The focus of the Golden elixir meeting at Zhuque Peak should be Li Ke who completed the ten golden elixirs of vision, but everyone discovered that Cao Zhen had unknowingly become the focus of the Golden elixir meeting.

"Want to see my calligraphy?" Under the gaze of everyone, Cao Zhen shook his head slightly and said, "My calligraphy is very expensive. If you don't pay me, I won't be able to write."

Just let him write without giving him money? They really want to eat shit.

Suddenly, bursts of laughter rang out from all around.

"You want more money?"

"Although I am not good at calligraphy, I also know that calligraphy is an art. How can it be measured by such vulgar things as money? Real calligraphers will not use money to measure their handwriting, because it is for them. insult."

"I'm afraid Cao Zhen knows that his handwriting is not good, and he deliberately makes excuses not to write."

Shi Xiaolou listened to the constant voices coming from all around, and still looked at Cao Zhen with a humble face, and said: "In ancient times, people asked for the word Qianjin. Today, I, Shi Xiaolou, would like to follow the example of the ancients and ask for the word . I don’t have many spirit stone tickets with me, only ten thousand taels, but I am willing to give all the monthly money I will earn in the next hundred years to ask for Peak Master Cao’s words.”

It's not that he doesn't look down on the Baifeng Sect, there are indeed some geniuses in the Baifeng Sect, and the Baifeng Sect is also a sect as famous as their Four Jue Sects, but he really doesn't look down on the calligraphy of the Baifeng Sect.

He knew that the Baifeng Sect had some Xianbi Peak and Juebi Peak, but how could the inheritance of these peaks from a miscellaneous scholar's background compare with their Four Jue Peaks?

Those two people dared to say that his calligraphy was not good! Today, he will let the so-called Cao Feng write in front of everyone, letting everyone know that no one among the younger generation can compare with his handwriting!

Only comparison can better reflect how precious his words are! It can show how amazing and talented Shi Xiaolou is!

Everyone around heard the sound and couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Monthly money within a hundred years!"

"Master Shi is a talented disciple of the Four Jue Sect. He earns a lot of money every month."

Several people who wanted to please Qingluan Peak even started to praise: "Master Shi, this is not asking for a word with a thousand catties of gold, but asking for a word with a thousand gold coins, or a word with a hundred thousand gold coins."

"Master Shi, the monthly payment for a hundred years is at least one hundred thousand taels, or even two hundred thousand taels."

"Master Shi, there's nothing wrong with what you said, but you have to add a prerequisite. If it were someone else and his handwriting was not good, he wouldn't have the shame to ask for this money. But this Cao Zhen, he is the latest of the Six Evils in the Hundred Peaks First, even if his calligraphy is not good, he will ask you for money."

When Qu Qingqing heard what everyone said, she also reacted. She quickly looked at Cao Zhen and shouted: "My husband is asking for a good calligraphy. You can all bear witness. If Cao Fengzhu's calligraphy is not as good as your husband's, we will not do it." Give me the spirit stone."

Cao Zhen didn't even look at Qu Qingqing, but looked at Shi Xiaolou and looked up and down. The eight-treasure cloud pattern brocade clothes, white jade belt, and boots were all embroidered with patterns.

Dressed like this, he looks like a rich man.

Moreover, he also heard someone say just now that this genius from the Four Jue Sect must have some money. Otherwise, Chen Qingluan would not be able to let her direct disciple marry.

Such a person needs at least one hundred thousand or two hundred thousand taels of spiritual stones for a hundred years, which is enough.

"Okay, since you want to see it, today I will let you see what truly good calligraphy is." Cao Zhen looked to the side and asked, "Do you have pen and ink?"

"Master Cao, we have it."

"Master Cao, let me grind it for you."

Chang Tiance and Xu Ruyi quickly took out the Four Treasures of the Study, emptied the things on the Zixia Peak stone table, and started grinding.

As people from Juebi Peak and Xianbi Peak, they would naturally carry the Four Treasures of the Study with them.

