My Master Is a God

Chapter 3112 Diaoer turned into a little fat man

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

"Not absolutely? What do you mean?" Yang Yiyun asked Ling Yi.

Ling Yi said: "What you see now is a pool of blood. It is true that Da Xiuluo was killed. What you saw with your eyes is correct. It is correct to say that he is dead, but it is not absolute.

I have also said the reason. This is the Shura clan. They were born in the sea of ​​​​blood in the underworld. They can be reborn with a drop of blood. As long as there is even a drop of blood, this great Shura can live again. Even all the Shura clan can survive, even if they are Just a drop of blood will do.

This is also the scary thing about the Shura clan. Their foundation is blood, and they don’t even have souls. They may have souls, but they are definitely different from us, and we can’t find them. This is why the creatures in our third world are different from the creatures in the fourth realm. Same place.

This is the scary thing about the Shura clan. Of course, being beaten into a pool of blood must be paid for. You will definitely not be able to recover in a short time. The higher the level of Shura, the faster the recovery time, and vice versa. "

Yang Yiyun understood somewhat, and after thinking for a while he said: "In other words, this great Shura has been beaten to death by us, but it can also be said that he is not dead, or even escaped long ago... because as long as there is a drop of blood, he can be killed again. Making a comeback just takes time to recover, am I right to understand that?"

"Yes, it looks like a pool of blood, but in fact he is not dead. I am afraid that he would have escaped long ago with just a drop of blood. The consciousness of the Shura clan is different from that of us creatures in the three realms, and they can enter a drop of blood.

So you don't know where he will be at all. With such a big pool of blood, maybe he didn't escape, but he was still hiding in a drop of blood. That's why I suggested finding a way to evaporate this large pool of blood. One last hit, even if the great Shura's consciousness is hidden in a drop of blood, he can be killed, which is a peace of mind even if it doesn't happen. "Ling Yi said.

"It makes sense." Yang Yiyun nodded.

At this moment, he looked at the blood in the big pit below and said, "Let me check first to see if there is consciousness in this pool of blood."

After saying that, Yang Yiyun glanced away with his spiritual consciousness.

With the strength of his spiritual consciousness now, even the movement of a speck of dust cannot be hidden from him, because after he obtained Tianxin, he found that his spiritual consciousness had undergone a leap and sublimation, and he could not even be called a god. Got it, he's very sharp and advanced anyway.

He himself didn't even know what level he was at now.

Under the scan of his spiritual consciousness, Yang Yiyun almost dug three feet into the ground to check, but did not find any fluctuations in consciousness.

He knows that the Great Shura must have escaped, right?

Withdrawing his consciousness, Yang Yiyun said to Little Phoenix: "Shan Hong set fire to dry up this pool of blood."

"Okay brother." The little phoenix replied while floating in the sky, flapped its wings, and spat out a stream of flames towards the pit below.


Suddenly the entire pit burned.

The intense temperature made Yang Yiyun unable to help but use his magic power to resist.

In the blink of an eye, the blood in the entire pit was completely burned by the little phoenix, and all the blood evaporated without even a drop of blood remaining.

At this point everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Little Phoenix and Diaoer had a flash of light and returned to their original appearance.

Little Phoenix has grown up and transformed into a girl of about eighteen or nineteen years old. She is slim and graceful, dressed in fiery red, noble and fiery. She is no longer the child she once was.

She finally came of age and was an adult divine bird, the phoenix, the king of birds.

Diao'er, on the other hand, was the same as before, looking a little bigger than a cat. Her whole body was covered with shining golden hair, which suddenly turned into a golden light and ran straight into Yang Yiyun's arms.

"Brother~ I miss you."

After saying one sentence, he flew into Yang Yiyun's arms.

Tears welled up in those big, dark and bright eyes.


Little Phoenix also threw herself into Yang Yiyun's arms.

The battle is over, and they can finally express their love.

Yang Yiyun held Diao'er in his arms and held Little Phoenix on his wrist. His eyes were red with excitement.

"Okay, okay, I miss you too~"

They haven't seen each other for almost 30,000 years, but in fact, there isn't a day that goes by that he doesn't miss them.

He always had a fatherly attitude towards Diaoer, and he even considered Little Phoenix as his sister.

Now Diao'er can talk directly without communicating with thoughts, which shows that Diao'er has become stronger, and indeed he has seen Diao'er's powerful side before.

Not to mention the little phoenix, there is probably no second adult phoenix in the entire God Realm.


At this time, the voices of Niu Xiaozi and Yun Lei Beast sounded.

Yang Yiyun comforted Diao'er and Xiao Fenghuang. When he looked back, two teenagers aged fourteen or fifteen, one dressed in green and the other in purple, appeared in front of him.

"You...are you a bull?" Yang Yiyun looked at the young man in green and asked.

"Well, I am Niu Xiaozi, master." The young man who transformed into an adult looked a little shy, but he looked like a talented person.

"Are you a Yun Lei Beast?" Yang Yiyun looked at the boy in purple.

"Young Master, I have a name, okay, you can call me Yunlei." The young man in the form of Yunlei Beast is a little dissatisfied with Yang Yiyun calling him Yunlei Beast. When he was in the fairy world, this boy was the battle pet of his master Yun Tianxie. Now it is right to call Yang Yiyun Young Master.

"Haha, okay, I want you Xiao Yunlei from now on." Yang Yiyun looked at this kid and he seemed to be a lively master.

