My Master Knows Just a Bit About Everything

Chapter 102 I really don’t have PUA him

Knowing that Yi Sheng was born in a merchant family, and that their family was the richest man in Yingxian City during the Zhenxian Dynasty, the business thinking that burst out at that moment was so amazing!

Yisheng spoke for a long time, then paused slightly, looked at Cao Zhen with eyes full of curiosity and said: "Master, I can only think of so much at the moment. I wonder if Master has anything else to add?"

Cao Zhen patted Yisheng on the shoulder and encouraged: "It's good, but there are still some details missing. You go ahead and do it first, and I will teach you a 996 blessing later. That's almost it."

His apprentice's business acumen has developed to that extent, what else can he do? Naturally, he stepped aside and let his apprentice do the work.

And in this way, the capitalists are their own disciples! I don’t have any capitalists!

Thinking of this, Cao Zhen suddenly felt much better. If someone accused him of making money and losing face in the future, he could calmly say, "I'm not interested in money." ’

"Yes, disciple, go right away." Yisheng turned around and left without delaying for a moment.

Cao Zhen was interrupted like this, but he suddenly thought of someone. He looked at Ling Xi who was confused and said: "Looking at you, I guess you haven't taught him the talisman-making technique yet. Let's go." , let this free labor start up first.”

Qi Degang felt extremely frustrated these days. He was the deacon of the Tiandao Team! As a result... I only made a difference for my nephew, but I was reduced to making free talismans for others, and it was still the last peak like Sibao Peak!

Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps, and he turned his head to look. After seeing the appearance of the person clearly, he turned his head immediately.

Cao Zhen!

The person he hates the most, the person he hates the most, and the person he least wants to see is Cao Zhen! If it weren't for this shameless guy, how could he be so miserable?

Hit the porcelain!

During this time, he finally understood the meaning of this word.

He has never seen such a shameless peak master!

Cao Zhendun looked at the empty desk in front of Qi Degang, like a landowner and an old rich man. He raised his hand and said, "It's been so long and you haven't even made a talisman? We at Sibaofeng don't raise idle people."

A person named Qi should let him know what 996 is, no! Go directly to 007 Fu Bao.

Qi Degang's face instantly turned as dark as the bottom of a pot. What does a person named Qi mean? I don't have a name? If you don't support idle people, I haven't even had a bite to eat here, so what are you raising? If you can, let me go!

Cao Zhen looked at his eldest disciple again and said, "Lingxi, give him the method of making the spirit gathering talisman and let him make the talisman."

Teach yourself how to make talismans?

Qi Degang could barely hold back his laughter. The little Si Baofeng, who was ranked 100th, taught a deacon of the Tiandao team how to make talismans. He was probably not going to laugh to death.

Lingxi walked up to Qi Degang reluctantly and said in a stiff tone: "I'll teach you how to make talismans. You're fine..." Although she didn't want to teach others the talisman-making techniques of Sibaofeng, she could She had to listen to her master's words, and naturally her attitude would not be too good.

The sneer on Qi Degang's face was directly revealed. What superb talisman-making techniques can you, Sibaofeng, have? With such an expression, do you think I want to learn your talisman-making techniques? You, a little girl like you, are teaching me... why is your method of making talismans so different?

There are a hundred peaks in the Hundred Peaks Sect. I dare not say that each peak has its own unique talisman-making techniques, but there are really many talisman-making techniques.

However, although the methods are different, there are some similarities, but the method of making talismans that Lingxi is talking about is very special.

Not long after, Lingxi had finished explaining how to make the spirit-gathering talisman.

Cao Zhen said immediately: "Okay, you already know how to make the talisman, so let's get started. I tell you, surnamed Qi, don't think about making mistakes on purpose and failing to make the talisman."

As he spoke, he stared at Qi Degang's hands. Now he will let you know what capitalist blessings are. If you want to rest or be lazy, don't even think about it. Make me a talisman as soon as possible!

Qi Degang raised his eyebrows and said angrily: "Who do you think I am, Qi Degang! Also, let me tell you, my name is Qi Degang, not Qi!"

As he spoke, he seemed to be venting his anger. He picked up various materials and started making talismans directly.

Although he had just learned this talisman-making technique, he obviously had experience in talisman-making before, and his cultivation level was also higher. He didn't know how much faster he was than Huo Shuzhou's talisman-making speed.

Not long after, a soul-gathering talisman was made.

The moment the talisman was formed, bursts of spiritual energy in the air were like streams, quickly gathering towards the talisman.

"Level 10 Soul Gathering Talisman?" Qi Degang looked at the Soul Gathering Talisman in front of him, feeling the spiritual energy gathering from all around, and stared blankly at his hands with his mouth wide open. Is this a self-made Soul Gathering Talisman?

He had indeed learned how to make talismans before, and he could also make talismans, but the success rate was not very high. Even the most basic talisman could be made twice out of five times. After all, he was not majoring in talisman making.

But this time, he succeeded, and it was a level ten talisman!

In the past, the highest level talisman he had refined was only a sixth-level talisman. Now that he had just learned this talisman-making technique, he could directly make a tenth-level talisman?

This...couldn't it be luck?

Qi Degang once again picked up the talisman-making materials in front of him and began to make talismans. He wanted to see if it was luck or something else that made the tenth-level talisman this time.

Cao Zhen was very pleased and nodded in admiration: "Look, look, this is an excellent employee. He was still resisting just now. Now he doesn't need us to urge him. He can take the initiative to make the talisman on his own."

Not long after, the second spirit-gathering talisman was completed.

"Level 10, another level 10 spirit-gathering talisman!" Qi Degang felt as if he had been hit by thunder magic. He felt numb all over his body. He succeeded in making two consecutive talismans, and they were both level 10 talismans. This shows that all this is not luck, but the talisman-making techniques of Sibaofeng are so amazing!

How could the tiny Si Baofeng have such a talisman-making technique?

As far as he knew, the ancestors of Sibaofeng were not rich, so it was impossible for them to leave behind any exquisite talisman-making techniques. So, was Cao Zhen just unlucky enough to get such a talisman-making technique from somewhere?

Then, there were only a few people in their Four Treasure Peak, and even if they tried their best to make talismans, they couldn't make many. What's more, with the strength of his disciples, they couldn't make tenth-level talismans, so he found an opportunity to make them for free. symbol?

They have a good plan, but wouldn't this be an advantage for me?

These fools from Sibaofeng actually gave this method to themselves so easily. They thought they were making a profit, but in fact they were making a profit themselves.

After I can leave, can't I make my own talisman? Although it is the lowest level soul-gathering talisman, with such a high success rate, it is also an excellent profitable business.

The more Qi Degang thought about it, the happier he became. The corners of his mouth opened involuntarily. Looking at the talisman-making materials in front of him, he didn't feel bored at all.

Isn't it just a talisman? I am practicing, using the materials from Sibaofeng. When I start making and selling talismans, my skills will be better and I will make more money.

etc! Since Sibaofeng can teach this technique of making talismans, it means that they have something stronger! I can't leave! Even if I die, I will die in Sibaofeng! I want to learn their more powerful talisman-making techniques!

I didn’t expect it! I, Lao Qi, thought I had no hope in this life, but I didn’t expect the talisman-making techniques here to be so powerful! Maybe I can use the talismans in the Six Arts of Immortal Cultivation to achieve another breakthrough in my cultivation!

I won’t leave, I won’t leave! I will work hard to make talismans so that everyone in Sibaofeng can see my value! Let them keep me here forever!

Cao Zhen has no idea what Qi Degang is thinking. If he knew, he would tell everyone immediately that I really don't have him as a PUA!

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