My Master Knows Just a Bit About Everything

Has Chapter 178 begun? It has ended

In the Immortal Martial Arts Conference, almost everyone who did not go to the ring stood on the high mountain on one side.

And everyone does not just stand randomly, basically one fairy gate occupies a position. Among them, the top ten immortal sects occupy the best positions.

Sibaofeng is quite special. Cao Zhen has never been with the people from the Hundred Peaks Sect, so the people from Sibaofeng found a separate place where various sects are mixed.

After all, no matter how big the Xianxian Fang is, the places are limited. There are many people in the Immortal Sect who are not arranged in the Xianxian Fang. Therefore, there are also some people in the major Xianmen who are not with the large troops of their Xianmen.

After Xiang Ziyu and Leng Xi flew back to the location of Sibao Peak, Lu Chaoqiong whispered to Ai Yunqi on the side: "Peak Master Cao and the others are from our Baifeng Sect, and they are not doing well outside. I Go and bring them back.”

After saying that, she flew down to where Cao Zhen and others were.

Almost at the same time, a voice came.

"It's the C-shaped arena. We'll be on stage from the 11th to the 20th."

As the words fell, figures quickly flew out from the crowd, and Yan Yourong also flew out.

Although she, like Xiao Beiyan, was in the second batch to enter the ring, because the fighting speed in each ring was different, Yan Yourong entered the ring one step earlier than Xiao Beiyan.

Because of Leng Xi's performance before, everyone got to know the disciples of Si Baofeng well. As soon as Yan Yourong landed on the ring, the other nine people flew around to both sides in tacit agreement, surrounding Yan Yourong in the middle.

Several more people spoke one after another.

"Don't try to hide it. We know that you are a disciple of the Four Treasures Peak and that you are the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions Golden Pill."

"The nine of us will join forces to deal with you. Although it is a bit shameless for nine of us to beat you, but in order to win, we can only do this."

"I want to see how big the gap is between me and the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions Golden Pill."

Yan Yourong looked at the nine people around him and didn't reply, but the combat power in his body increased significantly.

Behind her, ten vision platforms, ten vision fairy bridges, and ten vision golden elixirs all appeared. Some of these visions were like sharp gold and stones, some were like lush vegetation, and some were like continuous Some of the flowing water are like blazing flames, some are like towering giant mountains, and there is a golden elixir, like a sharp long knife.

"Long knife?"

At the top of the mountain, Lu Chaoqiong had a look of surprise on her face and asked softly to Cao Zhen: "Master Cao, I remember that your disciple's vision did not include a vision of a long sword. Ten days ago, I saw When she broke through, the changes in the heaven and earth visions made her feel strange, why did she have an extra long sword vision?"

Cao Zhen heard the sound and said with emotion: "Actually, it was me who delayed her. Her character is more suitable for sword skills, but before, I always let her use the sword.

Fortunately, she later got the Sorrowful Dragon Sword, and abandoned the sword to use the sword. Because of the strong desire for the sword in her heart, after she broke through, she had a vision inner elixir, which turned into a long sword. Like Neidan. "

The golden elixir is all transformed from the inner elixir. Generally speaking, what is the vision of the condensed inner elixir? If the formed elixir still has visions, it will be the same as the vision of the inner elixir.

However, his disciples at the Four Treasure Peak are truly extraordinary.

Just like Xiao Beiyan, although Beiyan's visions generally did not change after becoming a golden elixir, people who had seen his visions before could see the changes in his visions at a glance.

On the C-shaped ring, as all ten contestants arrived, below the ring, the referee's voice soon came.


As soon as the two words fell, several people surrounded by Yan Yourong on the stage moved at the same time and launched attacks.

Rays of light gathered by mana flickered on their magic weapons.

Suddenly, at the next moment, a clanging sound came out, and then, an aura full of endless grief and anger suddenly erupted from the center of the ring. The strong aura even affected the nine people in the ring, feeling a trace of sadness and anger.

They are affected.

Yan Yourong pulled out the Sorrowful Dragon Sword and slashed it out suddenly, drawing an arc.

