My Master Knows Just a Bit About Everything

Chapter 124: Qianlong Temple’s Four Treasure Peaks, Four Treasure Peak’s Qianlong Temple

The Immortal Armament Square had experienced the bombardment of the formation calamity, and the entire ground seemed to have been plowed several times, with countless soil turned up.

A gust of wind blew by, and dust suddenly flew up.

Lu Chaoqiong looked at Cao Zhen in front of her through the blown smoke, but she felt that she couldn't see clearly. Those alchemy masters and formation masters, each one of them didn't have their own pride?

Cao Zhen, why doesn’t he have any consciousness of being a master? He actually wants to benefit from it openly! Is this what a master should do?

But she really hoped that Cao Zhen could stay in Qianlong Temple, so she could only say: "Master Cao, if you have any conditions, you can put them forward."

"Conditions? I won't make a price, but you, the patron, should speak first. If the price you say is suitable, I will be the deputy patron. If not, we can discuss it again." Cao Zhencai is not in a hurry, anyway, it is now. If the viewer wants him to stay, then he will naturally not speak first. For this kind of thing, he will be passive as soon as he speaks, and it is only the fool who speaks first.

Guanzhu Lu thought about it, what are the conditions? Cao Zhen would definitely want a lot if he directly opened the conditions. Therefore, we still have to talk about our feelings with Cao Zhen. In any case, Cao Zhen is a member of the Baifeng Sect, and it is for the good of the Baifeng Sect to let him be the temple master.

Talk to him, his master must also want to see the Hundred Peaks Sect become better, and he must be very happy to see him become the master of Qianlong Temple.

Therefore, you can offer a slightly better price, but you cannot offer it too high.

Lu Chaoqiong quickly came up with an idea, and just when she was about to speak, Cao Zhen's voice came first.

"Guanzhu Lu, I think you can make two bids. The first bid is for sincerity, and the second bid is for business. I'm not very good at doing business, so it mainly depends on sincerity. ”

As Cao Zhen spoke, he pretended to be an honest person. He looked at Lu Chaoqiong just now. Although he didn't know what she was thinking, he was sure that Lu Chaoqiong definitely didn't want to offer him a high price. He had to deal with Lu Chaoqiong first. The words behind it will be blocked.

Lu Chaoqiong was speechless. You still don't know how to do business? You put it this way, this is the best at doing business.

Cao Zhen looked at Lu Chaoqiong's troubled look, raised his hands to a few people and said: "Guys, after I came to Qianlong Temple, I haven't seen my disciples yet, and I don't know what happened to them. I'll go first. It’s up to you to see the disciples. Temple Master, you can come to me at any time after you have made up your mind.”

With that said, he turned around and walked towards the outside of the Immortal Armament Square.

Lu Chaoqiong waited until Cao Zhen walked away, then sighed softly, looked at Ai Yunqi and said, "Elder Ai, I'm leaving first too."

Ai Yunqi was silent for a moment, hesitated in his heart, and finally said: "Master, wait a moment."

"What?" Ai Yunqi was slightly surprised. Looking at the empty shelves around him, he understood in his heart and said, "Are you saying that all the materials have been used up by Peak Master Cao? Since there is no material, the Immortal Weapon Workshop can be semi-closed first. , will not be refined for the time being, and the Divine Weapon Tomb will continue to be open.

I now have to go to the Master Zhang Zong to discuss the issue of Peak Master Cao and the specific situation of the Immortal Armament Square. Can we discuss it after I come back? "

Ai Yunqi took two steps forward and said, "Master Guan, what I want to discuss with you is the matter of Peak Master Cao."

"Peak Master Cao?" Lu Chaoqiong looked surprised: "Is there anything else about him?"

Gu Chengyu was about to leave, but after hearing the conversation between the two, he looked over curiously.

Ai Yunqi glanced at Gu Chengyu, thought for a moment, and without going behind Gu Chengyu's back, asked Lu Chaoqiong: "Master, haven't you ever been curious? The Four Treasures Peak is the last peak of our Hundred Peaks Sect. , many people say that Sibao Peak and Qixing Peak are the only ones in existence, and they couldn't be any worse.

