My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1157: Wu Ming Marries a Wife

The Wu Family, the first family recognized by the God Realm, because this is the family created by the No. 1 Martial God on the God Emperor's List. With such a giant sitting here, no one can shake the position of the Wu Family.

Due to the recent period when foreign races invaded the God Realm in an all-round way, the territories of the Great God Emperors have all been attacked. The Abyss Realm is coming violently this time, and the Great God Emperors have been scorched.

In order not to arouse the vigilance of the alien ruler, the Wu family apparently invited all the forces to the scene with a big wedding banquet. This time the married person is the grandson of the Valkyrie, and he married a certain female lord of the kingdom of God.


As soon as Lu Chen arrived in an unfamiliar city, he heard the news for the first time, because all the people in the city were discussing this matter.

"Wu Ming" Lu Chen said to himself.

Lu Chen still had an impression in his heart. When he first met Xi Men Yu in the world of time, one of the three people with Xi Men Yu was Wu Ming.

Wu Ming is more talented than them among several people, and belongs to the leader.

Wu Ming's marriage partner was the Lord of the Kingdom of Bauhinia, named Zi Yun. Unfortunately, the continent at the feet of Lu Chen was the territory of the Kingdom of Bauhinia.

The people of the Kingdom of Bauhinia did not dissatisfied with the Lord marrying Wuming, but silently blessed him, because Wuming was worthy of the noble and elegant Lord of Ziyun regardless of his family background or his own talent.

A group of soldiers hurriedly came to the advertisement board on the street, posted an announcement, and then hurried to the next place.

When the soldiers left, the surrounding people immediately surrounded him.

A long paragraph was written on the bulletin board, which probably meant that the martial arts family's reception team was about to arrive, and the country lord Zi Yun chose a god-level guard to **** him. After successfully arriving at the martial arts family, each person bestowed one hundred thousand square crystals.

The Bauhinia Kingdom is a female-dominated kingdom. In terms of gender, female gods are inherently inferior to male gods, such as recruiting powerful men and governing the country.

Why, because it is difficult for male practitioners to obey women.

Of course, there are some exceptions, such as the moon god, the goddess of death.

These two are not only **** emperors, but also the ruling forces are exceptionally strong.

Of course, the Ziyun Kingdom Lord is not as good as the former. There are only three **** king-level powerhouses under him, which is a bit embarrassing.

Therefore, the Lord of Ziyun wanted to recruit some wild kings who were not affiliated with the royal family to follow the team and head to the martial house.

Lu Chen had a panoramic view of the news on the bulletin board. After thinking about it, he still couldn't face Shendi Xi now, so he didn't plan to go to the Kingdom of Death.

Lu Chen decided to test Shendi Xi's attitude first.

For example, first make a name in the God Realm. After Shendi Xi gets the news, will he come to chase him? If he doesn't come to chase him, it means that the hatred in his heart is weaker than before, and then he can go to the Death God. The country's temptation attitude.

Lu Chen didn't know that when he arrived at Moon God Mountain, Shen Di Xi already knew that he had come to the God Realm.

When Wu Ming got married, Ximen Yu, Mingzi, and Xie Wukong would all go, and Lu Chen decided to meet them.

Lu Chen strode up, tore off the notice in everyone's surprised eyes, then turned around and headed to the palace, and soon came to the gate of the palace.

A guard poked his head out, and Lu Chen raised the notice in his hand.

The guard above immediately understood the meaning and quickly said with a smile: "Dear Sir, please come in."

With that, a gate of formation was opened.

Lu Chen pointed his toes and entered the palace. The guard quickly said, "Your Excellency, please wait a moment. I have already notified the chief."

Lu Chen's expression was flat and nodded. After a while, the power of the gods descended, and a heroic woman in a military uniform stepped out into the air. A pair of eyes fell on Lu Chen, and he felt the power of nothing. , It's a **** king level, yes, he looked at Lu Chen and said, "Please come with me to the side hall."

Lu Chen followed the other party and came to a palace.

The woman in military uniform stood at the door, looked at Lu Chen and said, "Because the Wu family's team hasn't come yet, we still have to wait a few days."

Lu Chen asked, "When will the Wu family team come?"

The woman in the military uniform squashed her eyebrows and said, "I don't know, it's about a month."

"Okay, wait a minute," Lu Chen said casually.

"You take a break, I'm going to greet others" the woman in military uniform said, and left.

Lu Chen came to the palace, and within a few days of waiting, he welcomed the second wild **** king, a prince who was holding a folding fan. When he saw Lu Chen's eyes lit up, he stretched out his hand and said with a smile on his face. : "Hello dear man, my name is Xia Liu, make a friend."

Hearing this familiar tone, Lu Chen was in a daze, thinking of Geng Zimo, this guy has an ‘elegant account’ for making good friends.

Lu Chen returned to his senses, with a weird look in his eyes: "You are nasty."

The latter gave a dry cough, and said unnaturally: "Under the summer, the water is flowing, my dear friend, you want to be crooked."

The corner of Lu Chen's mouth twitched, but he still replied, "Lu Chen."

