My Master Is a God

Chapter 3114 Black Lotus Queen

The position Black Lotus occupies in Yang Yiyun's heart is very unique.

So he was very nervous.

Heilian is both a teacher and a friend. Sometimes Yang even has special feelings for her, but he doesn't dare to make an appointment. He is both respected and loved.

Just listen to Lord Rabbit say: "Heilian is the Queen of Black Lotus. Her status is respected. Even I dare not say anything in front of her. She seems to have gradually recovered some memories. After meeting her once, I came to the Realm of the Gods. Never saw her again."

"Black Lotus Queen?" Yang Yiyun was surprised: "You mean...she is the Queen of the Holy Emperor?"

Yang was sweating furiously.

I didn’t expect Heilian’s status to be so high.

It was even more embarrassing.

The Holy Emperor’s Black Lotus Queen, this matter...

But I feel relieved. Since it is Hei Lian who is the queen, and her memory has recovered a little, it means that she will have the means to protect herself. Even if she is not with Lord Rabbit and the others and goes to other places, Nothing should happen.

At this time, Lord Rabbit looked at him with a strange expression and continued: "To be precise, Black Lotus is the Holy Queen of the West Palace. In the Holy Heavenly Court, there are two Holy Queens of the East and West Palaces on the left and right of the Holy Heavenly Emperor. The Black Lotus Holy Queen is called the Holy Queen of the West Palace. , also known as the Holy Queen of Kunlun.

There is also a Holy Queen of the East Palace, the Holy Queen of Yaochi, and the two Holy Queens of the East and West Palaces. The two Holy Queens are second only to the Holy Emperor in terms of cultivation strength and prestige in the Holy Heaven. "

"Ahem...and the Holy Queen of Donggong? Yaochi?" Yang Yiyun felt a little unnatural, but he was curious, who is Donggong?

Mr. Rabbit spoke with solemn respect: "I don't know the name of the Holy Queen of the East Palace. Even in the entire Holy Heavenly Court, the only person who knows is the Holy Heavenly Emperor. We all just call her the Holy Queen of the East Palace or Yaochi." Queen, I really don’t know her name, but I only know that the Holy Queen of the East Palace is from the human race.

However, the Holy Lord does not need to worry. Although everyone died in the war with the Shura clan, the Holy Way is transcendent and immortal. Especially powerful beings like the Holy Queen will definitely be reincarnated and will return one day. , it is also possible that both queens have been in contact with the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor in different ways, but you don't know it. "

After saying this, Mr. Rabbit smiled with a strange look on his face, paused and continued: "As for the women of the Holy Heavenly Court and the Holy Emperor, in addition to the East and West Palaces, there are also Thirty-Six Holy Palaces, with thirty-six Holy Mother.”

After finishing speaking, Mr. Rabbit looked at Yang Yiyun with a smile on his face.

In other words, the Holy Emperor has a total of thirty-eight orthodox wives, those who are famous and have status, and perhaps those who have no status.

It's really a blessing.

Yang's face turned red when Master Rabbit stared at him, and he said angrily: "You...what are you looking at me for? I'm not the Holy Emperor, I am who I am."

Who would have thought that Master Rabbit said: "I didn't say it was you, but... your boy is the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor. Hehe, it seems that there are many women around you. It's impossible to guarantee that the Holy Mother of the Thirty-sixth Palace will It’s almost time to gather around you, haha~”

"What do you care about me? There are not thirty-six of my daughters-in-law in total." Yang quibbled.

"Haha, even if it doesn't happen, it's almost the same. When you return to the peak of the road, the Holy Mother of the Thirty-sixth Palace will naturally gather together slowly." Lord Rabbit said with a smile.

Yang Yiyun felt that this topic could be ended, but in his heart he remembered what Mr. Rabbit said about the Holy Queen of the East Palace being from the human race.

And Heilian is the Holy Queen of the West Palace, which he really didn't expect.

In order to avoid embarrassment, Yang Yiyun changed the subject and said, "Tell me about Holy Heaven. For example, what is the power structure of Holy Heaven?"

He has obtained the Heart of Heaven, and has the seven holy realms and the Holy Heaven Palace in the Void Heavenly Emperor's Plate. In Lingyi's words, after being united, he can restart the Holy Path Heavenly Court. In the future, he will fight against the Shura clan or the Emperor. , it is necessary to restart the Holy Heaven.

It is very necessary to understand.

After he asked this question, the smile on Mr. Rabbit's face disappeared, and he became a little more solemn and said: "So, you have successfully obtained Tianxin, the Seven Holy Realms and the Holy Heaven Palace, right?"

Yang Yiyun nodded and said, "Yes, I got it."

Mr. Rabbit nodded thoughtfully and said: "In the Holy Heavenly Court of the Open Heaven Era, the Holy Heavenly Emperor was the esteemed one. Under him were the ten great saints and the bodyguards of the thirty-six Holy Spirits, namely Ling Yi and the others. Next, there were the Twelve Heavenly Court Saint Kings, the Second Heavenly Court, and the others. Eighteen heavenly officials, one hundred and eight great saints, and three thousand saints of the holy way constitute the heavenly power of the holy way.

Each one is a realm of the Holy Way. Of course, the realm of the Holy Way is also divided into high and low realms. From one to nine, there are nine realm levels. For example, the first level of the Holy Way starts at the first level and ends at the ninth level.

The top ten holy cultivators are all the best in the ninth level of the holy way. Even the three thousand saints of the holy way are selected from the realm of the holy way. They are not the lowest level of the holy way. The composition of each part of the holy way heaven can be Those who assume the positions are all persons of strength and character.

Their cultivation is not uniform, but the higher the position, the deeper the strength and powerful cultivation. This is basic. "

Although Mr. Rabbit explained, a grand picture appeared in Yang Yiyun's mind. There were more than 3,000 Saint Realm powerhouses in the organization alone. These were just those with positions and prestigious positions. It is conceivable that the Holy Path Heavenly Court in the Kaitian Era was How powerful is it when it is glorious?


Such a powerful Holy Heavenly Court actually ended up completely falling. In other words, on the other hand, it also reflects the power of the Shura clan.

It actually killed a powerful holy heaven, and even caused the fall of a glorious civilization.

Yang Yiyun also had a deeper understanding of the Shura clan.

I warned myself in my heart that I must be extremely careful with the Shura clan in the future.

If the Holy Emperor hadn't sacrificed himself to fight King Shura, the entire Three Realms would have been wiped out long ago.

His current responsibility is not only to deal with the Shura clan hiding in the God Realm, but also to repair the six paths of reincarnation, and to find a way to kill the Shura King, or to stop or seal the Shura King who may be reborn and awakened.

This responsibility is too heavy and too great.

In the future, we will also let the Holy Path Heavenly Civilization reappear.

There is still a long way to go.

I don’t know if I can finish it?

Thinking about this, Yang Yiyun felt helpless.

Taking a deep breath, Yang Yiyun said: "It seems that there are a lot of things to do in the future, and the road to go is longer~"

"You don't need to be under too much pressure. The gradual return of the saints has already shown that the new civilization is recovering, and it is recovering in a stronger and more powerful way. The battle with the Shura clan belongs to us after all." Rabbit It was rare for me to comfort Yang Yiyun.

"Well, I feel very at ease with you here." After finishing speaking, Yang Yiyun said: "Let's go over and see Ling Yi, and then take me to see Hou Doudou and them."

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