My Master Knows Just a Bit About Everything

Chapter 121 An unexpected surprise

‘The level of the talisman is improved to break through the level, the administrator level is improved by one level, a random user can access one, and a designated user can access one. ’

Cao Zhen was stunned when he heard the voice coming from Zhonghua Cloud.

Has the level of your talisman been improved?

He quickly opened his panel.

China Cloud Level 7 Administrator: Cao Zhen

Sex: Male

Cultivation level: Dan-formation stage, seven elixirs

Identity: Former programmer, now the master of the Four Treasure Peaks of the Baifeng Sect and the King of Alchemy.

Good at: Programming, Grandmaster of Alchemy Theory, Grandmaster of Immortal Cultivation Theory.

Own: Sibaofeng

Total practice experience value: 150000

Additional experience points: 20,000

Alchemy Level: Level 55

Talisman Level: Level 41

Formation level: 40

Escape Sword: Level 30

Five Thunder Zhengfa: Level 25

That's right, the talisman is level 41! Therefore, the administrator level has been increased, and the additional experience points have also been increased by 5,000.

"What did Lingxi do? Why did he break through the bottleneck directly?"

Lingxi is the only one who can improve the level of the talisman.

Cao Zhen quickly connected to Lingxi.

In the Immortal Arms Square, Lingxi sat cross-legged with her legs crossed. A huge talisman floated in front of her. All around her body, various materials continued to fly into the talisman.

"What kind of talisman is this? Using so many precious materials? Is she repairing this huge talisman? Is this a divine weapon taken out from the Divine Weapon Tomb? It seems that she has gained a little from the Divine Weapon Tomb. No less than that girl Yan Yourong."

This talisman is definitely not simple at first glance. Just look at the materials that Lingxi threw in. Didn't you see that Qianlong Temple Master Lu Chaoqiong's distressed face turned green?

How many materials are needed to make the talisman level directly break through level 40?

Very good, you are worthy of being my disciple. He has the virtues of our Four Treasures Peak. I went to gather the wool from the Five Elements Dandi, and you gathered the wool from the Immortal Arms Workshop. If this continues, Master Lu will not blacklist the Four Treasures Peak, right? .

After Cao Zhen figured out what happened, he immediately withdrew and moved back comfortably.

"Shutan, this feeling of lying down and winning is so comfortable. Every disciple will do this again, and I am not allowed to take off?"

Cao Zhen muttered to himself, and an urging voice came from the Chinese cloud again.

"The administrator level has been upgraded. Please specify the access user."

"Connect to my mother Wu Xuehua." Cao Zhen did not hesitate and immediately chose his mother. When his father called him, he had said many times that his mother wanted to talk to him.

As a son, he did not fulfill his filial piety before time travel. Now, after coming to this world, the only thing he can do is to improve his parents' living conditions through the richest man Ma, and teach his parents exercises to strengthen their bodies. In addition, I can only spend limited time chatting with my parents for a while.

A document about the same size as my father soon appeared in the Chinese Cloud.

Cao Zhen clicked on the document, and a group of images suddenly came into his mind.

In the small courtyard of my parents' home, my mother was holding a water pipe to water the vegetables she grew in the garden.

Beside, a golden retriever was running around happily.

She must have known that he was still alive, and had practiced the techniques he taught her. My mother's mental outlook now looked much better than the last time I saw her.

Cao Zhen's mood improved slightly. His parents' condition improved. He was happier than anything else he saw. He started talking through his mother's documents.


Wu Xuehua, who was watering the water, paused, looked up at the air in front of him, and asked expectantly: "Xiao Zhen, is that you? Is that you?"

Cao Zhen quickly replied: "Mom, it's me."

Wu Xuehua heard her son's voice again, and the water pipe in her hand fell to the ground. Tears appeared in her eyes, and she cried with joy. Since she knew that her son was still alive, she also learned from her husband that his son would find a way to talk to her if he had the chance. , she has heard hallucinations countless times.

