Cao Zhen couldn't understand how fast a person's sword must be to be able to cut with one sword. After that, two voices came one after another.

The voice came, but where were the people?

He looked around, but couldn't see any people.

What about the other person?

While he was surprised, the other party's voice came again.

"Everyone, I am sitting in the city and cannot go out. Please do me a favor and bring my junior brother to Dingyang City as soon as possible."

When everyone around heard the sound, their expressions suddenly changed, and they all looked at each other in shock.

"This is the man who draws the sword!"

"That person was not nearby, but took action directly in the city!"

"Where is Dingyang City?"

"a long distance away!"

"What! From such a distance, he can actually do it and kill the monster with one sword! What kind of cultivation realm is this!"

"Such a master is just a disciple of the Grand Master?"

The disciples of the Hundred Peaks Sect were filled with shock. The Hundred Peaks Sect they belonged to was one of the top ten immortal sects in the Zhenxian Dynasty. As disciples of the Hundred Peaks Sect, they were also very proud.

But now, after many of them went down the mountain for the first time, they finally realized that there is a world outside the sky, and there are people outside the world.

Cao Zhen finally understood why he saw the sword light first and then heard the sound. The sounds still came one after another, and there was even a gap between each sentence.

It turns out that the other party is thousands of miles away.

In the air, the other party's voice came again: "However, before heading to Dingyang City, I hope you will do one thing first.

All residents and lives here will become demonized after being contaminated by the blood demon. This kind of demonization cannot be reversed. After they are completely demonized, they will become monsters that harm people everywhere.

In order to ensure the safety of other people of the dynasty, they must be killed. "

There was an unquestionable majesty in the voice.

"As a monk of the Zhenxian Dynasty, you have the obligation and responsibility to kill them all!"

All around, the faces of the disciples of the Hundred Peaks Sect suddenly turned ugly.

"He asked us to take away his junior brother before because he asked us for help and asked us to kill the remaining demonized people, but it was an order!"

"We are all immortal cultivators, but we have to help those mortals!"

"Forget it, after all, he just saved us."

"Our Baifeng Sect is the right way. We will do it without him saying it, but his tone is so irritating."

"Okay." Lan Pili stopped everyone, "No matter what, if we encounter this matter, we can't ignore it. The people and all life in the town have been sucked dry by monsters, but this is different from Yumin Town. Not everyone lives in the town.

There are people outside the town, and those people may also be possessed by the monster's blood. I'll go to the town to check again first. Peak Master Cao, take people around to look for those who live outside the town. "

Most of the residents in the town will live in the town, but there are still some people who may have orchards outside the town, and they will guard their orchards at night.

However, these people are all residents of Yumin Town, and I am afraid they have all sacrificed blood before. Anyone who has sacrificed blood will be demonized.

Cao Zhen did not act immediately, but frowned and asked: "Is there no other way?"

As his words fell, not far away, there were waves of strange roars at the river outside the town.

"Go quickly!"

Everyone reacted quickly and chased in the direction of the sound.

Almost in the blink of an eye, everyone had arrived at the creek outside the village, where a row of houses was located.

At this time, the doors of the houses were all open, and villagers walked out of the houses one by one, including men, women, old and young. But at this time, their eyes were glowing with a strange red light. Their faces were constantly distorting, and strange scales appeared on their bodies.

In the courtyard, a local dog that only guards the house has teeth as sharp as sickles. Cao Zhen even saw two long teeth growing on the foreheads of several chickens in the courtyard. Corner...

Waves of evil energy surged out from these villagers, poultry, and animals...

"Demonization, they have already started to become demonic, we can't stay!"

"Do it!"

Seeing this, the disciples of the Hundred Peaks Sect took action instantly, and for a while, magical powers flew out one after another.

These ordinary monsters that were contaminated by blood and transformed into demons may be very powerful to ordinary people, but when faced with the disciples of the Hundred Peaks Sect, they are completely powerless to fight back.

In just a moment, all the monsters that had not yet been fully transformed were dead.

