My Master Knows Just a Bit About Everything

Chapter 162 No one can run away

Lan Pili found that after he arrived at the Thousand Caves Gate, he didn't need to do anything, he just lay down and watched Cao Zhen's performance.

Unexpectedly, as he watched, things turned out to be his turn.

"Want to discuss [field] with me?"

Lan Pili listened to Elder Huankong's words and was stunned for a moment. Then he realized that he was also the peak master of the Hundred Peaks Sect. When he came here, Elder Huankong took it for granted that he wanted to discuss the Tao. I also asked myself what I was good at.


When Huan Kong asked me before, why should I say what I was good at?

Can't I just say that I'm not good at anything? My mouth!

Lan Pili now has more than regrets. He represents the Baifeng Sect. He also said that he is good at [Tian]. In this case, if people come to him to talk to him, if he doesn't answer, they will say that the Baifeng Sect is afraid. Thousand Cave Gate.

But if you take it...

He really wasn't sure.

Yes, he is good at farming, and he is also confident that his level of the Six Arts [Field] can be ranked in the upper reaches of Qiankumen.

However, what if you can defeat all those who are good at [Field] in the Thousand Caves Sect?

That's impossible.

According to what he pointed out, there were at least two people among the Thousand Caves Sect who were more skilled than him in [Field].

Many people in the Hundred Peaks Sect knew that their Pili Peak did not have many inheritances of [Tian] before. It was the old peak master before him who brought the inheritance of [Tian] to Pili Peak.

However, not many people know how the old peak master obtained those inheritances.

As the current peak master of Thunderbolt Peak and the disciple of the old peak master, he naturally knows.

Back then, his master went out on an adventure and accidentally discovered the ruins of the exterminated sects one by one.

Xing Nongmen.

A small sect that not many people cared about was probably destroyed during the last Qiankun Minor Era.

Within the Zhenxian Dynasty, there were many small sects. Some sects were destroyed and people naturally forgot about them as time went by.

It was only after his master entered the ruins of Xingnongmen that he learned that such a sect once existed.

Xing Nong Men, although not strong, is particularly good at the Six Arts [Field].

His master also received the inheritance of [Tian] from Xingnongmen. However, his master was not the only one who discovered Xingnongmen at that time. There was another person among them, the Qiankumen and Yinhuan Cave. The White Cave Master, and the inheritance he received at the beginning was actually more than what the master received. Today, the Cave Master of the Yinhuan Cave is still the Bai Cave Master back then.

He had no confidence that he could defeat the White Cave Master.

But knowing that he was no match, he could only accept the challenge.

"Tian Zhi discusses Tao, I wonder how you guys want to discuss Tao?" Lan Pili looked at the people at Qiankumen.

Inside the Thousand Cave Gate, Cave Master Bai and another Cave Master looked at each other, walked out gently, looked at Lan Pili and said: "Generally, there are two ways to discuss the Tao of Tian. One is to use the same land and If the spiritual grass is placed in the same place and under the same conditions, whoever cultivates the spiritual grass better will naturally be better.

It's just that this method takes too long.

How about we use another method to pose questions to each other to restore each other's destroyed spiritual fields and revive each other's spiritual herbs? "

Lan Pili's face became more solemn. The so-called asking each other questions was to use some methods to destroy the spiritual field. Because the spiritual field is destroyed, the spiritual grass on the spiritual field will also be affected.

This is where the question comes up.

Let another person solve the problem and find a way to restore the spiritual field to normal, and at the same time restore the spiritual grass to normal.

Of course, even though it is a question, it cannot be destroyed casually.

For example, if you destroy the spiritual field and the other party cannot restore it, then you need to restore the destroyed spiritual field.

If you destroy the spiritual field by yourself and you cannot recover it, then it is a violation of the law and you are destroying the spiritual field indiscriminately. In that case, you will naturally be punished.

Not only that, if you do that, if word spreads afterwards, the whole person's reputation will be ruined. Therefore, under normal circumstances, no one among the famous and decent families will do that kind of damage at will, and the damage will be irreparable.

Lan Pili knew that if he cultivated spiritual grass, he might still have a little bit of strength to fight, but if it was a question, he would definitely lose.

His inheritance naturally comes from his master, and his master and the White Cave Master have the same inheritance. However, for some unknown reason, the original Tao inheritance of the White Cave Master is slightly more than that of the master.