When she was cooking, growing vegetables, feeding the dog, whenever she was alone, she always vaguely heard her son calling her.

But in the end, she discovered that they were all auditory hallucinations.

This time, her son finally appeared.

"Mom, don't cry. Am I here?" Cao Zhen looked at the tears in his mother's eyes and felt uncomfortable in his heart. People only know how to cherish them when they are lost. It is always after they are unable to fulfill their filial piety that they think of the old man. Well, I wanted to fulfill my filial piety, but it was already too late.

Wu Xuehua complained while wiping her tears: "You brat, you still know how to talk. Let me ask you, why did you go to your dad first instead of your mom?"

Cao Zhen was choked. How should I answer this? Say it directly, I'm afraid you won't accept it? Aren’t you making yourself uncomfortable?

He followed the words and asked: "By the way, where is my dad?"

"Went fishing." Wu Xuehua's attention was not diverted at all. He just said "Father Cao", then turned around and asked with concern: "Xiao Zhen, how are you doing there? Are you living well?"

Cao Zhenxian said: "Okay, that's great. The entire mountain peak belongs to your son."

Wu Xuehua said with concern: "It can be cold in the mountains at night, please wear more clothes."

"Yes, yes, you must wear more clothes." Cao Zhenming knew that his mother couldn't see him, but he still nodded.

"What about the food? Are you used to eating there? Are there not many condiments there like in ancient times?" Wu Xuehua asked about food after asking.

"Well, there are many kinds of fish here, and the meat is very delicious. Besides, I have a big apprentice who can cook as well as you, mom."

"With the little ink you have, you still teach others, so don't let others mislead you. Also, son, no one will care about you when you go there, but you still have to be wise and don't be competitive with others. Yes. If there is no fight, there will be no fight.”

"Don't worry, your son is so popular here? How can he fight with others?" Cao Zhen patted his chest and boasted: "I just helped many people find their treasures."

"That's good, that's good. And, son, you are not young anymore. Although mom can't see her grandson, she still wants to hear her grandson call grandma a few times. You can find a wife over there...Son, you can find a wife. Your daughter-in-law is a fairy, right?

Didn’t they say, son, you are a bachelor, let’s find a fairy wife! Son, do you have a suitable goal there? "

"Mom... we don't have enough time. I'll talk to you another day." Cao Zhen resigned repeatedly. These two worlds can also urge marriage, and he was convinced.

However, this time there was really not enough time.

Cao Zhen withdrew from his mother's file, and Zhonghuayun's voice soon came.

‘Random access to user [Mozi] is completed. ’

"Mozi? What's the use of this? Even if you can't randomly pick Hongjun or Tongtian, you can just give me a random Taiyi or Monkey. If it doesn't work, I can't bear to give me Bajie. What's the use of giving me Mozi? ?Can you fire off cannons, or can you control people?"

Cao Zhen complained while looking at Yunhai.

In his sea of ​​clouds, there were two huge documents emitting golden light.

"Why two documents? And it's so big, not even smaller than Zhang Daoling's document! By the way, Sun Tzu, there is also a Sun Tzu's document that I haven't checked yet.

With such a large document, it seems that I am lucky this time? "

Cao Zhen had more expectations in his heart. No matter what, big ones are always good. Who doesn't like big ones! He clicked on the document that appeared in the sea of ​​clouds.

Name: Mozi.

Cultivation: Mortal.

Identity: Founder of the Mohist School, inventor, philosopher, thinker, educator, and military strategist.

Good at: mechanics, philosophy, teaching, and art of war.

Mechanism: MAX level.

Philosophy: MAX level.

Teaching: Level 99.

Art of War: Level 90.

Cao Zhen looked at Mozi's introductory document with a surprised look on his face. Philosophy and mechanism skills were both at MAX level? He knew that Mozi was a great sage in ancient times, but he didn't expect him to be so powerful.

However, these things seem to be of no use.

While others are practicing cultivating immortality, I am going to talk philosophy to others? Don’t others think I’m crazy?


