The eyes of everyone around became strange. Who are these people in Sibaofeng? Why are they all vision platforms?

In Situ Fengzhan's eyes, a pair of pupils shrank slightly. All ten Taoist platforms were vision Taoist platforms! Since when have there been so many vision platforms?

However, this little guy is so small. He only has ten Taoist platforms. At most, he can add a few fairy bridges. If he is injured, won't it be easy to deal with him?

I don't believe it. His Taoist platform has strange phenomena, and the fairy bridge can also have strange phenomena.

Behind Xiao Beiyan, a fairy bridge appeared, and the vision of the glazed pagoda on the bridge appeared.

Situ Fengzhan seemed to feel the fear of being dominated, his body trembled slightly, and he stretched his neck forward involuntarily.

Then, the second one, the third one...

Immortal bridges appeared one after another behind Xiao Beiyan. In a short period of time, ten miraculous bridges appeared, and then the miraculous inner elixir was released.

There are many peak trainings at Sibao Peak, and Bei Yan remembers them all very clearly. One of them is that Master said... You should never pretend to hide your skills and cultivation from others, otherwise you will only suffer the consequences in the end.

Otherwise, don't do it, don't save any strength when you do it, just use it with all your strength!

Situ Fengzhan's whole body was completely numb, and it was the Ten Vision Taoist Platform and the Ten Vision Immortal Bridge again! What kind of perverts are these Four Treasure Peaks!

The sentence "Come on, let me tell you the horror of Qianlong Temple", but I still didn't say it out loud.


These Four Treasures Peak are the peaks that I can’t get past, right?

If he were at his best, he would have the confidence to deal with this kid. The problem is, his injury is far from healed. Now, he can only act first!

"The four sides form a bureau..."

With Situ Feng as the center, nineteen criss-crossing Qi lines suddenly appeared around him, converging into a Go chessboard shape, wrapping him and Bei Yan in it.

Where the air lines interact, rays of light shoot out, transforming into two chess pieces, one black and one white. The next moment, the two chess pieces meet in the sky and turn into a golden light, like a sharp sword that can cut through everything in the world. , stabbing towards Beiyan!

Wherever the golden light passed, the air seemed to be pierced, revealing an obvious trace that seemed to be blank.

"Tian Yuan strikes!"

Yu Haitang couldn't help but exclaimed. This was the first time she had seen Tianyuan's attack. It was worthy of being one of the top ten supernatural powers in Qianlong Temple. The golden light was so sharp that even when she was standing far away, she had a feeling of her own. The illusion that his body seems to have been pierced, let alone the opponent facing this blow.

He was worthy of being one of the Three Qianlong Sons. Even when he was injured, he could unleash such an amazing Tianyuan strike.

Xiao Beiyan felt the astonishing edge of the golden light and was startled. Among all the disciples of Sibao Peak, he, like the senior sister, had little combat experience.

The only battle experience I had was when I was sparring with my junior sister in the yard not long ago.

But that was just a sparring match without murderous intent... The man in front of him... thoughts of eating people's hearts were about to burst out from his eyes.

Under the tension of the first real battle, the power behind him was fully activated. The ten vision platforms, ten vision fairy bridges and the spiritual energy in the vision inner elixir surged rapidly like a torrential river. Flowed into his body and gathered on his arms.

The next moment, he waved his palm suddenly.

Five thunder rectification!

A purple thunderbolt as thick as a big tree flew up, as if flying down from nine days away, carrying a huge force and hitting the golden light of Tianyuan's strike.

In an instant, purple light bloomed, and the whole world seemed to be dyed purple, and the sound of thunder resounded.

It’s this damn thunder method again! Situ Fengzhan cursed secretly in his heart and unleashed his strongest attack with all his strength.

The extremely sharp golden light shattered instantly.

Tianyuan's blow was completely scattered from the front, but the purple thunder light continued unabated and slammed into Situ Fengzhan.

There was a loud bang, and endless smoke and dust rose into the sky. In the flying smoke and dust, one could see streaks of thunderous rays of light running around like purple electric snakes.

Situ Fengzhan opened his mouth and spat out a large mouthful of blood, then fell to the ground.

Finally, the smoke cleared. Only then did everyone see clearly that the place where Situ Fengzhan was standing had been blasted into a circular crater, and Situ Fengzhan was lying in the center of the crater. His clothes had been blasted into powder, revealing his charred body that had been electrocuted. , the hairs were bombarded like hedgehogs, standing vertically.


Yu Haitang and others looked at the extremely miserable Situ Fengzhan with shocked expressions.

one strike! Just one hit! Situ Fengzhan was injured like this!

They knew that Situ Fengzhan was injured, but no matter how injured he was, he was still one of the three sons of Qianlong! As a result, the fat man of twelve or thirteen years old facing Sibaofeng was unable to block the opponent's blow!

If the blow just hit them.

Everyone was frightened when they thought about it.

Yu Haitang was secretly glad. Fortunately, he was smart. After being taught a lesson by two people from Sibaofeng, he stopped standing up after seeing the people from Sibaofeng. Otherwise, the person lying on the ground would definitely be Own.

After Xiao Beiyan released a blow, he felt a little regretful. The power of the blow just now seemed a bit too strong. Don't kill people. He quickly ran to the round pit to take a look. After seeing Situ Fengzhan's appearance clearly, he He let out a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, this man seems to have a weak kidney, but his body is still strong."

"Pfft..." Situ Fengzhan spat out a mouthful of blood and fainted completely.

"Senior Brother Situ fainted."

"Quickly, send Brother Situ to treatment."

Yu Haitang gave an order, and two of the remaining eight people quickly ran out, carried the unconscious Situ Fengzhan, and ran away.

Situ Fengzhan is no longer here!'s her turn to have the final say here.

And all around, the eyes of the remaining five people also fell on her, waiting for her instructions.

Feeling the attention of everyone, she couldn't help but curse in her heart. These guys were usually the most active when new people came, but this time after seeing how powerful the new people were, none of them stopped taking the lead.

She had no choice but to bite the bullet and look at Xiang Ziyu and said: "After the newcomer arrives, we old people have to discuss with them. This is the rule of Qianlong Immortal Palace. We are not deliberately causing trouble for you. Your junior brother has already We have already sparred with each other, but according to the rules, even if you are brothers, you still have to spar with us again."

As she said that, she looked back at the five people behind her and said, "Which of you is interested in competing with this senior brother?"

None of the five people behind him responded.

Are you kidding? They have already met three people from Sibaofeng. Each of these three people is more evil than the last. Sibaofeng is too evil. They don't want to fight with the people from Sibaofeng again.

In the future, the Hundred Peaks will be re-ranked, and the Four Treasure Peaks will probably hit the Fifty Peaks, right? If you go back and pawn all the things at home, you should be able to make a lot of money by buying their peaks to increase their ranking, right?

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