My Master Is a God

Chapter 3104 An unprecedented game of chess

The twenty holy demon spirits were now under his command, and Yang was in a good mood.

However, he knew that there were thirty-six Tiangang holy demon spirits, and sixteen of them had gone out, but he didn't know what happened.

Then he asked the boss Lingyi: "Lingyi, what happened to the Sixteen Heavenly Gang Holy Demon Spirit that walked out from here? I feel that if you want to go out, you can also take other people out, right?"

Ling Yi shook his head and said: "Actually, I can't leave unless the Holy Emperor appears. As for the others, it was the Holy Emperor's arrangement back then. He opened the Void Heavenly Emperor's Disk and let people enter here, and selected the host to let other Holy Demon Spirits go out. Assisting the forces of the God Realm to find Resurrection Shura, all this was arranged by the Holy Emperor, and it must be determined freely."

Yang Yiyun trembled inwardly when he heard this, and couldn't help but say: "You mean, when the Holy Emperor fell, he thought of what would happen in the future and made arrangements back then?"

"That's right. The Holy Emperor acts freely. I just arranged for the sixteen brothers and sisters to go to the God Realm according to the instructions. I hope they can gain something in these years." Ling Yi said.

Yang Yiyun was a little puzzled and said: "In other words, the twenty-one to thirty-sixteen holy demon spirits of Tiangang all took away the powerful gods who entered the eighth level of the Void Emperor Disk World? Since then, they Or are they?"

Speaking of the matter of seizing the body, Yang Yiyun was actually disgusted.

I always feel that this is an attempt to achieve the goal by any means necessary, even though it is done to protect the divine realm.

But unexpectedly Ling Yi said: "The Holy Emperor actually misunderstood. The twenty-one and sixteen of them did not seize the body, but chose the corresponding host to assist each other. The theory of seizing the body is just Xingluo's external rhetoric, the real The truth is that Twenty-One and the others chose to have an equal host relationship with the gods from the divine world who had broken through to the eighth level.

There is mutual benefit between the two. Let's put it this way, Twenty-One will help the chosen host spirit to improve its strength and cultivation. They will fight when necessary. At the same time, the Taoist will of the Holy Emperor will be transmitted to them, with the help of the power of the gods in the divine world. Investigate the Shura clan to protect the safety of the God Realm.

It's not a body-stealing thing at all, and the Holy Demon Spirits like us are special, and the body obtained by taking the body cannot carry the Holy Demon Spirit at all. Instead, it is a constraint for us. "

Yang Yiyun understood now and felt comfortable in his heart. It was not a fight for the body, but a mutual help, similar to having a powerful soul beast in his body.

But when Yang Yiyun thought about it, he thought of a problem. If the sixteen holy demon spirits who went out chose to achieve mutual success with people from hostile forces, then he would have offended many enemies of the divine forces. Wouldn't he have to fight with them? Is he an enemy?

"Ling Yi, what if the sixteen holy demon spirits who went out chose to be my hostile enemy? Then wouldn't we become enemies?" Yang Yiyun asked immediately.

Ling Yi seemed to have been prepared for this, and said: "The Holy Emperor is too worried. At any time, all the Holy Demon Spirits, including the sixteen, only recognize the Holy Emperor, and you have obtained the Heart of Heaven, and you are their master. No. There is betrayal.”

"Huh, I'm relieved." Even though he said this, Yang Yiyun couldn't feel happy. Now it seemed that the legendary Holy Emperor had already planned a big game in the Kaitian era. Yang Yiyun didn't know Is this good or bad for you?

He was really worried that he would become enemies with hostile forces after going out, especially an enemy with a holy demon spirit.

Sixteen holy demon spirits have walked out over countless years, which is equivalent to signing a mutual aid contract with sixteen powerful people in the God Realm. What if... these are the sixteen powerful people who he offended?

It’s fun to think about it.

For example, the Jiuli clan he offended... If there is an ancestor in the Jiuli clan who is the owner of the holy demon spirit, and one day he has a back-to-back fight with Jiuli Cha, and the ancestor jumps out, who knows how to help? who?