Therefore, he knows what the White Cave Master knows, but he does not know some of the things that the White Cave Master knows.

Naturally, we cannot continue discussing Tao in the canyon of Luoxia Cave. Now that it is getting late, it is not suitable to discuss Tao anymore.

However, even destroying the spiritual field will take time and preparation.

Today, as the two parties discussing the Tao, Blue Pili and the White Cave Master both allocated a piece of spiritual land for them to prepare in advance and officially start discussing the Tao tomorrow.

As one of the top ten immortal sects, Qianku Sect cannot lose its understanding. They specially arranged a separate courtyard for the people of Baifeng Sect to rest.

This night, Cao Zhen did not see Lan Pili in the other courtyard.

Early the next morning, he took a group of disciples from the Baifeng Sect to the spiritual field where Taoism was discussed.

Along the way, he found that more and more disciples of the Thousand Caves Sect gathered around him.

Yesterday, Cao Zhen alone was unable to defeat everyone at Qiankumen.

The people of Qianku Sect also know that the people of Baifeng Sect come to discuss the Tao, but they are very confident. This year, Qianku Sect is much stronger than before.

In their expectation, the Baifeng Sect would come to discuss Taoism with their Thousand Caves Sect, and the one who would lose the most would definitely be the Baifeng Sect.

But at night, the disciples of the Thousand Cave Sect were replaced by cave masters and even higher-ups. After getting the results of today's discussion, they almost went crazy!

Calligraphy, painting, poetry, lyrics, music, all their arguments, they all lost, and they still lost to the same person.

They kept losing all day yesterday.

They don't believe it. If a person can continue to win, what other theories can a person know?

They didn’t believe that today, the people from the Baifeng Sect could beat them from the Qianku Sect!

Other discussions, such as poetry, music, or calligraphy and painting, even if you don't understand them, you can still appreciate them.

But [Tian]'s discussion seems to be really meaningless if you don't understand it very well.

However, today there are more disciples and cave owners walking towards the place where the Tao is discussed.

Lan Pili was under a lot of pressure. He stayed up all night yesterday, thinking about how to deal with the White Cave Master. Cao Zhen won all day yesterday, but today he lost as soon as he appeared on the stage. What does that count?

Although he only lost one game today, and it was only one of their Hundred Peaks Sect [Tian] who lost to the Thousand Caves Sect, overall, their Hundred Peaks Sect won more.

However, his own pride made him not want to lose and made him want to fight one last time.

Over the years, he himself has developed some of his own paths based on the inheritance of [Tian] taught by his master.

Blue Pili and White Cave Master could only look at each other at their destroyed spiritual fields, and without anyone else speaking, they walked towards each other's spiritual fields.

The two spiritual fields are both the lowest level first-grade spiritual fields. After all, the higher the level of the spiritual field, the more troublesome and longer it will take to restore it.

Therefore, all discussions start from the first-grade spiritual field. If the two sides cannot decide the winner in the first-grade spiritual field, they will switch to the second-grade spiritual field, and then the third-grade spiritual field will increase in this way.

Cao Zhen stood in the crowd. Although he did not participate in the discussion, the eyes of the Qianku Sect disciples around him did not fall on Lan Pili, but looked at him.

Cao Zhen ignored everyone and looked towards the two spiritual fields.

Destroying the spiritual field does not mean directly leaving the spiritual field in a mess. In fact, destroying the spiritual field only targets the soil of the spiritual field.

The reason why spiritual fields are spiritual fields is because the soil is different and there is spiritual energy in the soil.

The spiritual field facing the White Cave Master looked like it had been turned over, revealing dark soil. This soil was not black soil, but yellow soil. The reason why all the soil was gone The black color is because these soils have been bombarded by the blue thunderbolt using the big thunderbolt technique.

He thought about it for a long time last night, and decided to use his magical power to destroy suddenly, so that there was a slight possibility of victory.

The White Cave Master seemed to have anticipated what Blue Bolt would do. He squatted down, stretched out a hand and touched the soil lightly, with a winner's smile on his face, and chuckled: "Use the magical power of thunder to change the sudden change." Yeah?

It's good to think about it. If you were a human being, you might not be able to repair the soil you damaged. It's a pity that you met me.

