Everyone in Qianlong Temple was also curious when they saw this scene. Is this woman so fierce? Xiang Ziyu, who looked confident and invincible just now, gave up without even fighting?

"Senior brother, otherwise you'd better fight." Bei Yan said nothing and came to Yan Yourong, clasping his fists and saluting, "Hello, Second Senior Sister, Master, I haven't seen you for several days, so I asked you to come. Remember to write home when you have time."

"It's been written all along." Yan Yourong patted Bei Yan's head, and finally there was a hint of spring breeze on his frosty face, "You're here too? Did you spend the night with Master?"

Bei Yan nodded quickly: "Master is so amazing!"

"Of course." Yan Yourong patted Bei Yan's head again and said, "Go and challenge, be careful. Don't be careless."

"Okay, Senior Sister." Bei Yan walked forward with a smile and muttered in a voice that Yan Yourong could hear, "I can't embarrass Senior Sister! I didn't expect that Senior Sister has become even more beautiful after not seeing each other for a few days. .”

Xiang Ziyu secretly cursed Bei Yan as a flatterer, then he saw the second senior sister coming to his side.

"It's great that I can come." Yan Yourong looked at Xiang Ziyu with a serious expression, "But don't get too excited! Since you have chosen to challenge, even if you die in the ring, you can't embarrass the master or him. .”

"I know, senior sister." Xiang Ziyu shrank his head subconsciously and secretly comforted himself. In fact, even if he is the protagonist, there are always people who give him headaches. This is not shameful! When the moment comes that I am arbitrary for eternity, the world will never remember the embarrassing things I did today.

"Bei Yan, a disciple of Sibaofeng, is the [person] who challenges Qianlong Sanzi. Please show up and fight." Bei Yan politely saluted with fists at the entrance of the cave.

"See you in the ring!"

Zichen said a cold word, and flew out of the cave with a sword in his hand. In an instant, he disappeared from everyone's sight and went straight to the ring.

"Si Baofeng disciple, Xiang Ziyu, challenges Qianlong Sanzi's [Tian...]"

"See you in the ring!"

Before Xiang Ziyu could finish what he said, Zixuan had already left the cave and headed straight to the ring.

Everyone could only change the venue again and came to the arena of Qianlong Temple.

Today, Zichen is dressed in spotless white clothes, with a white jade belt tied around his waist, and a pair of green boots at his feet. His long hair is tied up neatly with a belt, which makes him look quite ethereal.

Bei Yan was dressed like a nouveau riche, but there was nothing he could do about it... Ever since Sibaofeng became rich, his method of buying things has always been to only buy the expensive ones, not the right ones.

"Are all the people in Qianlong Temple so weak?" Beiyan looked at Zichen's pale face and those soulless eyes, and said with concern: "Senior brother, are you also suffering from kidney deficiency? My master I said, if it doesn’t work, just make up for it.”

You are so talented! All of you in Sibaofengfeng are weak!

Zichen's pale face suddenly turned the color of pig's liver, and his whole lungs were about to explode with anger. This kid actually said that he was weak in front of so many people, and in front of his sweetheart Haitang.

You're a boy with no hair, do you know what virtuality is? Am I vain? I am injured and have not recovered. If your senior sister hadn't made such a brutal and vicious blow, how could I have done this?

You kid, you did it on purpose!

From Sibaofeng! It’s from Sibaofeng again! Sure enough, there is no one in Sibaofeng who is not annoying!

No, demeanor, keep your demeanor, Haitang is still watching from below.

Zichen resisted the urge to slap the little fat man away, waved his sleeves, maintained his free and easy image, and shouted to the other side: "My child, the position of Qianlong Sanzi is not what you think. Easy. I know that you were born in the Four Treasures Peak and have a good master and senior sister, but those are your senior sister and your master, which does not mean that you can do it too. Today we have given you some advice..."

Zichen tried hard to maintain his demeanor, and at the same time, he bit the words "click to" very hard, for fear that the new fat kid wouldn't be able to hear clearly.

After taking the stage, while waiting for Xiang Ziyu and others to arrive, he had already heard... This fat man's cultivation level was extremely strong. He owned ten vision platforms, ten vision fairy bridges, and a Vision pill!

When you are not injured, you must cheer up and take this little kid seriously.

Now that he's injured... By saying "it's time", he can subconsciously influence the opponent to restrain himself when taking action. By then, he can still win with his rich combat experience and skills.

but! Aren’t the disciples of Si Baofeng all with ancient immortal bodies and today’s waste bodies? Isn’t it rejected by heaven? How did this kid get trained?

"Master said that you should go all out in a competition. That is respect for your opponent! Senior brother, I respect you very much!"

Bei Yan's expression was very serious, and ten perfect Dzogchen vision palaces appeared behind him! Then, there are ten strange fairy bridges.

Above the Immortal Palace, the evil flame monster chicken that no one has ever seen before exudes a fiery aura, as if it wants to burn everything in this space to ashes.

Above the ten fairy bridges, a pagoda blooming with colorful light emerged. The pagoda was surrounded by gold, silver, glass, amber, coral, clams, and agate.

Zichen was stunned and stared blankly at the half-grown child opposite him. He even forgot to put down the hand holding the hem of his clothes. He knew that this kid was from the Yixiang Taoist Platform and the Yixiang Immortal Bridge. It was not like he had never seen him before. I have been there and found that all Taoist platforms and fairy bridges are strange phenomena. The question is what kind of strange phenomena are our Taoist platforms and what kind of strange phenomena are the fairy bridges?

What is happening now? Aren’t the visions of Daotai and Xianqiao different?

The next moment, in his sight, an inner elixir appeared behind Bei Yan, and in the elixir there was an extremely huge phantom war hammer.

Your uncle! The vision of the inner alchemy is actually different!

Taotai, Immortal Bridge, Neidan, all the visions are different, who is this person!

Zichen was horrified, and he finally came to his senses.

Bei Yan's fighting power was fully unleashed behind him, and vast and endless power poured into his body from the Taoist platform, the Immortal Bridge, and the inner elixir.

This is one of the three strongest people in Qianlong Immortal Palace. Fighting with such a person will naturally require full strength.

He stretched out a hand and grabbed it in the air, and suddenly a warhammer that seemed larger than his whole body appeared in his hand.

"What's this?"

"This...isn't this a vision in his inner elixir? How come it appeared directly in his hands?"

All around, everyone couldn't help but exclaimed, looking in the direction of the arena with amazement. They were able to enter the Qianlong Immortal Palace. They were genius disciples from all peaks. They often heard strange things on weekdays. One by one They all thought they were well-informed, but they had never seen anything like this before.

Behind Bei Yan, ten Seven Treasures Glazed Pagodas rotated at high speed, releasing streams of strange attribute power that poured into his body.

The next moment, he raised his foot and stepped forward, and suddenly rushed out.

He was clearly only a half-year-old child, but at this moment, everyone felt as if a demon god from ancient times had descended into the world holding a giant hammer that could shatter the sun and moon.

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