Yan Yourong has been practicing the ghost-slaying method taught by his master for a while, and this time he finally had the opportunity to use it!

The sword was slashed out, and in an instant, the entire sky seemed to change color at this moment. A golden light lit up on the Wrathful Dragon Sword. The next moment, the golden light was so strong that it was so dazzling that everyone around it was almost unable to bear it. Open your eyes.

It was obviously just a slash, but at this moment, the sky was filled with countless sword lights.

Yan Yourong seemed to have struck out with one sword, and in one moment, it seemed as if he had struck out hundreds or thousands of swords.

Zixuan was completely enveloped in the heavy sword light.

There's no way to avoid it!

Zixuan looked at the light of the falling sword and realized that in his current state, no matter how he dodges, he cannot avoid the sword and can only resist it!

Behind him are ten Taoist platforms, nine immortal bridges, and nine inner elixirs of perfect Dzogchen.

Among them are three more vision platforms and a vision bridge.

It's just that whether it's a Taoist platform, a fairy bridge, or an inner elixir, it's not solid enough.

"Xu, really Xu, including Situ Fengzhan before, they are clearly Qianlong Sanxu. They are Qianlong Sanxu." Xiao Beiyan stood under the ring, muttering to himself from a distance, but he was just talking to himself The voice was not quiet, and it passed clearly into the ears of many people around.

On the ring, after Yan Yourong took action, his eyes suddenly changed. The opponent was injured, and it was from a hit.

The long sword she had swung out suddenly came back. Among the disciples of Sibaofeng, it may not be certain who is the strongest now, but the one with the most combat experience is definitely Yan Yourong.

But no matter how experienced she was in combat, she had already taken action and it was impossible to fully recover her power.

Although she took back part of her power, the sword energy was still unparalleled and she struck Zixuan hard.

Even Zixuan in his heyday might not be able to stop the Sorrowful Dragon Sword on the list of Baifeng Sect's divine weapons, coupled with the [Ghost Killing], let alone that he is far from recovering from his injuries now.

With just one blow, he was sent flying backwards and fell far outside the ring. It felt as if all the internal organs in his body had been shattered.

Yan Yourong frowned slightly and stared at Zixuan, who had almost no blood on his face, and said, "The injury is recovering so slowly? Not even 50%?" What she wants is to defeat the opponent in an honest way, not Taking advantage of others' danger.

Zixuan was stunned. My injury was so serious, so my recovery would naturally be very slow! Almost everyone in the Qianlong Immortal Palace knows this speed of recovery, but you don’t know? you……

He suddenly thought of something. It seemed that he had not seen Yan Yourong these days. It seemed that Yan Yourong had been practicing in seclusion since he and Zichen were injured that day. He also heard others say that Yan Yourong My life is all about cultivation, and I never care about other things.

Also, Yan Yourong had to restrain his strength during the fight just now. Otherwise, with the sword just now, he might have been sent for treatment like Zichen.

Therefore, she must really not know that her injury has not fully recovered.


Zixuan secretly thought that he was unlucky, but he still had to pretend to be a senior brother and said: "Speaking of which, junior sister has not been defeated since she came to Qianlong Immortal Palace. According to the rules of Qianlong Immortal Palace, if junior sister does not propose Challenge, senior brother, I should also ask my junior sister. After all, we have to fight, no matter whether we are injured or not, it’s the same."

"Who said it was different?" Xiao Beiyan immediately felt sorry for his senior sister when he heard the sound, "You had said you were injured earlier, so my senior sister could have been more gentle. If my senior sister hadn't been so powerful just now, and she had spared her hand in time, I'm afraid you It was all torn into pieces, no, maybe 800 yuan.”

Zixuan's face turned dark. You little fat man, you can't speak, so just don't speak, okay?

However, Xiang Ziyu's heart moved. He jumped onto the ring and asked Yan Yourong, "Senior sister, are you done with the fight?"

"Of course." Yan Yourong nodded. Everyone in Zixuan was knocked off the ring, so naturally the fight was over.

"That's good." Xiang Ziyu turned to look at Zixuan below the ring and asked: "Then my senior sister defeated you, my senior sister naturally became [Heaven] among the three Qianlong sons, and you became [Ground] Isn’t this wrong?”

"That's right." Zixuan nodded. He was defeated by Qianlong's third son [Earth]. [Earth] replaced him and became [Heaven], and he naturally became [Earth].

No matter who among them defeats him, the opponent will become the [Heaven] of Qianlong Sanzi and he will automatically become the [Earth] of Qianlong Sanzi.

Although he was very unhappy, Zixuan could only nod and admit, and at the same time secretly made up his mind to knock Yan Yourong from his position after he recovered from his injuries!

Xiang Ziyu stretched out his hand and pointed towards Zixuan and said: "This way there is no problem. Since you are [Earth] now, then I challenge you, senior brother."

There are currently three people practicing in Qianlong Temple in Sibaofeng. Among them, the senior sister and junior brother are both one of the three Qianlong disciples, but he is not one. Doesn't this seem like he is holding back?

As soon as Xiang Ziyu finished speaking, everyone's eyes changed when they looked at Xiang Ziyu.

Shameless! How shameless! Zixuan was already injured, and he had just been injured by your senior sister. The injury was compounded. You are still challenging others at this time. I have never seen such a shameless person like you.

In fact, they also knew that two of the three Qianlong sons were injured, but they did not challenge them. First, they knew that even if they won, Zixuan and Zichen would definitely be defeated after they recovered from their injuries. They can get their position back, and when they get it back, they will be beaten as badly as possible.

Secondly, they don’t want to be gossiped about and said they are taking advantage of others.

But this guy from Sibaofeng is so confident in taking advantage of others' danger!

Zixuan's face turned livid again. He realized that he was really wrong. He had changed his view of Sibaofeng because Yan Yourong kept his hand, but now...

On purpose, the people of Sibaofeng did it on purpose.

He didn't believe it. If Cao Zhen beat himself, would he tell his apprentice that Yan Yourong was just faking it? They had discussed it and lined up to bully him.

"Okay, since junior brother wants to fight, senior brother will naturally accompany you." As Zixuan spoke, he coughed out a large mouthful of bright red blood, but even so, he jumped onto the ring again, waved to Xiang Ziyu and said, "Junior brother ,please."

Xiang Ziyu did not take action, but waved his hand gently and said: "No need to do it, no need to do it. You have also seen that two of the three Qianlong sons are my senior sister and junior brother. I can't challenge them. I can only challenge you.

I also see that you are injured. How about this, we stop fighting and you just admit defeat. When will you recover from your injuries, come challenge me again. "

"Admit defeat!" Zixuan, as if he had been humiliated, his eyes suddenly widened, a vein on his forehead popped out and he said angrily: "Impossible! As the third son of Qianlong, as long as I receive a challenge, I will never refuse it. Said, not to mention admitting defeat.

If you admit defeat once, there will be a second time, and a third time. If you admit defeat once, the spine will be bent once. If the spine is bent, it will not be straightened no matter how straight it is.

I, a disciple of the Qianlong Immortal Palace, can only die standing up and not live on my knees, so stop talking and come fight! "

Zixuan really felt that he was insulted. This time, he didn't even wait for Xiang Ziyu to make a move, and directly attacked Xiang Ziyu with his palm.

However, since he was coughing up blood while walking, Xiang Ziyu just pushed with both hands, without fully demonstrating his fighting power, and Zixuan was pushed off the ring.

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