Although there are changes in Thunder, these are only some changes in the inheritance. It is easy to repair the soil. "

The owner of the White Cave quickly found a variety of plants and planted them around the soil. While planting, he said: "Although these peony flowers are not magical herbs, they have a repairing effect. Together with..."

He began to plant herbs one after another on the spiritual field...

Cao Zhen was a little speechless. So, the way for this white cave owner to restore his spiritual field is to plant various grasses?

The problem is, you are in your Thousand Cave Gate, in the discussion of Taoism, and various herbal medicines will be prepared here. What if there are not enough herbal medicines in other places? How do you restore this spiritual field?

Soil problems can not only be restored by planting herbs, but also through other methods. The method of the White Cave Master is too ordinary.

After a while, the dark soil above the spiritual field began to appear yellow.

The White Cave Master looked at the soil beneath him like a master, and said calmly, "This spiritual field can be restored in less than half a day."

All around, the disciples of the Thousand Cave Sect started shouting loudly as they looked at Ling Tian who had recovered.

"The Lord of the White Cave is really powerful. He restored the spiritual field easily."

"This time, it looks like we are going to win."

"The Blue Peak Master of the Hundred Peaks Sect seems to have no clue yet."

"The White Cave Master's research on [Tian] is one of the top three among our Thousand Cave Sects."

Many disciples of the Thousand Cave Sect are already celebrating wildly. They were suppressed all day yesterday, and today they finally made a comeback. Judging from the look of Lan Pili, it is obvious that they cannot restore the spiritual field destroyed by the White Cave Master.

The White Cave Master walked out of his spiritual field with a confident look on his face, walked to Lan Pili's side, and asked softly: "Lan Peak Master, I have restored your spiritual field for you, but you don't know what my spiritual field is. Do you know how to recover?"

"I..." On Lan Pili's forehead, drops of sweat kept falling. The spiritual field didn't seem to have any signs of stirring, but the spiritual field was really damaged, and a lot of nutrients were lost from the spiritual field. .

Even the elixirs on this spiritual field looked a little withered.

In this case, it is naturally necessary to replenish the nutrients in the spiritual field first.

However, replenishing nutrients cannot be done casually, because there are elixirs in this spiritual field. If one is not blocked, the herbs planted will affect the growth of the elixirs...

It just so happened that the elixir in this spiritual field was the first-grade light-concentrating grass, which was the most nutritious.

He thought of many ways, but failed to find the best solution.

"I..." Lan Pili finally let out a long sigh and said: "Lan is very talented and has little knowledge, but he cannot restore this spiritual field."

As soon as his words fell, the people around Qiancao Gate suddenly burst into cheers.

A smile finally appeared on Elder Huankong's face. Their Thousand Caves Sect finally won for once. He looked at Lan Pili and said loudly: "If that's the case, then this time [Tian]'s discussion will be won by our Thousand Caves Sect."

Although his words were spoken to Blue Bolt, the sound was extremely loud, spreading around and even far away.

If their Qianku Sect wins once, they will naturally tell the disciples within the sect.

Cao Zhen raised a hand, waved in the direction of Elder Huankong and said, "Wait a moment."

He just doesn't understand why these people like to open champagne in advance at midfield to celebrate?

Although Cao Zhen did not participate in the discussion, many people still paid attention to him because of his performance yesterday. As he spoke, everyone's eyes immediately paid attention.

Elder Huankong gently raised his gray beard and asked, "Peak Master Cao, do you have any questions? Peak Master Lan said personally that the spiritual field cannot be restored."

"No, that's not what I'm talking about." Cao Zhen stretched out a finger, looked at Elder Huankong and asked, "When discussing Taoism, can a sect only have one person?"

Elder Huankong shook his head: "Of course not."

As he spoke, he suddenly thought of something. He looked at Cao Zhen with some surprise and asked, "Is this Peak Master Cao?"

Cao Zhen nodded confidently and said: "That's right, I also know something about [Tian] Taoism. Why don't you let me discuss it with some cave owners?"

He had no idea of ​​being in the limelight and wanted to leave Qiankumen quickly so that he could rush to the capital.

But even Lan Pili lost, so he had to take action.

Elder Huankong even instinctively showed a look of panic on his face when he heard that Cao Zhen was about to take action. Yesterday, Cao Zhen took action five times, but all of them crushed the people in their Thousand Caves Sect.