They don't even look like separate peaks. However, you and I both know that Qixing Peak actually still has some foundation, and the Hundred Peaks Sect is really bad. The dilapidated appearance even makes people doubt that the Four Treasures Peak will no longer be able to pass on and disappear from then on.

But if you look at this period of time, since the battle between Peak Master Cao and Xingyao Peak, Sibao Peak can be said to be prosperous.

His first four disciples all entered our Qianlong Temple, and every time they came to our Qianlong Temple, it was like robbery, each one could take away a top-notch magic weapon.

And he himself went too far. He caused the Five Elements Pill Land to be closed directly. If it weren't for the Divine Weapon Tomb, this Immortal Weapon Workshop would also have to be closed.

Don't you find this strange? "

"I have certainly considered these issues." Lu Chaoqiong looked at Ai Yunqi and said, "But I haven't figured out why. If you know anything, just tell me directly."

Ai Yunqi glanced around, and after confirming that there was no one else except the three of them, he slowly said: "I helped Master Cao Feng refine the formation diagram here for nearly ten days. During these nine days, we We also talked about it a lot. Although Peak Master Cao didn’t say it explicitly, he hinted to me that he was from the Taichu Era and was the reincarnation of the Heavenly King Qin Haoxuan.”

She didn't want to publicize the identity of Lord Cao as the reincarnation of the Great Master at first, but now the temple wants Master Cao to be the deputy temple master. In the future, to become the temple master, she has to find the real person in charge of the temple.

This matter was not a trivial matter, it could even affect the future development of the entire Baifeng Sect, so she had to speak out.

What's more, there are only three of them here, and she has absolute trust in the Guanzhu and Gu Chengyu.

"The reincarnation of a great power? Qin Haoxuan? Why have I never heard of a being named Qin Haoxuan? Return to the King of Heaven? Return to the Taichu Era? I've never heard of it. Is he crazy?" Lu Chaoqiong said, looking at Ai Yun His eyes became a little strange.

"Crazy? How do you think he is crazy?" Ai Yunqi looked at Lu Chaoqiong with the same strange expression, as if he was saying silently, you are the crazy one.

"Look at what Peak Master Cao has done, which one looks like something a lunatic could do? Do you think a lunatic can train four disciples like this and make three disciples become the Three Qianlong Sons?

That is to say, Qianlong Temple only has the third son of Qianlong. If it is the fourth son, I have no doubt that the fourth son of Qianlong will still be occupied by his four disciples.

Moreover, these four disciples still have ancient immortal bodies and today's useless bodies. Do you think this is something a madman can do?

Also, when he was refining elixirs in the Five Elements Dan Land, he was able to induce elixir tribulations, and now refining the formation can also induce formation tribulations. Do you think this is something a lunatic can do?

Do you think, if Peak Master Cao was not the reincarnation of a great power, how did he achieve this? Is it possible based on the foundation of the Four Treasures Peak? If the Four Treasures Peak really has a heritage, why has it been ranked at the bottom of the Hundred Peaks Sect for so many years?

As for what you said, you don’t know Qin Haoxuan or Taichu Era.

The world of immortality has such a long history. In the long history, there are eras and predecessors that we don't know about. Is it strange? "

Lu Chaoqiong was silent for a moment. Indeed, it was so abnormal for the Four Treasures Peak to have such a big change. If Cao Zhen was really the reincarnation of the Great Power, then everything would make sense.

"Could it be that Peak Master Cao is really the reincarnation of a powerful person? The Taichu Era? I have read too many ancient books, but I have never seen this era. Taichu, the beginning of everything? This should be a very, very ancient era. Era, if so, then Peak Master Cao should be the senior among our seniors."

Ai Yunqi began to analyze unknowingly: "The era in which Peak Master Cao lived at that time is unknown how many years ago. As these endless years have passed, his relatives and enemies from that era are probably gone.

Therefore, Peak Master Cao has no connection with the era he was in at that time. It can even be said that Peak Master Cao is now alone. "

"No, Peak Master Cao is not alone." Ai Yunqi interrupted, "Peak Master Cao still has the Four Treasure Peaks, his disciples, and our Hundred Peaks Sect.