It’s fun to think about it.

It was obvious that he was the master of the Holy Demon Spirit, and those powerful ancestors relied on the Holy Demon Spirit to cultivate themselves. Obviously those people would be the ones kneeling in front of him.

In fact, he understood one more thing...

This is also a major change in his vision that has gone far beyond that of many powerful people in the God Realm.

That's a different perspective.

Some of the hatred has faded a lot.

Yang Yiyun knew very well that from now on, he was looking at the Shura clan, the Guardian God Realm, and even the Three Realms.

In the end, it is the Shura clan that all the races in the God Realm have to fight against.

If he stepped into the holy way and the Heavenly Palace was restarted, wouldn't the entire God Realm have to listen to his orders?

What enemies will there be then?

Of course, this is just his theoretical idea. It's hard to say whether this is actually the case.

In short, let’s take a step at a time. Things about the Shura clan and King Shura are still very far away for the time being.

After he goes out first, he wants to kill Emperor Zun.

In addition, since Lord Rabbit brought Little Phoenix and the others into the realm of the gods, what he wanted to find, and now that he has received the inheritance of the Holy Emperor, his perception is very different, so he should prepare to go out from here.

After going out and finding Mr. Rabbit and the others, it was time to return to the God Realm.

In terms of cultivation, he finally entered the third level of the Holy Path.

He also perfected the Palm of Heaven's Punishment, and now has twenty holy demon spirits under his command.

Going out to settle accounts with Emperor Zun, Yang Yiyun believed that he now had the strength.

The power of Tianxin was not just what he felt, but the real power. Yang Yiyun knew that it was a power in Tianxin that he did not dare to touch for the time being.

If he really encounters a strong enemy and is defeated, he will use the power of Tianxin, believing that even if a real saint appears, he can kill him.

After chatting with Lingyi, Yang Yiyun knew what was going on and was ready to leave.

Now that he was about to leave, Yang Yiyun knew that it was very simple. The entire Void Heavenly Emperor's Pan including the Holy Heaven Palace and the seven holy realms were within Tianxin, and he could leave with just a thought.

But before leaving, Yang Yiyun still had a doubt in his mind that he wanted to clear up.

He looked at Qi Ling Xingluo and asked, "What do you think about the blood baby?"

The reason why I asked Qi Ling Xing Luo was because along the way, Qi Ling Xing Luo gave the green light to the blood infant.

As a weapon spirit created by the Holy Emperor, Yang Yiyun believed that he knew something.

After asking, Zhijian Qiling Xingluo pondered for a while and said: "Master, the blood baby was born and raised by heaven and earth. It is a special spirit born by absorbing the blood of King Shura and the Holy Emperor. It may be a great sage in the future, or it may be a great blood demon. I can't say, it all depends on God's will, but... if it is possible, I suggest the master to refine the blood baby to avoid any unknown things happening in the future. Come."

Yang Yiyun didn't expect Qi Lingxing Luo to actually say that. It seemed that he was afraid of the blood infant's growth.

He said in a deep voice: "Do you mean King Shura's blood baby will affect him?"

"I can't say for sure, but with the blood of King Shura, this is inevitable." Qi Ling Shura said.

At this time Ling said: "That's not necessarily the case. Although the blood baby was conceived in the blood of King Shura, it is only half of it. The other half is the blood of the Holy Emperor. I believe that the blood of the Holy Emperor will definitely defeat King Shura.

Moreover, the birth of the blood baby was not intentional by the Holy Emperor or King Shura. It was completely accidental. It was God's will. Maybe if King Shura really revives in the future, the blood baby will be a variable. Whether it is good or bad depends on fate. "

Yang Yiyun nodded and said: "Xue Ying has been accepted as my closed disciple. I believe he can follow the right path. That's all. I no longer care about what happens to Dao'er in the future, but I will teach him well.

Now it’s time for me to go out. It’s just the Seven Saint Realms and this Heavenly Saint Palace. What do you think should be done with it? "

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