Cao Zhen hated Lord Haoyuexing to death.

If Lord Haoyue Xing hadn't said that he was a reincarnated power in public, even if others guessed that he was a reincarnated power, there would be no substantial evidence, and his odds would not be so low.

As a result, Haoyue Xingjun, whom everyone recognized as a reincarnated power, directly said that he was a reincarnated power, and everyone believed him. Furthermore, the odds of him winning the championship were only three to one.

How much money will this cost you?

But he had no other choice but to bet on himself and get first place.

"Yisheng, how much money do we have? Give it to Master." Cao Zhen raised his hand and extended his hand to Yisheng.

"Master, this is one hundred thousand taels of spirit crystal tickets, and the rest is 40 million taels of spirit stone tickets." Yisheng heard the master asking for money and quickly took out all the money he brought.

"So much? I remember I took some money before, but it was not enough for 40 million taels of spirit stones. How did our talisman business make so much money?" Cao Zhen looked at the spirit stone ticket in his hand in a daze. , he earned one hundred thousand taels of spirit crystal tickets and 41 million taels of spirit stones through betting on the Hundred Peaks Competition.

However, he later distributed a lot of spiritual stones and spent some of them. He didn't calculate the exact number of spirit stones he spent. In short, it was definitely less than 40 million taels of spirit stones.

But the money Yisheng gave him back, apart from the one hundred thousand taels of spiritual stones, amounted to forty million taels of spiritual stones.

Yi Sheng whispered: "Master, actually, there are still some leftovers. Because recently, we have been talking about Taoism, and the Qiankun Minor Era is about to come. For many reasons, our talisman business is better than expected. However, Because senior sister and junior brother usually use money, the disciple gave each of them one million taels of spiritual stones.

There is also Senior Brother Xiang Ziyu. When he left, the disciple also gave Senior Brother Li one million taels of spiritual stones to use. Then, the disciple also left some of the spiritual stones as a spare. "

"So that's it." Cao Zhen took out the 20 million taels of spirit stone tickets that others had earned from betting on Tao a few days ago, and then handed them to the shopkeeper in front of him and said: "Bet them all and Cao Zhen will win." champion."

"Okay, sir, please wait a moment, I..." The shopkeeper took the various spirit stone tickets and spirit crystal tickets handed over to him. There are tens of thousands, there are millions, and what is even more excessive is the spirit crystal ticket...

"One hundred thousand spiritual crystals, sixty million spiritual stones... Objectively speaking, are you sure that all of them are on Cao Zhen? Cao Zhen of the Hundred Peaks Sect."

He had to confirm again, and his tone of voice became a little stuttering.

It's not that he doesn't want to make a lot of money, it's mainly that the money is too big, so he has to ask again.

This is one hundred thousand taels of spiritual crystals and sixty million taels of spiritual stones. Even the shopkeeper of Tongbao Gambling House, the largest gambling house in the Zhenxian Dynasty, is the first time he has seen someone bet such a large amount at once. money.

It is said that his former shopkeeper saw someone betting more money at a time.

The money is too scary.

Although he is not an immortal cultivator, he also knows that not to mention golden elixirs, even some relatively junior immortals may not be able to spend so much money.

He recognized the person in front of him.

Their Tongbao Casino has two immortals who are responsible for delivering the latest news in the ring.

After all, when they open a gambling house, it is very important to set the odds. Once the news is delayed and the odds are wrong, they will lose a lot of money.

Previously, Lord Hao Yue Xing said that the news that Cao Zhen was a reincarnated powerful man was brought back by one of the immortals, and a certain magic weapon was passed back. Also passed back was the rubbing image of Cao Zhen.

Therefore, he has been observing Cao Zhen since he entered the gambling house.

He also thought that it was possible for Cao Zhen to bet when he came to the gambling house, but he did not expect that Cao Zhen would bet so much.

Other golden elixirs don't have so much money, but Cao Zhen...

He is the reincarnation of a powerful person, so he must have saved this money before, and then took it out and used it directly. That must be it.

However, he spent so much money betting on himself to win, how confident he was!

The shopkeeper was surprised and quickly confirmed the authenticity of the spirit stone ticket and the spirit crystal ticket. After confirming that they were correct, he wrote down the receipt with trembling hands.

When a gambling house is open for business, no matter who comes to place a bet, the other party will be allowed to place a bet. The gambling house also did not say that those who participated in the conference were not allowed to place bets.

Cao Zhen didn't stop after getting the receipt, turned around and walked outside.