During the past few days that I have been in contact with Peak Master Cao, I can feel that Peak Master Cao has a great sense of belonging to our Hundred Peaks Sect. He has regarded himself as a member of the Baifeng Sect, and the Baifeng Sect is his concern. "

Lu Chaoqiong interrupted at the right time: "Unless he wants to start a sect."

"No." Ai Yunqi said firmly: "If Peak Master Cao had the idea of ​​establishing a sect, he would have done it long ago. He is the Peak Master, so he has every reason to leave the Hundred Peaks Sect, and then practice outside to improve his own abilities. Cultivation, and finally establish a sect.

But he didn't do this. Not only was he not eager to improve his cultivation, he even spent a lot of time on his disciples, carefully cultivating all four of his disciples into beings like Qianlong Sanzi. .

Moreover, he not only cultivated the disciples of Sibaofeng, he also took the initiative to recruit new disciples, and the one he recruited was Yi Sheng.

She was the most talented disciple among the disciples of this Taoist academy. In the Hundred Peaks Sect, every peak wanted to accept her as a disciple, but in the end, Yisheng became a disciple of the Four Treasures Peak. I think Master Cao also used it. A lot of thought went into it.

Otherwise, relying on their reputation of ranking last among the Four Treasures Peak and the Hundred Peaks, to put it bluntly, even if they kowtow, it is impossible for Yisheng to join the Four Treasures Peak.

At first, many people laughed and said that Yisheng had made the worst choice by joining Sibaofeng. But who would have thought that that would be the best choice.

Peak Master Cao must be aware of Yisheng's talent. For the sake of the Baifeng Sect, he wanted to train a future mainstay for the Baifeng Sect, so he personally trained Yisheng. "

As she spoke, she paused slightly, and then continued: "I am telling you this because I want to remind you that when you see the Master Zhang Zong, you must explain these things clearly to the Master Zhang Zong. That is a The reincarnation of great power must be taken seriously."

Lu Chaoqiong nodded heavily: "I must make it clear, especially in this special period. The Little Era is coming soon, and the world will be reversed by then. All the top leaders and masters of our Baifeng Sect will be asleep.

Peak Master Cao is not yet a golden elixir, but he has also condensed the inner elixir. When the Little Era comes and the world is reversed, his strength will definitely be stronger. Among those who are not sleeping, he will definitely be at the top. At that time, Peak Master Cao can be asked to take good care of Qianlong Temple and Baifeng Sect. "

Gu Chengyu, who had been standing aside without speaking a word, suddenly said: "Actually, we should be glad that Peak Master Cao is only forming pills now. Otherwise, no matter how strong he is, Peak Master Cao will fall asleep by then. So, he The current level of cultivation is low, which is actually a good thing."

Lu Chaoqiong nodded and said, "You can indeed look at it this way, but it's a bit too low. He doesn't like to practice yet."

Ai Yunqi didn't care and said: "Peak Master Cao is the reincarnation of a powerful person. If you want to practice, shouldn't you hurry up?"

Lu Chaoqiong thought for a while, nodded slightly and said: "It makes some sense. I already know about this matter. Let me discuss it with the Master Zhang Zong."

Before she could leave, Gu Chengyu spoke again: "Master Guan, have you thought about what you promised Master Cao?"

Lu Chaoqiong shook his head: "I haven't thought about it yet."

"I have an idea." Gu Chengyu pointed to the empty material racks around him and said, "Look, Master Cao consumes a lot of materials when refining things. There are not many materials in Sibao Peak. Master Cao has nothing but alchemy, The skill of refining formations cannot be used, and it is difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without straw.

So, I think we can give Peak Master Cao more materials, such as allowing Peak Master Cao to freely use the materials of Qianlong Temple? "

"No." As soon as Lu Chaoqiong heard the word "material", she instinctively refused. After saying that, she seemed to feel that she had spoken too eagerly, and added: "As the master of the temple, although I can control the people of Qianlong Temple, The materials are only controlled. How the materials are used in the end needs to be reported to the sect. As for letting him use the materials at will, I don't have the right. This matter still needs to be discussed with the real person in charge of the sect.

Okay, I'll go find the Master Zhang first. "

Lu Chaoqiong left quickly.

After Cao Zhen left the Immortal Arms Workshop, he walked all the way to the residence of Qianlong Sanzi. He had been refining the formation diagram here for so many days, and the one Ai Yunqi talked to him about the most was his four disciples. I also know that three of his four apprentices became the Three Qianlong Sons.