The ink has been ground.

Cao Zhen rolled up his sleeve with his left hand and lifted the brush with his right hand.

Many people around saw this and couldn't help but laugh.

"Does he really want to write?"

"Is he really not afraid of embarrassment?"

"The person he is embarrassing is not his own people, but the people of our Baifeng Sect. Fortunately, Mr. Shi can be considered one of our own people. If it were outside, it would be a big shame."

"Master Cao, with Mr. Shi's Zhuji in front of you, it's better not to be embarrassed."

In the eyes of everyone, Cao Zhen raised his pen and drew two lines on the rice paper in front of him. In this situation, he felt that cursive writing was more suitable. Zhao Ji is not only good at thin gold body, but his cursive calligraphy is also outstanding.

On the side, Liu Zhixing looked at the two strokes drawn by Cao Zhen and couldn't help but sneered. These words were no better than him, and he dared to use them to embarrass himself: "Pfft, what... these are also words. Let him write, not let him Hua Hua, his word...this..."

Liu Zhixing's eyes suddenly widened, and he stared blankly at the first word written by Cao Zhen, but he couldn't pronounce a single word. This word... this...

He didn't understand calligraphy, but when he saw this character, he realized how beautiful it was. He even discovered for the first time that the characters could be written so beautifully.

Cao Zhen wrote extremely fast. In just a short moment, he had already finished writing a few words.

[If heaven had not given birth to Cao Zhen, calligraphy would have lasted forever like a long night]

Everyone looked at the words in front of them, and each of them had only one thought in their mind, good, they couldn't tell what was good about this word, but they just felt that this word was really good!

Chen Qingluan looked at the words flying like dragons and phoenixes in front of her. She was shocked and shocked. Although she was not a calligrapher, she still loved calligraphy. Otherwise, she would not have found Shi Xiaolou, a master of calligraphy and painting, as her personal disciple in the end. Be a Taoist companion.

The more she read the few words in front of her, the more obsessed she became. They were just a few words, but they gave her a feeling of forcing Longsha away, catastrophizing thousands of miles, and a powerful feeling. These simple words made her feel as if Listening to a gorgeous movement, unrestrained, silent, exciting, quiet...

Suddenly, three powerful spiritual energy surged to the side, shooting straight into the sky, causing the surrounding air to tremble slightly.


Everyone looked to one side in shock.

"Master Shi, Master of Juebi Peak, and Master of Xianbi Peak, the three of them actually had an epiphany!"

"The three of them had an epiphany at the same time, just because of these few words!"

There was an uproar all around.

This is an epiphany, an epiphany that can only be encountered but cannot be sought. Cao Zhen's calligraphy actually made the three calligraphy practitioners present have an epiphany. How good this calligraphy is!

They thought the calligraphy was good, but they never imagined that the calligraphy could be so good. That was an epiphany!

Chang Tiance and Xu Ruyi stared blankly at the four big characters in front of them. It took them a long time to come back to their senses, their eyes filled with shock.

They have already seen Master Cao's calligraphy, so they know how amazing it is. But last time, Master Cao's handwriting was so neat and neat, but the words in front of them were so... Be free and wild!

Master Cao Feng is actually so good at even cursive writing.

This was the second time they read the words written by Peak Master Cao. Although they did not have an epiphany, they also felt that they had gained a lot.

After a long time, Chang Tiance came back to his senses first, looked at the stunned people around him, and shouted with great pride: "What did I say? Cao Zhen was not born in heaven, and calligraphy is as long as the night. Now you But do you believe it?"

There was no rebuttal around him, and no one spoke.

How can I refute this sentence? Anyone who doesn't know calligraphy can see that these words are so good that it makes people wonder how anyone in the world can write such beautiful words.

Just looking at the three people standing aside, they all realized how amazing this word was.

Cao Zhen, he actually has such a skill.

Tu Zhuque's face, which was painted with exquisite makeup, finally looked slightly better. Fortunately, this Cao Zhen was not useless. At least, he could surpass Shi Xiaolou in calligraphy.

