My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 862: spendthrift

A light breeze blew across the space, and a young man in a golden robe walked in and looked at the two with weird eyes.

"It's no wonder why Brother Sword came to Huoxing Palace and didn't come out. It turned out to be with you." Jin Yang looked at Huo Xijun and said, "Although Brother Sword is a genius in Sword Emperor Palace, his mind is pure and he has just entered the world. I lied to him to come to you."

Huo Xiyun: "..."

Lu Chen: "......"

Huo Xiyun has a wave of flames on her body just about to move, her pretty eyes staring at Jin Yang with an unkind expression: "If you want to get a punch, I don't mind making you perfect."

"Haha, just kidding" Jin Yang felt the aura on Huo Xiyun's body, haha.

Huo Xijun entered the Supreme Decade earlier than him, and is now the cultivation base of the late Supreme. He is only in the early Supreme Supreme, not even the mid-term Supreme. If he fights alone, he is not Huo Xijun's opponent.

"I have something to do with me," Huo Xiyun cast a glance at Jin Yang and said lightly.

"Something is good," Jin Yang said quickly: "My people found a hidden place of a supreme mid-term red golden bear. The news is true. After the kill, it can be exchanged for 1,500 combat merits in the Roudi Palace. I eat it alone. If I don’t let down, I will come to you to work together."

The Heavenly Maiden of the Supreme Heavenly Emperor and the Great Dream of the Mountain and Sea Realm formulated a rule, that is, the rule of combat merit.

Killing the sky demon can accumulate battle merits, and the battle function obtained can be exchanged for the secret treasures of the exercises in the East Emperor Tower. This battle achievement mode can inspire the enthusiasm of the warriors of the nine days and the mountains and seas to deal with the sky demon.

"Extreme Grade Red Golden Bear" Huo Xiyun pursed her red lips, and said, "Yes, just the two of us."

"The two of us are enough," Jin Yang said.

"That's all right, let's go" Huo Xiyun said.

Lu Chen stood up at the right time and said, "I'll go take a look too."

Jin Yang glanced at Lu Chen and said, "Brother Jian, you should stay in the Five Elements Sect first. If you are dealing with a Saint King-level Sky Demon, I can take you to watch the battle, but this time I can deal with it. It is a supreme-level sky demon, even I may be in danger, and I may not be able to take care of you then."

The supreme-level sky demon didn't hide much in nine days, but each one was very ferocious.

Bringing Lu Chen is obviously not a wise choice.

Lu Chen said, "You don't care about me then, I can protect myself."

"Hey, Brother Sword, you have entered the Holy King." Jin Yang was a little surprised to find that Lu Chen had entered the Holy King realm.

Lu Chen came to the Five Elements Sect for less than ten years. At that time, the holy monarch was consummated. According to the urinary nature of the sword repair in the sword emperor palace, it would basically take decades or hundreds of years to follow the rules of kendo to become the holy king. The rules of kendo become the holy king.

Thinking of this, Jin Yang was slightly surprised.

"Yeah" Lu Chen nodded calmly.

"It's leaving..." Jin Yang opened his mouth.

Lu Chen said calmly: "I don't have the ambition of Senior Banquet, I am walking with flames."


Jin Yang breathed a sigh of relief. He thought that Lu Chen was taking the rules of kendo into the holy king. Now he heard that it was a flame, he was immediately relieved.

This is normal.

If Lu Chen came to the Five Elements Sect for ten years and succeeded in becoming the Holy King by following the rules of kendo, it would be much evil.

And he also believed that Yanxiong's pure-minded juniors would not lie to him.

"Okay, Brother Jian, you just stay with us, and then you can stay away." Jin Yang was also embarrassed to refuse Lu Chen's request and agreed.

Lu Chen replied, "No problem."

"set off"

Jin Yang said, soaring into the air, it turned into a golden rainbow and shot out. Two flames and rainbow followed closely behind him. After a while, he walked out of the sect. Jin Yang made a move and sacrificed a blue ship. The warship, which is ten feet long, is full of cyan brilliance.

"Hey, you have changed the flying magic weapon." Huo Xiyun looked at the strange flying magic weapon and asked.

I still remember that Jinyang's flying magic weapon was a dilapidated little wooden ship, now turned into a blue warship, which surprised Huo Xiyun.

Moreover, the level of this blue warship is not low, belonging to the kind of high-grade sacrificial artifact.

Jinyang proudly showed off: "Well, does this flying magic weapon look very smashing?"

"How much did it take?" Huo Xiyun asked coldly.

Jinyang was a little embarrassed suddenly, and whispered: "Eight thousand."

Huo Xiyun immediately reprimanded coldly: "Eight thousand battle exploits, you are a prodigal son, what is wrong with the exchange of 8,000 battle exploits, exchange for a flying magic weapon, watch Uncle Jin Zhen come back without interrupting your dog legs, breaking your legs. After that, you can always travel as a warship."

Jin Yang was full of embarrassment. Huo Xijun was older than him. Her old man and his own old man were brothers, and Huo Xijun was also his sister.

Originally, he wanted to show off his new flying magic weapon in front of Huo Xijun, but what he had wanted in exchange for it was a scolding.

Jinyang weakly said: "My father is on vacation in twenty years. Don't tell him about this when that happens."

Huo Xiyun sneered, "What do you think."

Jinyang wailed immediately, and when his father came back from the holiday, he would be beaten up.

In this way, the three of them took the newly exchanged flying warship of Jinyang to their destination.

At the same time, behind them, following a battleship, on the battleship stood several demon with a strong physique, the green monster light in the eyes flickered, the body was full of monsters, and they stared coldly at the front. Cyan streamer.

"Jian San killed Gong Feng, his talent is no less than Yan Zixuan, he must die." One of the dragons and the sky demon stood out, with a black bow of ten feet long in his hand.

There is no arrow on the black bow and arrow. It is directly drawn to the full bow state. The black longbow buzzes and vibrates. The black light soars, and there are wind and thunderstorms around. On the bowstring, there is a dark arrow. This arrow Yagami, there was a strong energy fluctuation permeating out, and this breath made people tremble.

The dragon man and the sky demon bowed his hand loosely.


A black arrow shot out from the black bow, and the supreme energy vibrated, like a black lightning piercing the sky, the speed is extremely fast.

At the same time, the three people on the cyan warship suddenly became uneasy, and an extremely dangerous aura spread.

Soon, the three of them found a black arrow shot through the air behind them, carrying monstrous and terrifying power.


Jin Yang roared instantly, the golden light all over his body was shining, forming a golden mask, covering the big blue ship.

Huo Xiyun also shot, and a flame enveloped the ship.

Lu Chen’s heart beats violently. This sense of crisis is very strong for him, and it can threaten his life.

The black arrow was faster than the cyan warship, and directly hit the cyan warship, only to see that the defenses of Jin Yang and Huo Xijun were instantly destroyed.


The cyan warship exploded directly, disintegrating in the air, bursting into a fire.

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