The sword slashed out with unparalleled dominance, and a clear dragon roar could be heard in the air. At this moment, the sad and angry dragon sword seemed to be an ancient divine dragon that had awakened after sleeping for millions of years, waving its A pair of dragon claws that could tear apart mountains and tear apart the void struck heavily at the nine people around them.

The nine people's magical powers had just been launched, and the sharp sword energy filled with endless domineering energy was already slashing.

The long knife slashed across, easily cutting through their magical powers, and slashed hard on their bodies.

In just one breath, nine people, regardless of their level of cultivation, were all slashed with one sword. The unparalleled force of the sword rushed straight into their bodies, in their internal organs, and in their muscles and veins. Madness rages.

It was not until this moment that an arc appeared in the void. The arc left by the long knife made people feel that this space seemed to be divided into two halves by this knife.

The sword was so fast, so fast that it wasn't until Yan Yourong finished drawing the sword and sheathed it that the shadow of the long sword appeared in the space.

Under the impact of the terrifying force of this knife, some of them flew backwards and flew straight out of the ring, triggering the formation light curtain around the ring, and then they rebounded and fell back to the ring.

Although some did not fly out, they fell to the ground in pain, their faces full of horror.

That knife was really terrifying. Just now, they felt death.

Yan Yourong is the existence of the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir. There are too few such geniuses. Every debut of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Great Perfection will attract everyone's attention, and she is no exception.

During this battle, except for a small number of people who were paying attention to other arenas because their disciples from the Immortal Sect or their fellow disciples were fighting in other arenas, the rest of the people almost all focused on Yan Yourong.

Looking at Yan Yourong, who had knocked down all his opponents with just one strike of his sword, there was even a gasp of air coming from the high mountain.

"Has it started yet?"

"No it's over!"

"This... is just a knife?"

"So strong?"

"Among them, there is even a sixth-level golden elixir and two fifth-level golden elixirs. But in front of Yan Yourong, they seem to be no different from the first-level golden elixir or even the formation elixir."

"It's too big. The gap between the Ten Visions Golden Pill Dzogchen and other golden pills is really too big."

"I feel like she is stronger than that Xiang Ziyu!"

Countless people were immersed in the terror of Yan Yourong's sword.

Wu Jianzi looked at Yan Yourong on the ring. The more he looked, the brighter the light in his eyes became: "Although she uses a sword, her way of swordsmanship is so similar to my way of swordsmanship." .

One strike determines victory or defeat, one strike determines life or death. The moment the weapon is drawn out, everything is decided.

The only difference is that she draws the sword and I draw the sword. "

Wu Jianzi looked at Cao Zhen and said with admiration: "Senior Cao, is this the path you guided her to follow?"

"She discovered everything by herself." For a moment, Cao Zhen really didn't know if Yan Yourong's sword skills were influenced by him.

In the previous competition at the Hundred Peaks Competition, Yan Yourong's attack was a single blow that would determine the outcome. However, at that time, Yan Yourong's attack was not as extreme as it was in front of him.

Now, as he watched Yan Yourong take out the sword, he felt an aura of indomitable and irreversible momentum!

He really didn't know whether this was the path Yan Yourong came up with on his own, or whether Yan Yourong had heard him deceive Wu Jianzi, and then heard Wu Jianzi praising his swordsmanship, so he misunderstood and thought it would be easy to draw the sword. It is the highest form of swordsmanship, so I developed the draw sword.

Yan Yourong took out the knife and put it back, then looked back at the referee below and asked, "Not announced yet?"

"The second round of the C-shaped arena, the winner is C-number thirteen."

Amidst the referee's announcement, Xiao Beiyan flew very quickly and landed on the Wu-shaped arena, and his competition was about to begin.

Everyone had seen the battles of Xiang Ziyu and Yan Yourong, and they were fully aware of the gap between them and the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions Golden Pill.

At this time, they no longer even have the extravagant hope that together they can defeat the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Great Perfection.

But even so, as the referee started to sound, the other nine people in the ring still launched an attack on Xiao Beiyan.

Even if they can't win, they must seize this opportunity to take action and experience for themselves the power of the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions Golden Pill.