Then the mechanism technique is useless. This is a world of immortal cultivation. What can mortals use the mechanism technique for? Build a catapult? Get a big rock and throw it out? Wouldn’t it be nice for others to use magical powers directly?

art of war?

The art of war is useless, and I don’t lead troops to fight.

"Forget it, there is a teacher with level 99 who should be able to teach students. Download, download."

As his words fell, all kinds of philosophical thoughts, military techniques, machine-making techniques... all kinds of knowledge poured into his mind like a vast ocean.

He finally understood why Mozi's documents were so large.

In just a short moment, he already possessed all the knowledge of Mozi.

"It's so fierce, so fierce. It turns out that all level 90 of this art of war are built on defense. There is no offensive element in this art of war.

And this mechanism technique... Is this an ancient mechanism technique? "

When Cao Zhen recalled Mozi's knowledge of mechanisms, he was almost dumbfounded. Mozi had actually invented the mechanism man in his time. What's more important is that there were spiritual stones on the earth at that time.

It's just that the spiritual stone is too small. It can be called spiritual sand at most. The spiritual stone is about the same size as a grain of sand and has limited spiritual energy.

"Actually, its mechanism has been successful, but it is limited to the resources of the earth and there are not large spiritual stones, so it cannot be driven perfectly. I just need to make it and replace it with spiritual stones. As expected, the document is almost the same as Zhang Daoling's document An existence of average size is indeed an ancient sage, indeed extraordinary."

Cao Zhen exclaimed twice and looked at Sun Tzu's documents expectantly. Mozi's documents had given a big enough surprise, but what about Sun Tzu's documents?

Name: Sun Wu.

Cultivation: Mortal.

Identity: Military strategist, politician, military strategist and sage!

Specialties: Art of War.

Art of War: MAX level.

"As expected of the Sage of War, the Art of War is fully maxed out, but the problem is, I don't lead troops to fight, so there is no need for the Art of War when it is maxed out."

Cao Zhen checked his documents again, and sure enough, his art of war was directly at the full level MAX, but his mechanism skills were only at level zero.

"Sure enough, just like the level of alchemy, the mechanism technique must be refined to improve. It just so happens that there are few disciples in Sibao Peak. There are disciples guarding the other peaks at the bottom of the mountain. Sibao Peak doesn't even have a disciple guarding the mountain gate. , someone sneaks up and steals things without even knowing it.

With this mechanism technique, we can create some mechanism personnel to guard the mountain gate and do odd jobs and so on... Or, let these institutions create some talismans, which can solve the problem of insufficient manpower. "

Cao Zhen began to study how to create a mechanism man. Although his current level of mechanism technique was only Ling Ling Ling, his theory was that it was a full level after all. The more he studied, the more he admired Mozi.

That is to say, Mozi was limited by the environment and materials in which he lived. If he were in a world of cultivating immortals, his achievements would inevitably be higher.


Soon, an idea came into his mind.

If you set up a formation, use the formation to activate the spiritual energy, and then refine it on it... this seems to be possible.

Cao Zhen left quickly, bought a batch of low-grade formation materials, found an open space in the backyard, and began to set up the formation.

There is not much else in Sibaofeng, only a lot of open space.

"In this soil, add some Senmiao rare earth and introduce some spiritual energy, we should be able to make the simplest machine."

Cao Zhen started to shape the stone man, but...

"Why is it so difficult? I have no experience in pinching things." Cao Zhen was convinced. He had a full level of theory. The problem was that his technique was not a full level, and his hands were sometimes a little out of control.

I pinched the head for a long time and finally made a triangular head.

I pinched my arm and worked for a long time until it was as long as the top and bottom.

After finally squeezing a leg, it was almost formed, but I accidentally used too much force and broke it. You also have to work on your hands. There are ten fingers in total on both hands. If you are not careful, you will create a nine-fingered thief.

These are all relatively easy. The key is that you still have to get the meridians. If you don't get it right, you'll end up being a stone man.

