My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1176: transaction

"The bow in your hand, shoot an arrow at me." Just when Lu Chen didn't know what to do, a sudden word came out of Heisha's mouth.

Lu Chen heard Heisha's words and saw that the other party's face was calm, and he didn't immediately put him to death at all. He was taken aback for a moment. Could it be that things could turn for the better?

Also, what does Heisha mean? Shoot an arrow at him with a time bow.

Is it possible that Heisha is an SM-type personality with a tendency to be abused.

However, as soon as this idea came up in his mind, Lu Chen immediately rejected it.

It suddenly occurred to him that the magic weapon of the creation realm was lent to him by the old servant of the time realm master, and it belonged to the time realm master.

Moreover, none of the items given to him were ordinary magic weapons in the realm of creation. Maybe the previous master was of Dao ancestor level. The Abyss Realm is not far from the Source Realm. It is very close to the Mountain Sea Realm, at least regardless of the God Realm or the Abyss Realm. Know the source world, as well as the supreme Taoist ancestor, the master class powerhouse.

There is a possibility that Heisha recognized the origin of the Years Bow, or had seen the previous owner, so he made such a strange request.

Thinking of this, the smog in Lu Chen's heart swept away, a light flashed in his eyes, and he shot an arrow at him as Heisha told him.

Hei Sha raised his palm and easily blocked Lu Chen's full blow. Hei Sha closed his eyes, carefully sensing the remaining power of the arrow, and muttered to himself: "Time Dao, a very strong Time Dao breath."

After a little while, Heisha opened his eyes, his gaze fell on Suiyuebong's body, his eyes burst with dazzling light, which pierced people's eyes.

Hei Sha looked at it for a while, and immediately recognized that this bow and arrow had been used by the time world master.

When the time master was only in the creation realm, he entered his hometown world, holding a magic weapon that was the **** bow in the hands of young people.

This bow belongs to the pinnacle secret treasure, and it is very rare. Its power is far superior to other ordinary creation realm magic weapons. Even if the Dao Ancestor uses the Years Bow, it can also increase a certain amount of attack power.

At the time, the master of the time world held the bow of the year and shot an arrow. It was dark and time seemed to stop. No one could avoid it.

To avoid this unavoidable attack, at least a powerful presence in the Dao Ancestor can do it. As for the general realm of creation, it is impossible to avoid it, and it is directly immobile by the time path.

Seeing this bow in the hands of the young man, Hei Sha had a thought in his heart that the young man in front of him should be the heir of the Lord of Time.

At the same time, he understood why the other party wanted to dissolve Zhou Yanghui.

Zhou Yanghui was the disciple of the Destiny City Lord, and the young man in front of him was the disciple of the Time Master. The two world masters were at odds with each other, and the fact that Destiny City Master defeated the Time Master was widely circulated in many circles. This is no secret.

The discrepancy of being a master, how can each apprentice play happily together.


After Lu Chen shot one piece at the black sand, he saw the latter standing still thinking, as if thinking about something important.

Lu Chen didn't bother him, and waited quietly.

It seems that there is a turning point, so he may be able to turn the crisis into peace.

After a little while, Hei Sha recovered, his eyes fell on him, and he said lightly: "So you are the disciple of the Time Realm Master. No wonder there are so many Peak Secret Treasure Guardians, and the Time Realm Master treats you so kindly."

Heisha finished a paragraph calmly, but it was not difficult to hear that there was a hint of envy in the words.

Yes, just envy.

This is the advantage of the realm master’s apprentice, to go out to experience, have the pinnacle of secret treasures in one hand, and he is a practitioner who is about to make the realm to perfection, because he does not have a powerful master, he can't even get a magic weapon that matches his realm. .

If Dao Ancestor Pang Yun invaded the home world, they had four pinnacle artifacts, it would be impossible for Dao Ancestor Pang Yun to be swallowed.

When Lu Chen heard Heisha's words, he was taken aback for a moment. The other party actually regarded him as the disciple of the Time Realm Master?

Could it be that the time bow was a magic weapon when the time master did not become the master, it was very possible.

Seeing that Heisha had misunderstood, Lu Chen was not stupid enough to deny it, and En Huan confessed.

Seeing Lu Chen's admission, Hei Sha didn't have any doubts in his heart.

There is no doubt as to where this young man picked it up, because there is no doubt about it. The time world master is still alive, and it is impossible to throw the pinnacle artifacts casually. In addition, it is impossible for a world master to grab another world master. Walk things.

It can only be explained that the Years Bow was given to the youth by the Lord of Time.

"Since you are the disciple of the realm master, how about we come to make a deal" Hei Sha looked at Lu Chen and said.

Lu Chen asked, "What deal?"

Heisha said: "I will let you make a living, and you also want to save me?"

"Save you" Lu Chen looked blank.

Heisha smiled bitterly and said: "You wouldn't think that you are an orthodox human practitioner, but you have been changed your bloodline and turned into a lizard head. No matter where you go, you will be looked at like a monkey. It feels so cool."

In fact, Heisha and Lu Chen are the same, they are humans, but because the world was invaded by Pang Yun Daozu, they did not keep it, and because of his so-so ability, he was forcibly controlled by Pang Yun Daozu with his blood and blood, and sold his life for him. , Attack other life worlds.