After a while, I came to Qianlong Temple again. Different from the previous visit to Qianlong Temple, this time many disciples of Qianlong Temple avoided him after seeing him.

Now, in Qianlong Temple, who doesn’t know that the people of Sibaofeng are more powerful and worse than the other, and they always look for opportunities to compete with others and beat them up. .

All of this must have been led by Cao Zhen, the peak master of Sibao Peak. If you see him not hiding away, wouldn't you be asking for trouble?

Cao Zhen quickly walked outside Qianlong Sanzi's house and knocked on the door.

Not long after, the door was pushed open, revealing Bei Yan's little head.

"Master, you are finally here." Bei Yan suddenly had the urge to cry. Master is finally here, and my hard days are over.

"Why do you look like this?" Cao Zhen touched Beiyan's little head and felt that he hadn't seen him for a while. Little Beiyan seemed to have grown a little taller and seemed to have lost some weight.

"Master, you don't know that since the four of us got together, senior sister and senior brother, apart from practicing, they also competed with each other. I...I am young and can't beat them." Xiao Beiyan said as he looked towards Cao Zhen kept looking behind him: "By the way, master, where is the junior sister? Why didn't the junior sister come?"

He was really bullied during this period of time.

At the beginning, he was here with his second senior sister and third senior brother.

The second senior sister has always been a cultivator, but the third senior brother has become even more seriously ill since he learned that he was going down the mountain. He stopped reading novels and started practicing. He seems even crazier than the second senior sister.

This is good. When the second senior sister saw it, she couldn't be compared to the third senior brother, so she started practicing crazily.

The two people were practicing like crazy, so let's practice, but they dragged him again. It's a pity that he was still a child, and he continued to practice every day. Later, the second senior sister and the third senior brother felt that the training was not enough, and said that they wanted to learn from each other, so they should learn from each other, and they wanted to take him with them.

At first, he imagined that he might be able to overpower the Second Senior Sister and the Third Senior Brother. After all, the Second Senior Sister and the Third Senior Brother only got one Divine Weapon from the Divine Weapon Tomb, but he got two Divine Weapons.

But after they started discussing, he realized that he was wrong, very wrong.

The second senior sister was worthy of being a ruthless person who chased her master all over the mountain in the past. He felt that he and the second senior sister should be similar, but after they started fighting, they just couldn't beat him.

The second senior sister fought with him, and every beating made him feel murderous. He even suspected that the second senior sister wanted to kill him.

In the words of Second Senior Sister, she has become very restrained.

The second senior sister couldn't beat him, and when it was the third senior brother's turn, he found that he couldn't beat him either. The third senior brother's magical power was simply unbelievably strong. Moreover, the third senior brother's improvement was so fast that he even wondered whether people with abnormal brains were the most suitable for cultivation.

He was tortured to death every day.

Later, the senior sister finally came. He looked happy and immediately invited the senior sister to have a discussion.

He came many days earlier than Senior Sister. He got two divine weapons in the Divine Weapons Tomb, and he had been competing with Second Senior Sister and Third Senior Brother for so long. He should have won now.

The second senior sister and the third senior brother were both a ruthless person and a sick person. He couldn't beat them. He admitted that the senior sister was a normal person. How could he still beat them?

As a result, he was abused again.

The set of talismans in the hands of the senior sister almost made him cry.

Only later did he find out that it was the second-generation Master Master, the most powerful divine weapon in his hand.

Now, finally, the master is here. The master is here, so the junior sister should also come. He is young, so it makes sense for him to compete with the junior sister.

He was waiting for his junior sister to rescue him, but in the end, he only saw his master and not his junior sister.

"Your junior sister? Your junior sister is helping me refine elixirs at home."

"Little junior sister, you're not here?" Xiao Beiyan suddenly felt that his life was in darkness.

This was the first time that Cao Zhen entered the residence of the three Qianlong disciples. He glanced around the room, but did not see the other three disciples. He asked curiously: "Where are the three of them?"

"Senior brother and senior sister are practicing in the back." Xiao Beiyan pointed to the backyard with a look of despair.