For a moment, nine magical powers shot out from the hands of nine golden elixir masters on the arena.

Xiao Beiyan looked at the attacks falling one after another, with a look of excitement on his face. He had been bullied by his brothers and sisters for so long, and today it was finally his turn to bully others.

Behind him, among the ten visionary golden elixirs, except for the golden elixir with the evil chicken burning with flames that remained unchanged, the other nine golden elixirs instantly bloomed with colorful light.

Suddenly, in the golden elixir, there were huge war hammers, pagodas, as well as gold, silver, colored glaze, coral, amber, clams, agate...

All kinds of visions seemed to turn into reality at this moment, as if they were nine different magic weapons. Each magic weapon exuded endless divine power and bombarded the nine people respectively.

The next moment, these nine vision weapons collided head-on with the attacks of nine people. For a moment, loud noises exploded from the void.

The void above the arena fluctuated crazily, and the attacks of the nine people retreated rapidly, visible to the naked eye.

In the blink of an eye, the divine weapons transformed from the Nine Vision Golden Pills were already heavily bombarding the nine people, and nine loud noises like thunderous explosions were heard in succession.

All nine people fell to the ground.

"It's crushing again."

"Another instant defeat of the opponent."

"Have you noticed that now there are four masters of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Great Perfection on the stage. Except for Leng Xi, the other three all defeated all their opponents in an instant."

"This gap is too big!"

"Actually, these four people are all from the Hundred Peaks Sect. To be more precise, they are all disciples of the Four Treasures Peak."

"The people from Sibaofeng are too strong."

For a time, there were voices everywhere talking about the Four Treasures Peak.

High on the mountain, Guanzhu Lu saw Beiyan winning. For a moment, no disciples from Sibaofeng came on stage to compete and shouted, and looked aside.

At this time, Cao Zhen was communicating with Xiang Ziyu.

"So, Master is like this, and I am like this, changing the sun, moon and stars. Master, how about it? Do you think your disciple is a genius? Well, Master, you don't have to be so surprised. Your disciple is the protagonist, but It’s just a modification of the technique, nothing to be surprised about.

However, Master, you are still in the elixir-formation stage now, and you cannot learn how to rotate the sun, the moon, and the stars.

Forget it, wait until the disciples go back to study and see how to teach their father how to rotate the sun, the moon, and the stars. "

"No need." Cao Zhen raised his hand to interrupt Xiang Ziyu who wanted to continue pretending. Do you want to study further? Whatever you want to study, I can master what you know. In other words, everything you have belongs to the master, but what belongs to the master is still the master’s own.

Seeing that the two of them had finished their conversation, Lu Chaoqiong looked at Cao Zhen and whispered: "Master Cao, come to think of it, you have already broken through into the golden elixir. So, really speaking, you are now the master of Qianlong Temple. ”

"Master Lu, wait a moment." Cao Zhen quickly interrupted Master Lu, "I haven't broken through to the golden elixir yet, I'm still in the elixir formation stage."

"Are you still forming the elixir? How is that possible?" Guanzhu Lu looked at Cao Zhendao in disbelief, "Your four disciples have already completed the Ten Visions of the Golden elixir. How is it possible that you haven't even reached the Golden elixir?"

"This is the fact." Cao Zhen spread his hands and said, "No one stipulates that the master's cultivation level must be higher than that of his disciples, right? I'm really just forming pills."

The Immortals Martial Arts Conference has been going on so far, and the disciples of the Four Treasures Peak are the most prominent. At this time, countless people are paying attention to the direction of the Four Treasures Peak and Cao Zhen.

When everyone suddenly heard Cao Zhen's words, they all laughed in disbelief.

"Cao Zhen still wants to lie to people?"

"If he was not the Golden Elixir Dzogchen, how did his four disciples break through and become the Golden Elixir?"

"It's already this time, is it still useful for him to lie?"

"All four of his disciples have the Great Perfection of the Ten Golden Elixirs. Cao Zhen is already a perfect person of the Ten Golden Elixirs, even if not all of them have the Golden Elixir of Visions."

