My Master Is a God

Chapter 3077 A blood baby like a plug-in

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

Yang Yiyun walked forward in the Fengyun Wings state for a long time, but no one appeared before or after him. This made him wonder, what happened?

Where are people?

Is he fast?

He wasn't too fast, let's say he was slow, but he wasn't too slow either. Logically speaking, even if he couldn't catch up, he wouldn't be able to miss someone.

The more than twenty people there felt to him as if they had all disappeared.

But how is this possible?

Yang Yiyun felt like something was wrong now.

But there's nothing wrong with it.

Just when he was wondering, he discovered a star compass appeared in front of him.

Now he was overjoyed, and he didn't care whether it was right or not. Since the Star Compass appeared, he would go up first.

All in all, we have to get to the point.

Nothing else matters.

Soon he reached the star compass in a few steps.

When I boarded the star compass, I discovered that there was actually a suspended divine light. If I looked carefully, there were no less than hundreds of holy fruits.

Suddenly, Yang Yiyun's mouth watered.

Hundreds of holy fruits, now you are rich.

He thought to himself that the two holy fruits before had almost made him reach a small level. Now that hundreds of holy fruits appeared, wouldn't it mean he would make a fortune?

The point is that no one is trying to rob it with him.

There was no human presence on the giant star compass.

Yang Yiyun was drooling, and immediately began to collect the holy fruit suspended in the air.

One, two...

Yang Yiyun picked ten of them in one go.

His heart was filled with joy, and the holy fruits exuded powerful energy every moment. Yang Yiyun put away ten holy fruits and prepared to continue. There were still more than ninety waiting for him to pick.

However, at this moment, he felt a cold feeling on his neck, and then he heard the blood baby's voice.

"Dad, stop it."

Yang Yiyun was stunned for a moment. Xue Ying had been sleeping, but he didn't expect to wake up now and ask him to stop.

He sounded a little anxious, but at this moment, Yang could only see the many holy fruits floating in the air. In his eyes, these were advanced holy objects, and they were his hope to improve his strength and defeat the enemy.

He casually replied: "Daoer woke up, wait a moment, I will collect these holy fruits for you."

As he spoke, Yang Yiyun took a thousand steps forward.

But at this time, Xue Ying's words became anxious: "Dad, stop when it's dangerous~"

As he spoke, Xue Ying bit Yang Yiyun's neck.


Yang Yiyun stopped in pain and gasped.

Some reproached: "What's wrong with you, Dao'er? Are you disobedient?"

Although he was blaming the blood baby, Yang Yiyun stopped, but he didn't do anything to the blood baby. He stretched out his hand to take the blood baby off his neck, held him in his arms, stared at the blood baby and said, "Dao'er, are you?" disobedient?"

"Dad, there is danger ahead, don't move, don't move~"

Xueying's words sounded milky, but he was anxious and concerned. And this time when he spoke, Yang Yiyun raised his little hand and waved.

But in Yang Yiyun's eyes, he saw a flash of blood on Xueying's little hand. At this time, he could feel Xueying's anxiety and concern, but he had great trust in this closed disciple. He did not avoid it and let Xueying's little hand Flashed across his eyes.

The next moment, Yang Yiyun felt a coolness in his eyes.

But my eyes felt blurry for a while, but then they became clearer and clearer.

Immediately afterwards, Yang Yiyun felt a breath of cold air in his heart.

Now he finally understood.

The blood baby is saving him~

He knew that he was blinded, and had been blinded from the beginning. It could even be said that he basically stood there without moving at all.

Where is the sixth star compass?

He was still on the Xingluo Avenue at the moment, and he was standing on the edge of the Xingluo Avenue. He was one step away from getting him out, which meant that if he took this step, he would be exiled to the void.

There is no holy fruit in front of you at all.

He was not deceived by illusions.


Yang Yiyun gasped.

What a powerful illusion.

Even he was deceived.

He had no feeling at all since when it started.

But now he understands that this is the illusion that started when they set foot on Xingluo Road. Thinking about it carefully, he should have entered the illusion from the time the word greed appeared in his mind.

It’s really hard to guard against.

At first, it was strange that the word "greed" appeared in my mind, but now I finally know that this word "greed" is the obstructive force on the road to the Sixth Star Compass, which has everyone trapped in it from the beginning.

Together with greed, there will be no recovery.

If it weren't for the blood baby's reminder, if it wasn't for the blood baby's awakening, he might have been exiled into the void right now.

Beads of sweat appear on the forehead.


Yang Yiyun exhaled a breath of thick air.

Holding the blood baby, he kissed the blood baby's face and said, "Good boy."

"Gee, daddy, be good~"

Xue Ying raised his little hand and touched Yang Yiyun's face.

The warmth of this scene melted Yang Yiyun's heart.

He knew that he was facing huge pressure and keeping the blood baby was the most correct choice he had made in his life. In the eyes of others, this child was a evil star or a demon baby, but to him, he was a real blessing.

Again, even if the Blood Infant caused a huge disaster from now on, he, as the master, would not be able to resist.

These illusions seemed to have no effect on the blood babies.

This also confirmed the previous speculation that Qi Lingxing Luo was unwilling to say more when talking about blood babies. Sure enough, blood babies are a unique existence here.

Yang Yiyun thought that the blood baby was a plug-in on his body.

At least that's the case here. With the blood baby here, at least he won't be affected by the illusion here.

It's basically spinning in circles, and I don't know where the Sixth Star Compass is yet.

After coming back to his senses, Yang Yiyun's expression changed drastically the next moment.

He quickly looked back.

He wanted to know what was happening to Sister Mei and others.

Even he followed the path and entered the illusion. If the blood baby hadn't awakened it, his step would have been the result of being exiled to the void.

Where are Sister Mei and the others?

As soon as Yang Yiyun turned around, his heart suddenly brightened up.

He saw Sister Mei and Xiong Huan, but he did not see Duan Shengang and the Yin Yang King Kong couple.

This can only explain one problem.

Duan Shengang and the Yin Yang King Kong couple stepped into the void under the illusion.

Yang Yiyun was shocked and thought about quickly turning back to bring Sister Mei and Xiong Huan with him. He was worried that both of them would be lost in the illusion and be exiled into the void.

As a result, as soon as he turned around, a divine light burst out from under his feet, blocking him.

Immediately afterwards, Qi Ling Xingluo's voice sounded in his mind: "I have said that everyone will go his own way in this level. Whoever you dare to help will die."

The voice full of murderous intent and coldness resounded in his mind, making Yang Yiyun's heart light up.

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