My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 875: Forced?

Lu Chen is not just talking, but really putting it into action. A group of three are on the way to the Lion Clan.

On the deck, Jin Yang looked at Lu Chen and said, "Brother Jian, we are really going to the Lion Clan."

Jin Yang originally thought it was a joke. How can I know that Jian Sanlai is true? Even if he is a disciple of the Sword Emperor Palace, but he has just killed the two core disciples of the Lion Clan. Lion race, I'm afraid they can't even enter the mountain gate.

Lu Chen looked into the distance and said calmly, "Naturally, he is going to the Lion Clan."

"What are we going to do with the Lion Clan?" Jin Yang asked suspiciously again.

Lu Chen said: "Of course they are to give orders to notify all the monster races to find out all the sky monsters hidden in the sky beast forest. Not only that, they will hunt them all and send them to us obediently."

After Jinyang listened, he was straightforward.

Jian San's thinking is too simple, how could they order the Lion Clan, besides, why should the Lion Clan listen to their orders.

If the Mountain Sea Realm Monster Race and the Human Race are united, their Human Race will not find it as difficult as it is now.

Huo Xijun frowned and asked, "Why do you think the Lion Race can listen to you? Don't forget that you killed two Lion Race disciples just now."

Lu Chen replied with a confident tone: "They won't stop listening."

"By the way, Brother Sword, the lion clan youth used the Lion Roar technique on you earlier, and you are okay. Could it be that the rules of the kendo you followed became the holy king?" Jin Yang thought of the previous scene and changed the subject and asked.

"Guess" Lu Chen said with a smile, and gave an ambiguous answer.


Jin Yang didn't guess, but the hypothetical probability in his mind had reached 99%.

In the early days of the Swordsman Sage King, the strength of the Lion Clan youth was strong enough to kill the peak of the Sage King, and the horrible sonic power of the Lion Roar did not change the color, most of which followed the rules of the sword.

Following the rules of kendo to become the holy king is recognized as the most difficult rule in the mountain and sea world. Since the establishment of the Sword Emperor Palace, fewer than 100 people have succeeded in following this rule.

Even the evildoer like Yan Zixuan did not succeed.

The sword three in front of him must have succeeded.

When Jin Yang thought of coming out of the Five Elements Sect, the latter gave him an answer to follow the flame rules to become the Holy King, and the corners of his mouth twitched. Yan Zixuan, the junior, was innocent.

There was no word all the way, half a month later, the three came to the territory of the Lion Race.

The area where the Lion race lives is very hot, and there are dense flame particles floating between the sky and the earth. In front of them, there are stretches of flame mountains, steaming heat from the ground.

The lion’s territory was built here.

When the three of them came to the gate of the mountain, hundreds of mighty lions stood around the sacred mountain, with demon spirits, staring coldly at the three black warships.

The Lion Clan already knew that the two Tianjiao sent out were beheaded, and the murderer was the disciple of the Sword Emperor Palace.

Although they don't understand why Tianjiao in the clan was still beheaded under a few small gaps, they were full of hatred for the murderer, and their eyes were fierce.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho"

A series of low roars came from the throats of the lions, neatly and unanimously, the roars shook the sky, the mountains shook the ground, like a thousand horses, with great momentum.


The black warship was swept by sound waves and shook violently, like a flat boat in the sea, as if it would be triggered by violent storms at any time.

"Why, I know this commander is coming, I welcome you in advance." Lu Chen looked at the huge lions standing on the mountain. There was no lack of supreme realm among them. Not only was he not angry, but he thought that the other party welcomed him.

These words not only made the Lion Clan speechless, but also made Jin Yang and Huo Xijun beside him speechless.

This is for you to demonstrate.

You killed two people from the family. Not only did they not get angry, they also welcomed you.

Really when the forehead was caught by the door.

"Fuck, the Lion Clan does not welcome you," a cold voice was spit out from the mouth of a certain Lion Clan, and a pair of pupils was filled with a strong vicious atmosphere.

"It's your business whether you welcome me or not. I'm here to tell you to do something," Lu Chen said, looking at the lions.

"You lion clan ordered all the monster clan to kill all the hidden sky monsters in the sky beast forest, and send the sky monster's head in front of me. I won't do anything to you. You obediently obey the orders, so everyone is happy," Lu Chen said .

However, when the voice fell, he looked at Lu Chen with mocking eyes.

Order them lion clan to find the demon, who gave him the courage.

Is this Sword Emperor Palace disciple an idiot?

"Junior of the Sword Emperor Palace, go away. If you don't go away, I will tear you." A majestic old man suddenly appeared among the lions, his pupils with sharp rays of light pierced Lu Chen fiercely and said The words also carry endless coldness.

His body exudes Tianzun level fluctuations.

"Hahaha, what a big tone" Lu Chen looked at the latter with the same sharp eyes, and said contemptuously: "I'm standing here, if you are brave enough, come out and tear me out."


A terrifying aura bloomed from the old man, and terrifying demon power was tumbling around him, and the surrounding lions roared in anger, roaring into pieces.

"Do you really think I didn't dare to kill you?" The Lion Clan's Tianzun narrowed his eyes and shot out a dangerous light. Now he really has the intention of doing it.

"If you want to destroy the clan, just come." Lu Chen smiled indifferently. These words made the pupils of the Lion Clan's Tianzun slightly shrink.

The Lion Clan Tianzun looked at Lu Chen for a long time, and said: "It is impossible for the Lion Clan to listen to your instructions."

"Then don't blame me for breaking through," Lu Chen slowly said.


The Lion Clan Tianzun seemed to have heard the funniest joke in the world, and then waved.


The ground trembled suddenly, as if it caused an earthquake, and a huge light curtain gushed out of the ground up to the sky, isolating the black warship that Lu Chen had just started.

Take a closer look, this is a huge and incomparably bright flame light curtain, which instantly turns into a flame barrier.

On the flame barrier, countless spiritual lines flow away, and the hot flame aura fluctuates, giving people a feeling of solidity and immortality.

The lion clan lives in the beast forest, but they are also afraid of the extremely powerful sky demon attacking, so their habitat is naturally guarded by the formation enchantment, and now, the enchantment is opened.

In this way, there is no way for the other party to break in.

"Don't pay attention to him" Tianzun of the Lion Clan said, preparing to leave.

The lion clan formation defense is very powerful, able to withstand the attacks of the emperor.

The Lion Clan Tianzun was afraid to stay, so he couldn't help but tore up Lu Chen. In order to let the other party retreat, he opened the barrier.

Lu Chen stared at the flame barrier, and there were strong fluctuations of flame aura from above the barrier, and it was estimated that the average emperor would not be able to blast away.

Lu Chen chuckled: "The defensive formation is good, aren't you afraid of being broken?"

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