"With his strength, as long as his luck is not particularly bad and he encounters an opponent with ten phantoms and golden elixirs, he is almost certain to advance. Is there any point in him still lying here?"

Cao Zhen ignored the shouts of the people around him and looked at Lu Chaoqiong with a serious look on his face: "I didn't lie to you, I really haven't reached the golden elixir stage. Master Lu, with your cultivation level, can't you feel that I am Isn’t it a golden elixir?”

"You have so many tricks. Who knows if you have any tricks to hide your own cultivation." Lu Chaoqiong didn't believe Cao Zhen's words at all.

Looking at Cao Zhen who wanted to continue to explain, she said helplessly: "Okay, okay, even if you are a pill collector. But after the Immortals Martial Arts Tournament is over, I will officially step down as the Master of Qianlong Temple. , by then, you will be the master of Qianlong Temple.

Master Zhangzong has also informed all the peak masters about this matter. Peak Master Cao, when you go back, make preparations early. In fact, after becoming the master of Qianlong Temple, you should not continue to be the master of the peak.

However, this time due to special circumstances, the reversal of the universe is about to begin, so Peak Master Cao is not forced to leave the Four Treasures Peak. "

Cao Zhen said with a headache: "So, when the time comes, I will be both the peak master of the Four Treasures Peak and the master of the Qianlong Temple, right? I will also have another identity at that time, the national master of the Zhenxian Dynasty. It’s really busy.”

Everyone around heard the sound and started talking in low voices again.

"Cao Zhen, do you really think that the position of national master belongs to him?"

"It's a joke, how could the national master be him!"

"Does he think that no one in this golden elixir is his opponent?"

"No, he just said that he was just forming the elixir. As a result, he now feels that the position of national master belongs to him. He must have exposed his secret. If he is not the perfect master of the Ten Visions Golden elixir, how can he have the confidence to take the position of national master? Bit!"

Amidst the murmurs of everyone's discussion, the referee's voice rang in the distance, below the A-shaped arena.

"A, eleven to twenty, go to the ring."

Like some fast arenas, the competition between the third group of people has now progressed, but in the A-shaped arena, the competition between the first group of people ended with a draw.

As the referee's words fell, figures flew down onto the A-shaped arena, and at the same time, exclamations also rang out.

"Fairy Qin Yao!"

"Fairy Qin Yao from the Sun and Moon Sect!"

"It's really Fairy Qin Yao!"

"As expected of Fairy Qin Yao, who ranks at the top of the list of favorites of the Zhenxian Dynasty. She is so beautiful."

"Not only is it beautiful, but it also has that kind of temperament. The kind of temperament that is waiting to be revealed is even more rare."

"It is said that Fairy Qin Yao has also achieved the Perfection of the Golden Elixir of Ten Visions!"

"Fairy Qin Yao had a breakthrough a few months ago!"

Cao Zhen looked along the words of everyone, and his eyes instantly fell on a figure wearing a pale yellow skirt, flying from the sky.

Under the long skirt that flutters in the wind, you can see a pair of beautiful legs as white as lotus roots. Even from a very far distance, you can feel the exposed calves, which seem to be white enough to shine, and her face is even more delicate. , can't seem to find any flaws.

This is a typical figure with fair skin, good looks and long legs.


Cao Zhen glanced at Qin Yao from afar, and then glanced at Leng Xi next to him. He was also a human, and the gap was really not that big.

If Qin Yao were to dress up as a man, there would be no need to cover up.

Also, you're wearing a skirt and flying around like this. Don't you think it's a little cold?

Cao Zhen looked back at Li Ke, who had not spoken much since arriving here, and said, "Why does this name sound familiar to me? It seems to have some connection with you?"

"Master, don't you even know this?" Xiao Beiyan flew back from a distance. Hearing the sound, he looked at Cao Zhen with a look of disdain and said: "Fairy Qin Yao is on the list of favorites of the Zhenxian Dynasty, just like Master Niang. Top ten fairies.

