My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 885: Wretched breath

"The strength is too weak, you can't hurt me a bit" a strange **** armor appeared around the young man, with a pervasive pattern, blocking thousands of fires, a pair of eyes fixedly looking at the latter, and said casually.

After the youth finished speaking, a fire snake flew out of his body, the size of chopsticks, like a small loach swimming in the sea of ​​fire, swallowing the flames in the stove.

The face of the shot Supreme Pinnacle changed slightly, and the regular fire of his body burst out, trying to burn the little fire snake, but found that the same regular flame, the opponent seems to be more advanced than him, and can't stop it at all.

Soon, the flame in the stove was swallowed up by the snake, and the volume became a fire dragon of tens of feet.

"How is it possible, why did his fire rules completely suppress me?" The face of the supreme shot master changed drastically, and he couldn't believe the scene before him.

"This young man has a profound understanding of the rules of flame, and completely suppressed the veteran supreme."

The people around him also saw this scene. The same rules of practice collided together. In this situation, it would be crushed, because the strength of good at was restrained, and the combat power would be sharply reduced.


The tens of feet long fire dragon twisted its body, opened its mouth at the stove, and exhaled a torrent of flames.

There was a booming sound, and the stove shattered instantly.

However, the torrent of flames was not over yet, and went straight to the warrior of the supreme peak. The latter was enveloped by the torrent of flames, and his body flew upside down. When he flew out, his whole body was on fire, and the flames on his body were slapped frantically. .

This scene makes people speechless, and those who practice the rules of flames are restrained by the flames.

At this moment, everyone looked at the youth with slightly different eyes, full of dread.

Suddenly, a power of supreme horror came, and a monstrous handprint came down from the sky and grabbed it straight to the youth.

"Tian Zun"

Feeling this deep-rooted power, the people around were secretly awe-inspiring, and a Tianzun made a move.

In the air, the young man who had always been indifferent, finally changed, showing a little dignity, and then, when the Tianzun's big handprint fell, his figure disappeared in place out of thin air, without a trace.

"Could it be the rules of the void"

"The young man just now mastered the rules of void"

When people around saw this scene, they were extremely surprised.

Lu Chen's pupils contracted slightly, he sensed the rules of the void, and it was deeper than he understood. What's even stranger is that the moment the opponent left, there was a special wave of monster energy. The fluctuation was very small. Most people didn't notice it.

"Sky demon?" Lu Chen's eyes flashed a strange color, thoughtfully.

He suspected that the young man just now was a sky demon, and that the sky demon clan was good at the rules of void, and only the void rat.

An extremely strong aura filled the space, suffocating everyone, that was a gray-haired old man.

The old man looked at the empty space with a gloomy face, closed his eyes slightly, and his spiritual thoughts spread wildly, but he did not find the breath of a young man.

The breath of the other party seemed to have disappeared without a trace.

Tianzun didn't even catch the opponent, and let him slip away.

Without any hesitation, Lu Chen teleported away from the two of them. The invisible void particles wrapped Lu Chen's body and then disappeared out of thin air.

At the same time, Lu Chen appeared in the world of void particles, surrounded by dense void particles.

Lu Chen saw the young man who had disappeared before. He was walking slowly, and said coldly, "Stupid humans, just because you want to catch me."

Lu Chen's heart sank when he heard this, because his guess had come true.

The sky demon in front of him was mostly a void rat.

Lu Chen somewhat understood that the opponent's combat power was suddenly strong and weak, and he was obviously only at the quasi-extreme state, but could defeat the supreme peak.

The reason is that the sky demon of the sky demon realm has just arrived and is not tolerated by the will of the mountain and sea realm. The realm has been suppressed a lot, and it has reached the quasi-supreme.

After the sky demons came and became familiar with the rules of the mountain and sea realm, the will of the mountain and sea realm was not so conflicted, and the normal cultivation level would be restored.

Although the realm of this sky demon was suppressed to the quasi-superior, it was able to deal with the supreme peak. Tianzun came out and fled immediately, indicating that his ultimate combat power was the supreme peak or consummation.

Lu Chen couldn't be the opponent of Supreme Peak, and he couldn't make up for it with his methods. The realm was too different.

So it seems that there is only one way.


The supreme peak cultivation base was so keenly aware that he instantly sensed the existence of Lu Chen, the young man suddenly turned his head, and a pair of eagle-like eyes fixed on Lu Chen.

"Hey, there is a human who understands the rules of the void." The young man saw Lu Chen with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Because there are too few people who can understand this rule.

"Hi, brother, how are you?" Lu Chen waved to the other party and greeted him enthusiastically.

After speaking, he walked towards the other side.

"Stop" the youth looked cold, and let out a cold snort, "You are not as good as me, do you want to fight with me."

The young man thought that Lu Chen was here for trouble.

"of course not"

Lu Chen shook his head and said, "I just saw your comment on Ke Yirou, brother, and the heroes see the same thing, as if they have met a life confidant."

"What do you mean?" The youth's expression eased a lot.

Lu Chen explained: "Just now you said that you are a pretty lady, a gentleman is so funny, but it hits my inner resonance, why don't we find a place to sit and talk about this big beauty Ke Yirou."

A surprised look appeared on the youth's face: "Ke Yirou is the strongest person in your world at any rate. You are close to the existence of a world god. You dare to offend her."

Lu Chen said amusedly, "Is there anything I dare not offend."

With that said, continue to approach the youth.

The youth's eyes showed a vigilant look again, and he shouted: "Don't come over."

Lu Chen spread his hands and said with an innocent look: "My realm is much lower than yours. You can defeat even the Supreme. Are you afraid of me, a little holy king?"

The young man said in a cold voice: "The young man has experienced too many things and has a keen sense of consciousness. I always feel that your breath is very wretched and want to attack me."

"How is it possible?" Lu Chen smiled, showing a harmless expression.

"You just don't come here anyway," the young man said before turning around and leaving.

Looking at the young man's back, Lu Chen also stepped out, the sword intent flowing all over his body, turning into a cage of swords, enveloped the young man's body.

The young man sensed the danger behind him, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth. His figure turned and overlapped, his speed increased several times, and he easily escaped Lu Chen's ultimate move.

Then, the young man turned his head back and said, "Your body and soul, there is an insignificant breath inside and out. It's best to stay away from me."

After speaking, he turned around again, the infinite void particles covered his figure, and the space was distorted.

Lu Chen rushed over and found that there were all void particles around him, and the young man's body had disappeared.

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