The training place of Qianlong Sanzi is not just a room like this. This is just a room where they meditate and practice on weekdays. Behind this room, there is a huge backyard and a place where they live.

Cao Zhen, led by Xiao Beiyan, walked toward the backyard. Within a few steps, he heard Xiang Ziyu's voice.

"Senior sister, let me tell you, my God and Demon Record is definitely the top level magical power. Let alone the God and Demon Scroll, I think it is more domineering to be called God and Demon Record than the God and Demon Scroll.

Just practice as I say. Senior sister, don't think there's a problem with that place. You can just go straight to it? What? Muscles damaged? Obsessed? No, no, as the protagonist, I will stand by and nothing will happen to you. "

Cao Zhen turned back to look at Bei Yan with curiosity and asked: "What is going on? Your third senior brother is teaching your two senior sisters magical powers? Does it sound like your two senior sisters haven't learned it yet? Also, the names of magical powers can be changed. Is that it? A volume of gods and demons and a recording of gods and demons?"

Upon hearing this, Xiao Beiyan said quickly: "Master, why don't you take Third Senior Brother out quickly and check him out? I feel that Third Senior Brother's illness is getting more and more serious.

The disciple followed the master's teachings carefully. After arriving at Qianlong Temple, he and his senior brother went to the Immortal Weapon Shop to choose the magic weapons. However, the third brother had good magic weapons and refused to choose them. He insisted on choosing the magic weapons that were damaged and could not be repaired. "

Cao Zhen said in a complicated tone: "This, I know, he took away the Tiangang Earth Evil Pearl of the founder of the sect, what happens next?" These were all what Ai Yunqi told him when he was refining the formation, and when he heard it at that time , except that I am speechless.

Xiang Ziyu's brain usually doesn't work very well, so how come he is mentally ill when he is gathering wool like this?

As a result, he was foolish enough to let him take away the ancestor's magic weapon. Although it was damaged, it was still the ancestor's magic weapon.

Xiao Beiyan continued: "Senior brother, he is seriously ill and he is serious later. We went to Shentong Secret Record Pavilion to select magical powers. Senior brother, he looked for those incomplete magical powers, and finally he took away two books of magical powers."

"Two copies?" Cao Zhen said unexpectedly: "Can't I only take one kind of magical power?"

Xiao Beiyan stressed: "It's two books, not two. In fact, I can't figure out whether it's two magical powers or one magical power.

Among the magical powers that my senior brother received, one has the character "upper" and the other has the character "down". He said that they are two volumes of a magical power. Then he took it back and practiced it, and then senior brother he succeeded in practicing it.

We also thought that the senior brother was lucky and really got two volumes of one magical power. However, the senior brother taught us how to practice it, but we couldn't practice it. We thought they were two magical powers. "

"Is there such a thing?" Cao Zhen was very curious and walked quickly to the courtyard.

In the courtyard, the three people from Lingxi heard footsteps and turned their heads to look.


The three people saw Cao Zhen and quickly said hello.

A happy smile appeared on Yan Yourong's face. She felt like she hadn't seen her master in a long time.

Lingxi even ran to Cao Zhen's side and asked, "Master, why are you here? Where is my junior sister?"

"Yisheng is refining elixirs at home." Cao Zhen touched the head of the busty girl Lingxi. As expected, the eldest disciple was the most well-behaved.

"She is in Sibao Peak by herself?" Lingxi asked with some worry: "Little junior sister, she has not really joined our Hundred Peaks Sect for a short time. She is in Sibao Peak by herself, will there be no problem?"

Cao Zhen said with a smile: "It's okay, I will go back in a while. By the way, I just heard you talking about magical powers. What magical powers can't be cultivated?"

"It's the magical power obtained by the disciple." Xiang Ziyu said with a proud face: "Master, I said that I am the protagonist. I asked you to listen to me and look for more broken things. If you don't believe it, you won't get anything. .Look at me, I got a lot of treasures."

Cao Zhen's face suddenly darkened. Is he going to get those rags at your command? If you really go and get those rags, it will only take me years and years to collect the materials for you to make alchemy!

Xiang Ziyu was completely immersed in his own world and didn't notice the change in Cao Zhen's face at all. He took out two books and shouted, "Master, look at these two secret books. Let me tell you, what's in this book?" His magical powers are too strong, and his dual cultivation of gods and demons is terrifying. It’s a pity that senior sister and junior brother can’t learn it.”