She turned to look at Chen Qingluan on the side and asked provocatively: "Master Chen, what do you think of this word?" She finally gained another victory.

"This word is not as good as Xiaolou." Shi Xiaolou recovered from his epiphany, and saluted Cao Zhen with his hands clasped in fists, saying thanks: "Thank you Lord Cao Feng for the word."

He really didn't expect that there were people in the Baifeng Sect whose handwriting could reach this level.

Even his master's cursive script couldn't reach such a high level!

How could Cao Zhen, a person ranked last in the Hundred Peaks Sect, write such cursive script?

Fortunately, this person did not enter Taoism through calligraphy.

Master Cao Feng recovered from his epiphany and quickly saluted Cao Zhen and thanked him: "Thank you Master Cao for your advice. I didn't expect Master Cao to have such attainments in calligraphy. If there is an opportunity in the future, I would like to invite Master Cao to our Juebi Peak." Be a guest.”

Upon hearing this, Master Xianbi Peak also quickly said: "Yes, Master Cao, please come to our Xianbi Peak whenever you have time. I hope to have the opportunity to communicate more with Master Cao and appreciate Master Cao's handwriting." "

They now finally understand why their disciples praised Cao Zhen so much before. If they had seen Cao Zhen's words earlier, they would have praised him like that.

Cao Zhen looked at the two extremely enthusiastic peak masters and sighed slightly: "I would also like to communicate with you, but the problem is that you are too poor. If you have enough money, I can teach you Wang Xizhi, The names of Yan Zhenqing, Liu Gongquan and Huai Su."

He also wanted to teach, but the problem was that Juebi Peak and Xianbi Peak were both under fifty peaks, which were too poor. As long as these two peaks are as rich as Xiaochan Peak, he would have come to find them long ago without these two people telling him.

The two were surprised: "Wang Xizhi? Yan Zhenqing? Liu Gongquan? Huaisu? Who are these? Why have we never heard of them?"

Cao Zhen looked at the two people with contempt and said, "You don't even know them? These are the sages of calligraphy in the past. Wang Xizhi, that person is revered as the [Sage of Calligraphy]."

The two were shocked: "Sage of Calligraphy? So powerful? What level of calligraphy must be achieved to be called a Saint of Calligraphy?"

"Of course it's extremely high, extremely high." Cao Zhen felt that his calligraphy was level 99. If it was Wang Xizhi who was connected, his calligraphy would definitely be MAX.

The two asked again: "What about Yan Zhenqing?"

"Yan Zhenqing, he and Liu Gongquan are known as Yan Jin Liu Gu, their writing is powerful..."

Shi Xiaolou looked at the two people who kept bragging about Cao Zhen, and a look of dissatisfaction flashed in his eyes. He wrote a word of his own as a congratulatory gift, which did not fall into the clichés, but also showed his sincerity, which made the Baifeng Sect more attractive. Everyone saw how brilliant his calligraphy was.

But Cao Zhen just wrote another word and pushed himself over.

Where does this put your face?

Now, with the same word, the peak masters of these two peaks are bragging about Cao Zhen in front of themselves, so who do they think they are?

That's right, I had an epiphany on Cao Zhen's calligraphy, and I thanked him in front of everyone. It was just to save my face, lest others say I was uneducated.

There is no need for me to be grateful to him, because I bought the words myself!

On the contrary, the peak masters of those two peaks should be grateful to themselves.

How could they have an epiphany if they didn't buy the word themselves? Instead of thanking themselves, they thanked Cao Zhen!

That Cao Zhen is even more hateful. Once he says this, what does the gift he gave me count? What will others say then?

Shi Xiaolou from the Si Jue Sect went to the Taoist sect to give a gift for the first time, but someone else ignored him? When word spread, all four of his sects would lose face.

For now, there is only one way.