The shopkeeper hurriedly collected the spirit stone tickets and spirit crystal tickets and walked upstairs. Since the Immortals Martial Arts Conference has already begun, by the end of today's conference, countless people will definitely come to place bets.

Therefore, their boss has always been in the gambling house.

On the second floor, the shopkeeper pushed open a room and looked into the room. In the middle of the room, a rich middle-aged man quickly saluted and reported: "My boss, Cao Zhenlai just made a bet."

The owner's figure immediately sat up straight and asked: "Cao Zhen? But the Cao Zhen with the second highest odds?" If it were someone else, he might not remember clearly, but for Cao Zhen, a person with the lowest odds among the top ten, he How could you not know?

"Back to my boss, it's that Cao Zhen. Moreover, Cao Zhen bet a lot, including one hundred thousand taels of spiritual crystals and sixty million taels of spiritual stones."

"So much..." When the proprietor of the gambling house heard this number, a look of surprise appeared on his face, "Cao Zhen actually has so much money... He must be a reincarnated power, he must be a reincarnated power. Otherwise, he wouldn't have so much money.

After betting so much money, is he sure he can win first place? In this case, if he wins, we will pay three times the compensation, which is a huge amount of money. "

The boss of the gambling house frowned tightly.

In the room, in addition to the boss, there were two immortal cultivators. Among the two, the slightly younger man heard the sound, but shook his head slightly and said: "Don't worry so much, you are not an immortal cultivator, so naturally you don't understand immortal cultivators. of many practices.

I can tell you that the immortal cultivators are full of confidence in themselves, especially the stronger and more talented the immortal cultivators are, the more confident they are.

Cao... Peak Master Cao is a reincarnated power, so he is naturally extremely confident. If he didn't have that kind of confidence, he would not have reached the level of reincarnation in his previous life.

It's perfectly normal for him to bet on himself, and I can conclude that after a while, many geniuses will bet on themselves.

They bet on themselves because they have confidence in themselves. Without that kind of confidence, they would not become geniuses or strong men.

However, just because they bet on themselves does not mean that they will definitely win. "

Now, it is certain that Cao Zhen is the reincarnation of the Great Power, but it is difficult to directly address him by name.

"That's right." On the side, another immortal cultivator who looked slightly older took over, "In our world of immortal cultivation, many times when two people fight, they will bet on themselves to win.

But when two people fight, one of them will lose. They bet on themselves just because of their confidence. So, no need to make a fuss. "

The other party's boss frowned, shook his head slightly and said: "If you are confident, you will bet so much.

Also, since Cao Zhen has spent such a large amount of money and bet on himself to win, it is completely confirmed that he is a reincarnated power.

He is also a reincarnated power, but his odds are much higher than those of Haoyue Xingjun, but they are unreasonable. However, his odds cannot be as high as those of Haoyue Xingjun. After all, Haoyue Xingjun has already demonstrated the perfect cultivation of the Ten Visions and Golden Elixir, but Cao Zhen has not. "

He thought for a moment and said: "Change Cao Zhen's odds to 1 to 25%."

"Yes." The shopkeeper left quickly.

After Cao Zhen and Yisheng left Tongbao Gambling House, Yisheng asked eagerly: "Master, what did you mean by the betting method just now? Can you tell me in detail... We Our gambling house is on this street. If Master allows us, we can tell Father and let Master take the commission when the time comes."

"Okay, let's go to your gambling house." If there was an opportunity to make money, he naturally couldn't let it go.

The Yisheng family's Xingkui Gambling House is indeed on this street, but it is not close to Tongbao Gambling House. One is on the south side of the street and the other is on the north side. In terms of area, the two gambling houses are about the same size. .

Cao Zhen walked into the gambling house and took a look. The odds at Xingkui Gambling House were similar to those at Tongbao Gambling House. Many of the odds were even the same.

Under the leadership of Yi Sheng, Cao Zhen very entered the gambling house and saw Yi Qiancheng who was sitting here. There was also a man who looked about seventy-eight times similar to Yi Qiancheng and looked a bit older than Yi Sheng. year old man.

When Yisheng saw this person, he suddenly showed a look of surprise and shouted: "Third brother, why are you here?"

With that said, Yi Sheng looked at Cao Zhen and introduced: "Master, this is my third brother, Yi Jin."

Then, she introduced to Yi Jin: "This is my master, the master of the Baifeng Sect and the Four Treasures Peak."