"Bring it here, let me take a look." Cao Zhen took the two books out of curiosity and looked at the covers. Sure enough, one book had a word like [Part 1], and the other book had a word like [Up]. Down】.

But the fonts in these two books are obviously different.

Perhaps, to others, the font looks similar, but with his level 99 calligraphy skills, he can tell the difference at a glance.

The fonts are all different. Could this be the upper and lower parts of a magical power?

Cao Zhen continued to read the two books, and suddenly his brows furrowed even more. There were fewer words on the first page of this secret book, and the missing words were very serious. He quickly turned to the back and found that the latter was not much better. , some pages, or even a whole page of words were almost destroyed, leaving only a few words.

Just like this, can you still practice? How to practice? Guess they are practicing?

Cao Zhen couldn't understand it at all. He turned back to the first pages of the two books and looked at them slowly. Although the text on the pages was incomplete, he could still see that the two books were two kinds of magical powers. The two kinds of magical powers are polar opposites. One of them should be a magical power that follows the right path and is full of sacred aura, while the other is a magical power that emphasizes weirdness, change, and even gloominess and darkness.

These two magical powers are completely opposite extremes. How can they be practiced? Not to mention going crazy, it would be nice not to train people to death, but Xiang Ziyu managed to do it.

No matter how much he thought about it, he couldn't understand, how could this be accomplished? If he hadn't had Zhonghua Cloud, he would have even doubted whether Xiang Ziyu was really the protagonist.

"How did you practice?" Cao Zhen turned around and looked at Xiang Ziyu with confusion.

Xiang Ziyu said with a simple look: "Just practice and practice."

Cao Zhen didn't believe it: "When you were practicing, you didn't feel the conflict of breaths or damage to the muscles and veins?"

Xiang Ziyu said with an arrogant face: "Yes, but what are those? It's just a conflict of breaths, isn't this a normal phenomenon? They conflict, I just suppress them forcefully, I am the protagonist, how can I still suppress them?" They must all listen to me."

Cao Zhen fell silent. Xiang Ziyu said it simply, but he could forcibly practice two conflicting magical powers into one. How could the conflict of auras be so simple?

Forcibly suppressing the two opposing auras, he didn't know how much pain he had to endure and what kind of danger he had to experience. But Xiang Ziyu did it. In addition to good luck, it also required an extremely strong heart and an extremely tenacious will.

Xiang Ziyu saw his master looking at his secret book of magical powers without saying a word, and couldn't help but urge: "Master, how are you? Are you also shocked by the miraculous transformation of my disciple's magical powers? Master, if you want to practice If so, my disciple can teach you directly."

"No need, this magical power cannot be learned by a teacher." Cao Zhen shook his head directly. He could tell after just a few glances that he would never be able to learn this magical power.

He thought for a while and said to Xiang Ziyu: "Don't give this magical power to your senior sister and junior brother anymore. They can't practice it, because my teacher discovered that this magical power can only be practiced by the original Yin-Yang Immortal Demon King body. And you are the original Yin-Yang Immortal Demon King Body."

Xiang Ziyu must not tell the truth about this matter. Xiang Ziyu has always believed that this is the same magical power, so when encountering various situations, he can survive with strong willpower.

If he told him the truth and he began to suspect that the magical power was two-door, there would definitely be problems later, even if he stopped practicing.

Therefore, the best way is to continue to lie to him. Of course, Xiang Ziyu cannot be allowed to teach his senior sister and junior brother to practice anymore. Fortunately, Lingxi and the others did not follow him and force him to practice. Otherwise, Xiang Ziyu would not have any problems. , they may not have problems.

If you want to forcibly cultivate these two magical powers into one magical power, the problems encountered are not only the conflict and disorder of breath, but more importantly, various inner demons. If you are not careful, you will definitely go crazy.

As for Xiang Ziyu, although this guy has a bad brain, he always thinks that he is the protagonist, but this time, his brain is not good, but it helps him.

I'm afraid it's precisely because he firmly believes that he is the protagonist that he doesn't go crazy.

