My Master Is a God

Chapter 3091 The dignified holy demon spirit surrenders to him even if he doesn’t care about his fac

The Holy Demon Spirit gave in.

What moved Yang Yiyun was the Holy Demon Spirit's words, which could help deal with other Saint Demon Spirits.

Of course, Yang Yiyun couldn't believe in the Holy Demon Spirit so easily, so he had to be restrained. Fortunately, this Holy Demon Spirit was worthy of becoming a spirit, so he immediately agreed to sign a contract.

This actually makes Yang Yiyun happy. It is the safest thing to have contractual checks and balances.

Of course, the contract flattered the equal contract and the master-servant contract. For Yang Yiyun, he naturally needed the master-servant contract.

So he said: "Master-servant contract, you have no choice, hurry up."

"Yes, yes, you have the final say. Master and servant are all fine." The Holy Demon Spirit acted like an appointee at this moment, very obedient, but it made Yang Yiyun wonder whether this guy could play tricks. Fraud?

Be sure to keep an eye on it, but don't let the boat capsize in the gutter.


The next moment, the holy demon spirit flew out with a green halo and floated in front of Yang Yiyun.

Yang Yiyun could feel the powerful and pure power of the soul emanating from it, and knew that it was the holy soul imprint of the holy demon spirit.

Even so, he didn't dare to be careless at all, for fear that something might happen to the Holy Demon Spirit. He grabbed the mark of the Holy Demon Spirit in his other hand, checked it carefully and found nothing wrong, and then placed it between his eyebrows. , with a movement in his heart, he was directly absorbed into the divine sea. His soul within the divine sea opened his mouth and directly swallowed the holy soul mark of the holy demon spirit.

In this way, Yang Yiyun was finally relieved. There were no problems. At this point, he had completely mastered the life and death of the Holy Demon Spirit.

After there was no problem, Yang Yiyun let go of the Holy Demon Spirit.

Life and death are controlled by him, and just one thought can make the holy demon's soul fly away, so he doesn't dare to make mistakes.

But when he let go of the fist-sized bead in his hand, or the Holy Demon Spirit, there was a flash of green light. After that, the bead grew a small head, hands and feet, and looked a bit like a rag doll, and it was cute. It's quite cute, but the hands are small anyway.

It has no wings but can levitate and fly.

"Xiaoba has met the master."

After turning into a little human being, this guy called himself Xiaoba and clasped his hands in the air to greet Yang Yiyun.

Yang Yiyun said happily: "Is this your true form?"

"Yes, Master, our Thirty-Six Tiangang Holy Demon Spirits all have this form, but they can take on the appearance of any human being, imitating the breath, cultivation level, etc." Xiaoba said.

"You are ranked eighth in the Thirty-Six Tiangang, so you are called Xiaoba, right?" Yang Yiyun asked.

"Yes, Master, our thirty-six brothers and sisters were all born in the Kaitian era, and are ranked according to the birth consciousness. I am the eighth born consciousness, so I am ranked eighth." Xiaoba said.

Yang Yiyun was really secretly surprised.

According to Xiao Ba, each of their thirty-six Tiangang Holy Demon Spirits can transform into a human being, imitate human breath, cultivate their realm, etc. This is simply the art of thirty-six petal transformation~


In the past, he remembered that when he was in the world of cultivation, he had obtained the skills of Baibian Xingjun from the dead old man. It was somewhat similar. He could imitate the changing techniques of form and so on. However, he never got the skills to practice. When he arrived in the immortal world, he After that, even if there was a technique to complete the transformation, it could not keep up with the level of cultivation, and it was never used again.

Having read Sun Wukong's Seventy-Two Transformations in Journey to the West since childhood, Yang Yiyun still longed for the way of change. Unexpectedly, he learned the real transformation technique from the Holy Demon Spirit today. Of course, he knew what the Holy Demon Spirit had mastered. The art of change is more advanced.

Holy demon spirit, this is the art of the holy way.

If you can really take these holy demon spirits under your control, it will definitely be your trump card in group battles and assassinations.

I don't know what the real strength of the Holy Demon Spirit is, but from today's battle, it seems that it is definitely not lower than Hedao. If you can fight with them without falling behind, your cultivation level is at least at the second or third level of Hedao.

This is without a physical body.

If the holy demon spirit has a powerful divine body, it will be even more terrifying.

I remembered Xiaoba saying before that they were elves suppressed here by the Holy Emperor.

He must have made some mistake.

Anyway, I have never been out here.

Yang Yiyun still had a lot of doubts about Xiaoba's words, but at the moment he was worried about Sister Mei, so he had to let Xiaoba take down the holy demon spirit that was fighting Sister Mei first.

"Didn't you say you wanted to help me conquer the other holy demon spirits? Why are you still standing there? The one who transformed into a golden dragon over there is my woman, your goddess mother. If she gets hurt, I will take it upon you."

Yang started to threaten Xiaoba.

"Uh~ Master, wait a moment, look at me, it won't take any effort."

While Xiao Ba was talking, he flew out with a swish, heading towards Sister Mei, and shouted: "Thirteenth sister, stop fighting, stop fighting, Brother Ba has something to say to you~"

What happened next shocked Yang Yiyun.

In the distance, two days of golden dragons were tearing each other apart. As a result, after Xiaoba called out Thirteenth Sister, one of the golden dragons turned into a stream of light and flew towards Xiaoba.