Shi Xiaolou straightened his clothes, ignored Cao Zhen, and said in the direction of Tu Zhuque and Li Ke: "Peak Master, Fairy Li Ke, the previous words were just Shi Mou's whim to add to the fun. In fact, The gift brought this time is a pill."

As soon as he finished speaking, many people around looked at him.

Shi Xiaolou slowly took out a transparent gourd jade vase. A crystal clear elixir in the jade vase was shaking gently.

"This pill is called Yuqing Guiyuan Pill."

Just as Shi Xiaolou said the name of the elixir, bursts of exclamations could be heard from all around.

"The legendary Yuqing Guiyuan Pill?"

"It is said that even if you are seriously injured, you only need to take Yuqing Guiyuan Pill to recover."

"That's right, Yuqing Guiyuan Pill, in addition to being able to heal extremely serious injuries, one of its major features is that it heals very quickly. It takes half a year to recover from injuries that require taking the elixir. After taking Yuqing Guiyuan Pill, , it can be restored in more than a month.”

"The key is that the healing effect is so good. Even if it is a near-death injury, it is possible to recover slowly after taking this elixir. Even if it cannot restore the person to the best condition, he can still retain 50% to 60% of his skill."

"This elixir can be refined by no more than five people in the entire Zhenxian Dynasty."

"This is a life-saving elixir. I didn't expect Mr. Shi to come up with such a elixir."

When Shi Xiaolou heard the exclamations from everyone, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up. His master had finally begged for this pill from a close friend. There were three pills in total, and he gave them all to him, letting him keep them. For life-saving purposes. Fortunately, he had one with him.

"Master Shi, you are really sincere."

"Master Shi, thank you for your trouble."

While everyone was praising him, Liu Zhixing turned his attention to Cao Zhen and said deliberately: "Young Master Shi has given you such a gift. I wonder what kind of gift Master Cao Feng has given? The master of Cao Feng is Fairy Li Ke. My Taoist companion, the congratulatory gift he gave me is extraordinary."

When Master Juebi heard this, he immediately shouted in displeasure: "Master Cao, why don't you have a congratulatory gift? Doesn't this word count? Is there a better gift than this? Do you know how high this word has reached?"

"The calligraphy? The calligraphy was not given by Master Cao. The calligraphy was bought by Mr. Shi."

"Yes, this word is not a congratulatory gift."

The people around who had been deceived by the Six Evils before, and who had spent their spiritual stones on Cao Zhen Shen Wen, all started shouting.

"Okay, let me tell you not to embarrass Peak Master Cao. Don't you know what the Four Treasures Peak is like? Their peak is so poor that they don't even have a decent mountain gate. How do you expect him to give you something?"

"No matter how poor you are, your Taoist companion's golden elixir will not make sense if you don't give him anything."

"What if Peak Master Cao is not prepared? Aren't you going to embarrass Peak Master Cao?"

One of them said in a strange tone, many of them are just unhappy with Cao Zhen. Why can someone like Fairy Li Ke fall in love with you?

Cao Zhen doesn't understand. You are one by one. I am digging your ancestral graves, or why am I looking for you? Everyone is acting strangely here.

However, as for the gift, he really prepared it.

"Oh, speaking of gifts, I actually prepared a gift, and by coincidence, the gift I gave was also a pill."

Many people around started laughing again.

"Since you have a gift, why don't you take it out quickly?"

"Everyone, take a look and see what pills Peak Master Cao has prepared."

"It's not just a spirit-gathering pill, just a poison-avoiding pill."

It’s not like everyone doesn’t know what’s going on with Cao Zhen’s Four Treasure Peaks. What good pills can Cao Zhen come up with? This Cao Zhen was also unlucky. When others gave him pills, he also gave pills, but what others gave was the superior pill like Yuqing Guiyuan Pill.

Cao Zhen turned back to look at his apprentice and said, "Yisheng, take out the elixir."

"Yes." Yisheng quickly took out a jade bottle. Compared with the jade bottle that Shi Xiaolou used to store pills, the material of this jade bottle was obviously much worse.

