My Master Is a God

Chapter 3119 Iceberg Beauty

"I hope so~" Yang Yiyun smiled bitterly.

He never expected that Qiu'er would lose his memory.

"Don't worry, sir. Mo Xia and I have been telling Qiu'er about your deeds over the years, and she knows about you now." Qiao Fu's comfort sounded very pale to Yang Yiyun's ears.

"How is Qiu'er's cultivation?" Yang Yiyun asked Qiao Fu again.

When he said this, Qiao Fu was shocked and said: "Reporting back to Mr. Qiu'er, we can't see through the realm of cultivation at all, but we can definitely be very strong."

Yang Yiyun nodded and expressed his understanding. It seemed that Qiu'er had overcome the difficulties here and had reached a higher level of cultivation.

"How does the power of Shura's blood affect you?" Yang Yiyun asked again.

"It was very difficult at the beginning. Mo Xia and I couldn't resist at all. Later, after Qiu'er's cultivation greatly improved, he completely suppressed the power of Shura's blood. Then Mo Xia and I could start practicing. Now there is no impact at all. Yes, but Qiu'er's changes were not affected by the blood of Shura." Qiao Fu replied.

Yang Yiyun sighed, good and bad things go hand in hand, he also guessed this.

Some things, if you want to get them, you have to pay for it. Qiu'er's change obviously deserves the blood of Shura.

But fortunately, she is fine. As long as she is still there, everything else is easy to talk about.

Regarding the amnesia, Yang Yiyun would find a way to help her, or he believed that she would recover.

While the two were talking, two figures came out of the mist.

Yang Yiyun already has a general understanding of the situation.

At this moment, he felt uneasy. He knew that Qiu'er had appeared.

Sure enough, Qiu'er in black and Wu Moxia in blue appeared in sight.

He soon arrived in front of him.

"Sir, Qiu'er is here~" Wu Moxia said.

Yang Yiyun's eyes have fallen on Wu Moqiu, who was dressed in black.


He shouted with some vibrato.

At this moment, Wu Moqiu also looked up at him.

The two were ten meters apart.

Wu Moxia silently stepped away, leaving space for the two of them.

She told her sister everything she had been told. In fact, she had been telling her about the past for so many years.

The key point is about Mr.


My sister still can't remember.

I wish I could now.

Yang Yiyun looked at Wu Moqiu and felt like a stone sinking into the sea after he called out Qiu'er.

There was no reaction from Wu Moqiu in front of her. Her face was cold, expressionless, and there was no fluctuation on her face.

Inexplicably, Yang Yiyun felt a pain in his heart.

This is not his Qiu'er.

Qiuer clings to him the most and likes him the most.

The title "sir" was introduced by Qiu'er in Yunmen, and only those closest to him have it.

He really wanted Qiu'er to see him and call him sir.

It's a pity that Qiu'er's face has no expression or fluctuation at this time.

He looked at her, and she stared at him, but said nothing.

Yang Yiyun felt a little stuck in his heart.

But after taking a deep breath, he slowly stepped forward.

Arriving in front of Wu Moqiu.

He said very softly: "Qiu'er, I'll take you home."

While talking, Yang Yiyun stretched out his hand and gently stroked a strand of long hair on her left side, thinking that he would still be in contact with her as before.


next moment……


When his hand touched Qiu'er's face, he couldn't help but gasp.

He withdrew his hand as if he was electrocuted.

And his hands were frozen at this moment.

Biting cold.

Yang Yiyun quickly used his skills to stop the cold air from spreading and freezing, otherwise he felt that his whole body would be filled with Dongcheng popsicles.

Even if he stopped, there was still a layer of frost on his right hand.

Just touching Qiu'er's face, there is such a huge power of ice.

Yang Yiyun couldn't help but gasp.

What's wrong with Qiu'er?

It felt like she didn't mean it, but it was her instinctive reaction.

"Qiu'er, please don't be a gentleman..." Wu Moxia saw Yang Yiyun's hands being frozen, and immediately shouted to her sister anxiously.

However, Yang Yiyun waved his hand to indicate that it was okay.

Because he felt that Qiuer's move was not intentional, but instinctive.

Maybe she didn't even control it herself.

The Holy Mother of Xuanyin is based on the ultimate Xuanyin between heaven and earth.

If Qiu'er was her reincarnation, she would have gained the power of Xuanyin by practicing here, and she would have incomparable Xuanyin energy in her body. This scene would be understandable.

It's just that he feels a little sad that Qiu'er will become like this. In the past, Qiu'er was a good girl in front of him, very kind and well-behaved.

But now Qiu'er...

He felt a coldness emanating from inside and out.

Not only is her strength breath cold, but the temperament emanating from her soul is like an iceberg.

Now she has truly transformed into an iceberg beauty.

She is still so stunning.

It's just that compared with before, Qiu'er's temperament is not only cold but also mature now that she is less innocent and well-behaved. When looking at her, Yang Yiyun feels a little depressed.

Is this also the price of her evolution?

Indeed, the aura emitted by Qiu'er at this moment made him feel a little more powerful than he seemed to be.

Yang Yiyun looked at Qiu'er and took a deep breath and said: "Qiu'er, I..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted, but Qiu'er finally said: "I know, sister said you are my husband, but I don't remember you, but I feel a little familiar."

These were the first words she said when she looked at him.

Yang Yiyun finally felt a little better after hearing this, but she was also even more sad. She had indeed forgotten herself. If it weren't for Wu Moxia and Qiao Fu's indoctrination, she might have rejected him, right?

Yang Yiyun was thinking, but he took a step forward, slowly opened his arms, hugged her, and said at the same time: "Can I take you home?"

He hugged Qiu'er in his arms. Although he had already prepared that Qiu'er would be invaded by the cold power, when he actually hugged Qiu'er, he still felt Qiu'er's whole body trembled. Suddenly, the coldness hit his arms and his whole body began to tremble. freeze……

However, Yang Yiyun didn't care. Although it was biting, it still couldn't reach him. He just wanted to hug her and couldn't think about what sins she had suffered here to achieve her current level of cultivation.

Everything has a price, Yang Yiyun felt sorry for her.

When he felt that his whole body was about to be frozen and lost his intuition, the next moment he felt a flash of light from Qiu'er's body. Suddenly, Yang Yiyun felt that all the freezing cold air had dissipated, including the ice on his body began to dissipate.

But he knew that Qiu'er had taken it back and helped him dispel the cold air.

She looked at Qiu'er in her arms with joy in her heart.

At this moment, she looked expressionless and looked at him. Their eyes met. Qiuer's eyes were sparkling with tears, but she shed tears. She said, "I feel uncomfortable in my heart. I don't know why. I don't want you to be hurt. My head hurts so much...ah~"



A powerful force burst out from Qiu'er's body, but it shook Yang Yiyun away.

She squatted on the ground holding her head, seemingly in pain.

Yang Yiyun said anxiously: "Qiu'er, what's wrong with you..."

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