"Hello, Brother Lu Chen" Xia Liu walked up to Lu Chen quite familiarly, and said mysteriously, "Brother Lu also went to the party to make friends."

"What does it mean to make friends?" Lu Chen looked puzzled.

Xia Liu said with a smile, "Brother Lu, don't pretend, everyone is the same. As the **** king, who cares about the 100,000 square crystals, everyone is going to the guests."

Under Xia Liu's explanation, Lu Chen finally understood the reason.

It turned out that this time Wu Ming and Zi Yun were married. Because of the position of the Wu family, ordinary gods couldn’t even get invitations. They followed Zi Yun’s team. As an entourage, they had guest seats. of.

If you make some patrons at the banquet, that is, the level of the **** emperor, it is far beyond the 100,000 square **** crystals.

Moreover, they followed the country's lord, which is equivalent to the country's lord owing them a favor, which can be repaid by the country's lord in the future.

Lu Chen was speechless, so he nodded and said, "Forget it."

This time he went to the Wu family not to make friends, but to meet friends.

In the next few days, ten or so **** kings came one after another. These **** kings greeted each other, and those who had hatred against each other were cold-eyed.

These wild **** kings all came from the territory of the Bauhinia Kingdom, or opened a sect, or they were alone, and they knew each other naturally.

About ten more days later, a horrible wave suddenly appeared in the sky. Everyone looked up thoughtfully, and saw two warships that were thousands of feet long appearing on the sky, and the ship was covered with happy words. , Hanging red lanterns, a beaming scene.

This is the arrival of the martial arts team.

The two warships landed in the palace, and a large group of people came to watch them.

At this time, more than ten people came down from the boat, headed by a purple robe old man, with a strong breath, white hair and white eyebrows on his chest, which was quite immortal.

Lu Chen's gaze fell on the purple-robed old man, the other party's Dao Yun was very vigorous, and he felt an extremely powerful pressure.

The cultivation base of the purple-robed old man may have reached the peak of the **** emperor, which is more than several times stronger than Mo Yunsheng's cultivation base. Even if he is now promoted to the emperor, he still feels pressure from the latter.

A graceful shadow appeared. This was a beautiful woman wearing a red robe and a phoenix crown with rosy clouds. She was weak and boneless, with slender legs and a piece of tulle on the perfect jade face. Her beautiful face was looming.

There were three women in military uniforms standing beside him. One of them was the same person who greeted Lu Chen.

"The little woman has seen the elder Wubang" a clear voice like a oriole was transmitted from under the veil, giving people a weak feeling. When speaking, she was half bent over to show respect.

Although Zi Yun is the lord of a kingdom of gods, this time she is married to the first family of the gods, and her identity is nothing in front of the martial arts family.


Wu Bang nodded slightly, but his face was not overly happy.

In fact, in the view of the Wu family, this wedding is not right. Zi Yun is not worthy of Wu Ming. However, the young master of his own family recognizes Zi Yun. Other women look down on Zi Yun, and Wu Shen has no choice but to take him. Wu Ming left.

Fortunately, Zi Yun is a **** emperor, not too embarrassing.

"Move things down and let me go," Wu Bang said, as if he didn't want to stay here for a moment.

When things vacated, everyone set foot on the battleship and set off without delay.

Everyone was assigned to a warship, and the other warship was taken away by Wubang.

The warship started, flew at high speed, and headed to the Wu family.

Lu Chen looked at the warship and felt a vigorous power fluctuation, and the speed of flight was very fast, faster than his full speed flight. This is a magic weapon for the flying of the emperor, and the Wu family is worthy of a big family. Both are the flying magic weapons of two divine emperor weapons.

Although it was a divine emperor weapon, it would take at least two months to get to the Wu family.

Everyone is going to find a room and rest for two months.

"Stop" at this moment, a cold snort sounded.

Inside the Wu family entourage, a young man of medium stature glanced sharply at Lu Chen and his group, and said: "The room doesn't have your share, just stay on the deck."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone's complexion changed slightly.

This is the discrimination of Chiguoguo.

The faces of Xia Liu and other **** kings flushed and were very ugly, but they were not easy to attack. The Wu family was a behemoth and they couldn't afford it.

The face under the veil of Zi Yun was also a bit ugly. After all, Lu Chen and the others were her recruits, but now they are embarrassed by the Wu family.

Zi Yun couldn't help but look at Elder Wu Bang, but the latter didn't seem to touch her eyes, carrying her hands on her back, and went straight away.

Next to Zi Yun, the three **** kings who followed her spoke to each other.

"What kind of school is this Wu Family? It's too much."

"The eldest sister is their future young mistress anyhow, so she doesn't give face."

"The eldest sister married because she liked Young Master Wuming, not because she was angry. I really think that elder sister loves vanity."

The three goddesses Wang Chuanyin, mingling with each other are not poor.

With the warning from the Martial King God, Xia Liu and the others dared not move and stood still. However, Lu Chen didn't bother to heed the other's warning and went straight to the battleship's room.

"Stop, the warship room of the Wu family, not all cats and dogs can enter."

"I told you to stop, didn't you hear me."

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