Although Yi Jin is more similar to Yi Qiancheng, he is much taller than Yi Qiancheng. He is about to catch up with Yi Sheng. He also knows the existence of Cao Zhen and quickly bows his hand to Cao Zhen, calling him respectful He said, "I've seen him before, Peak Master Cao."

After greeting Cao Zhen, he looked at Yisheng and explained: "Little sister, after my father got the news of your return, he said that our family has not been reunited for a long time, so he immediately sent a message asking us to come back.

It’s not just me, I think my eldest brother, second brother and fourth brother are all on their way. "

Cao Zhenneng could tell that although Yi Jin and Yi Sheng were of the same father, they were very close to Yi Sheng after seeing him.

He knew that Yi Qiancheng was the richest man in Zhenxian Dynasty, so it was impossible for Yi to have just one child. As for how many children Yi Qiancheng had, he didn't know. However, he once heard Yisheng mention that his father , she is the only daughter, and her mother is the only child.

Anyway, she was the only daughter in the entire Yi family, so she naturally became the treasure of the family.

When Yi Qiancheng saw Cao Zhen arriving, a look of surprise suddenly appeared on his face: "Master Cao, why are you here? I thought you had already returned home."

He was not surprised. Cao Zhen and Yisheng left the ring. Obviously, their Xingkui Gambling House also had people on the other side of the ring who could know the news about the ring immediately.

Yi Qiancheng looked at Cao Zhen with more enthusiasm than when he first met Cao Zhen, and there was even a little bit of flattery in his eyes.

He already knew that his daughter's master was a reincarnated master!

Although the Grand Master has always said that mortals and immortal cultivators are equal, even as a mortal, he does not believe this.

Otherwise, why did he agree to let his only daughter go to the Baifeng Sect to cultivate immortality?

Moreover, the next little era of reversal of the world is coming. Who knows what will happen by then?

If the Grand Master really falls asleep, no one can suppress the immortal cultivators at that time, and people will know that immortal cultivators and mortals are still not equal after all.

Immortal cultivators have much more power than ordinary people.

And today, after learning that his daughter's master was a reincarnated master, even though he was the apparently richest man in the Zhenxian Dynasty, he knew that he needed to make friends with Peak Master Cao.

To put it bluntly, he needed to curry favor with Peak Master Cao.

"Father, we are here to tell you that we went to Tongbao Gambling House before. In Tongbao Gambling House, Master found that there was only one way to place bets in Tongbao Gambling House, but Master felt that there could be another way to place bets. Plant a way to bet.”

"What do you mean? What kind of betting method?" Yi Qiancheng suddenly became interested. He had talked with his daughter before and knew that his daughter's master was good at many things, such as piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, art of war, Confucianism and Taoism. Not only is he so proficient, but his daughter even admitted that her master is extremely good at business.

His daughter even told him that some of the business plans made by Peak Master Cao shocked him, who was called the Golden Touch. He was inspired and wanted to see what his daughter's master could do. Any special insights?

Cao Zhen quickly explained: "It's actually very simple. Let's put it this way, the odds of me winning the championship are 1 to 2, while the odds of my disciple, Yan Yourong, finishing in the top 11 are 1 to 2.

Under normal circumstances, if you want to buy me to win or Yan Yourong to win, you need to buy them separately. If there are one hundred taels of spirit stones, and you give me fifty taels of spirit stones to buy me the victory, and then you take out fifty taels of spirit stones to buy my disciple the victory, if we both win in the end, then we will get two hundred and fifty in the end. Two spiritual stones are equivalent to earning one hundred and fifty taels of spiritual stones, right? "

Yi Qiancheng and Yi Jin beside him nodded.

After Cao Zhen waited for the two of them to digest what he said, he continued: "Then, why not change it? For example, the same one hundred taels of spiritual stones can be bought together.

These one hundred taels of spirit stones are equivalent to buying me and my disciples to win. So if you win in the end, you will get three times the one hundred taels of spiritual stones, and twice the one hundred taels of spiritual stones, which is equal to five hundred taels of spiritual stones, and you will earn four hundred taels of spiritual stones at once. "

After Yi Jin heard the sound, he immediately frowned and said, "If this happens, our gambling house will have to lose money. We also have one hundred taels of spiritual stones. Before, we could only earn one hundred and fifty taels of spiritual stones. In this case, , but it can make the other party earn four hundred taels of spirit stones!"