Now, his expression has changed a little after hearing Cao.

He recalled what Cao Zhen said back then. It seemed that Cao Zhen really said that he was good at [field].

This guy won't...

Elder Huankong thought and shook his head suddenly, as if he wanted to throw away all the panic in his heart.

He didn't believe it. Cao Zhen and Cao Zhen were already good at so many things. How could he be good at [Field]?

The Tao of [Tian] is different from what Cao Zhen discussed yesterday. What he discussed yesterday was actually all kinds of cultivation paths, which can even be said to be artistic ways.

Cao Zhen is good at poetry, calligraphy, painting, and music. I can only say that Cao Zhen has extremely high artistic talent!

But [Tian] is different. [Tian] is one of the six arts, which requires a lot of time to learn and practice.

How old is Cao Zhencai? What kind of [field] can he know?

Yes, Cao Zhen, it's impossible for him to be so proficient in the six arts. He didn't believe it. Cao Zhen could be master of all the gods and was extremely proficient in everything.

On the side, the White Cave Master has already spoken: "Since Cao Feng wants to compete, we naturally have no reason to refuse. Cao Feng Master, look, how about we not change this question? You continue to restore this side of the spiritual field?"

Cao Zhen just walked a few steps forward, feeling the breath of this spiritual field and smelling the smell in the soil. He didn't even squat down to look at the soil, but said directly: "It's too easy to restore this spiritual field. That’s enough, just use feces.”

"Feces?" When the White Cave Master heard Cao Zhen's words, he immediately sneered: "Master Cao, excrement can indeed be used as fertilizer. This is common sense that ordinary farmers know, but you have to know that this is a spiritual field, not a spiritual field. Ordinary fields. It doesn’t mean that there is a lack of nutrients, so you need to be able to directly add things like manure to add nutrients!"

Many people around him sneered: "What did he think about adding feces to the spiritual field?"

"There is a word for spirit in the spiritual field, which means it has spiritual energy. What is feces? It is the most filthy thing. How can it be put into the spiritual field?"

"If you put those filthy things into the spiritual field, the spiritual energy of the entire spiritual field will be affected. If there are too many filthy things, the spiritual field will be destroyed!"

"This Peak Master Cao clearly doesn't understand the [Tian] way."

"He won too much yesterday, and he is too confident. If he is overconfident, he is arrogant."

In the direction of the Baifeng Sect, everyone shook their heads when they heard the sound. The knowledge of the six arts they had learned could not be put on the spiritual field with filthy things such as feces.

Cao Zhen was speechless. What filthy things are these people? Who said that the aura of Lingtian would definitely be affected by misunderstandings?

As a person who is connected to the Lord of the Land, he can responsibly say that the reason why the spiritual field has aura is because of the soil.

As for feces, it will have an impact, but it is not something that cannot be solved.

these people……

Forget it, they don’t know if they don’t know. They are not disciples of the Four Treasures Peak, so they have no obligation to teach them.

If they don't understand the magical uses of feces, then use their stupid methods.

Cao Zhen did not argue with these people, but pointed directly and said: "Forget it, I can't explain it to you. Then I will tell you another way. You can use dove grass to plant it around here, but it should not be too much. Plant one plant every ten feet away..."

Cao Zhen began to talk about another method.

Many disciples who were good at [Tian] around heard the sound and sneered again.

"Dovegrass? That is the most famous plant that absorbs nutrients. The nutrients in the soil are already scarce. If dovegrass is planted again, the nutrients in the soil will be absorbed one after another, and the spiritual grass in the spiritual field will be completely destroyed. "

"Master Cao, do you understand?"

"That's all nonsense!"

When the White Cave Master heard about the dovegrass, a look of surprise suddenly appeared on his face. If he wanted to repair the spiritual field he destroyed, he really needed to use dovegrass!

It seems that the soil's nutrients have indeed been destroyed, but in fact...

Cao Zhen listened to the crowd's sneers, and he also sneered: "Who said that the nutrients in this soil have been destroyed. The nutrients in the Lingtian have only been destroyed to a very small part, and more nutrients are still stored in the Lingtian. around and stored deep in the soil.