But the disciples of the Hundred Peaks Sect did not stop, but continued to explore the surroundings with the town as the center.

Cao Zhen looked at the demonized ordinary people lying in a pool of blood and sighed softly. These dead people were all ordinary mortals, but they had been demonized.

What else can they do?

If we don’t kill them, more people will suffer.

Everything is because of the Red Refining Demon Sect.

In half an hour, everyone had killed all the demonized people and creatures in Yumin Town.

As for Yumin Town, after the monster died, bright red blood continued to flow into the town, and the entire town seemed to be soaked in a pool of blood.

Blue Bolt waited for everyone to return, standing outside the town, looking at the town full of blood, and said solemnly: "With so much blood, if ordinary people pass by here, or a beast comes here , I’m afraid it will still be demonized by the blood, and we must remove this blood.”

Soon, among the crowd, those who knew the fire magic power used their flame magic power and blasted towards the sea of ​​blood.

For a time, under the blazing high temperature, the sea of ​​blood evaporated rapidly to the extent visible to the naked eye...

As the blood disappeared, the ground of the town was finally exposed.

In the center of the town, at the eye of the formation, where the bloody monster appeared, there was still a blood pool. In the blood pool, bright red blood kept rising like boiling water.

"The blood pool hasn't been burned out yet? Let's use our magical powers to burn it again."

Soon, one by one, the disciples of the Hundred Peaks Sect used their fire magic powers. Even Liu Chuhe and Lan Pili took action one after another, but the blood in the blood pool continued to bubble out.

After a long time, after everyone tried all the methods, Blue Bolt waved and interrupted everyone: "That's it, I'm afraid this blood pool cannot be burned out."

A disciple quickly asked: "Can't burn it all? What about leaving this blood pool behind?"

"If the blood pool is left behind, it will continue to generate demonic energy. If the demonic energy accumulates too much, it will turn into a monster and go out to hunt creatures.

In addition, any creature that passes by here, whether it is a human, a variety of beasts, or even a bird flying in the sky, any creature that is contaminated with the demonic energy here will be demonized. Although these demonized monsters may not be strong, they are still troublesome when there are many of them. "

Lan Pili looked at everyone, pointed at the blood pool and explained: "The bloody monster appeared from here before. It should be connected to this other legendary world, the boundless blood prison, which is the most terrifying."

Some disciples asked in confusion: "Boundless Blood Hell? What is that place?"

Lan Pili explained: "I don't know, no one has seen what the boundless blood prison looks like, but some people have speculated that it is a place filled with countless monsters that live on blood, and among them are the most powerful ones. Or, they all feed on living creatures, so all the monsters in the boundless blood prison want to enter our world."

"Then, is there no way to destroy this blood pool? Wouldn't there be powerful monsters entering here from the boundless blood prison? I can only watch helplessly as this blood pool continues to demonize nearby creatures?"

"No, it's not that there is no way to solve it. But we need a sect to establish a branch here and then send people to suppress the blood pool here."

Listening to Lan Pili's words, Cao Zhen realized that he really knew too little about this world. He never imagined that there was such a boundless bloody prison.

"Sect?" Many disciples heard this and reacted one after another.

"We didn't see any other sects along the way."

"It took us three days to get here. I'm afraid the closest one is our Baifeng Sect."

Lan Pili nodded slightly and said: "The closest one is our Baifeng Sect. According to the rules of the Zhenxian Dynasty, before the imperial edict is issued, whichever sect is closest must clean up the mess. What's more, since our Baifeng Sect has encountered , even if Zhenxian Dynasty doesn’t say anything, we can’t ignore it.”

While he was talking, he took out a piece of yellow talisman paper from his arms, raised his hand and quickly drew it on his finger. His finger broke open, and he quickly started writing on the talisman paper.

After a moment, he lit a flame and burned the talisman.

The Zhenxian dynasty had an imperial watch, which allowed officials from various places to burn it and send it to the dynasty in case of emergencies.

The various sects of Zhenxian Dynasty also had similar things, but each sect was not called Huang Biao, but Zong Biao and Pai Biao.