Many people laughed out loud when they saw this jade bottle.

"Why does this jade bottle look so familiar?"

"Isn't this the jade bottle that holds elixirs for people in the Five Elements Dandi of Qianlong Temple?"

"Is this the elixir refined from Qianlong Temple?"

"You may have never been to the Five Elements Dan Land. There are no restrictions on the jade bottles in the Five Elements Dan Land. Anyone can take them. After all, this kind of jade bottle is not valuable and no one cares."

"So, this can't be the jade bottle that Peak Master Cao took from the Five Elements Pill Land, right?"

Cao Zhen nodded seriously and said: "That's right, it's the jade bottle we got from the Five Elements Dan Land. After all, our Four Treasures Peak is poor and we can't afford the jade bottle to hold the elixir. Didn't you say that all peaks have the same energy to connect branches?" Is there anyone who can help us from Sibaofeng?"

"Help? Whoever we help will not help you."

"You are a hundred peaks and six evils, who can help you?"

Everyone around them spoke one after another. Anyway, everyone was saying, with so many people, how can all the Hundred Peaks and Six Evils care about them?

Cao Zhen was too lazy to pay attention to these people. He took the jade bottle from Yi Sheng and said, "This is a small nirvana pill."

"Little Nirvana Pill? What is it?"

"I've never heard of that name."

"Return to Nirvana, the name is quite powerful, it can't be some kind of elixir such as Juli Dan."

"Have you ever heard of the Little Nirvana Pill?"

"No, I have never heard of such a pill."

"A group of ignorant guys." In the hall, an old man with gray hair, wearing a white robe with an alchemy furnace built on the robe stood up and walked towards here.

"The crazy elder from Drunk Pill Peak."

All around, everyone saw the old man and stepped aside.

Zui Dan Peak is a very special peak in the Hundred Peaks Sect. It is not ranked particularly high, only thirty-five, but even people who have reached the top ten peaks give Zui Dan Peak a lot of respect.

Zuidan Peak is a peak dedicated to alchemy. The name Zuidan means drunken in alchemy. They are not ranked high just because the disciples in the peak are only focused on alchemy.

But, who doesn’t need pills for cultivation? Who hasn’t begged for Zui Danfeng? When everyone saw Zuidanfeng's people, they were all very considerate.

Elder Dan Chi slowly spoke as he walked forward: "The Little Nirvana Pill is specially given to immortal body cultivators such as Suzaku, Qingluan, and Bifang.

Even when they are severely injured and on the verge of death, as long as they are not really dead, they can be reborn in Nirvana by taking a small nirvana pill.

What's more important is that after Nirvana, their combat power can reach its previous peak even at the worst.

You can even gain enlightenment and reach a higher level while on the verge of death. Although you don’t know this elixir, Peak Master Tu and Peak Master Chen should know about it. "

When Chen Qingluan heard Cao Zhen say that he had the Little Nirvana Pill, a look of surprise appeared on his face, but he still nodded and admitted, "Yes, I do know about this pill."

"There really is such a pill!"

Everyone around was shocked when they heard the sound.

"Can the near-death state be restored?"

"It's incredible that we can return to our peak state!"

"After a person is seriously injured, although he can recover by taking elixirs, in many cases, hidden injuries will be left, which may even affect his life and make him unable to move forward. However, this elixir can completely restore the injured person."

"Can you recover even if you don't die? It is said that when people are near death, they can understand a lot more, and even have an epiphany about things that they normally can't figure out. So, if you keep taking this pill..."

"There is such a pill in the world!"

Shi Xiaolou listened to the words of the people around him, and his face became uglier the more he listened. Cao Zhen sent the words himself, and he also wrote the words. He also sent the pills, and he also gave the pills, and even gave him a pill that could suppress his own head!

The Yuqing Guiyuan Pill that I gave you may not be able to bring someone back from the brink of death, and it is very likely to leave hidden injuries if you bring him back. However, the Little Nirvana Pill is guaranteed to bring him back and restore him to his peak state. , in this comparison, my own elixir was suppressed again, and it was still the kind of crushing!

