My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 878: Enter the Demon Emperor's Palace

The Qi Ling threatened, turned into a big palm, and flew into Lu Chen's hands.

This kind of trivial matter can be handed over to a certain kid, and with this kid's various weird tricks, it is guaranteed that the Lions will be tidy up.

"Go, join the Lion Clan" Lu Chen turned his head, looked at Jin Yang and Huo Xijun and said.

During this time, he was ready to live in the Lion Clan.

The two were stunned, and still followed Lu Chen's footsteps.

They had never thought that they could step into the flame lion clan's territory with a swagger.

The demon of the Lion clan saw the three people stepping into the site, and they were very angry, but now they can only endure it, and they can't figure out the origin of each other.

Also, why the Void Castle is in his hands.

The other Lion clan members have all dispersed, and only one Tianzun is following Lu Chen. This is not a kindness to be a tour guide for someone, but a fear of someone coming to the clan.

Just kidding, even the emperor-level formation said it was smashed. If you don't stare at it, you will have more excessive behaviors if you don't respect it.

Lu Chen strolled through the Flame Mountain and saw many buildings. He soon came to a magnificent palace and said, "I have lived here during this time."

Lu Chen discovered that the palace on the sacred mountain was the most magnificent, and it was vaguely filled with a terrifying pressure.

This is Diwei.

Lu Chen's eyes flashed. Could it be that the Lion Clan has an emperor living in it.

Beside, the Lion Clan Tianzun who followed righteously refused: "No, this is the demon emperor's palace, you can't step into it."

Just kidding, this is the imperial palace, the residence of the demon emperor, and the concubines of the demon emperor also live here. Without the demon emperor's order, they would not even dare to step in, let alone an alien human being.

"It turned out to be the demon emperor's bedroom." Lu Chen's eyes lit up and he said a little excitedly: "So, there is a group of lionesses inside."


The lion clan Tianzun vomits blood, what a female lion, it is so ugly, they are transformed demons, but they still gritted their teeth and said: "The demon emperor's concubine lives in it. You can't go in."

"If the monster emperor is guilty, you will only ask for trouble."

In the tone of the Lion Clan Tianzun, there was a faint threat.

The demon emperor is a lion emperor with a noble status. The demon emperor’s concubines live in it. Now if an outsider wants to step inside, he will lose the demon emperor’s face when he spreads out.

"Isn't he a great emperor? Does he dare to kill me?" Lu Chen said nonchalantly, and paused: "If you say that, I'm going to go in even more. By the way, let's see if the demon emperor's concubine looks beautiful. ."

As he said, he rushed inside. At the door, two transformed lion guards stood there. Seeing Lu Chen approaching, he immediately held a spear with a fierce spirit in his eyes, and shouted, "Those who dare to approach, kill without mercy."

After speaking, a supreme-level coercion bloomed.

Jin Yang and Huo Xijun are speechless, this is the bedroom of the demon emperor, you go in and get rid of it.

Several Tianzun who had disappeared before also appeared, staring at Lu Chen coldly, with killing intent in his eyes.

The atmosphere in the field suddenly became suffocating.

"Why, you guys want to do it." Lu Chen looked at them lazily, then raised his palms high, and the Void Castle appeared in his palms.

Seeing Lu Chen took out the Void Castle, the faces of several lion clan gods were as black as the bottom of a pot.

"Let him in" at this moment, a majestic female voice suddenly heard.

I don't know when there will be an extraordinary woman at the gate. She looks like she is in her early thirties, with a mature and charming appearance, long skirt and floor, and she exudes an air of grace and luxury.

The breath of the stunning woman is unfathomable, stronger than the few Heavenly Lords beside Lu Chen.

Then, at least they are all a great god.

"Meet the Queen"

The Lion Clan Tianzun and the guards present respectfully saluted Cheng Zhizi.


Lu Chen's eyes flashed, the demon emperor's harem lord, the other party's temperament was indeed noble and dignified, and there was a hint of majesty.

"It's a distinguished guest from afar, do you treat the guests like this?" The queen said with a soft voice, blaming several Tianzuns.

She had also seen the previous scene, and the young man in front of her had a strange background and could not provoke him for the time being.

"If the news is passed to the demon emperor, let the demon emperor report to the emperor of heaven, it is said that the disciples of the sword emperor palace are deceiving others."

This matter must be notified to the Demon Emperor, the disciple of the Sword Emperor Palace.

"Look at how reasonable and understanding your queen is, and then look at you." Lu Chen looked at the queen, then looked at the Tianzun beside him, and said: "This is the way to treat guests. You are hospitality. The way?"

When the Lion Clan Tianzun heard this, his face was very dark.

"Since you want to live here, then live," the queen said slowly while looking at Lu Chen with extremely beautiful eyes.

"Since the queen has repeatedly invited, then I'm not welcome," Lu Chen said pretentiously, and then walked in swaggeringly.

As soon as he said this, not only the people present were speechless, but even the queen was speechless.

She was just a polite remark, the other party thought she was inviting him? A cold expression flashed deep in the queen's eyes.

Lu Chen walked in, and Jin Yang and Huo Xijun also walked in.

The demon emperor’s bedroom was very large, with a huge back garden. When they entered here, they found a group of curious eyes, and the owner of the eyes was a woman in colorful clothes. The temperament was very different and each had its own merits. These were all demons. The emperor's concubine.

As the emperor of the Lion clan, the demon emperor was of course many concubines. There were forty or fifty people present.

Moreover, the evil spirit on his body is also different.

The queen beside him is from the Lion clan, but the women around him are other demons.

In addition to demons, there are also human women.

Lu Chen opened his mouth and said, "The Demon Emperor is pretty romantic, there are so many women."

However, no one echoed his words.

Suddenly, a four or five-year-old kid rushed over and said viciously to Lu Chen: "Human, you have a human breath in you, I will eat you."

He ran in front of Lu Chen, opened his mouth, and bit on his thigh.

Lu Chen grabbed the latter's collar and said, "Boy, who taught you, you are young and you have to eat people."

"The demon eats people, it is only natural that you humans are our food" The little boy struggling in Lu Chen's hands, the light flashed and turned into a little lion: "Let me go, my father is the demon emperor."


Among the crowd, a woman saw Lu Chen grabbing her child with an eager look on her face.

Demon eats people, it is justified!

A cold color flashed in Lu Chen's eyes, but he naturally wouldn't care about a little demon who was in the realm of kings.

"How good is your father being a Demon Emperor?" Lu Chen asked with a smile.

The little lion showed a fierce look and grinned: "Of course it's amazing. I advise you to let me go quickly, otherwise I will let my father kill you."

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