Baifeng Sect, climb the Immortal Peak.

Bai Fengzi looked at the several peak masters below and said in a deep voice: "The envoys of Peak Master Lan and Peak Master Cao met people from the Red Refining Demon Sect in a place called Yumin Town in the Zhenxian Dynasty. , the female demon of the Scarlet Refining Demon Sect summoned the monster from the boundless blood hell... In Yumin Town, there is still a blood pool at this time. According to the rules of the dynasty, the nearest sect needs to deal with the aftermath. We Baifeng Sect is the closest sect.”

Below, several peak masters frowned tightly.

"Those guys from the Red Refining Demon Sect actually set up a formation to summon the Boundless Blood Hell!"

"It's no surprise what those lunatics did!"

"Zhang Zong, who are you going to send?"

Bai Fengzi looked around at the several peak masters around him, and finally landed on an old man with a fat figure and a rosy complexion who said: "Master Zhenyue Peak, you are good at refining formations. I will trouble you to go down the mountain this time. On top of the blood pool, a large suppression formation was made to suppress the blood pool.

Moreover, I remember that you, Zhenyue Peak, can refine the mountain maze. You take your disciples there, and then use the formation as a peak to wrap the blood pool and the town in it. In this way, ordinary outsiders cannot discover the blood pool and cannot enter it. "

As she said that, she turned her head and looked down again. She thought that the middle-aged man with a cold face and full of murderous intent said: "Master Qiansha Peak, please go with Master Zhenyue. If there is anything in the blood river, When the monsters come out, kill them all.”


The two peak masters left separately.

After Cao Zhen waited for Lan Pili to burn Zongbiao, Yu Tuoyu, who had been holding him in his arms, suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a large mouthful of blood. There was no trace of blood on his face, and his whole person was even more breathless. It seemed that It seems like he will die at any time.

No, she seemed like she couldn't hold on any longer.

Cao Zhen clearly felt that Yu Tuoyu's life was draining away rapidly. If this continued, there was no need to send her to Dingyang City. She was afraid that she would die in less than half a stick of incense.

Self-destruction of the golden elixir is really an act of seeking death.

If you destroy your golden elixir bit by bit, that is called self-destruction of cultivation. Self-destruction of cultivation will turn you into a mortal. If you practice slowly, you will have a chance to return to the root form.

But the self-destruction of the golden elixir, and the self-explosion of all the golden elixirs, is so powerful that the entire person's meridians are completely destroyed.

This is different from Xiang Ziyu's original method of not breaking or establishing. Xiang Ziyu also tore the meridians bit by bit, and then relied on the power of the elixir to restore them bit by bit.

All the meridians in Yu Tuoyu's body were completely blown up in an instant!

Generally speaking, after the self-explosion of the golden elixir, one's life can only be saved unless a peerless master comes to the rescue or has a top-notch elixir.

He doesn't have any masters here. As for the elixir, he knows how to refine it, but he doesn't have the medicinal materials, let alone time.

The only way is...

Cao Zhen quickly released his heretic golden elixir, opened Yu Tuoyu's mouth, and stuffed it directly into Yu Tuoyu's mouth.

Yu Tuoyu saved them all, and he couldn't ignore Yu Tuoyu no matter what.

Now, there is no other way except the heretic golden elixir.

He quickly urged the outsider's golden elixir to rotate rapidly in Yu Tuoyu's body. For a moment, pure power surged out of the outsider's golden elixir, rapidly replenishing Yu Tuoyu's lost strength.

Yu Tuoyu originally had ten golden elixirs that exploded, so naturally he couldn't survive.

But now it is equivalent to lending his fake golden elixir to Yu Tuoyu. Heretic golden elixirs are not real golden elixirs, but they have similarities.

What's more, the real golden elixir cannot be given directly to others.

In this case, his heretic golden elixir had a great effect.

"Let's leave quickly and go to Dingyang City."

Cao Zhen glanced around, and his heart moved, but he completely wrapped Yu Tuoyu in his loose robe, not even a hair was exposed.

Yu Tuoyu's senior brother had always been called junior brother before, but he still didn't understand.