Is Cao Zhen deliberately making himself look bad?

Chen Qingluan listened to the voices around him and spoke again: "Not only do I know this pill, but there are also several Small Nirvana Pills on this peak. However, this pill is not what you think, because the Small Nirvana Pill can only be taken Once. The second time you take it, it has no effect."

As she spoke, she looked at Tu Zhuque and said, "Not only do I have the Small Nirvana Pill, but Suzaku Peak also has the Small Nirvana Pill."

"I see."

"Sure enough, if this kind of elixir can be taken all the time, it would be outrageous."

"It turns out that there is also a Small Nirvana Pill in Suzaku Peak."

"What Master Cao Feng sent me is a pill that I already have."

When everyone around heard this, they shouted again. The elixir Cao Zhen sent was good. They couldn't say that the elixir was not good. They could only say that you, Cao Zhen, gave it to others with the elixir they already had.

Shi Xiaolou's face also looked slightly better. In this way, he didn't look so embarrassed, but it was not enough.

Suddenly, something moved in his heart, and he sent a message to Qu Qingqing on the side to enter the secret path: "Li Ke of your Baifeng Sect is very caring about his Taoist companions."

"What do you mean?" Qu Qingqing looked at his Taoist companion with a puzzled face while transmitting the voice into the secret.

Shi Xiaolou transmitted a message into the secret passage: "The Little Nirvana Pill is available at Qingluan Peak and Suzaku Peak. The jade bottle containing the elixir can be obtained by anyone."

"I understand." Qu Qingqing suddenly reacted: "Li Ke must have given this pill to Cao Zhen in advance. They, Zhuque Peak, are really interesting."

Qu Qingqing, who had not spoken much since entering Suzaku Peak, sneered in her heart, deliberately pretending to be confused and said: "Actually, the disciple also knows that our Qingluan Peak has the Small Nirvana Pill, and as far as the disciple knows, the entire Hundred Peaks Sect, Only our Qingluan Peak and Zhuque Peak have the Little Nirvana Pill. I wonder if Peak Master Cao obtained the Little Nirvana Pill from that expert?"

"Only Qingluan Peak and Suzaku Peak?"

Everyone around heard the sound and reacted.

"This... couldn't be that Fairy Li Ke took a small Nirvana Pill in advance and gave it to Cao Zhen, and then Cao Zhen took it out again."

"What do you mean you can't do it? It must be like this. Otherwise, how would you be able to get such pills with Si Baofeng's family background?"

"Not to mention that he has the Little Nirvana Pill. I'm afraid he never heard of the Little Nirvana Pill before Fairy Li Ke gave him the pill."

"I asked how this kind of elixir could be placed in such an ordinary jade bottle. If Fairy Li Ke gave it to me, everything would be explained.

If Cao Zhen used the jade bottle from Zhuque Peak, he would definitely be recognized, but he had no other jade bottle and could only use the jade bottle from Five Elements Dandi. "

"I heard that Cao Zhen just came back from Qianlong Temple today."

"Fairy Li Ke really has nothing to say to Cao Zhen."

Li Ke was in a daze as he listened to everyone's words. He gave Cao Zhen the Little Nirvana Pill. He didn't know the existence of the Little Nirvana Pill before, so what should he give it to?

Yisheng's face became increasingly ugly as she listened to the jeers of the crowd. As a disciple, she followed her master here. Because the master was there, she didn't want to say much, but these people insulted her again and again. Master. She finally couldn't bear it anymore and shouted loudly: "Which of you can see that this elixir was given to Master by Immortal Li Ke...Mrs. Li Ke!

Zhuque Peak and Qingluan Peak have Small Nirvana Pills, but their Small Nirvana Pills can only be taken once, and the Little Nirvana Pills given by Master are just after taking the ordinary Little Nirvana Pills once, they still have the same symptoms after taking them again. Can this elixir have the same effect? How could this elixir be given to the master by his wife? "

"Is it still useful after taking it for the second time?" Qu Qingqing suddenly laughed: "There is no such small nirvana pill in the world."