Cao Zhen looked up at his hands and sighed helplessly: "My hands... I wish I had played more in the mud when I was a kid."

"Master? What are you doing?"

Suddenly, an exclamation came. Cao Zhen, who was squatting on the ground, looked up, and a pair of long, white, straight and thin legs came into his eyes.

Looking at this pair, they didn’t even need to wear stockings, just wearing a skirt would give them perfectly beautiful legs. Looking at the deformed legs of the clay figurine he made, he suddenly lost the desire to speak.

Yisheng looked at the messy dirt in front of him with a strange expression, and then looked at the master whose face was also covered with dirt. He even couldn't help but wonder whether the master in front of him was transformed by someone using magical powers. Master...

"Master, are you playing in the mud?"

"What are you playing with in the mud? This is the art of mechanism. Do you understand the art of mechanism?" Cao Zhen's face suddenly darkened. Although he was still squatting on the ground, he showed his master's majesty and taught: "If you don't practice well, why are you running around? ?”

Yi Sheng said aggrievedly: "This disciple has just returned from collecting the talismans at the foot of the mountain."

"Oh, after collecting the talismans, let's go practice quickly." Cao Zhen waved his hand quickly. He was a master with a full level of mechanism theory. It was too embarrassing to create such a thing, so he should send his apprentice away quickly. good.

As for making talismans, what he initially thought was to learn from Boss Ma's certain treasures. Those Taoist temples were equivalent to merchants, letting them sell them and taking the bulk of the profits himself.

But then I thought about it, this is wrong. Without a certain treasure system, who knows how many talismans these Taoist people have sold?

If they sold a thousand talismans and said to themselves that they sold a hundred talismans, wouldn't that be a big loss?

He had no choice but to change his original idea and change it to collect the talismans from each Taoist temple, and then sell them together himself.

Yi Sheng did not leave immediately, but frowned and said: "Master, I know the number of disciples in each of their Taoist schools, and I have also counted the speed at which they make talismans. I found that the number of talismans handed over by each Taoist school is wrong. They He must have hidden the talisman secretly. However, the disciple is incompetent and cannot think of a perfect solution."

"This kind of thing cannot be prevented in the first place. Fortunately, we take the majority, so we will leave it like this for the time being. After a while, I will find other ways for the teacher. You go back to practice first." Cao Zhen's eyes fell on this again. On each of the clay robots that have not yet been made.

If it were before, he really had no better way. The most he could do was threaten himself to sell the Transcendent Soul Gathering Talisman to make those in the Taoist Academy restrain themselves.

After all, I can't really research a certain treasure system. In this world, there is no electricity, so what research is there?

But now, I’ll create more Mechanics myself and let the Mechanics make the talismans.

The people of Baifeng Sect suddenly discovered that the people who were very active a while ago suddenly disappeared.

Cao Zhen finally discovered that his hands were actually really stupid, but he had never done it before. As he continued to make things, he gradually became more proficient.

It took him three days to create the first batch of clay robots.

These robots are almost all made of clay. The biggest advantage is that they are cheap. They are extremely cheap. You only need to put in spiritual stones to drive them, just like real people.

Since Lingxi had gone to Qianlong Immortal Palace, the task of taking care of Cao Zhen's life fell on Yisheng, and the person who cooked every day also became Yisheng.

According to the rules of the Four Treasures Peak, unless you are in retreat for a long time, you still have to eat. In the words of the master, you can feel at home only in this way. Even if there are only two people, we still have to cook.

At noon, Yisheng prepared the meals as usual, and took them to the open space where the master had been busy these days.

But before she reached the open space, she was surprised to find that there were sounds in the distance, as if something was being built.

"Strange? What are you trying to do again? There seem to be a lot of people there?"

Yisheng walked quickly.

Not long after, a group of busy clay figures came into her sight.

There were only five or six clay figures, who were moving rocks and carrying straws. They were all very busy. Her master was not far away, directing these clay figures.

", have you made it?"