Later, he realized that Yu Tuoyu's senior brother only had a general understanding of the situation here and did not know that his junior sister had exposed her identity, so he kept calling him junior brother.

Although he didn't know why, Yu Tuoyu insisted on pretending to be a man, but since the other party behaved like this, he had better keep it a secret first.

Everyone around them nodded and rushed towards Dingyang City as quickly as possible. After all, Yu Tuoyu saved them, and they, the Baifeng Sect, must repay their kindness!

Cao Zhen didn't say anything, and flew away quickly with Yu Tuoyu. There was one thing he couldn't understand. Yu Tuoyu was obviously injured like this, but her senior brother, who was obviously very strong, didn't come over yet. He asked himself and others to take Yu Tuoyu there.

It seems that the relationship between Yu Tuoyu's senior brother and Yu Tuoyu is also very ordinary.

Slowly, a huge city finally appeared in his sight, and outside the city, a long bloody river flowed past.

There is another high mountain, and you can vaguely see it. At the bottom of the mountain, there seems to be an extremely huge tomb, larger than the entire Yumin Town.

A stream of eerie demonic energy gushes out from the river of blood and the tomb.

"This...blood river feels more terrifying than the blood river in Yumin Formation!"

"What a strong demonic energy. What about the tombs in the distance?"

"Here, what kind of place is this? Why is it so dark?"

All around, everyone in the Baifeng Sect also felt the waves of demonic energy coming in, and they were all surprised.

"How come people still live in a place like this?"

"This city is such a prosperous city."

"Do you feel it? The demonic energy is strong, but it is concentrated in the blood river and the tombs in the distance."

"The demonic energy has been suppressed."

"Suppressing the demonic energy in this river of blood and tombs requires such a huge effort. Why do we need to suppress it here and build a city?"

None of the disciples could understand it at all.

Blue Thunderbolt looked around while flying, pointed into the distance and said: "Because the land here is too fertile, you see, this soil is obviously different from the soil where we passed before, and except for the Blood River, There are also two rivers flowing through it.

The soil is fertile and there is ample water. The food production here must be extremely high, and the people are afraid that they cannot live without this place. "

"So, they built a city here and sent a master to suppress it? That Yu Tuoyu's senior brother must suppress it here."

Cao Zhen finally understood why Yu Tuoyu's senior brother did not leave. The person suppressing here must be Yu Tuoyu's senior brother.

Everyone fell far away from Feidao City.

According to the rules of the Zhenxian Dynasty, so many immortal cultivators cannot fly directly over the city.

The residents of Dingyang City had obviously seen many immortal cultivators before. Although they cast curious glances when they saw everyone falling, they did not make any other special move.

Everyone stepped into the city one after another, and suddenly, the voice that everyone heard before came.

"Everyone can enter the Xianxianfang. Only one person is required to bring his junior brother to the tower in the city."

Cao Zhen had been holding Yu Tuoyu in his arms. Hearing the sound, he naturally walked towards the tower in the center of the city.

This is an extremely prosperous city. The streets are busy with traffic and people are coming and going. The area is much larger than the Yumin Town they passed through before. There are many buildings in the city, but the tallest building is the seven-story building in the center of the city. A high-rise tower.

The tower the other party mentioned must be that tower.

Along the way, Cao Zhen found that the faces of the people in this city were extremely improved, and they did not appear to be affected by the devilish energy at all. It was obvious that all the devilish energy here had been suppressed.

Although he had never flown before, his speed along the way was much faster than ordinary people.

It didn't take long for him to reach outside the tower.

This is a gray tower. Although there are no guards around the tower, there are no people approaching the tower.

At the entrance of the tower, a handsome middle-aged man with a stern look, wearing a black robe, was already waiting here. When he saw Cao Zhen walking towards him, he nodded and introduced himself: "Your Excellency, Mr. Fang. Expanding borders.”

Cao Zhen hugged Yu Tuoyu but couldn't let go. He could only open his mouth and introduce himself: "Cao Zhen, the master of Baifeng Sect, Baifeng, and Sibaofeng."

