My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 227: Two Lu Chen

Yan returned never expected that the other party had this kind of treasure. To a certain extent, the sacrificial armor was more precious than the sacrificial weapon, because the armor could save life, and the weapon could only increase its power.

Basically, the descendants of every top-ranked master’s saint child have sacrificial artifacts, but there are very few sacrificial artifacts.

Yan Huilai frowned, always feeling something was wrong.

If the opponent used this sacred armor last time, why should he be chased like a bereaved dog.

Lu Chen wore a black gold battle suit, flowing soft black light, and the fullness of the transcendent realm bloomed, his blood was surging, his eyes were bright, and he stared at Yan's return.

There is no doubt that this is a holy child.

Lu Chen took the initiative to attack, the black gold suit blocked the black mist, pinched his fist, Chao Yan returned and killed him.

"and many more"

Yan Guilai felt Lu Chen's breath and yelled quickly.

Because he remembered that last time this person's breath was Yuan Shen Realm Consummation, and the person in front of him was only Transcendent Realm Consummation, and there must be something wrong with it.

Lu Chen stopped without Yan's return, and cast the sky fire fist, his fist was as hot as fire, and then released a ray of spiritual fire, melted into the fist, and strengthened the power of the fist mark.

Yan Guilai felt a scorching fist, his heart was throbbing, and he couldn't believe that this young man who had achieved perfection in the extraordinary realm would actually make him feel dangerous.

Yan returned unreservedly, releasing all his breath, his palm trembling, and strands of black air flow condensed before colliding with Lu Chen's fist.


When the two collided, the flames on Lu Chen's fist exploded, corroding the black air current, and at the same time, the terrifying force that burst out directly shook Yan back several steps.

Yan Guilai squatted backwards, and at the same time he snorted, his arms trembled slightly, and at the same time he felt a burning sensation in his palm.

Yan Guilai's eyes were shocked. How could this person's power be so powerful, he actually fell into a disadvantage.

Lu Chen stepped forward, the ground cracked, and his energy was violent. Chao Yan returned and killed him, his fist was shining, and the blue light resembled a flash of lightning. It was so fast that he bombarded Yan's return.

Lightning fist, Feng Lei Pavilion secret technique.

Spiritual power evolves into lightning, strong and overbearing, and will produce a sense of paralysis. If you are promoted to the holy realm and understand the power of the rules, you will control the real lightning power and push your opponents horizontally.


Lu Chen's punch was almost to its extreme, Yan Guilai couldn't get out of it, and he was hit in the chest.

He only heard a click, Yan Hui came back with broken bones in his chest, spouting blood, and his face turned pale.

The return of Yan was terrified. He was really scared. From head to toe, this person was much stronger than the impostor last time and completely crushed him. Of course, it is undeniable that he had previously fought with another holy child. A lot of physical strength.

But Yan Guilai felt that even if he was at the peak of his energy, he might not be the opponent of this transcendent realm.

Yan returned with a roar, sealed his hands, and used the Black Dragon Palace secret technique, only to see a black mist rising from his body, the black mist boiled, condensing black sword energy.

Every sword qi was very terrifying. When it cut through the space, the sound of the avenue was heard, as if it had split the space, the sword qi swarmed and enveloped Lu Chen.

Lu Chen struck out with both fists, a layer of thunder evolved on the surface of his fist, bombarding the sword energy, and the sword energy was crushed under his fist marks.

Some other sword energy fell on the body, and was directly dissolved by the soft black light erupting from the black gold suit, as if it did not exist.

Yan Guilai slammed the whip of Seven Tribulations, sending out a black pike, mixed with an aura of incomparable horror, and rolled towards Lu Chen.

Lu Chen stretched out his hand, wanting to be tough, but frowned, finally retracted his hand and his body burst back.

When it exploded, Yinyue appeared in his hands.

Lu Chen waved Yinyue, the sword roar quivered, and a silver-white sword aura rippled, spreading out like ripples, colliding with the black training.

This black match was extremely terrifying, and shattered the silver-white sword energy with a decaying attitude.

Yinyue danced gracefully in Lu Chen's hands. He was using a powerful sword technique, the Nine Epee Sword Technique.

The Nine Epee Sword Art, the person who uses the sword accumulates his strength, according to the evolution of the sword skill, can continuously use the nine sword qi ripples according to the different levels of the understanding of the sword tactic, and each is more horrible. Under the collision of the fifth sword qi, it finally disappeared.

And the sixth sword aura, releasing a terrifying chill, Chao Yan returned and flew over,


When Yan Guilai was avoiding, his arm was swept by the invisible sword air ripples, and one arm was stained with blood and separated from the body.

Yan returned with a scream, enduring the severe pain, and took out a pill to stop the bleeding.

Lu Chen appeared in front of Yan Guilai like a ghost and kicked his chest.

There was a bang.

Yan Huihui flew upside down and hit a huge boulder. With a wow, he spouted a mouthful of blood again, and his face instantly turned pale.

The two played against each other in just a few breaths, and ended in defeat in Yan Hui.

The onlookers were shocked, and Lu Chen picked a holy child in a short time.

"Damn, let people not live anymore," Chen Hong, a holy son who practiced ancient sacred religion, cursed secretly.

He and Yan Guilai fought for life and died, and did not have a victory or defeat, but Lu Chen defeated Yan Guilai in a short time and almost beheaded.

The gap between him and Lu Chen,

"How can Jian Chen's strength become so much stronger"

Ancient Cang Holy Land Saint Luo Yuan, Tang Qianyu, Jiang Caiyan cursed secretly.

Lu Chen's combat power had undergone a qualitative transformation, and they felt that they could not beat Lu Chen in their heyday.

It will even be crushed like Yan Return.

Moreover, Lu Chen was a realm lower than them.

Is there any reason?

Why is God so eccentric, toward this public enemy of the blue domain.

In an era where the public enemy of Qingyu is destined to become a supporting role, they are also the saint children of a big power, so they are reduced to a foil, even if they are unhappy, angry, and helpless.

Ouyang squinted his eyes madly, this is a rival.

Ming Shang's eyes were deep, as calm as ever.

"Stop, I'm the same as your enemy" Yan Guilai said palely.

When Yan Guilai saw Lu Chen coming, he was very frightened, afraid that he would be killed by Lu Chen.

The remaining disciples of the Black Dragon Palace didn't dare to make any more moves. Even the Young Palace Master was not his opponent. They rushed up, only one more corpse.

"Someone pretends to be you and is an enemy of my Black Dragon Palace. I just fought with you. Your breath is very different from the person who pretended to be you." Yan Guilai gave a dry cough, blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth, explaining the reason.

"Someone pretends to be me, and you can find such an idiot reason" Lu Chen smiled coldly.

"Help, help"

As soon as Lu Chen's voice fell, a panicked voice came from a distance.

This sound immediately attracted the attention of everyone present, and they all looked up at the source of the sound.

I saw'Lu Chen' fleeing in panic, coming towards them, and behind'Lu Chen', a young man with red hair followed. The young man with red hair was holding a spear and was chasing and killing Lu Chen. .

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