In a blink of an eye.

The six days have passed.

Closed Door Training, a Lingfeng in the Bulao Mountain.

Luo Ning'er, who looked left and right while holding the wordless heavenly book, finally couldn't help but let out a long, depressed sigh.

"Well, I still have no eyebrows at all. I definitely can't see the mystery in this wordless heavenly book."

"Ahhhhh! So annoying!"

Can't sit still.

Luo Ning'er had given up.

Relying on her alone, she must be unable to find the mystery in this wordless heavenly book.

"I can only see if the senior sisters have made any progress."

If you can't realize it, you can take a shortcut.

What if someone else realizes it?

Luo Ning'er immediately walked out of the Closed Door Training, and wanted to go to the other senior sisters one by one to ask for advice, to see if anyone had realized the true meaning of the wordless heavenly book.


After visiting the five senior sisters, she got the same answer.

All can't do anything!

too difficult.

The wordless book contains mysterious, but I don't know where to start.

no way.

Luo Ning'er had to go back home, trying to use this last day's time to struggle again.

However, halfway, she saw that there were many foreign cultivators gathered on the dojo in Bu Laoshan.

A few days ago, when Li Wuxian made the movement of the Bulaoshan cliff, it attracted countless lights.

Some cultivators who wanted to apprentice Li Wuxian once again exploded with enthusiasm.

I can't wait to squeeze through the gate of Bu Laoshan, I must meet Li Wuxian.

Among them are the daughters of Tianjiao who are famous.

Moreover, almost all those who dare to stay here are extremely confident of their own looks and talents.

After all, speculate with common sense.

People with ordinary qualifications are definitely not favored by Li Wuxian, let alone apprenticeships.

But this time.

These people gathered on the dojo, obviously not waiting for Li Wuxian to appear.

But there is a voice telling a story ahead.

Luo Ning'er got closer, only to see the Emperor Crow standing in front of the matter, telling the so-called amazing story.

"That was a lot, many, many thousands of years ago. I ascended to the God Realm together with Dage, which directly caused a shock in the Fifth Stage sky. Why? You must think that it is because Dage and I are too strong to cause the shock. of."

"But this is not the case. In fact, Dage's face value is too high, which caused the tsunami-like shaking of the mountains. At that time, Nine Heavens ten places, countless stunning Fairy came, just to see Dage's prosperous appearance. There was even an immortal king who wanted to talk to Dage~々."

"Oh, it's really a reminiscence of the past, so you women must not think that you are beautiful, you must have a chance to succeed in apprenticeship, because I Dage has seen too many stunning Fairy, you and Compared with those Fairy, there is still a big gap."

The crow emperor's words were unequivocal, as if they had actually happened.

It is difficult for ordinary people to be suspicious.

After all, the Crow Emperor is the bird brought back by Li Wuxian.

And when it comes to things in the God Realm, it's a top-notch, as if knowing everything, knowing everything.

This makes people feel that what he said is true.

"Then dare to ask Crow Sovereign, what should I do to apprentice Li senior?"

Holy Maiden of Sacred Land asked curiously.

"The emperor has said that this matter is very difficult, and it can't be said clearly in one or two sentences."

The Crow Emperor is just bored, just find someone to brag about.

He didn't want to combine these at first.

It was these cultivators who insisted on him, insisting on telling him some secrets of Li Wuxian.

Only then did the Crow Emperor take advantage of the trend, blowing so much that he still put gold on his face.


The matter of apprenticeship can't be said casually.

In case he made any suggestions or promises to take these people seriously, maybe Li Wuxian would ask him.

Then he can't bear the responsibility.

"Crow Sovereign senior, can you tell me more about Li senior's previous affairs in the God Realm."

Someone asked curiously.

"En" The Crow Emperor groaned, "Let's talk about the battle between me and Dage when I first became the Immortal King, and the veteran powerhouse, the Feathered Immortal King."

A group of people suddenly raised their ears, ready to listen carefully.

But when she saw Luo Ning'er suddenly came out.

"The Crow Sovereign, you are talking nonsense again."

The Crow Emperor was speechless.

Luo Ning'er can't afford to offend him.

After closing the mouth of the emperor, Luo Ning'er said solemnly.

"My Master used to fight until Nine Heavens was trembling, and you were not there at all. You don't have to put gold on your face."

The emperor was taken aback.

its not right.

Although I'm making up, your tone doesn't seem to be fundamentally different from me just now!

But Luo Ning'er is really not talking nonsense.

She has seen countless amazing scenes of Li Wuxian appearing in the Fei Xian Waterfall and fighting.

Naturally, I believe in this.

When other people saw Luo Ning'er appear on the stage, they didn't care about the problem of the Crow King forcibly adding himself to the story, but they all immediately focused on the point that Li Wuxian once fought to Nine Heavens and shuddered.

"Ning'er Fairy, I don't know what exactly is the battle you just mentioned?"

Someone asked curiously.

Luo Ning'er looked around at everyone.

In the red-colored eye pupils, a touch of undiscernable pleasure passed by.

Well, it doesn't seem to make much sense to hide those stories.

Anyway, when the picture appeared in the Fei Xian Waterfall that day, there were other people present.

It's no secret for a long time.

In that case

"Then I will tell you, you must not spread it out."

When Luo Ning'er spoke, it was the taste of unreported secrets.

A group of people nodded immediately.

"Ning'er, Fairy, don't worry, we are tight-lipped people, and we will never tell them!"

"` ˇ Even if the Holy Lord pinches my neck and asks, I won’t say it!"

"Ning'er Fairy, just believe in us, we are willing to swear!"

Luo Ning'er nodded and started the lecture.

"Actually, I don't know how many earth-shattering battles my Master has experienced, but I have seen many scenes with my own eyes."

"In the picture, my Master alone fights millions of immortals. When the Star falls, the sun and the moon are broken and everything is flying ashes. My Master alone suppresses the millions of immortals and breaks all of them into the void, and then crosses the Galaxy Cluster in one step. Flee away."

"In the screen, there are ten days at the same time. Ten Golden Crows are in chaos. No one is invincible. Behind them is the support of the monster clan, so no one dared to fight. But after my Master appeared, I lifted it up. With my hand, I clicked on the nine suns and killed the nine Golden Crows, which made the monster race frightened!"

Luo Ning'er talked about vividly, immersively.

Don't talk about the following women.

Even the Crow King was stunned.

He has more knowledge than the average person, and even the fairy king has faced each other head-on.

But even the fairy king, it seems that there is no way to do the things Luo Ning'er talked about.

"I'm afraid this isn't something that the fairy of Nine Cycles Heavenly Tribulation can do."

(Qian Li's) Crow King sighed in his heart.

To be honest, he doesn't quite believe it.

I think Luo Ning'er is bragging just like him.

But after Luo Ning'er told a few stories, he added something quite literally.

"You may think I'm talking nonsense, then you are very wrong."

"My Senior Sister Su still keeps that section of the Feixian Waterfall. If the time is right, maybe I can see the ‘past picture’ that my Master left there again. That’s the best proof!"

The Crow Emperor was shocked.

A group of women who looked like Celestial Immortals were also shocked.

There is even evidence to save.

Could it be that they also have a chance to see it soon?

"Ning'er Fairy, I wonder if this Fei Xian waterfall can be taken out for a look?"

Luo Ning'er shook his head.

"This is not so good. After all, it is my Senior Sister Su who is keeping it. If you really want to see it, please ask my Senior Sister Su after leaving the customs."

"Ning'er Fairy, I wonder if I can ask, how can I get Li senior's advice?"

Luo Ning'er answered without thinking about it.

"What's so difficult about this!"

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