My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1170: Chasing the air?


Located in the northwestern part of the God Realm, a tens of thousands of miles long connects the two worlds.

The geographical location of Tianyuan was completely occupied by foreign races. On both sides were built round forts after a thousand miles in diameter. The inside of the fortress was equivalent to a small city, with countless foreign races hoarded inside.

Once the war begins and the horn is sounded, the alien races in the fort can be assembled in preparation.

Eight thousand miles away from Tianyuan, on a beautiful mountain peak, there are more than 100 people standing neatly.

The first few are the top figures of the God Realm generation, such as Ximen Yu, Mingzi, Wu Ming and others.

As for the practitioners standing behind them, the invincible **** king carefully selected by the **** emperors, cooperated with Lu Chen and the others to attack the altar.

In addition to a few familiar people, Jian Wuxin, Bing Yi and He Ying, who had only met Lu Chen only once at the big wedding banquet, also came.

I don’t know if the ‘Great Righteous Extermination’ of the God of War spurred other **** emperors to follow suit, ‘heartbroken’ sent direct descendants and descendants into the abyssal realm, honoured to sharpen them.

At this moment, a group of people stood quietly, and Wu Ming pointed to the front and said, "Brother Lu, there is Tianyuan. Later, we will be able to reach the abyss realm directly from the lower realm of the sky."

Ximen Yu touched his chin, and his face was a little excited: "This is the first time we have entered the abyssal realm, and I hope it's not the last time."

"Close your crow's mouth"

"Damn, no one will treat you as dumb if you don't speak"

Mingzi and Xie Wukong scolded one after another, Ximen Yu had a poisonous mouth before leaving.

Lu Chen straightened his waist and stood with his hands behind him, looking at the distant Tianyuan. The endless dark abyss seemed to have a prehistoric beast dormant, filled with a frightening breath.

The group did not act immediately, waiting for the signal quietly.


I don’t know how long it took. There was a gust of weather erupting in the sky above thousands of miles. There appeared a brilliant sword, with divine light lingering, about several thousand feet long, and a sharp aura of destruction permeated from the sword. , Seems to be able to split the world.

A middle-aged man in a green shirt appeared under the divine sword, with a terrifying sword wind blowing all over his body. His eyes were sharp, he landed on the fortresses below, and reached out his hand.

In the sky, that divine sword burst into dazzling brilliance, rushing straight into the sky, like a sword breaking through the sky, carrying the supreme aura of destruction, slashing down towards the fortress.

"Er Dare"

Inside the fortress below, there was a roar full of thunder, and a huge palm came out and collided with the divine sword.


Tianyu exploded, and there was a loud noise that smashed the eardrums, and the waves of destruction swept around, and a strong wave spread over and swept through the bodies of the people.

Everyone groaned suddenly, a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of their mouth, and a trace of abnormal paleness appeared on their faces.

Even if it is as strong as Lu Chen, the blood in his body will roll like a sea wave.

This is the collision of the power of the Xeon Divine Emperor, even if they are separated by eight thousand miles, the spreading fluctuations still hurt them.


On the sky, another monstrous **** emperor breath erupted.

The death power is boiling, like a black cloud, the waves are raging.

Above the sea of ​​darkness, stood a petite and exquisite woman, dancing in a white dress, her delicate and pretty face was full of solemnity, and there was a hint of heroism between her eyebrows. She raised her white jade palm, and slowly pressed it down. The tumbling death force covered it downward.

From a distance, it was like a sea of ​​death falling from the sky, suffocating people's hearts.

Below, the eyes of countless aliens were full of fear, and they naturally knew who the shot was.

A super huge monster phantom appeared, opened its blood basin and sucked hard, swallowing all the death power into its abdomen.

"Several figures rose into the air, with lizard heads, their huge eyes were full of anger, and there were dominance-level fluctuations in their bodies.

Tianyuan connects the two realms, and its geographical location is important. The Abyss Realm sends a large number of strong men to guard this place. There are several rulers equivalent to the **** emperor level, and they are afraid that the **** emperor will attack here.

If this place is breached and re-occupied by practitioners of the God Realm, and they want to regain it, or send troops from the Abyss Realm, it will become very difficult.

There is absolutely nothing to lose here.

"Just the two of you, dare to come presumptuously." On the side of the abyss, five alien masters appeared at the same time, their eyes were extremely indifferent.

"What if we are added" a faint word sounded, and there were three more people in the world, the **** of war, the **** of war, and the **** of fire, standing in three directions.

Although the body of the Valkyrie is short, the aura is indeed the strongest among the five people on the scene, as if being integrated with the whole world, standing there, exuding a sense of supreme oppression.

The five rulers looked at the Valkyrie with solemn eyes. It is undeniable that the Valkyrie is very powerful. They have dominated the war several times in history, because they underestimated the Valkyrie, they were killed by the ruler of a hand.