Planting birdgrass just on the edge will not absorb the nutrients that are left on the surface of the soil, but will penetrate deep into the ground and absorb the nutrients that stick out.

At this time, plant between every two dove grass plants..."

Everyone around heard the sound, and all of them still showed disbelief: "The spiritual grass has begun to wither, and they said that a lot of nutrients have been stored..."

"How is it possible? This is obviously a sign of reduced soil nutrients. White Cave Master..."

Everyone turned back to look at the White Cave Master, only to find that the White Cave Master was looking at Cao Zhen in surprise.

"This... the expression of the White Cave Master... seems a little different."

"No, then Cao Zhen is right."

"No way."

When Elder Huankong saw the change in the expression of the White Cave Master, his expression suddenly changed, and he had a bad feeling in his heart. That Cao Zhen didn't really know how to restore the spiritual field.

The owner of the White Cave listened to Cao Zhen talking about the names of the plants. The more he listened, the more surprised he became. Everything Cao Zhen said was correct, and it happened to be the way to repair the spiritual field...

Um? What did Cao Zhen say? Jiao Lianhua?

The White Cave Master suddenly interrupted: "Master Cao, what do you mean by the Jiao Lianhua?" His repair method did not use the Jiao Lianhua.

Everyone around him breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the sound. This is what Cao Zhen said was wrong with the method. He made a mistake. In this case, he naturally lost.

After all, restoring the spiritual field is a chance for everyone. If you make one mistake, you lose.

"Why can't we use hornwort? Next, we can use Banli grass and Qingchen fern." Cao Zhen did not directly answer why hornwort was used, but named two more plants.

When the White Cave Master heard the sound, his brows furrowed even deeper: "Banli Grass and Qingchun Fern? They...I understand, this is to neutralize the cold air of Jiao Lianhua, but Qingchun you want to use eclipse?" …”

"Yes, plus the Essence Miasma, and..." Cao Zhen quickly said the names of two more plants, looked at the White Cave Master and asked: "In this case, can it be repaired?"

The White Cave Master did not answer. Instead, he frowned, obviously lost in thought. After a while, he looked up at Cao Zhen with surprise, and exclaimed: "There is no problem, although with me The methods are different, but I have deduced that this method can definitely restore the spiritual field."


All around, everyone at Qiankumen was shocked.

This Cao Zhen actually understands [Tian], and it seems that he doesn't understand it at all. But what did he mean by those feces before?

The White Cave Master was more surprised than everyone else. The sum total of the things Cao Zhen said was five fewer herbs than his method, and nearly a hundred fewer herbs in total.

It was also a repair, but Cao Zhen used less of it. If he had to judge the difference, he would actually be at a disadvantage.

Lan Pili was completely dumbfounded. He found that he could not understand Cao Zhen at all now. How could Cao Zhen still know the Six Arts [Field]?

During the previous Hundred Peaks Competition, none of the disciples from the Four Treasure Peaks participated in the competition in the Six Arts [Field].

Cao Zhen, how many more things does he still have?

Cao Zhen saw that the other party had admitted that his method could repair the spiritual field, so he took a few steps forward and asked: "Master of the White Cave, according to the rules of Taoism, do you need me to destroy the spiritual field now and let the spirit field be restored?" Are you here to fix it?”

"This is natural." The White Cave Master nodded slightly, looked at Cao Zhen and asked, "Cao Peak Master, let's choose a second-grade place for two days, and then make preparations."

"No need, the spiritual field under your feet is enough." Cao Zhen squatted down directly, inserted his hand into the soil, and used his sense of the soil to start changing the soil under him.

Choosing another spiritual field wasn't troublesome enough, he also had to build it and fly away, but he didn't have time to delay for too long.

"The spiritual field below?" The White Cave Master was confused for a moment. Is Cao Zhen going to destroy it on the basis of his own destruction? This spiritual field was destroyed by himself, and he knew exactly how he destroyed it.

Isn't he giving himself a victory?

While he was wondering, Cao Zhen had already stood up, looked at the White Cave Master and said: "White Cave Master, it's enough, now it's up to you to restore the spiritual field."

"Is this good?"

The White Cave Master looked at Cao Zhen with disbelief. If Cao Zhen had not just spoken and told how to restore this spiritual field, he would have doubted that Cao Zhen could not move the [field] of the Six Arts. In such a short time, Cao Zhen He had already completed the destruction without using various plants or herbs. He just inserted his hands to destroy something.