The remaining one is undoubtedly Sister Mei.

Yang Yiyun flashed away.

"Sister Mei, you can stop." Yang Yiyun said.

The next moment, Sister Mei's golden light flashed and she returned to her human form. Her face was a little pale and there was sweat on her forehead. She returned to Yang Yiyun and said, "What's going on?"

Yang Yiyun smiled, took the blood baby off his neck, and said, "Thanks to Dao'er, I seized the opportunity to capture the Holy Demon Spirit..."

After Yang Yiyun finished speaking in a few words, Sister Mei was stunned: "Is it so simple?"

"Well, I'm actually quite puzzled, but the fact is that Xiaoba is too cooperative, but his demon soul mark was indeed given to me, and I can control his life and death in a single thought. Ordinarily, even if After being suppressed by me with the Chaos Bell, the majestic Holy Demon Spirit shouldn't be so cowardly, but he just gave up. Now he actively agrees to persuade me to persuade other Holy Demon Spirits to surrender. I can't figure it out no matter how hard I think about it. I'll wait and see. Look, I will interrogate and interrogate him properly." Yang Yiyun was also puzzled.

I really can’t figure out what kind of medicine Xiaoba, the holy demon spirit, should buy in this gourd?

Everything seemed to have changed and become too smooth after the Chaos Clock suppressed Xiaoba.

This is the biggest doubt in Yang Yiyun's heart.

"Are you okay?" Yang Yiyun saw that Sister Mei was not injured, but still asked.

Sister Mei shook her head and said: "It's okay, it just consumes mana. But having said that, the strength of that holy demon spirit is indeed powerful. Her aura and mana are exactly the same as mine. If she didn't know the secrets of the Dragon Clan, I wouldn't be able to tell whether she is Dragon Clan.”

"I heard Xiao Ba say before that they are the spirits of the Thirty-Six Heavens and Earths who were born in the Kaitian Era. They have the talent to imitate other living beings' cultivation realm, breath, appearance, etc. They should be born with extraordinary talents. This is true. Quite coquettish." Yang Yiyun was still a little envious as he spoke.

He knew that this was someone else's talent, not a magical method that could be learned and practiced, otherwise he would really want to learn it.

While Yang Yiyun was chatting with Sister Mei, the holy demon spirit that had fought with Sister Mei in front of Xiao Ba turned into an elf exactly like Xiao Ba, and then flew over.

"Master, this is my thirteenth sister. She is willing to be loyal to the master and sign a master-servant contract." After Xiaoba said to Yang Yiyun, he said to the holy demon spirit who looked exactly like him: "Thirteenth sister, let's start. "


This thirteenth girl only said one word, but it was indeed a female voice. It was very magnetic. Without any hesitation, a green streak flew out. Yang Yiyun saw that it was really the mark of a demon soul~

Everything went so smoothly that Yang Yiyun couldn't believe it.

If it were any other person, Yang Yiyun would accept it with a smile if he handed over the demon soul mark, but the person in front of him was not an ordinary creature, but a holy demon spirit, born in the Thirty-Six Tiangang of the Kaitian Era. of elves.

Giving away your demon soul so easily?

Leave life and death to yourself, a human god?

No matter how you think about Yang Yiyun, it is absolutely unreal, it is too unreal.

Accepting a Xiaoba's demon soul already made Yang Yiyun a little confused about the details. Now another thirteenth sister came. Although this was what was agreed before, she handed over the demon soul mark without any resistance. Yang Yiyun was really murmuring in his heart.

Is there a conspiracy?

There must be some conspiracy. You must know that he accepted the demon soul mark to swallow it into his own soul. If something happened to his soul, he would be doomed.

Yang Yiyun felt unsure.

Facing the demon soul mark handed over by Xiaoba's Thirteenth Sister, Yang Yiyun resisted the temptation, took a deep breath, looked at Xiaoba and Thirteenth Sister, and asked slowly: "Tell me honestly. , is there any conspiracy behind handing over your demon soul mark so readily?"

"Uh~ The master is wronged. We all handed over the demon soul marks. How can there be any conspiracy~"

Xiao Ba's facial features were very human at this moment, showing an expression of great injustice, while his Thirteenth Sister was motionless and suspended beside Xiao Ba, without speaking.

Yang Yiyun and Sister Mei were actually nervously staring at the two holy demon spirits. If anything went wrong, they would take action. The blood baby had always been very well-behaved. At this moment, they received instructions from Yang Yiyun and were also staring at Xiaoba and Shi. Third sister.

Listening to Xiaoba's cry of injustice, Yang Yiyun said word by word: "I...I really can't understand. You holy demon spirits, if you really fight me, we won't be able to get any benefits, but you actually do it like this." Lord of the Holy Spirit, you are willing to surrender to me, a human god. This... doesn't make sense no matter how you think about it. There must be a reason for him to truly believe it. Although you have given your demon soul mark, I still feel uneasy. Do you think this is true?"

After Yang Yiyun finished speaking this time, Xiaoba and Thirteenth Sister fell silent. After a while, Thirteenth Sister looked at Xiaoba and said, "Brother Eighth, you should tell the truth."

When Yang Yiyun and Sister Mei heard what Thirteenth Sister said, their hearts moved. Sure enough, they had something else to hide~

But I don’t know what the reason is that makes the dignified holy demon spirit surrender to him even if he doesn’t have any dignity?

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