’s Plate, he has been ranked first all the way. What is this? This is luck and strength. People with great luck are favored by the great road. If you fight against the great road, is it surprising that you can get better?

Besides, even if Yang Yiyun and the few people around him are at the first level of Hedao, there are still seven people in total, and there is one person among them that I have no confidence in. How dare you provoke him? "

"That's not right, senior brother. Including Yang Yiyun and the others, there are only six people in total. So there are seven people?" Yue Yunteng heard the senior brother say seven people and immediately retorted.

"Haha, you idiot, with your little observation skills, you don't even know how to die after being tricked by someone~" Yue Jique cursed and continued to speak through the voice: "Look at what's lying on the back of Yang Yiyun's neck. ?”

"What?" Yue Yunteng looked over, and the next moment he was shocked and said: "Wow, why did I almost forget the blood baby."

Although Yue Yunteng was naive, he still knew about the blood baby, because when the blood baby was born, the entire world of the Gods Realm was shaken by it, and the heaven and earth felt it. The blood evil aura was really scary.

Later they learned that Jiulicha and others had come out to trouble Yang Yiyun and wanted to snatch the blood baby. However, Jiulicha and Xuchu escaped with serious injuries. A first-level Hedao strongman from the world of ghosts and gods directly He was turned into a human being by the blood baby.

Later, they also learned that the five powerful men from the Five Elements Clan of the Heavenly Clan went there once, but the result was that one of them was killed by the Blood Infant, and the other four were frightened to death.

The Blood Infant can instantly kill the first level of Hedao, and can seriously injure the strong men like Jiuli Cha and the second level of Hedao, which is enough to show how terrifying the Blood Infant is.

Yang Yiyun really didn't dare to act rashly with the blood baby by his side.

"You idiot, do you know now?" Yue Juque said.

"Alas...are we going to let that kid Yang Yiyun go like this?" Yue Yunteng said unwillingly.

At this time, Yue Juque narrowed his eyes and said: "At least now is not the time. In fact, it is not just us. There are many people who want to deal with Yang Yiyun and snatch the blood baby. But now is not the time. In the Void Heavenly Emperor's Plate, everyone is facing The result is unknown, so naturally you can't fight for Yang Yiyun. Maybe when you get to the later stage of the level, you will get more treasures, or maybe your cultivation will be further improved, and that kid Yang Yiyun will die by then.

As for now, please listen to me. As long as Yang Yiyun and the others don't take the initiative to provoke us, we will keep our distance and not provoke him. Just wait for the opportunity. The focus now is to gain something in this Void Heavenly Emperor Plate. If you and I can break through In one step, killing Yang Yiyun and destroying a blood baby will naturally not be a problem.

And from now on, not only can we not be enemies of Yang Yiyun, but we must have the best intentions. I have my own plans for the next thing, senior brother. Just be a fool and don't make trouble for me. I heard No? "

"Ah, you still want to make friends with that kid? Why, senior brother, a blood baby won't scare you to death, right? Although the blood baby is indeed weird, it is not invincible. If you really fight for your life, it is not to destroy it. Don't give up the blood baby. You are so afraid of the blood baby. If you want to better Yang Yiyun, what will other people think of us then?" Yue Yunteng was unhappy.

"You idiot, what do you know? That kid Yang Yiyun has taken advantage of everything along the way. There must be a special place walking in this Void Heavenly Emperor. If we make friends with him, we can also benefit from his luck. Jiu Each pass is difficult, but now it seems that every pass has a huge reward for our level. Compared with hatred, the immediate interests are the focus, and the one who lives longer is the strong one, do you understand? "Yue Juque is a bit domineering, and his words are full of sternness.

"Ah, senior brother, I understand. You want to take advantage of that kid Yang Yiyun. Okay, I just follow your orders and won't provoke him." Yue Yunteng finally figured it out.

Yue Juque was speechless towards this stupid junior brother, but as long as he didn't cause trouble, that would be fine.

Then he saw Yang Yiyun looking at the two of them, and Yue Jique also looked over. Facing Yang Yiyun's eyes, Yue Jique was ready to take the initiative.

The next moment he stood up and said politely to Yang Yiyun: "Below the Guangming Heavenly Moon Tower, this is my junior brother Yue Yunteng. Congratulations to Fellow Daoist Yang for your successful arrival at Star Compass."

Yang Yiyun was a little stunned. Just now he told everyone to be careful of people from the bright world seeking revenge and causing trouble. Who knew that they would show kindness to him the next moment?

What is this operation?

According to the normal script, shouldn't the two enemies be jealous when they meet?

Why did he introduce himself to his family and greet him politely? He didn't seem to have the slightest intention of falling out. Yang Yiyun even felt that this second-level strongman named Yue Juque, who was a strong man on the second level of the Light All Heavens He Dao, was deliberately showing favor to him. Woolen cloth?

You know, this guy is a strong man on the second level of Hedao?

What is he going to do?

At first glance, Yang Yiyun felt that there must be a demon when things go wrong.

He squinted his eyes and looked over, then he cupped his fists perfunctorily towards Yue Juque and said, "It turns out to be fellow Taoist Yue, how disrespectful~"

Yang had no intention of introducing himself at all, because he knew that the other party must know his information.

He didn't want to keep his doubts in his heart, but he was ready to plunge the knife straight in. Before Yue Jique could say anything, Yang said another sentence, and it was a very sensitive sentence.

"Fellow Daoist Yue, I have killed your disciples from all the heavens of light. Why are you so polite to me? This makes me very uncomfortable~"

As soon as these words came out, the whole place was silent~

Even Sister Mei and others did not expect Yang to be so straightforward.

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