Fang Tuojiang nodded slightly again and took Yu Tuoyu from Cao Zhen.

As the two of them moved, some of the large robe that had been wrapped around Yu Tuoyu's body was exposed, revealing Yu Tuoyu's face that had lost all color.

In an instant, Fang Tuojiang's expression changed drastically. He suddenly looked up at Cao Zhen and said sternly: "Have you seen my junior sister's true face? Besides you, who else has seen her true face?"

A look of embarrassment appeared on Cao Zhen's face. The girl was dressed as a man, but he allowed himself to see her true face and even hugged others along the way. Then my senior brother found out again, which is somewhat embarrassing.

"It's just me." He pointed to the robe and said, "After I discovered her appearance, I immediately wrapped her in my robe so that no one else could see her."

As he spoke, he thought of the countless novels and TV series he had read before, and asked curiously: "Are you going to kill me? Because I saw her true face? Or are you asking me to marry her?"

When Fang Tuojiang heard this, he was obviously stunned for a moment. He obviously didn't expect that Cao Zhen could say such words. Soon his face returned to a stern look, and he said in a deep voice: "I will discuss your matter with you later." You said, now I want to save my junior sister first."

With that said, he turned around and entered the tower without looking back, and quickly reached the sixth floor.

The entire sixth floor is actually a formation.

He quickly placed Yu Tuoyu in the center of the formation. Suddenly, pieces of jade shot out bright rays of light all around the formation. Connecting them together, streams of rich mana gathered and shot towards Yu Tuoyu.

And around Fang Tuojiang, endless mana surged, forming a mana whirlpool.

He raised his hand to touch Yu Tuoyu's back, and a silver light visible to the naked eye surged out and flowed towards Yu Tuoyu's body.

His junior sister actually exploded the golden elixir herself. In this situation, he had no choice but to put his own power into his junior sister's body to help her stabilize her breath.


Suddenly, he frowned slightly, and there was actually a force in Junior Sister's body.

This is? Golden elixir?

No, it’s not a golden elixir, it’s just similar to a golden elixir. It’s such a special elixir. What is this?

Outside the tower, Cao Zhen felt that the heretic golden elixir was noticed by the opponent. With a thought in his mind, he controlled the heretic golden elixir to send out a sound.

"I am Cao Zhen of Sibaofeng. I made my junior sister too weak before, so I had to do this in order to save her life. Now, do you need me to take back the Yidan?"


Fang Tuojiang felt the special aura exuded by the Yidan, and his expression changed again. It was such a special Yidan. This Yidan was obviously not a golden elixir, but it had the feeling of a golden elixir.

Junior sister has ten golden elixirs. After destroying them all, not a single golden elixir will be left, so she cannot continue to support her.

If the junior sister had self-destructed nine golden elixirs, and there was still one golden elixir left, although her own meridians would still be completely exploded, the remaining golden elixir could continue to warm the junior sister's body. Can be much better.

But in front of him, this strange elixir, although it was not a golden elixir, had the effect of a golden elixir, and it had a vague feeling of warming junior sister's body.

In this situation, even the real golden elixir cannot do it.

After all, everyone's golden elixir is different. Can someone else put his or her golden elixir into junior sister's body? Even if it is put in, it cannot replace junior sister's golden elixir.

But right now, this person's elixir has this special effect.

The effect of the strange elixir is stronger than the power I want to penetrate into my junior sister's body!

What kind of strange elixir did this man release?

A look of surprise flashed through Fang Tuojiang's heart, and he quickly shook his head and said: "No need, I can feel the effect of your strange elixir. Thank you for your help on the way, so I will keep this elixir in my junior sister's body for the time being. .”

As he spoke, he quickly raised his hand and grabbed the wooden frame on the side. Suddenly, he grabbed a bottle of elixir in his hand. With his other hand, he opened Yu Tuoyu's mouth and stuffed the elixir into the mouth of his junior sister.