After suffering a huge loss, every time you face the **** of war, you have to use two **** emperors to pin each other, one is at least to dominate the pinnacle, and the other is to dominate as long as it is the leader.

The masters of the abyss also have a headache for the Valkyrie.

The second one that pays more attention to is the goddess of death. The death path controlled by the other party is very powerful, and when entering the body, even the vitality of the master class can be deprived.

Now, all the two dojos that caused their headaches, for a time, the faces of the five masters wrote two dignified characters.

The strong from both sides confronted each other in the air. After a while, a foreign race dominating the pinnacle narrowed his eyes and shot two dangerous rays of light: "Hehe, it seems that you are here prepared this time, but you are not worried at all. Has his own lair been attacked."

To be honest, the five masters are not afraid to go to war with the Valkyrie, because the gods have infiltrated other masters, and basically every **** emperor’s territory has a master lurking. This is to prevent the gods from gathering fire and attacking Tianyuan. The number of restraints.

Once Tianyuan is besieged by the **** emperor, they will notify the lurking master to attack the base camp of these **** emperors.

The relatives and friends of these gods are their weakness.

"Haha, don't be nervous, everyone, no matter how you say we are old friends" Vulcan smiled like a peacemaker, and said with a smile: "This time I came here not to start a war, but to chat."

"Well, Mr. Wu, take a few pieces of enlightenment tea leaves out to make tea, everyone sits down for a cup of tea and chats, isn't it beautiful?"

However, the strong on both sides looked at Vulcan with the same eyes as a fool, and didn't pay attention to him.


On the beautiful mountain peak, Lu Chen and the others saw that the **** emperor had attracted the attention of the alien ruler. Apart from anything else, they decisively sacrificed the Void Castle and whispered: "Go."

A group of people flew into the void castle, a faint void wave on the surface, disappeared into the space out of thin air, and quickly flew in the direction of Tianyuan.

When the Void Castle flew to Tianyuan, the five masters raised their brows slightly, and it was obvious that they felt abnormal fluctuations.

The five masters immediately realized what was going on, and one of them sneered: "Everyone has spent a lot of time here to attract our attention. The purpose is to send a few bugs into the abyss realm. If you want to send someone in, with us Just say a word, why make the battle so big."

The opener is the closest existence among the five masters. Although a little weaker than the Martial God, the Martial God cannot completely kill the opponent.

After all, if you want to be in an absolute crushing situation, or even kill the enemy, you need a huge gap.

Otherwise, even if the weaker party can't beat them, they can escape calmly.

When Wushen and the others saw that they had sensed the fluctuations, their faces were not particularly surprised. If they wanted to completely avoid the gods of the sovereign level, only Ximen Qing could do it in the entire gods.

They came here not to cover Lu Chen and the others, but to prevent the five masters from pursuing them.

As long as they successfully enter the abyss realm, they will have completed their mission.

"You old guys, have you already known the lost altar?" A master sneered.

Practitioners who can cultivate as masters are not fools. In order to send some people in, the **** emperors did not hesitate to come here to attract attention and contain them, so painstakingly.

It was definitely not sending people into the abyss realm power, it was probably to destroy the lost altar.

The Altar of Lost Way is an altar in the creation realm arranged by the master, which can influence the will of the realm. Of course, it has been in operation for tens of millions of years before gradually achieving results.

How strong the will of a world is, it cannot be affected by the world overnight.

The other masters also guessed it, but they didn't panic at all, and there was a slight irony on the corners of their mouths. They knew that the people of the gods could only send the **** king to do it, and they did not dare to send the **** king.

Because the divine emperor's rank would be sensed by the will of the abyss realm and passed on to the owner, but relying on the divine king to destroy the lost altar, it was simply a dream.

Although the lost altar is not guarded by the master, it is guarded by the gods. Even if a group of gods find the lost altar, they will not be able to approach it.

"Go hunting for those who dive into the abyss" Although the masters knew in their hearts that this group of **** kings could not destroy the lost altar, there was still an order from a master to send a foreign race to hunt down.

Following the order of the master, a foreign **** emperor led hundreds of **** kings, flew out of a certain fortress, and quickly pursued them.


Lu Chen and the others concealed in the Void Castle, quickly descending, and marching towards the abyssal realm. After a short while, they noticed the aura from far to near behind them, one of which was extremely powerful, exuding terrible fluctuations of God Emperor level.

However, everyone did not take it seriously. Void Castle is very concealed. The master can sense subtle fluctuations and follow the fluctuations, but they can’t do it as a **** emperor. This group of people can chase down, and in the end they can only Return without success.

Although the alien **** emperor who came after him could not sense the breath of the intruder, this was an order from the master, and even if he could not sense the breath, he had to behave as if he had discovered it.

The alien **** emperor looked excited, and while flying at high speed, he roared: "I have sensed their breath, right ahead."

Without knowing it, the people in the Void Castle were far behind them.

Lu Chen watched as a group of aliens surpassed them, and flew away, his mouth twitched. Are these aliens chasing the air?

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