My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 887: Divine Phoenix Empress

The people around had seen what happened here, so they didn't dare to ask more, and quietly beat soy sauce.

Anyone who lives in the Five Elements Heaven does not know Li Mei or the Li family.

Because the Li family is in charge of Roudi Palace affairs, no one can offend the Li family.

Seeing that Jin Yang was afraid to speak, Li Mei glanced at Huo Xiyun contemptuously, then turned to look at Lu Chen, and said in an unquestionable tone: "Give me the ring."

Lu Chen seemed to see what the other party would do too much, and he didn't get angry, and obediently followed suit.

Li Mei took a look, and a strange color flashed in her eyes. She didn't seem to expect that the two had hunted so many sky demons this time. He looked up at the female personnel responsible for redeeming the war exploits and said, "Give them 10,000 war exploits."

"Yes, Miss Li" the female officer who exchanged military exploits at the window responded slightly, then looked at Lu Chen and said, "Sir, bring the military exploits jade talisman."

"Li Mei, there are thirteen supreme-level sky monsters and 87 holy king-level sky monsters in Na Jie. You will be dismissed with 10,000 combat exploits." Jin Yang squeezed his fists and asked with a green face: "Really Thinking that the Li Family is in charge of Roudi Palace matters, it would be lawless."

Jin Yang couldn't wait to beat Li Mei, dare to deduct their military exploits in this way.

At this time, Huo Xijun finally spoke and said, "Li Mei, it's better to keep a thread in everything."

"Threat me" Li Mei narrowed her eyes to the tips of needles, shooting out a dangerous breath, and said: "My Li family controls the Roudi Palace, and we are responsible for everything. If you are not satisfied, you can not exchange it."

Seeing that the two were not talking, Li Mei embraced her hands and sneered triumphantly at the corner of her mouth: "If you are not satisfied, you can also exchange it on other days."

When Jin Yang heard this, he almost lost his breath. If he went to another day, it would take at least half a year to just sit on the teleportation formation. Where would they have so much time to toss.

"Hurry up and redeem the exploits for me, so hello, me, everyone," Lu Chen said blankly.

After watching the play for so long, Lord Lu finally got angry, and there was a sign of a storm coming in his calm tone.

"Give him ten thousand" Li Mei sneered when she heard the words.

Lu Chen looked at Li Mei after hearing the words, and said indifferently: "As much as you need, you are sure to mess around."

Li Mei came into contact with Lu Chen's eyes, and for some reason, she suddenly felt flustered in her heart and took two steps back unconsciously.

But after retreating, an angry look appeared on his face.

She is now a genuine quasi-supreme, and she was frightened by a young man who only had the early stage of the Saint King, which made her feel very embarrassed and angry.

"Give him five thousand battle exploits" Li Mei roared in anger.

"Are you sure?" Lu Chen sighed quietly.

"Yes, yes, Miss Li," the female officer who exchanged military exploits saw that Miss Li was angry and said hurriedly.

I felt a little sympathy for Lu Chen, desperately hunting the sky demon outside, but being detained for offending Miss Li, it was really an unwise choice.

Lu Chen saw this scene with a cold expression in his eyes, and said coldly: "The Roudi Palace belongs to the Heavenly Lady of the Big Dream, or the Li Family. Are you doing things for the Lady of the Big Dream, or do you work for the Li Family again."

Lu Chen's eyes pierced the female personnel like sharp swords, making them sweat profusely.

"For, for the big dream goddess" the latter stammered.

"We worked so hard to hunt and kill the sky demon outside, and then we will be detained here, who gives you the rights" Lu Chen asked the latter angrily.

"Presumptuous, who gave you the right to yell here" Li Mei saw Lu Chen dare to make trouble here, and said openly, "Come here, catch this troublemaker."


Lu Chen slapped the latter's face without mercy.

Lu Chen's slap, but with all his strength, Li Mei is just an ordinary quasi-supreme, how could he bear the slap like Lu Chen's force.

Li Mei flew out, throwing a distance of tens of meters, and one could imagine how powerful Lu Chen's slap was.

The empty space suddenly became quiet, only the crisp applause still echoed.

Everyone was stunned. No one thought that Lu Chen would do something and slap Li Mei.

"This slap, directly slapped into my heart" Jin Yang said secretly, calling out Dashuang in his heart. He had wanted to slap Li Mei a long time ago, but he didn't dare. After all, Li Mei's family controlled the affairs of Roudi Palace. .


"Bold Fanatic"

After the atmosphere was silent for three seconds, everyone finally reacted. Then, the few family princes who had previously talked with Li Mei immediately burst out from the holy king to the quasi-sovereign aura, covering Lu Chen. .

Secretly, there was even the Supreme, who was the guard of the Li family.

Originally the Li family guard didn't care at all, because who dared to make trouble in the Roudi Palace, but now some people slap Li Mei in public.

"Kill him for me"

A stern roar resembling a ghost sounded from a distance.

I saw Li Mei got up from the ground, covered her face, disheveled her head, her eyes were spiteful, staring at Lu Chen ferociously.

"I didn't expect that the little Five Elements Heaven would have such moths." Lu Chen looked around satirically in front of a group of mountainous coercion, as if he hadn't felt it. Then, his eyes fell on Li Mei's. On his body, he said blankly: "Congratulations, you successfully angered me."

"It's time to clean up the worms in the Roudi Palace." As Lu Chen spit out the last words, an extra token appeared when his wrist turned.

With the appearance of the token, the presence aura stagnated, and a monstrous and terrifying aura filled the entire space. The supreme and Tianzun-level figures inside, all trembled under this aura, and the primordial spirit felt like it was about to collapse.

Li Mei had already prepared to give an order to catch this madman who dared to hurt her slap, and then cut it all over, but as the token appeared, the words got stuck in her throat.

The gold medal was filled with monstrous golden light, which turned into a golden divine phoenix. The divine phoenix was burning with an extremely gorgeous flame. Then, a beautiful phantom of a woman appeared, exuding noble meaning, and the divine phoenix surrounded her. Surrounded by her beautiful figure.

As for the boundless breath exuding, it made them faintly knelt down and worshipped.

"God, Divine Phoenix Empress"

In the hall, everyone stared intently at the beautiful figure entrusted by the Divine Phoenix, with dry mouths, how they didn't know the figure's owner, the fairy Yao Xi, the supreme female emperor in the legend.

"I have seen the Divine Phoenix Empress"

"I have seen the Divine Phoenix Empress"

At this moment, everyone present knelt on the ground, saluting this noble figure.

"Chen'er, who made you angry?" A gentle but not majestic voice slowly spit out from Yao Xi's mouth.

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