At this time, Yunlei Beast looked at Diao'er, who was curled up in Yang Yiyun's arms like a kitten, and wondered: "Hey, Boss Diao'er, everyone can transform into humans, why haven't you become a human yet?"

As soon as these words came out, Yang Yiyun looked at Diao'er in his arms.

At this moment, Little Phoenix and Niu Duzi had weird expressions and couldn't help laughing. Of course, only Little Phoenix laughed, but Niu Duzi bit his lips to hold back his laughter. It looked like he was having a hard time enduring it.

"So Xiangxiang, you can transform. I thought you couldn't. Quickly transform and let me see what you look like after transforming?" Yang Yiyun, Diao'er, still likes to call her by her name Xiangxiang.

He originally thought that Diao'er could not incarnate and had not cultivated a human body, but after hearing Yun Lei Beast's explanation, he realized that Diao'er could now transform into a human being.

But looking at the smiles of Little Phoenix and Niu Duzi, they were a little confused. Could it be that Diaoer's incarnation was incomplete?

Can you only transform into half human and half demon?

Even if this is the case, it doesn't matter. Many monsters will deliberately retain their half-demon bodies after they have cultivated to the point of incarnation.

Diao'er is the flying divine Diao, which is special in itself. Some mythical beasts with rare bloodline are late to incarnate, or may never be transformed into humans in their lifetime, so there is nothing strange about it.

But if Diaoer could be transformed, Yang Yiyun was really curious and wanted to see what Diaoer would be like?

"Xiao Leizi, shut up~"

Marten let out a roar.

The latter shrank his neck and hid behind Niu Duzi.

Yang Yiyun became more and more curious. Diao'er seemed to not want others to see her body.

"Diao'er, please transform quickly and let me see if something goes wrong?" Yang Yiyun's first reaction was: Could there be something wrong with Diao'er's practice?

He is worried.

Diao'er, on the other hand, picked it up from Yang Yiyun's arms, dropped it to the ground, and said coquettishly: "Brother... just don't watch it anymore, there's no problem."

"I'll let you incarnate, no matter what, hurry up." As soon as Yang made a face, Diao'er became discouraged, pulled her head and said: "Okay~"

After he finished speaking, Diao'er's whole body was flashed with golden light.

next moment……

Yang Yiyun's eyes widened.

After a while, it was...


Yang couldn't help but laugh. Now he finally understood why Little Phoenix laughed and Niu Duzi couldn't hold back his laughter.

After seeing Diao'er in human form, anyone else would have to laugh.

Because at this moment Diao'er has turned into a little fat man of twelve or thirteen years old, with blond hair, round and black eyes, a round face full of flesh, his hair is still golden, and he is wearing a golden outfit, and It's so tight that your belly is exposed.

The key is that he is not very tall, just 1.12 meters tall, and is a small round ball.

The blond hair is quite long, but it is tied into two small ponytails, which makes her look like a fat man's version of Nezha.

But that would be fine if it was a boy, but Diao'er is a girl, and she really looks a bit like that.

This is especially true when there is no harm without comparison.

The little phoenix is ​​slim and graceful, and she is like a girl god. The calf and the cloud thunder beast are also graceful, but Diao'er is a little fat man with a small ball, a polarizing contrast.

", you, you...don't laugh at me~" Diao'er suddenly started crying when she saw Yang Yiyun laughing.

"Okay, okay, brother, don't laugh...haha, don't laugh...haha~"

"You're still laughing~" Diao'er stamped her feet angrily and started crying the next moment.

"Wow wow wow, you are all laughing at me, wow~" Diaoer cried as the golden light flashed and transformed into her true form again.

Yang Yiyun saw Diao'er crying, and then he stopped talking. He walked over and held her in his arms, comforting her and saying, "Okay, Xiangxiang, don't cry anymore. I was wrong. I promise not to laugh in the future. No matter how fat you are. Oh no. No matter what, I still love you and still like you."

"Really?" Diao'er asked.

"Brother, when did I ever lie to you? Of course it's true. Any half-truth will be punished..." Yang Yiyun swore.

"Don't say it, I'm not angry anymore." Diao'er's little paw blocked Yang Yiyun's mouth as he was about to swear.

"That's absolutely true. In fact, I really like the way you look like Peng Dudu. It's good. You can turn into a human being. This means that my family Xiangxiang has grown up. This is a good thing." Yang Yiyun said to Diao'er seriously.

"Oh, as long as someone likes it, then...then I will keep my human body from now on." Diao'er whispered.

"Okay, anything is okay." Yang Yiyun said with a smile, always calming Diao'er down.

In fact, when he looked carefully at this moment, he realized that Diao'er had indeed gained a lot of weight. When he held her body, it felt like she was all flesh. He wondered if there was something wrong with Diao'er's training, and she shouldn't be so fat.

Ask Lord Rabbit.

The next moment, Mink jumped down and returned to his chubby human form again.

And Yang Yiyun finally turned around to look for the old guy Master Rabbit. He had just reminisced with Diao'er and the others, and had not thought about Master Rabbit. Now he should go and say hello. To be honest, he felt grateful to Master Rabbit in his heart. It was obvious that Little Phoenix and the others had grown up. Lord Rabbit must have put in a lot of effort.

Looking up, Master Rabbit was on a rock not far away, transformed into the old man he had met before, holding a wine gourd in his hand and drinking.

Yang Yiyun raised his feet and walked towards Lord Rabbit.

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