To be more precise, since Master Niang and Fairy Qin Yao both broke through and became the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir, they have become the top five existences on the list of favorites of the Zhenxian Dynasty. In the world of immortality, many people compare Fairy Qin Yao with Master Niang. "

After Xiao Beiyan finished his disdain, he paused slightly and said with a dissatisfied look on his face: "However, that list is too far behind. My wife already has a master, so how can she still be on the list?"

After Xiao Beiyan finished speaking, he suddenly felt two unusually cold gazes coming towards him.

These two glances came from his master and his beloved master respectively.

"I said, we haven't become Taoist couples yet, so we are not allowed to call Master Niang." Cao Zhen glared at Xiao Beiyan and said: "You are young and don't practice well. What do you want to pay attention to every day? What do you think about puppy love?"

Xiao Beiyan looked puzzled: "Master, what does puppy love mean?"

"That's not what you should know. Go back and copy it for me a thousand times. Master is the greatest, Leng Xi. You are responsible for supervision."

"Yes, Master!" Leng Xi looked at Bei Yan with a serious look on his face, as if he wanted Xiao Beiyan to take out a pen and paper right now and start copying Master's greatest words.

Xiao Beiyan discovered that the master was getting more and more powerful. In the past, the master was not like this. The master just asked the senior sister to copy, "The master is the greatest." ’ Why is there an extra me now?

Obviously I am not the youngest, and I have a junior sister. If the master allows me to copy, I should also let my junior sister copy.

The Immortals Martial Arts Conference has been going on for a long time, and everyone has already reached a consensus. As long as there is a Perfect Perfection of the Golden Elixir of Ten Visions, everyone will join forces and attack with all their strength the strong man who has Perfection of the Golden Elixir of Ten Visions.

Even though Qin Yao was called a fairy by everyone, even though she was among the top five people in the Immortal Dynasty's favorite list, the other nine people also launched attacks after she appeared on the stage.


Behind Qin Yao, ten golden elixirs rose into the sky, and each golden elixir became extremely hot, as if ten suns were flying down from the sky.

Nine of the ten golden elixirs were shot at nine people.

In the last moment, the entire arena turned into a sea of ​​fire. In the sea of ​​fire, the other nine people fell down without even being able to hold on for a breath.

"This is the magical power of the Sun Moon Sect, the scorching sun falling from the sky."

"This is the most common magical power of the Sun Moon Sect."

"She actually used this magical power to defeat nine people in an instant!"

Xiao Beiyan looked at Qin Yao above the ring, then at Xiang Ziyu beside him, and suddenly said: "Brother, do you think she did it on purpose? You used one of their Sun Moon Sect's three great sect-suppressing magical powers. First, if you defeat nine people at once, you can use the most common magical powers to defeat nine people at once.

In this comparison, the verdict is clear. "

Xiang Ziyu nodded in agreement and said: "You're right. As a protagonist, you always have this kind of love luck. There are so many people here attending the conference, but she targeted me..."

Cao Zhen could no longer listen to the conversation between the two, and he no longer cared about the two of them. He stood up and flew towards the distant ring.

Qin Yao was in the A-shaped arena. As Qin Yao defeated nine people, the progress in the A-shaped arena, which was originally far behind, immediately caught up. Now, it is his turn to appear.

Qin Yao had already left the A-shaped arena. Although the remaining disciples looked badly injured, they were not injured to the extent that they needed help from others to walk. They all left the arena one by one.

Cao Zhen and the other nine people flew down to the A-shaped arena.

As soon as he landed on the ring, nine people from unknown immortal sects immediately dispersed in all directions with tacit understanding, surrounding Cao Zhen.

Cao Zhen looked at the burning marks all over the ring, then looked at the nine people, and said with an innocent face: "No, what do you think this is? I'm really only in the pill formation stage."

"Energy Formation Stage?"

"It's already here, and you still want to lie to us?"

"Every one of your disciples has the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Perfection. How can you be at the elixir-formation stage?"

"No matter what, we will join forces to attack you later."

Cao Zhen asked with a speechless expression: "Do you have people from the top ten immortal sects?"

Among the nine people, three people nodded slightly and spoke separately.

"I am a disciple of the Four Jue Sect, Wu Haopeng."