"No, there is no small nirvana pill like that in the world, but there is another pill called the Samsara Nirvana Pill. It will indeed be effective the second time you take it." Elder Dan Chi sighed: "It's just the Samsara Nirvana Pill... According to me As far as I know, no one in the entire Zhenxian Dynasty knows how to refine it.

I only learned about the Samsara Nirvana Pill by occasionally listening to the Master's talk. That day, the Master said that the Samsara Nirvana Pill had red lines on its body, vaguely like a phoenix spreading its wings and flying high. Your nirvana pill..."

While Elder Dan Chi was speaking, he had already walked to Yi Sheng's side and looked towards the jade bottle. The next moment, his eyes that had been slightly closed suddenly opened, he took the jade bottle and looked into the jade bottle.

"Red lines...the phoenix spreading its wings...this..."

The next moment, he suddenly pulled out the jade bottle, and a strong breath of life suddenly poured out from the mouth of the bottle and spread around.

"Samsara Nirvana Pill, this is really the Samsara Nirvana Pill!" Elder Dan Chi said, but as if he had done something wrong, he suddenly realized and quickly capped the jade bottle and said with an apologetic expression: "Master Cao Feng , please forgive me for being reckless. I just saw this Samsara Nirvana Pill, and I got excited and opened the jade bottle myself."

"The elder's words are serious." Cao Zhen waved his hand nonchalantly and pointedly said: "I should also thank the elder. Otherwise, I can't say it. After a while, others will say that I am a thief. .”

As he spoke, he complained in his mind about the Samsara Nirvana Pill. Zhang Daoling recorded that this pill is called the Little Nirvana Pill.

Qu Qingqing gritted her teeth and glared at her. Cao Zhen's words almost pointed her out.

Chen Qingluan didn't bother to look at Qu Qingqing at all, but looked at the ordinary jade bottle with burning eyes, and asked in shock: "Elder Dan Chi, is there really such a pill?"

She had taken the Small Nirvana Pill once. If there really was a Reincarnation Nirvana Pill, it would be like having an extra life-saving thing for her. Even Nirvana would allow her to go further.

She has used the Little Nirvana Pill and knows better than anyone else how amazing the benefits are after Nirvana!

Elder Dan Chi frowned fiercely and said dissatisfied: "I can still lie to you? Or do you think my master has lied to me?"

"Elder, please don't blame me. Qingluan didn't mean it." Chen Qingluan apologized quickly. Elder Danchi's master was the master of Zuidan Peak from the previous generation. She was of the same generation as her master. She had to call her when they met. Uncle Master, questioning the master of Elder Dan Chi is disrespectful to the senior.

Tu Zhuque was equally shocked. She had never heard of the Samsara Nirvana Pill, and she had also taken the Small Nirvana Pill. If she got another Samsara Nirvana Pill...

She suddenly reacted and urged Li Ke on the side: "Disciple, since Peak Master Cao has your heart and soul, why don't you accept it quickly?"

"Yes." Li Ke looked at Cao Zhen with a strange expression and took the jade bottle from Yi Sheng. How could Cao Zhen have such a pill? he……

By the way, he seems to have received part of the inheritance from senior Long Aotian, so maybe he got this elixir from the senior?

Yes, that must be the case, otherwise how could Cao Zhen possess this kind of elixir that no one in the entire Zhenxian Dynasty could refine!

Also, he asked for 200,000 taels of spiritual stones at the beginning. Did he also miss him?

At that time, he might have thought about giving himself the Reincarnation and Nirvana Pill, so he asked for so many?

Everyone around was shocked and could not say a word. Who would have thought that things could be reversed so many times, and Cao Zhen actually came up with a pill that no one in the Zhenxian Dynasty could refine!