As for his successful cultivation because of the original Yin-Yang Immortal Demon King Body, that is purely made up.

Of course, it might be possible.

Of these two magical powers, one indeed has a fairy flavor, and the other has a demonic flavor.

"So that's the reason." Xiang Ziyu nodded in agreement and said: "I asked, why have senior sister and junior brother never mastered it? Sure enough, only the protagonist can master this kind of magical power. Just like Xiao Yan Rubbing lotus flowers, only the protagonist can master this magical power of breath conflict!"

Cao Zhen was desperate. His three disciples were really hopeless.

He turned to look at the other people and asked, "By the way, you guys are fine. Why are you learning the third child's magical powers?"

As the senior sister, Lingxi quickly explained: "Master, this is how it is. Each of us has obtained a magical power from the Shen Tong Secret Record Pavilion. We thought that we can certify each other's cultivation, so that we can learn from each other's strengths and offset our weaknesses."

Cao Zhen felt that the whole sky had turned dark: "So, except for Xiang Ziyu, all three of you have learned the same three magical powers?"


Everyone in Lingxi nodded, and Xiang Ziyu said proudly: "I have learned four of them, but none of them know my Record of Gods and Demons."

"This is nonsense." Cao Zhen looked at his four disciples sadly and said, "Why do you want to learn the same magical power? If you learn the same magical power, after you go out, wouldn't it be easier for others to figure it out when they fight you? Your routine?

What's more important is that each of you has different talents and is good at different things. If you force yourself to practice the same magical power, but it doesn't suit you, wouldn't it mean that you get twice the result with half the effort? "

Cao Zhen was convinced. What were the disciples thinking? They all practiced the same magical power. How could he win?

The less you know, the less I know.

If you do this, I will know the four magical powers.

But if each of you practices four different magical powers, wouldn’t I already have sixteen magical powers?

Even if you exclude Xiang Ziyu and each of you three has learned three magical powers, I have learned ten more magical powers.

If I condense the golden elixir, I will definitely need ten vision elixirs and ten top-level magical powers. How can I condense the golden elixir like this!

"Master, this disciple is wrong." Lingxi instantly fell to his knees on the ground.

"Okay, get up. I was wrong when I went back and wrote it a thousand times." Cao Zhen motioned to Lingxi to get up. This problem of kneeling down at every turn must be changed, at least not when outsiders are around. Otherwise, how can it be done if all the advantages are taken away by others? ?

Xiao Beiyan felt strange when he heard this and asked: "Master, is it the greatest if you don't add master?"

"Plus." Cao Zhen nodded and said, "Go back and write a thousand times that Master is the greatest, Yourong, and you will supervise him."

"Yes." Yan Yourong stared at Xiao Beiyan with his eyes like sharp swords.

Xiao Beiyan really wanted to cry. Why did I say this when I had nothing to do.

Xiang Ziyu agreed with his face and said: "Everyone cultivates different magical powers. Yes, I have thought so for a long time. What's the point of all the disciples from other peaks cultivating the same magical powers? I just want all the disciples to practice the same magical powers. , all practice different magical powers. He is worthy of being the master of the protagonist, he is so different."

Cao Zhen was too lazy to discuss this issue with Xiang Ziyu anymore. He raised his hand, took out four array disks, and said to several people: "I actually came here a few days ago, and I have been refining it in the Immortal Arms Workshop these days. Several formations, just one for each of you."

Xiao Beiyan said in surprise: "Array diagram? Master, do you know how to practice the array diagram? Why is this formation diagram the same as the plate?"

Cao Zhen handed the four formation disks to the four people and introduced: "So, they can also be called formation disks. This formation is called the Duzun Wuji Formation. You can try it. After the Duzun Wuji Formation is used, no matter you No matter where you are, you will always be where the formation eye is. And the opponent, no matter what spells you cast, will be changed by you. As long as it is on this formation disk, it will always be restrained."

"Is it so strong? Xiao Beiyan, come and try." Xiang Ziyu opened the array in an instant, and suddenly, a huge array emerged under its feet, wrapping this space around Xiao Beiyan.

Xiao Beiyan is going crazy, why me again? Why don't you find Senior Sister or Second Senior Sister to try?

When will this day end? Junior sister, when will you come to Qianlong Temple to rescue your fourth senior brother?