"I am Zhang Zhongzhan, a disciple of Qianku Sect."

"Disciples of the Mingxin Sect, Xiang Rao knows."

"That's enough." Cao Zhen looked at the three of them and said, "You are all from the top ten immortal sects. If you join forces to attack me for one pill formation period, aren't you afraid of being embarrassed?" "

He really has a headache. These are nine people, and he only has seven elixirs. Among these people, there are some people with fifth level and sixth level of golden elixir. He was attacked by these people together. It's really Can't bear it.

"Stop quibbling."

"Do you think we will believe you?"

No one believed Cao Zhen at all.

From a distance, Xiao Beiyan looked at the situation on the A-shaped arena and suddenly became nervous. He said in a panic: "They are going to join forces to attack the master. The master is only in the elixir formation stage. He won't be defeated in the first round, right?"

Leng Xi also had a worried look on his face, staring closely in the direction of the ring.

Listening to Xiao Beiyan's words, Lu Chaoqiong looked back with some suspicion and asked, "Is your master really only in the pill formation stage?"

"It's true." Xiao Beiyan said seriously, "Didn't Master tell you before? He only formed seven pills. He didn't lie to you. Don't you believe it? Why are you asking now? "

Lu Chaoqiong was speechless for a moment. Did I believe it? I didn't want to argue with him anymore, who knew, he actually...

Lu Chaoqiong looked at the people around her, then spoke to Leng Xi on the side and asked, "Tell me, what is your master's level of cultivation?"

She really doesn't believe it. Cao Zhen's disciple is the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Great Perfection. Cao Zhen is only in the elixir formation stage. Cao Zhen is a reincarnated power. He has allowed his disciples to break through. How can he not break through himself? ?

She still feels that Cao Zhen's disciple is someone else. So she chose to send her voice into the secret to ask, so that no one else would hear her.

The reason why she asked Leng Xi was that she felt that Leng Xi was the most reliable among the disciples of Four Treasure Peak.

Leng Xi didn't know why Guanzhu Lu had to transmit the secret message to ask such a question, but she honestly transmitted the message into the secret secret and replied: "Master, he really has seven pills."

"What? Is it true? In this situation, wouldn't he lose immediately? He might even die directly! Those are nine people, and these nine people are all golden elixirs..."

Guanzhu Lu looked in the direction of the ring and said with a solemn expression: "Nine people, one golden elixir at the first level, two golden elixirs at the second level, two golden elixirs at the third level, two golden elixirs at the fourth level, and two golden elixirs at the fifth level! They Under joint attack, your master..."

In Guanzhu Lu's worried eyes, the referee's voice rang out from under the A-shaped ring.


As soon as the two words fell, Cao Zhen suddenly felt that the air around him suddenly became extremely heavy, and then the air surged crazily.

Behind Cao Zhen, ten vision Taoist platforms, ten vision fairy bridges, and seven vision pills all appeared.

Then, he spit out the heretic golden elixir. A golden light rose from his body.

Dragon and tiger golden body!

Then, another golden light rose.

Golden light spell.

The next moment, two rays of light, one black and one white, rose again.

From Xiang Ziyu's Records of Gods and Demons.

There was nothing he could do. These people had made it clear that they were going to attack him. The first thing he would do was to defend himself!

On the mountain, Xiao Beiyan looked at Cao Zhen's body and saw the black and white light that had broken the Gods and Demons Record. He shouted loudly: "Senior Brother, Master, does he still have your Gods and Demons Record? Master doesn't let us practice, but he secretly Cultivation of Gods and Demons!"

"Touch!" Leng Xi slapped Xiao Beiyan hard on the head.

"You are not allowed to speak ill of Master. You will be punished a thousand times. Master is the greatest!" As Leng Xi spoke, his eyes were just staring in the direction of the ring.

Although she believed in her master, believed that her master was the greatest, and believed that her master would never lose, but now, seeing so many people with golden elixir cultivation attacking her master together, it was inevitable for her Worried about Master.

This is a person with nine golden elixir cultivation levels.