Yisheng exclaimed and quickly ran to his master's side, looking at the clay figures with a look of shock.

These clay figures seem to be about the same height as ordinary people, but slightly stronger. Because they are made of clay, they also look very rough and a little heavy when walking. But watching them build houses, they feel like real people. There is no difference between people.

"Master, you, you are really good at mechanism skills!" Yisheng looked at Cao Zhen with admiration, her eyes seemed to be shining. She believed that there were geniuses in this world, but she never believed that there were geniuses in this world. Talent, but now, she discovered that her master seemed to be really an all-rounder.

Her master's business vision and structure were higher than hers, who had been hailed as a business wizard by her family since she was a child.

Her master also knew how to make talismans, and the techniques for making talismans were unheard of.

Now, she was surprised to find that her master also knew how to use machine tools.

Cao Zhen pretended to be calm and indifferent and said: "It's no big deal, just some simple agents. By the way, from tomorrow on, you don't need to cook. You can find an agent later and teach it." How to cook.”

Yisheng didn't know how to cook before, but she was the daughter of the richest man. Lingxi taught her how to cook before she left. In Lingxi's words, with his disciple around, he could no longer let his master cook.

He originally thought that what Yi Sheng cooked must be a bunch of dark dishes, but it turned out to be unexpectedly delicious, and it became more and more delicious as he cooked it. In just a few days, he had the tendency to surpass Lingxi.

Yisheng was very doubtful and said: "Can they cook? Master, cooking requires control of the heat. The size of the flame will also change. After all, they are just agents. Let the disciple continue cooking."

Besides, the disciple can also control the flame when cooking, which is also an experience for the disciple. "

"Okay, you will still be the one to cook from now on." The smile on Cao Zhen's face became more and more obvious. It's good. He can practice while cooking. A genius is a genius. The more talented his disciple is, the more he can lie down.

"Thank you, Master. Master, let's eat first." Yisheng, who was once extremely proud, could no longer see any trace of pride on her face. She opened the food box and asked curiously: "Master, are you going to build a house? How can you behave so well? Are you going to build a house?"

"These clay figurines are good at everything, but there is one problem. They are afraid of rain. If they encounter water, they will be doomed, so I found a high-lying place and built a huge house for these clay figurines." Cao said. Zhen pointed at the almost-built simple house and said, "As long as this house can shelter from the rain, after they build the house, I will let them make talismans. Make the transcendent spirit-gathering talisman and the heaven-returning talisman."

"They can also make talismans?" Yisheng was completely shocked. Making talismans was not a simple matter. Suddenly, she thought of something else and shouted: "Master, what is the cost of these machine people?"

Cao Zhen pointed to a pile of dirt not far away and said, "The cost is almost negligible."

"That's it, Master, we can sell these machine men." Yisheng said, but he shook his head: "No, these machine men are all made by Master. Master has so many geniuses to create these machine men. If we sell them As for the machine man, the master needs to keep making it."

Cao Zhen said while picking up vegetables: "Who said I want to make it myself? I can create some higher-level machine people and let those machine people make lower-level machine people."

"Can we also use the agency to create another agency?" Yisheng looked at Cao Zhen as if he was listening to a book from heaven.

"What's so difficult about this? You can go down the mountain and bring me some materials later. These clay figurines are not smart enough. When I make a new mechanism man, you won't need to go down the mountain to collect the talismans. Let the mechanism man do it. yes."

The new mechanism man has not been created yet, and Yisheng still needs to go down the mountain to collect the talismans. In an instant, she bought a large amount of materials for Cao Zhen. The most expensive of these materials was a material called Tong birch.

The tung birch tree is a very tough tree. Not to mention ordinary people, even those disciples who have just started practicing, it is difficult to cut it down without the help of sharp weapons.

Moreover, there are not many of this kind of tung birch trees, and most of them grow on cliffs, so the price of tung birch trees is not cheap.

There are simple talismans and advanced talismans for making talismans. Naturally, there are also simple talismans and advanced talismans.

