My Master Is a God

Chapter 3094 Palm of Heavenly Punishment

"The master is here~" Xiao Ba flew in front of Yang Yiyun and was very attentive.

"Is there no danger up there?" Yang Yiyun asked.

"Don't worry, Master. There are still a few of my companions above. They have all said hello. There will be no problem." Xiaoba said.

"That's good, Sister Mei, let's go up."

Then Yang Yiyun and Sister Mei boarded the Eighth Star Compass.

The eighth star compass is the same as the fifth star compass at first, but there is a milky white jade slip suspended in the center, exuding sparkling starlight.

On the ground of the Star Compass, there are inscriptions carved one after another.

This is the only difference.

When Yang Yiyun and Sister Mei went up, they felt that their aura was completely different from the previous Star Compass.

I think these inscriptions are the enlightenment of the holy path that Qi Ling Xing Luo mentioned before.

Looking at the milky white jade slip suspended in the center, Yang Yiyun asked Xiaoba: "Is that the holy way and magical power technique?"

"Yes, Master, you can collect it and watch it now." Xiaoba nodded.

Yang Yiyun glanced at Sister Mei, who held the blood baby in her arms and said, "Go ahead~"

Although Xiaoba said there was no danger, Yang Yiyun still cautiously walked towards the center step by step.

As he walked, he said, "Xiaoba, where are your companions?"

"The masters are all here. You want to see them now, and I'll call them out?" Xiaoba said.

Yang Yiyun thought about it and shook his head and said: "Go and communicate with them. Thirteen will leave the guardian behind. Sister Mei, you can practice first. It's a rare opportunity here."

"That's fine~" Sister Mei searched for a place, placed the blood baby next to her and sat cross-legged for practice. In fact, she had long felt that the aura here was different and it was very suitable for practice.

Now that there are thirteen protectors, I feel at ease.

Xiaoba, on the other hand, after receiving Yang Yiyun's instructions, disappeared in a flash of light and went to find other holy demon spirits.

Yang Yiyun came to the milky white jade slip three meters above the ground. He felt relieved as he did not feel that his life was in danger. He waved his hand and took the jade slip or the holy way and magical power in his hand.

At this moment, he was full of emotions. At first, he was worried about all kinds of accidents. Even though he might have to go through some fighting and snatching before arriving at the jade slip, who knew that now it was so unreal and he got it so easily.

If it weren't for the warmth coming from his hands, he would have thought it was an illusion.


Exhaling a breath of turbid air, Yang Yiyun's consciousness moved towards the jade slip.


There was a roar and pain in my mind, but the next moment there was a lot more information.

He stood there with his eyes closed and began to read the contents of the jade slip.

A few minutes later, Yang Yiyun opened his eyes and confirmed that it was indeed the divine power of the holy way.

This magical technique has a very popular name called "Palm of Heaven's Punishment".

Not much, just three stages of palm technique in total.

The first palm name is - all things punished by heaven!

The second palm - Heaven and Earth of Heavenly Punishment!

The third palm - the avenue of heavenly punishment.

One palm punishes all things, two palms punish heaven and earth, and three palms punish the great road.

Yang Yiyun was shocked in his heart. What a loud tone?

Subjectively, it is actually a supreme and superior posture, punishing all things, punishing heaven and earth, and punishing the great road.

There is simply an aura that encompasses the entire universe.

His soul trembled.

He has always been talking about going against heaven, saying that practicing is going against heaven, saying that using the weak against the strong is going against heaven, saying that exploring is going against heaven...

But no standard emerged.

But now Yang Yiyun feels that this is the real defiance.

Just one step of the magical power technique gave him a truly heaven-defying aura and feeling.

The inner turmoil cannot calm down for a long time...

Who created this magical power?

It's unimaginable.

That's what the one-step technique is like, but what about the person who created the magical technique?

How magnificent?

Is he the legendary Holy Emperor?

Yang Yiyun was filled with doubts as much as he was shocked at this time.

After a while, he calmed himself down and secretly rejoiced in his heart. Fortunately, he had obtained this holy way and magical power. If the enemy had taken it away, the consequences would be really disastrous.

After carefully watching the training content, Yang Yiyun knew that he had found a treasure this time.

However, with his current level of cultivation, he can only practice the first palm of the "Palm of Heaven's Punishment", which punishes all things.

The latter two palms could not be practiced at all at his current level of cultivation, but the power of the first palm, if mastered, should be beyond his imagination.

According to his understanding, this sacred divine power and palm technique can be used forever.

After opening his eyes and looking at the Eighth Star Compass, there was still no one coming up, so Yang Yiyun didn't have anything to worry about and was ready to practice and study.

This star compass is also an excellent place for cultivation. With the help of inscriptions, cultivation can be done with half the effort.

Yang Yiyun began to practice the first palm...

The powerful magical palm has matching techniques. It is actually very easy to practice and not as difficult as imagined. It is rare that you know how to practice but don't have the strength to display it.

After carefully watching the magic method, Yang Yiyun knew that he could practice the first palm.

This is another huge boost for him to improve his strength.

After entering the state of cultivation, Yang Yiyun was in a state of selflessness.

He didn't know how much time passed before he finally completed his first practice.

When he opened his eyes, his eyes were so bright. Only then did he truly understand what magical power was.

Compared with the magical powers that I have practiced before, they are completely different. Although they are both called magical powers, they are two completely different concepts.

At this moment, he really wanted to give it a try~

But the location was wrong and there was no target. I thought about it and held back. It would be better to use it as a trump card.

With this magical palm technique, the palm he just cultivated is enough to increase his strength by several levels.


Sister Mei came over.

When Yang Yiyun got up, he discovered that there were three more people on the star compass.

It was Jiuli Cha, Ji Wuming, and Shennong Haoran.

Yang Yiyun was not surprised that these three people were able to board the Star Compass.

Who knows that these three people are at the third level of Hedao.

"How long have I been practicing?" Yang Yiyun asked Sister Mei.

"Three hundred years have passed~" Sister Mei replied, she was holding a child in her hand.

"Three hundred years?" Yang Yiyun was surprised. He felt that only a few minutes had passed, but he didn't expect that it had been three hundred years.

"Well, look at Dao'er, he has grown up." Sister Mei said with a smile.

Yang Yiyun then set his sights on the blood baby. Sure enough, the child had grown and looked to be four years old.

"Dad~" Xue Ying still called Yang Yiyun's father.

Three hundred years have passed. In addition to growing in size and speaking more clearly, the blood baby's skin still looks red.

It looks a little weird.

"Dao'er has been so good these years~" Yang Yiyun smiled and touched the blood baby's head.

"Dao'er is very good." The blood baby jumped into Yang Yiyun's arms, very cute.

Yang Yiyun looked at the Xueying teasingly and asked Sister Mei, "The three of them have been practicing for three hundred years, right?"

Sister Mei nodded and said, "Well, not long after you started practicing, the three of them boarded the Star Compass one after another."

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