She was originally known as the number one person under the Golden Core, but during the Hundred Peaks Competition, she also lost to a Golden Core, and she was only at the first level of the Golden Core.

She was very aware of the difference between Jiedan and Jindan.

Not to mention, Master currently only has seven pills, and has not even reached the peak of pills. Master, how are we going to fight?

On the side, Yan Yourong looked in the direction of the arena, but there was not much worry on her face, although she herself couldn't figure out how the master could deal with the cooperation of nine people with golden elixir cultivation.

But she believes that her master must have a way.

What others can't do, her master can definitely do it.

Because her master is the reincarnation of a powerful person!

Moreover, when the master helped her improve her cultivation, she could feel that the power radiated by the master was definitely not what she could possess in the pill formation stage.

Just the golden elixir on the master's body, he felt that it had about the fifth level of power of the golden elixir!

Xiang Ziyu looked confused. When did master learn his own record of gods and demons? Oh, by the way, I remembered that I showed Master the Record of Gods and Demons, so Master also learned it.

Yisheng's fists had already been clenched, and her eyes were fixed on her master. She wanted to watch and learn how her master crossed the realm of cultivation to fight with people.

On the A-shaped arena, rays of light had just begun to shine on Cao Zhen.

Above the sky, a bolt of thunder struck down.

The magical power of thunder has always been known for its speed. In the past, he used thunder to hit others, but this time, it was someone else who used thunder to hit him.

Under the terrifying thunder bombardment, his whole body shook violently, and then, a dragon and tiger phantom suddenly shot out from his body, rushing towards the falling thunder.

Faintly, the sound of roaring tigers and roaring dragons could be heard.

But under the impact of the thunder, all the phantoms of the dragon and tiger phenomena disappeared. The next moment, the light of the golden body of the dragon and tiger on his body suddenly broke through under the bombardment of the thunder.

This is an attack from the golden elixir stage!

The dragon and tiger's golden body broke open, and the light even fell on the golden light spell, which shocked the golden light spell on his body and shook violently.

After the thunder, a series of piercing wind blades, sword light, and sword energy came from the sky.

On Cao Zhen's body, the golden light spell from Li Ke couldn't hold on and exploded directly. A stream of cold breath suddenly hit the body-protecting light of Shen Mo Lu.

For a moment, black and white light surged rapidly, and lines of incomprehensible words emerged to resist the incoming magical power.

The black and white lights were more like two rivers, guarding Cao Zhen in the middle.

Among the two colors of black and white, there is also a heretic golden elixir, which is rotating rapidly to resist the triple attack.

He placed the heretic golden elixir in the Record of Gods and Demons as a final defense!

But, it's not enough!

This is the attack of three people in the golden elixir stage.

Moreover, there is a fifth-level golden elixir and two fourth-level golden elixir attacks!

No matter how strong his Heretic Golden Core is, he is not at the Golden Core stage. He has no problem resisting a fifth-level Golden Core, but a person with a fifth-level Golden Core plus two people with a fourth-level Golden Core.

Still unstoppable!

Although Shen Mo Lu had already weakened most of the opponent's attacks, Cao Zhen's body still flew backwards uncontrollably under the impact of the remaining force.

In the sky, the attacks of the other six people also changed direction and continued to attack Cao Zhen.

Cao Zhen's disciples are all the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Great Perfection. Now that Cao Zhen is on the stage, countless people are paying attention to his battle.

As the battle on the A-shaped arena began, more than half of the people from the major immortal sects gathered here saw him being knocked away.

Suddenly, countless exclamations came out.

"Cao Zhen is injured?"

"Been knocked away?"

"He only has seven inner elixirs. Is he really not an elixir?"

"How could it be that he was only in the Dan Formation stage?" In the crowd, a man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks said disdainfully, "Do you think that in the Dan Formation stage, he can block the attacks of so many golden elixir masters? If he is really in the Dan Formation stage, what happened in those few days? Under the first attack, he was directly killed.

There is no doubt that he is a golden elixir, but he only released seven inner elixirs. Keep watching, he will soon stop pretending. "


In the direction of the people at Sibaofeng, everyone's expressions changed drastically. Their master was actually injured! Master, could it be that...