Those clay figures can only do the simplest things, such as making talismans, watering the spiritual field, cleaning the yard, and building a house.

But they can't do more complicated things. If you want to make a higher-level machine, you must use higher-level materials, and the techniques are more complicated.

With his previous experience in making clay figurines, it still took Cao Zhen ten days to create the first Tung Birch machine man.

Compared with those clay robots, the tung birch wood robots are obviously much more refined, and they are not afraid of water. The most important thing is that they can be taught how to make clay robots!

After making the first Tung Birch wood robot, with experience, he could make subsequent ones much faster. In the end, he could even make a batch of five Tung Birch wood robots at one time.

Before I knew it, a month had passed.

Cao Zhen looked at the ten tung birch machinemen who were making clay figurines, and then at the clay figures who were making talismans. He said to Yi Sheng beside him: "The tung birch machinemen are good at everything, but they are expensive. Don't waste materials." Under such circumstances, an agency man would have to spend an average of one thousand taels of spirit stones. However, those clay figures really save money."

"Master, the price of these clay figurines is low. If we make a large number of clay figurines and release them later, it will be enough to impact the entire market. But at the moment, we have to consider the sale of talismans first. We have been pressing it for a long time. Those people from the Taoist Academy We all have opinions." Yisheng and his master, after such a long time, the two of them have learned nothing else, but their way of speaking has become more and more modern.

"Then get ready..." Just as Cao Zhen spoke, a beam of light rose into the sky in the distance, breaking through the clouds and reaching the sky.

In an instant, the entire world seemed to change color, the sky shook, the earth shook, and even the scorching sun above seemed to have lost its luster.

The next moment, an extremely huge golden elixir emerged from the light pillar. Even from a very far distance, you can clearly see it. One of the golden elixirs is like a crane, but it only has one foot, and its whole body is covered with cyan. A giant bird with feathers appeared, with red markings on its feathers, like burning eternal flames.

From a distance, Cao Zhen felt that the temperature around him seemed to have risen a lot.

The divine bird is perfect!

Bi Fang shouted loudly, and the sound resounded throughout the Baifeng Sect, causing the clouds in the distance to billow.

"Golden Elixir Great Perfection! Visionary Golden Elixir, ten of them are Visionary Golden Elixir! Someone has made a breakthrough!" Yisheng exclaimed: "That direction, that is the direction of Suzaku Peak, who made the breakthrough!"

Cao Zhen felt the aura emanating from the distance, and a figure appeared in his mind.

Li Ke.

The person who made the breakthrough should be Li Ke!

Suddenly, there was a wave of fluctuation in his room.

"Wanli Sound Transmission Water Mirror? Who gave me the sound transmission?" Cao Zhen was stunned for a moment, then walked towards the room. After taking a few steps, the voice from the water mirror was already coming out.

"Today, my disciple Li Ke of Suzaku Peak has made some small achievements in cultivating immortality and has completed the perfection of the golden elixir."

"The master of Suzaku Peak, the voice of Tu Suzaku." Cao Zhen had heard Tu Suzaku's voice a long time ago, and the other person's voice was very recognizable.

Tu Zhuque's first words were quite serious, but her next voice was full of pride, and it felt like she was speaking to someone.

"What a coincidence, these ten golden elixirs are all visionary golden elixirs. I, Zhuque Peak, will hold a celebration banquet in ten days to invite the Hundred Peaks Sect, and all the peak masters will appreciate them at that time."

The voice fell, paused slightly, and then rang again.

"Chen Qingluan, don't say that you don't have time in retreat. Of course, if you are jealous, you can make excuses not to come."

"Tu Zhuque, don't think that people are like you. In ten days, I will arrive at Qingluan Peak!"

Cao Zhen was speechless. It was certain that what Tu Zhuque said later was specifically for Chen Qingluan. Can you two chat privately? Don’t waste time on public channels.

"This Tu Zhuque, I don't know if he is so happy because his apprentice has made a breakthrough, or because he has a chance to defeat Chen Qingluan."