Although the elixir has the feeling of nourishing junior sister's body, it is not junior sister's own golden elixir after all. It simply maintains junior sister's life and prevents junior sister from dying. If you want to save junior sister, you must use elixirs. OK.

The round pill quickly passed through Yu Tuoyu's mouth and entered her body.

Suddenly, at the next moment, a force came from Yu Tuoyu's mouth, and the pill he had just put in rushed out.

Fang Tuojiang was a little empty, and the pill that flew out stood quietly in the air, but his expression suddenly changed. He looked at his junior sister and said coldly: "Cao Zhen, what do you want to do!"

His junior sister is now in a coma, and the only one who can push out the elixir is the power of Cao Zhenyi Dan.

Cao Zhen said through the golden elixir: "Do you want to harm your junior sister? The elixir you gave her can indeed save her life, but the consequence of your doing so is that she will not be able to practice in this life. I can only be an ordinary mortal!"

"How could I not know that by doing this, junior sister can only become a mortal?" Fang Tuojiang sighed softly: "But being a mortal is better than dying. By doing this, she can still survive. of."

"No, there is still a chance. As long as she takes another pill, she will continue to practice."

"Another kind of elixir? What elixir!" Fang Tuojiang was stunned for a moment, then said in a preaching tone with some dissatisfaction: "I know that your elixir is special, and I can see that you have some tricks, but you can Do you know how profound and profound this elixir is? Do you know what real elixir refining is? And you know who refined the elixir I want to give her? What do you know!"

Cao Zhen felt Fang Tuojiang's condescending attitude and said with dissatisfaction: "I don't know who refined this elixir, and I also know that your cultivation level is indeed very high. However, if you talk about the process of refining elixirs, how do you think about it?" Even if you say something unpleasant, I am more than enough to be your father."

"Bastard!" Boundless anger surged out of Fang Tuojiang's body, causing the air on this floor of the tower to shake crazily.

"Okay, stop talking now." Cao Zhen didn't wait for the other party to speak, and continued to urge the heretic Jin Dan to transmit the message: "I know that in addition to giving this elixir to your junior sister, you also want to Give her the third-turn soul-condensing pill."

Fang Tuojiang's expression did not change. Anyone with a little knowledge would know that if you want to save someone who has self-destructed the golden elixir, you must use the third-turn soul-condensing elixir.

Cao Zhen continued: "In addition, you also have Jiuding Life-Sustaining Pill, Qianyuan Vein-Transferring Pill, and Five Elements Blood Coagulation Pill."

Fang Tuojiang's expression suddenly changed. He did still have these elixirs here, and they were all in jade bottles. How did this person know?

No one knows what pills they have here.

Could it be that he could tell what kind of elixir it was just by relying on the trace of medicinal energy flowing out of the opening of the jade bottle?

This, what kind of understanding of alchemy is required to do this?

Cao Zhen paused for a moment and then continued: "You put all these pills together without refining them. Remember to use green glass and red fire to refine them... After refining for three days, you are using cold Lianxuan Yinbing is neutralized, and finally a new elixir can be made, the Yang-stealing soul-changing elixir.

After taking this pill, she has a high chance of recovering and can continue to practice in the future. "

He said it was a very high probability, but in fact the probability was really infinite.

However, like many doctors, they are very sure and have a 99.99% chance of success, but they will not say exactly the same.

In fact, it is not impossible to fail. For example, Yu Tuoyu has a special system and a special refining method, so there is a very small chance of failure. In that case, he will have to refine other elixirs.

But the chance of failure is probably less than one in ten thousand.

Fang Tuojiang was completely confused when he heard Cao Zhen's words.

Cao Zhen continued: "Do you know what the highest level of alchemy is? The highest level of alchemy does not mean that you take a bunch of medicinal materials and put them together to refine an elixir. The highest level of alchemy is, Put some already refined elixirs together and refine a new elixir. This is the true essence."

Fang Tuojiang himself is a master of alchemy. He recalled the method Cao Zhen said, and he could clearly feel that it was a very clever alchemy technique, and all the theories made sense.

Also, Cao Zhen was able to accurately tell all the elixirs he had here before. He believed that this Cao Zhen was probably also a master of alchemy.