Elder Dan Chi saw the elixir being put away by Li Ke, and then he retracted his gaze from looking at the elixir. He turned to Cao Zhen and asked, "Peak Master Cao, can you tell me where you got this elixir?"

After finishing speaking, he was afraid of misunderstanding, so he added: "I don't mean anything else, I'm just curious."

Cao Zhen recalled what he had said when he taught Li Ke the Golden Light Curse as Long Aotian, and said: "By chance, I encountered some inheritance left by a senior, and this elixir was also discovered at the same time."

Elder Dan Chi continued to ask: "I wonder who the senior is?"

Cao Zhen shook his head slightly and said: "In the inheritance left by the senior, there is a saying that everything about him is not allowed to be revealed."

Li Ke let out a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Cao Zhen did not say Senior Long Aotian's name. Otherwise, he might have been in danger. Senior Long Aotian said that there are many enemies.

Yisheng listened to the conversation between Cao Zhen and Elder Dan Chi, and quietly sent a message into the secret to ask Cao Zhen: "Master, why do you say that this elixir was inherited from one place?

In fact, there are so many people here today, and tomorrow the existence of the Samsara Nirvana Pill will be spread throughout the Baifeng Sect. In your words, this is the best advertisement.

We can definitely take this opportunity to hold an auction. When the time comes to auction the Samsara Nirvana Pill, other peaks may be useless, but Suzaku Peak and Qingluan Peak will definitely be snapped up.

I know that you and Fairy Li Ke are Taoist lovers, but Fairy Li Ke is Fairy Li Ke, and Zhuque Peak is Zhuque Peak. There is a saying in this world, brothers still settle accounts clearly. "

"It's different." Cao Zhen didn't have time to explain the problem with Li Ke, so he just transmitted a message into the secret: "I don't plan to auction this pill.

Just like our Soul Gathering Talisman, the more people make it, the cheaper the price will be. Only then can more people afford it, and then our Baifeng Sect will be stronger.

The same goes for the Little Nirvana Pill. In the future, I will find a way to refine the Little Nirvana Pill in large quantities. Then take the Small Nirvana Pill to other sects and sell it to earn some spiritual stones.

Use these spiritual stones to refine more elixirs, not just Small Nirvana Pills, but more elixirs, and we only charge a small portion of the profits, and then sell the elixirs to the Baifeng Sect,

Only in this way can most people in the Baifeng Sect be able to buy elixirs, so that there is no elixir that the people in the Baifeng Sect cannot afford. Only in this way can our Baifeng Sect become stronger.

Don’t forget that you are a disciple of the Four Treasures Peak and a disciple of the Hundred Peaks Sect. I am the peak master of the Four Treasures Peak and a disciple of the Hundred Peaks Sect.

The Four Treasures Peak belongs to the Hundred Peaks Sect. If the Hundred Peaks Sect is destroyed, our Four Treasures Peak will also be unable to exist. Only when our Hundred Peaks Sect becomes more prosperous can our Four Treasures Peak be more prosperous.

I hope that our Baifeng Sect will become more and more prosperous! "

Let Baifeng Sect have no elixir that it cannot afford!

Bai Fengzi listened to the secret transmission of Cao Zhen and Yi Sheng not far away, and he was filled with sighs and sighs in his heart. What a broad mind and spirit this is!

Generally speaking, no one will hear the sound transmitted into the secret, unless the person transmitting the sound into the secret is too weak in cultivation, and there is someone nearby whose cultivation is too much.

And Yisheng's cultivation was really too weak, and she was close enough, so she happened to be able to hear the secret transmission between Yisheng and Cao Zhen.

Cao Zhen has been misunderstood too much by others!

These people actually said that Cao Zhen was one of the Six Evils of the Hundred Peaks, and even ran to him to complain about Cao Zhen. He was said to be a disgrace to the Baifeng Sect.

Is this the shame of the Baifeng Sect? This is clearly a blessing for the Baifeng Sect!

It is a blessing for the Baifeng Sect to have such a selfless person who is dedicated to the Baifeng Sect!

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