My Master Is a God

Chapter 3116 Entering Xuanyin Cave to look for Qiu'er

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

Yang Yiyun's reaction was a bit fierce, which Master Rabbit didn't expect, and made Master Rabbit realize that this guy never compromises when it comes to his women.

He smiled helplessly and said, "Okay, I'll take you there."

Xuexiang, Qiuer and Kunpeng are in the world of the gods, but they are no longer here.

Yang Yiyun asked others to wait again, and he and Mr. Rabbit could just go.

With Lord Rabbit's wave, the two of them disappeared on the spot. Of course, Ling Yi followed like a shadow. Yang Yiyun couldn't care about Ling Yi. Ling Yi changed in countless ways and Yang Yiyun couldn't sense anything.

"Is this the Xuanyin Cave?"

Yang Yiyun asked Lord Rabbit as he looked at a mountain with no grass in his sight.

This place is still in the center of the gods' domain, and it seems not far from the back mountain of Tianshan Mountain.

Master Rabbit took her directly here.

The first stop was to find Qiu'er.

Regarding Qiu'er, Mr. Rabbit said that he could arrange it here. Qiu'er's physique itself is special and belongs to the innate Yin spirit body.

When he was on Earth, when he bought a house, he found Qiu'er, her sisters Wu Moxia and Qiao Fu under the house.

When he saw Qiu'er back then, the old man said that Qiu'er is a true spiritual body, has special features, and will definitely achieve limitless achievements in the future.

As for her sisters Wu Moxia and Qiao Fu, they were just average.

But at that time, Qiu'er and her sister Qiao Fu were already eight-hundred-year-old spiritual beings, and they were all virtuous beings in the mortal world.

Facts have proved that Qiu'er's cultivation has indeed improved by leaps and bounds along the way, and he has also created a reputation as a ghost emperor in the fairy world.

Later, after he entered the God Realm, he separated from them and distanced himself. He never saw Qiu'er again...

Knowing that he was taken away by Master Rabbit.

Now we have to meet again. '

But I don’t know how Qiu’er is doing now?

Of course, when Yang Yiyun felt a little comforted, Qiu'er was always accompanied by her sister and Qiao Fu, which somewhat reassured him.

It can be said that the three of them are spiritual beings, but talent is something that cannot be seen or touched, but it is real. However, the distance between the latter two and Qiu'er's cultivation is getting farther and farther.

One thing Yang Yiyun actually knew very well was that among the people who had followed him all the way, they had now reached the divine realm and their potential had reached its peak. If they wanted to go further, it would be extremely difficult at that time.

The potential of any living being is actually limited. Some of them have followed me from the earth, and some have followed me from the world of mountains and seas, the world of cultivation, the world of immortals, and then to the world of gods.

Step by step, from ordinary people to Taoism, from Taoism to immortality, to immortality and to godhood. The journey along the way itself is the manifestation of the results of talent cultivation and the explosion of potential.

To be honest, the people like Yunmen who can become gods have far surpassed the trillions of creatures in the three thousand worlds.

It’s not easy.

And among them, those who are still making leaps and improvements in the God Realm will be regarded as phoenixes, but... they are undoubtedly not the real dragons and phoenixes, the ones with unlimited potential.

Such as Little Phoenix, Diao'er, Niu Xiaozi, etc., they are the top potentials around him.

They didn't disappoint him, and they didn't let them down either. Each one of them showed their own potential as magical beasts and so on.

Made them what they are today.

He knew that even among the women like him, Dugu Qingqing and the others, and even the first and second senior brothers and others, when they were in the lower realm, each of them was a leader in the cultivation world, but they still had the potential to reach their peak.

It was already difficult to go any further, and even Yang Yiyun knew that most of them had already started to stop.

This is inevitable.

Those who can truly reach the pinnacle of cultivation will always be a handful.

Now it seems that Qiu'er is one of these few.

This made him feel happy.

But also more worried.

Because everything in the world has two sides.

People often say that God is fair, and Yang Yiyun believes that this sentence indeed makes sense.

Strong potential, cultivation strength, etc. are often accompanied by the same level of risks.

fair enough.

So he was a little worried about Qiu'er's cultivation situation in Xuanyin Cave.

According to what the old guy Tu Ye said, she had left Qiu'er, Xuexiang and Dapeng in all their suitable places, and then no longer cared about them.

Whether they live or die, whether they have good fortune or not, it all depends on them.

Just like Sister Mei, after being thrown into the sea of ​​blood, she was completely on her own. Fortunately, Sister Mei finally came out.

Before, Lingyi was surprised when Lord Rabbit told him about Xuanyin Cave and Tianhe. These two places were infected by Shura essence and blood on the battlefield, so they must not be good places.

So Yang Yiyun is very worried now.

Looking at the dead mountain in front of him, which didn't look very tall, was barren of any grass, and had an earthy gray surface, Yang Yiyun asked Master Rabbit in a deep voice: "Entrance?"

"Over there~" Mr. Rabbit pointed to a wall at the foot of the mountain.

When Yang Yiyun passed by, there was nothing, but he felt the existence of slight energy fluctuations.

There are at least two strands of energy emanating.

One is the breath of Yin evil that reaches death, and the other is the power of blood evil.

He felt his heart skip a beat.

This old immortal threw Qiu'er and the three of them here, can they still survive?

"How do you get in?" Yang Yiyun roared at Lord Rabbit.

"Uh, wait a minute."

Lord Rabbit waved his hand, and a blast of divine power hit the mountain wall. There was a roar, and then divine light flashed and inscriptions flickered on the mountain wall, and a portal with a diameter of three meters appeared.

"You can go in~" Master Rabbit said.

At this time, Ling Yi said quietly: "I didn't expect that after so many years, the power of Xuanyin and the blood evil here are still so strong."

This was just a sentence that came out of emotion, but it made Yang Yiyun's heart sink when he heard it.

The more this is the case, the more dangerous this place is, and the greater the danger to Qiu'er and the three of them.

"If anything happens to Old Rabbit Qiu'er, I'm not done with you." Yang Yiyun glared at Master Rabbit fiercely, and then stepped into the portal.

"Tch~" Master Tu didn't care, but he and Lingyi followed him in one after another.

"I said you kid, don't be ungrateful. Master Rabbit, I am doing this. It's natural for Master Rabbit to do so. Don't always glare at Master Rabbit. If you don't recognize that you are the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor, Master Rabbit, I won't recognize you either. From a cultivation point of view Come on, Mr. Rabbit, I am your grandfather, can I respect the old and love the young~"

Master Rabbit followed Yang Yiyun, and Yang Yiyun had already told him that his nose was not his nose or his face was not his face.

The dark and cold gray cave was very spacious and flat, like a specially excavated training cave.

It goes all the way, seemingly without end.

Yang Yiyun had a gloomy face. Hearing Master Rabbit's rebuttal, he couldn't help but yell: "You old-fashioned rabbit doesn't even know how important Qiu'er is to me. She has followed me since she was on Earth, and she has been with me all the way to now. But you left her in such an unknown place, you'd better pray that Qiu'er is okay."

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