Hei Sha not only didn't want to sell his life for Pang Yun Dao Ancestor, but hated Pang Yun Dao Ancestor.

Because his relatives, friends, and the world that he swore to protect with his life were all destroyed in the hands of Pang Yun Daozu.

Hei Sha also thought of resisting, but Pang Yun Daozu's realm made him desperate. It was a height he could not reach in his life, and he still did not dare to resist Pang Yun Daozu's orders. The blood left behind tortured.

Hei Sha also knew that to escape the control of Pang Yun Dao Ancestor, he needed to find a Dao Ancestor who was at least the same level as Pang Yun Dao Ancestor.

There are very few such Dao ancestors in the Origin Realm, and in his current realm, he has no qualifications to connect and touch.

And even if you were lucky enough to see other Dao ancestors, those high-ranking Dao ancestors would not offend an enemy of the same level for his late stage of creation.

Hei Sha and Zhou Yanghui have been in contact. The other party is the disciple of Destiny City Lord. Although this is also a realm master, Zhou Yanghui is only a named disciple of the Realm Master. I haven't seen it.

He Heisha would not ask Zhou Yanghui, because Zhou Yanghui was not qualified to ask for a master.

But the apprentice of the ‘world master’ in front of him is obviously valued by the ‘world master’, otherwise he would not be given the four pinnacle artifacts.

If the other party can invite the Master of Time, he will definitely be able to escape from the sea of ​​suffering.

When Lu Chen heard Hei Sha's words, he finally understood why the other party didn't kill him. In fact, when he was in the God Realm, he had heard of the origin of a foreign race.

These alien races are equivalent to the puppets of Pang Yun Dao Ancestor, those small practitioners, Pang Yun Dao Ancestor can assimilate a lot with a single thought.

Higher levels, such as Heisha, need to be controlled by blood.

Hei Sha mistakenly thought that he was the disciple of the Time Realm Master, and could help him, so he changed his mind and didn't want to kill him.

Lu Chen gave a wry smile and said, "My master likes to travel around the world, now I don't know where it is."

Lu Chen didn't answer the responding party immediately, nor did he refuse, because immediately agreeing to make the other party feel suspicious, and refusal would make the other party angry, so he chose an ambiguous answer.

Hei Sha heard Lu Chen's words, nodded slightly, and said, "I didn't immediately ask your master to help. As long as you swear by the great way and are willing to help me out of the sea of ​​suffering, I will let you go."

Lu Chen asked curiously: "You are controlled by Pang Yun Dao Ancestor's blood, how can I help you?"

Hei Sha said: "There are two ways. One is that the world leader threatens Daozu Pang Yun and let him take the initiative to release the control of his essence and blood. Second, Daozu Pang Yun is dead."

Lu Chen: "....."

Lu Chen was speechless, no wonder the other party bluntly said that he needed the help of the realm master. After all, Dao Ancestor Pang Yun was the closest existence to the realm master, and apart from the realm master, it was rare in the world to be a rival.

Such existence naturally requires the master of the world to make him compromise.

Lu Chen said, "I am willing to swear by the great way, but I have one condition."

Heisha asked, "What are the conditions?"

Lu Chen said: "I came to the Abyss Realm this time to destroy an altar. It is said that the altar arranged by Taoist Pang Yun caused the will of the God Realm to fall into a deep sleep."

Heisha showed a strange color and said, "That's how it is."

In fact, he had long received a voice from other masters saying that a group of people had entered the God Realm and wanted to destroy the altar.

"From the perspective of the human race, I don't want Dao Ancestor Pang Yun to swallow the God Realm. Every world has all living beings. All living things depend on the world to live, but I am controlled by Dao Ancestor Pang Yun. There is nothing I can do. I can only hope that you will stick to it. The longer the better."

Lu Chen said, "So, you are willing to help me."

Heisha nodded and said, "We count as a deal at most, and we are mutually beneficial and help each other."

Lu Chen immediately swears by Dadao, if he breaks his promise and forgets to save Heisha, he will never have a chance with the realm of the realm for the rest of his life.

Don’t underestimate the vows issued by practitioners. There is cause and effect in the dark. If you commit something, you must do it. If you violate it, you may have a heart demon in your heart, which will hinder all practitioners. The more you violate the promise. More, the stronger the heart demon, and the more serious will be backlashed by the heart demon.

Don't make jokes about swearing.

Therefore, Heisha breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Lu Chen swear.

Lu Chen initiated the Great Dao Oath without any burden, because Hei Sha did not say to rescue him within the specified time. There is no time limit. Maybe he won't have to find the Time Master in the future, and he can get Hei Sha out of the sea of ​​suffering.

Heisha said: "The transaction between you and me must not be circulated, otherwise I will be implicated by you."

Take the creation realm controlled by Pang Yun Daozu, most of them are because of the pursuit of strength, or request Pang Yun Daozu’s help, willing to be enslaved, and some have completely followed Pang Yun Daozu, similar to Heisha. There are very few who are passively controlled in the realm of creation.

Lu Chen is also lucky. If he encounters a black sand that is unwilling to be controlled by Pang Yun Dao ancestor, if he encounters a realm of creation that is willing to follow Pang Yun Dao ancestor.

When the other party saw the four Pinnacle Secret Treasures, he probably didn't ask the reason, so he killed people and sold them.

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