Fang Tuojiang showed an embarrassed look on his face and said, "I, I can't make this kind of elixir." The other party had already told him how to refine that kind of elixir, all the methods and steps. However, he discovered that at his level, there was no way he could refine the so-called Yang-stealing Soul-changing Pill.

"You can't do it...that's all, let me do it." Cao Zhen sighed. In front of him, the wooden door of the tower, which had been closed since Fang Tuojiang entered, suddenly opened.

Obviously, Fang Tuojiang agreed to let him refine it.

As soon as Cao Zhen walked into the tower, before he could look at the surrounding environment, Fang Tuojiang's voice was heard.

"Sixth floor."

Cao Zhen heard the sound and walked towards the sixth floor. As he walked, he made calculations. Just now he told the method of refining the elixir without thinking, and also directly told him to make it.

But now, when he looked up the theoretical knowledge of refining the Yang-stealing Soul-changing Pill, he found out to his embarrassment that with his current level of alchemy, he could not refine the Yang-Stealing Soul-changing Pill.


No, it seems that I need to gain some experience in alchemy.

Anyway, he has so many disciples, so just find a few people with extra experience to increase them.

Let’s look at Yisheng’s first.

He quickly looked towards Yisheng's file.

User: Yisheng

Gender: Female

Cultivation: Dan-formation stage, Yidan

Identity: Baifeng Sect, Sibaofeng, fifth disciple.

Qualification: True Yang body.

Good at: Alchemy.

Alchemy Level: Level 40.

Total experience value: 60900

Additional available experience points: 27,000

Yisheng, the alchemy level has reached level 40!

This girl is really good at making alchemy!

He has reached level 40 in such a short time, so in a while, he will surpass himself!

I really found a treasure.

There are so many additional experiences!

Also, unlike her senior brothers and sisters, she can practice on her own, so she has a lot of extra experience.

This is the sum of her alchemy experience and her cultivation experience, reaching 27,000. With so much experience, then she...

Cao Zhen directly added all of Yisheng's experience to his own experience in alchemy.

In an instant, his alchemy experience reached level sixty-one.

China Cloud Level 7 Administrator: Cao Zhen

Sex: Male

Cultivation level: Dan-formation stage, seven elixirs

Identity: Former programmer, now the master of the Four Treasure Peaks of the Baifeng Sect and the King of Alchemy.

Good at: Programming, Grandmaster of Alchemy Theory, Grandmaster of Immortal Cultivation Theory.

Own: Sibaofeng

Total practice experience value: 152000

Additional experience points: 20100

Alchemy Level: Level 61

Almost the next moment, Zhonghua Yun’s voice came.

‘The alchemy level is improved to break through the level, the administrator level is improved by one level, a random user can access one, and a designated user can access one. ’

Cao Zhen listened to the voice coming from the Zhonghua Cloud and replied directly without thinking: "Designate to join my disciple, Beiyan!"

Of all his disciples, Xiao Beiyan was the only one who had not yet connected. He could not favor one over the other by connecting to others but not Xiao Beiyan.

After the connection was completed, he quickly arrived at the sixth floor.

On the sixth floor, in addition to formations and elixirs, there are also a lot of medicinal materials and elixir furnaces for refining. Obviously, Fang Tuojiang himself is also a person who is good at refining elixirs.

Cao Zhen was not polite to Fang Tuojiang. He walked directly to the stove and started refining the elixir.

This refinement lasted three days. Within three days, he was completely immersed in alchemy.

Now, it was more difficult for him to refine the elixir than any other elixir he had refined before. He couldn't be distracted, and he didn't even pay attention to who the random access user was.

Three days later, he finally refined the Sun-stealing Soul-changing Pill.

As Yu Tuoyu took the pill, the chaotic aura in her body instantly became stable, and all the broken tendons in her body slowly began to repair.

Just as Cao Zhen took back the heretic golden elixir, Fang Tuojiang's voice came from the side.

"Now, let's talk about what you saw about my junior sister's true appearance."

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