Fortunately, Xiang Ziyu just tested the power of the formation and did not really compete with Xiao Beiyan. Soon, he removed the formation, looked at his master, and praised: "Strong, really strong. I can clearly feel that within this formation, I can completely restrain my junior brother."

Xiao Beiyan also nodded vigorously and shouted: "Yes, in this formation, I feel that at most I can exert more than 80% and less than 90% of my strength. More importantly, I have been restrained. Only then This is the really uncomfortable place. Master, you said that you have been refining the formation diagram in the Immortal Weapon Workshop before. Could it be that you caused the tribulation that day?"

This formation diagram was really terrifying. He felt that if he used the formation diagram unilaterally and the second senior brother did not use the formation diagram, he would definitely be able to defeat the second senior brother.

Such a formation made him have to doubt the previous catastrophe.

"Yes, it was indeed the formation diagram that was refined for the master that caused the catastrophe. However, the catastrophe was not because of this formation diagram, but because of another type of formation diagram that was refined for the master." Cao Zhen simply gave it to Ai Yun Qi explained what array he had refined and then said, "Don't worry, your array is actually more terrifying. This array can be improved again in the future. Now, the materials are not enough, so you can use it temporarily."

"Master, you are really the cause of the catastrophe. You are too strong!" Xiao Beiyan finally learned to speak properly.

There was no surprise on Xiang Ziyu's face, he said matter-of-factly: "Sure enough, this is the protagonist's master.

On a mountain that ranks at the bottom, a master who is looked down upon by others actually hides various auxiliary abilities to assist the protagonist and reach the top step by step. "

Yan Yourong stood aside, looking at the formation disk in his hand without saying a word. The master was the reincarnation of a powerful man, so why was it strange that he could refine the formation disk?

After Xiao Beiyan finished speaking, his eyes fell on Xiang Ziyu again. He deliberately provoked: "Brother, haven't you always said that you are the protagonist? The protagonist will face many hardships. Do you dare not to show your strength? Formation, compete with me once." With this formation, he felt that he could do it. Of course, the premise was that his senior brother could not use the formation.

"Junior brother, your idea is very dangerous. Provoking the protagonist will not end well." Xiang Ziyu clenched his fists and said, "Today, senior brother will let you know the consequences of provoking the protagonist."

"Let's go, let's go to the ring to fight. We agreed that you can't cast the array, but I can cast the array." Xiao Beiyan pulled Xiang Ziyu out with excitement on his face. go.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Xiao Beiyan had just finished speaking when suddenly, there was a heavy banging on the door, followed by a voice.

"Zixuan, a disciple of Luoying Peak, challenges the three Qianlong disciples!" The voice was so loud that it was clearly heard even in the backyard.

"Zixuan?" Cao Zhen recalled: "Isn't this the [Heaven] of Qianlong Sanzi in the past? I heard that he was injured by you again later, and now he sounds confident. It means that all his injuries have healed." ?He recovered quite quickly."

"You still dare to challenge us, senior brothers and sisters, you don't have to do anything, let your junior brothers come!" Xiao Beiyan was the first to rush out. I can't beat senior brothers and sisters, so I can't beat you? Believe it or not, I will beat you to tears with the Sovereign Wuji Formation Disk!

"Let's go, just in time to see the results of your cultivation these days." He greeted a few disciples and walked outside. He knew that Zixuan had condensed the Nine Pills. If it had been before, he was really not sure whether Xiao Beiyan could Outperform the opponent.

Now, he gave Xiao Beiyan the exclusive Wuji Formation.

Outside the door, disciples from Qianlong Temple had already gathered. After so many days, someone finally challenged the three Qianlong disciples, and it was Senior Brother Zixuan who was once the strongest among the Qianlong disciples. How could they possibly Don't come to watch the fun.

Facing the door, Zixuan stood proudly alone. He looked outstanding, but his long hair was dry, bifurcated, messy, and particularly dazzling.

He did it on purpose. After his long hair was bombarded by Five Thunder Zhengfa several times before, it became like this, and he deliberately did not trim it.

He was telling himself to remember the shame of that day.

When will he trim his hair after he defeats the disciples of Si Baofeng and regains his own honor?

That day is today!

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