My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 901: Seconds

"Thank you, big brother." After the youth paid the money, the girl Xi shouted again.

The young man suddenly felt as refreshed as if he had eaten ginseng fruit, his eyes were slightly squinted, his face was floating, and he was immersed in this big brother and couldn't help himself.

If he still has money, he will definitely spend a lot of money in exchange for a sweet big brother again.

"Little girl, I want a pill too"

"Beauty, quickly sell me the pill, and call out big brother by the way"

The surrounding animals scrambled, making their moves extremely lavish and spending money like dirt, and they took out all their money to buy medicine pills in exchange for a sweet big brother.

Young girl Xi said Big Brother on the left and Big Brother on the right, causing a group of animals to gradually lose themselves.

"This group of livestock"

Lu Chen was hiding in the dark, and seeing the hot sales scene, it was almost tongue-in-cheek.

Sure enough, shopping around has to be thrown away, and people have to die.

There is nothing wrong with this sentence.

When he came to sell the pill, no one paid any attention to him, and even ridiculed him, but when he was a young girl Xi, a group of people fought for the pill and almost didn't fight.

With more and more people, there are huge crowds.

Fewer people buy a few, and more people buy 10 or 20.

Lu Chen's more than 4,000 pills were sold out by Young Girl Xi within the time of a stick of incense.

"Thank you everyone." After the girl Xi finished selling the medicine, she waved to everyone, and then pulled out Lu Chen who was hiding in the dark, and said with a gratitude, "Big brother, how is it, am I good?"

Lu Chen was a little startled, the girl Xi actually knew that he was hiding in the dark.

But how did you find it.


Lu Chen turned his head, gave Young Girl Xi a thumbs up, and then rubbed the latter's black and beautiful long hair.

"Hmm, kid, let go of your hand"

In an instant, hostile gazes all converged on Lu Chen's body.

"Hey, isn't this the same young man who sold pills last time"

"Damn, he can't sell the pill, so he shamelessly uses the beauty trick"

There were also sane people in the crowd who recognized Lu Chen.

Because Lu Chen sold the pill for several days last time, he didn't sell one of them, and it became everyone's joke.

"Repay us money"

A young man flashed over and stopped Lu Chen, staring at Lu Chen with red eyes.

Originally, the girl had previously said that she helped her brother sell pills, but everyone believed it was true. Now, judging by the intimacy of the two, it is obviously not like the relationship between brother and sister.

Originally, they were hoping to have a chance to have a beautiful encounter with the girl Xi.

Now it seems that they have been thinking too much, they belong to the emptiness of people and wealth.

Knowing the truth, the pill in his hand no longer fragrant instantly.

"Yes, yes, pay us back." Someone started to help and stared at Lu Chen.

"The transaction is over, there is no reason to pay you back," Lu Chen said to everyone: "Furthermore, my pill is top grade. There is no overcharge. Since it is sold, it will not be refunded."

"If you don't return it, you're afraid you won't be able to leave." Someone approached and released the supreme coercion, which was preparing to play a rogue.

"Why, do you want to do it?" Lu Chen snorted coldly, not afraid of the supreme coercion.

"We don't want pill, refund us money" a group of people gathered around.

These hundreds of people don't want the medicine anymore, and feel that they have been tricked by Lu Chen's beauty.

"What happened, so noisy?" At this moment, a white-clothed man descended, with white hair like snow, and an unparalleled sword intent flowing around him. Even the supreme figure in the field felt the pressure.

Pei Ji, the supreme perfect cultivation base, the sword intent at the early stage of the respect, the aura is particularly strong, one person shocked hundreds of disciples in the field.

"Brother Pei Ji, this person sells our pill, we don't want it anymore" someone in the crowd said like this.

"Why don't you want it, the quality of the medicine is not good" Pei Ji looked at the other party, making the latter feel terrible pressure.

"No, it's not..." the person hesitated.

The quality of the pill is naturally not said, but I feel that it has been pitted by Lu Chen, so I don't want it.

“Since it’s not a quality issue, you can’t return the goods” Pei Ji said coldly: “You can’t return the goods after the transaction is completed. Could it be that I go to Jumbo Pavilion to sell a weapon and I can return it after a few years? This violates the trading rules. ."

"You all spread out"

When everyone wanted to say something, Pei Ji waved his hand.

"Junior Brother, I happen to have something to do with you, let's go with me," Pei Ji said with a smile to Lu Chen.

When everyone saw this scene, seeing that Pei Ji was so familiar with the pill seller, they suddenly knew that they couldn't return the goods, so they scattered and left.

"Thank you brother for breaking the siege," Lu Chen said.

Although he is fine without Pei Ji, it is a little troublesome, where is so easy, so I thank Pei Ji.

"It's just a small matter, you're welcome." Pei Ji smiled slightly and said, "I am here today, and I have a ruthless please."

"By the Slaughter God Sword" Lu Chen said.

Pei Ji smiled and nodded.

"No problem," Lu Chen said with a smile, "Senior Sister Ruan paid me back last time and gave me 50,000 square spirit crystals."

When Lu Chen talked about 50,000 square spirit crystals, he exaggerated.

Pei Ji was so clever, he naturally heard the extraneous meaning, and asked: "Junior Brother, your pill has sold tens of thousands of squares of spirit crystals, plus Ruan Chenshuang has given you 50,000 squares, which is not enough to be promoted to the holy king."

"Not enough, far from enough" Lu Chen shook his head.

A hint of surprise flashed in Pei Ji's eyes. One hundred thousand square meters were not enough to improve to perfection, and it was not a supreme level improvement. How could so many spirit crystals be needed.

"Since Senior Sister gave you 50,000 square meters, I can't be stingy," Pei Ji said with a smile, and also gave Lu Chen 50,000 square meters.

"Thank you brother," Lu Chen said, lent Pei Ji the Slaughter God Sword.

"Haha, thank you Junior Brother, I borrowed this for two thousand years of comprehension, and I will return it to you when time is up"

Two thousand years!

Lu Chen's head dizzy. It seems that Pei Ji is really the same as Liu Mu said. He has nothing to borrow. After two thousand years, the day lily is cold.

"Senior brother, wait, I have something here, you can help me see it" Lu Chen hurriedly stopped Pei Ji who turned to leave.

Pei Ji turned his head and smiled and said, "Is there anything else Junior Brother?"

Lu Chen handed over the supervision order and pretended to say: "I picked up this thing. It feels so mysterious. I don't know what it is."

Pei Ji took it, feeling very ordinary, turned to the back, and caught a glimpse of four big golden characters, which made his pupils shrink sharply.

Divine Phoenix Empress.

These four characters are on the back of the token, full of supreme majesty.

"Junior Brother Lu Chen is actually related to the Divine Phoenix Empress, the supervisor appointed by the Empress" Pei Ji felt a little turmoil.

"Junior Brother, this is a good thing, you keep it" Pei Ji pretended not to know, and handed the token to Lu Chen.

Then he patted Lu Chen on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Brother just joked with you. Where can I borrow for two thousand years, I can borrow for two months. When the time is up, I will pay you back immediately."

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