While Cao Zhen was flying upside down, he felt the qi and blood in his body churning, and cursed in his heart. He was really in the stage of forming an elixir. Why didn't these people believe it?

Also, I'm fine, so I'm testing the power of heretic golden elixirs.

Just now, his magical powers were not released through the heretic golden elixir, but simply released with his own power.

This time it was better, he was actually knocked out.

From now on, there will be no more random experiments.

Although the other nine people on the stage met for the first time, they had an incomparable tacit understanding. The remaining six people launched attacks from different directions, blocking all Cao Zhen's escape routes.

Now, even if Cao Zhen wanted to dodge, he had nowhere to dodge and could only block it!

They looked at it, what could Cao Zhen do to stop him?

Unless Cao Zhen stops hiding and shows all his strength.

Cao Zhen looked at the six magical powers converging from different directions. Behind him, ten vision platforms, ten vision fairy bridges, and seven vision pills were all shaking crazily.

He instantly raised his aura to its peak, and streams of pure aura poured out and fell into the heretic golden elixir.

At this time, the heretic golden elixir, which was as big as a broad bean, was rotating rapidly around his body.

Every time the outsider's golden elixir turns, strong mana surges out, and the mana is as powerful as the endless sea, with turbulent waves and boundless waves.

This time, he didn't want to test the power of the outsider's golden elixir alone, but directly released his magical power.

On the ring, the expressions of the other nine people suddenly became stern.

All eyes fell on the golden elixir the size of a broad bean rotating rapidly around Cao Zhen.

They really didn't know what kind of elixir it was, but they were sure that it was not a golden elixir.

However, the power of the Yidan at this moment was no less powerful than that of the Golden Pill. They even felt that the power emitted by the Yidan at that moment was comparable to about five Golden Pills.

What it is?

Everyone was astonished. Around Cao Zhen, on top of the non-stop rotating heretic golden elixir, powerful auras poured into Cao Zhen's body.

Cao Zhen suddenly stretched out his hands and waved them in two different directions.

Suddenly, his two hands glowed with two different lights, one black and one white.

The black light was as black as ink, and the white light was so dazzling that it almost absorbed all the light on the arena.

As these two rays of light rose, the surrounding air also rotated with the waving of his arms at this moment, forming a rotating airflow.

The two rays of light converged and merged into the air flow.

The next moment, two different shadows suddenly appeared, one was the sun and the other was the moon!

Shadow of sun and moon?

On the ring, the other nine people were stunned for an instant. This magical power, this...

"The sun, moon and stars rotate!"

"The sun, moon and stars of the Sun Moon Sect rotate!"

"Cao Zhen must be a golden elixir. People in the Sun and Moon Sect have said that the sun, moon and star rotation can only be practiced after the Earthly Immortal Realm. And the sun, moon and star rotation obtained by Xiang Ziyu can be cultivated at the golden elixir stage, but regardless of No matter what, it’s impossible to practice during the elixir formation stage!”

"Cao Zhen also knows how to rotate the sun, moon and stars? Xiang Ziyu also taught Cao Zhen how to rotate the sun, moon and stars!"

"Cao Zhen is Xiang Ziyu's master. It is normal for Xiang Ziyu to transfer the sun, moon and stars to Cao Zhen."

"What's normal! How long did it take for Xiang Ziyu to learn how to rotate the sun, moon and stars? Cao Zhen had never been in the capital before. How long has it been since Cao Zhen returned to the capital? How long did it take for Xiang Ziyu to learn how to rotate the sun, moon and stars in such a short period of time? Is this normal? ?"

On the high mountain, Leng Xi, Yan Yourong, Xiao Beiyan, and Yisheng all turned their heads to look at Xiang Ziyu, their eyes full of doubts and confusion.

Others don't know it, but they know it very well. They and their master didn't know before today that Xiang Ziyu will rotate with the sun, moon and stars.

Why did Master use Sun, Moon and Stars to rotate?

Xiang Ziyu also had a confused look on his face. I just told the master that after just a moment of effort, the master would be able to turn the sun, the moon, and the stars?

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