Cao Zhen complained to Yisheng on the side: "I even suspect that she wanted to hold a banquet just to show off to Chen Qingluan.

Anyway, whoever wants to go can go, but I won't go. If you have that time, wouldn't it be better to practice some Mechanism training at home? "

"But..." Yisheng looked at Cao Zhen expectantly and said, "Master, my disciple wants to go."

"My disciple, you are still too young." Cao Zhen sighed and analyzed: "When we go to someone else's banquet, we can't go empty-handed. We have to bring gifts. Besides, the master is also the peak master. You can’t give too little. If you go to eat that little food, you have to pay a lot of gifts, it’s not worth it.”

"But, Master, there is a blood pool in Suzaku Peak. According to rumors, the blood pool contains the blood of the sacred beast Suzaku, so the blood pool is also called the Suzaku Blood Pool.

The disciple's current cultivation level is too low. If he could enter the Suzaku blood pool and soak in it, he would get great benefits. "Yisheng's voice was full of self-blame. Five disciples from the Four Treasures Peak and her four senior brothers and sisters had all entered the Qianlong Immortal Palace, and she was the only one left outside.

If something happened, she couldn't just ask her master to come forward, but with her current level of cultivation, she might only embarrass Sibaofeng if she came forward, and she didn't want to embarrass her own sect.

"Oh, is there such a place in Zhuque Peak?" Cao Zhen reached out and patted Yi Sheng on the shoulder and said, "Then we have to go, we must go!"

His disciple is a true yang body, and belongs to the same fire element as Suzaku. Soaking in the Suzaku blood pool will indeed be of great benefit. It's just that Yisheng is too young. She has been in the Taoist Academy before. The time to really join the Baifeng Sect is limited. She has little popularity and connections. If she is allowed to go by herself, there is no way she can enter the Suzaku Blood Pool. If she takes her with her, Go, maybe there is some chance.

"Master!" Yisheng looked at her master, and the emotion in her heart finally turned into these two words. She knew that Sibaofeng was poor, and her master had said before that she didn't want to spend money, but now for herself, those promised Chances are, Master still changed his mind and wanted to go to Suzaku Peak.

Become stronger!

Still have to become stronger!

When I become stronger, I will never let Master waste resources for me or embarrass Master. I must use more resources to repay Master and the Four Treasure Peaks!

Cao Zhen was already thinking: "Actually, the people at Zhuque Peak are not stupid, so why does it have to be said to be ten days later instead of today? Firstly, Zhuque Peak has to prepare, and secondly, she is giving it to everyone Time for everyone to prepare gifts for the banquet.

So what should we give?

It would be too tacky for us to directly give gifts of gold. I'm afraid there will be no shortage of spiritual stones on the Suzaku Peak of the Fifty Peaks. We have to give some special gifts... Pills, let's give pills. "

"Giving pills?" A look of struggle flashed across Yisheng's face. He was silent for a moment and then said, "Master, otherwise I'd better forget it. The pills are too expensive."

She was well aware of the situation at the Four Treasures Peak, and she also knew how expensive those precious elixirs were. Master just said that the gift should not be too casual, so the gift must not be ordinary pills.

Although she wanted to improve herself in the Suzaku Blood Pool, she didn't want her master to make Si Baofeng pay too high a price.

Since she joined the Four Treasures Peak, her master has given her enough.

"Expensive? It's not too expensive. One or two thousand taels of spirit stone can be used to get it done." Cao Zhen calculated the medicinal materials for making elixirs, motioned Yi Sheng to sit down and said, "Let's eat first. Master has already thought of what to give." The elixir is ready, I will go down the mountain to buy some medicinal materials for the master later and come back to make the elixir."

"Alchemy?" Yi Sheng's body that had just sat down suddenly straightened up, and he looked at his master in disbelief: "Master, do you know how to make alchemy?" Alchemy is much more difficult than making talismans.

Cao Zhen smiled proudly: "Master knows more than a little."

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