The White Cave Master dug his hand into the ground. The next moment, he was shocked. He quickly stretched out his other hand and inserted it into the ground. His face was full of disbelief.

All around, the dignitaries and cave masters of the Thousand Cave Sect, who had not looked panicked at first, suddenly panicked in their hearts when they saw the change in the face of the White Cave Master. The White Cave Master looked like he was obviously in trouble.

No way, they won't lose again today.

After finishing everything, Cao Zhen no longer looked at the White Cave Master, but looked at the people around him and said: "Everyone, if anyone else wants to discuss [Field] with me, go and have a look with the White Cave Master. , study it.”

All around, the cave masters and disciples looked extremely ugly and arrogant. They were too arrogant.

Cao Zhen, what does this mean?

This is clearly showing that he despises the White Cave Master and thinks that the White Cave Master cannot crack it. It is even more obvious that he despises them and the Thousand Cave Sect, and he actually allows them to study it together!

Is Cao Zhen going to challenge the [Tian] of their Thousand Caves Sect alone?

While everyone was angry, the voice of the White Cave Master came over: "Everyone, let's take a look."

After saying this, everyone was instantly shocked. The White Cave Master was recognized by their Thousand Cave Sect as one of the top three people in [Tian].

Now, the White Cave Master just watched it for a while and actually asked everyone to watch it together. This obviously shows that he has no confidence in himself.

Cao Zhen just reached into the soil and touched it. With such a simple action, what did Cao Zhen do?

Many cave masters and disciples who were good at [Tian] Way ran to the spiritual field one after another. At this time, they no longer needed to check, they all discovered the problem.

In this spiritual field, they couldn't feel any breath at all. It felt like an ordinary field.

But that’s just it. White Cave Master, his face shouldn’t be so ugly. What’s wrong with the soil below?

Many people also followed the example of the White Cave Master and stretched out their hands directly into the spiritual field. The next moment, their faces were all stunned.

The soil below is actually full of spiritual energy, extremely rich spiritual energy, extremely strong vitality, and the land is extremely fertile.

"In the spiritual field above, I can't feel the spiritual energy, but the land is so fertile... What is going on?"

"All the spiritual energy and nutrients are isolated below."

"To solve this problem, we must allow the spiritual energy and nutrients below to flow up."

"But the problem is, how to flow up? If this rich spiritual energy and nutrients are moved a little, as long as there is an opening, they will all rush out. By then, the spiritual grass above will be burned alive due to excess nutrients."

"Lead some of the nutrients elsewhere?"

"How to induce it? Haven't you noticed? The spiritual energy and nutrients below are completely integrated. As long as you move even slightly, they will all flow out."

"This is a complete misunderstanding. How did he do it? Master of the White Cave, you destroyed this spiritual field before. You should have a way to restore it, right?"

"I...I can't either."

Everyone scratched their heads and discussed what to do. They discussed for a long time, but no matter how they discussed, they could not find a solution.

Cao Zhen no longer visits these people. In fact, under the current situation, it is easy to restore the spiritual field, just use feces.

However, these people all said that excrement was filthy and had no idea how to use excrement to make the spiritual field more fertile. All they thought about was how to plant some plants to nourish the spiritual field.

Based on their theory, even if they were asked to solve it for ten years or a hundred years, they would not be able to solve this problem.

I don't have time to wait for them.

Cao Zhen looked at Lan Pili and asked, "Master Lan, there should be a time limit for solving the problem."

Lan Pili didn't know whether Cao Zhen deliberately wanted to ridicule everyone or he really didn't know. He could only reply: "There are indeed restrictions, such as the first-grade spiritual field. If you can't think of the answer in three hours, you will lose." ”

Three hours...

Cao Zhen shook his head, it took too long.

He looked to the side again. There were enough people here this time. After those people from the Thousand Caves Sect lost this time, they would definitely continue to talk to him.

Instead of wasting time by asking different people to talk about the truth again and again, it is better to solve it once and for all.

Cao Zhenwang looked at Elder Huankong and suddenly said: "Who among you from Qiankumen wants to discuss Taoism with me, whether it's alchemy, talismans, formations, or tactics... just come, I'll wait here, let's Come with them!"

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