"No, it was our gambling shop that made the money!" Yi Qiancheng's eyes were filled with excitement. He looked at his son and educated him, "You just saw that when everyone won, how much money was made?" There are too many spiritual stones, so let me ask you, this is a bet on two people, what if you bet on the wrong person?"

As he spoke, Yi Qiancheng turned to look at Cao Zhen and asked: "Master Cao, after two mistakes and one mistake, then it is equal to a mistake, right?"

Cao Zhen nodded and said: "Of course, if you make a mistake, you will make a wrong bet, and naturally you will not get a penny."

Yi Qiancheng then turned to look at his son and said: "So, do you realize the problem? Your first reaction is that if the other party wins the bet, our gambling house will lose more money. Similarly, When other people see this betting method, their first reaction is also that if they bet correctly, they will make more.

Tell me, after other people find out about this betting method, will they be tempted and will they come to our gambling shop to bet?

In fact, our gambling shop will make more money if we return, because after they place such a bet, the risk will be greater. "

"Father, in fact, you can not only bet on two people like this." Yisheng opened his mouth and introduced, "Master calls this betting method two-in-one. However, Master said, we can also bet in three-in-one, or four-in-one. More strings to go on.

As long as we offer this way of betting, someone will definitely buy it. Even if they know that buying this way is more risky, they will still buy it because people are always greedy. "

"That's right, humans have greed. If people didn't have greed, would there still be gambling houses in this world?" Yi Qiancheng turned his eyes to Cao Zhen and thanked: "Thank you Lord Cao for letting me know. This news is of great value." Unable to calculate, we..."

He opened his mouth and wanted to propose giving a portion of the money to Master Cao, but for a moment he didn't know how to speak. After all, Peak Master Cao is a reincarnated great master. It seems a little bad to directly offer money to such a reincarnated great master. What if Peak Master Cao thinks that he is insulting him?

Cao Zhen was speechless at once. How could your words sound so similar to those of the people at Qiankumen? What I said after my enlightenment was something I kept in mind and could not repay.

What benefits do you want to give, just tell me!

Yisheng seemed to know what her father was struggling with. As a disciple of Cao Zhen, she took the initiative and said: "Father, look at whether the master has helped you a lot by providing you with this information.

By then, many people will definitely come to our gambling house to place bets because of this new way of betting.

They may not just bet on the two-to-one or three-to-one method, but they will also bet on one type alone.

But since they come to our gambling house to bet, they naturally won't bet on two strings and one, and after three strings and one, they will go to other gambling houses to bet on others.

They will continue to place bets in our gambling house, and in this way, they can drive the overall business situation of our gambling house. Therefore, we should thank Master, why not..."

Yi Qiancheng nodded happily and said: "This is indeed the truth."

On the side, Yi Jin heard the sound, but his heart moved. He suddenly thought of another question and said quickly: "Sister, you are right, but you have ignored another question. That is, this method is very easy. imitated.

When people from other gambling houses know that our gambling house has this novel way to attract more customers, they will definitely follow suit. At that point, we won't have any advantage. "

After saying that, he looked at his father with a proud look on his face. His father always said that he was the least talented in business among the four adult children.

What now?

He discovered a problem that his sister didn't even notice, why didn't his father quickly praise him?

But when he turned his head and saw his father's face, his eyes froze, and his heart was full of doubts. There was no trace of happiness on his father's face, and he even vaguely felt his father looking at him out of the corner of his eye. , full of warning.

Yi Qiancheng sighed in his heart, why did he give birth to such a stupid son? The Yi family is a business family. When he took over the position of the head of the Yi family, although the Yi family was a well-known family in the mortal world of the Zhenxian Dynasty, it was far from where it is today.

At that time, the Yi family was just a member of the Xingkui Chamber of Commerce, and the president was not their family.

But with his skill, he became the president of the Xingkui Chamber of Commerce, and he crisscrossed the business world all the way, and finally reached the level where he is today, known as the richest man in the Zhenxian Dynasty.

But why do you have such an idiot son?

That idiot son, why don't you think about the situation he mentioned? How come Zongheng Shanghai couldn't understand it after so many years in the business world, and his genius sister couldn't think of it? I can give Peak Master Cao some benefits if I want, or even find a way to tie my family to Peak Master Cao.

Just as he was wondering how to speak, his daughter took the initiative to bring it up, and he could just continue speaking along with what his daughter said.

As a result, his stupid son jumped out and interrupted his daughter.

If it weren't for the appearance of this stupid son, he would even doubt that this was not his biological son. He was really stupid.

"Father, it is easy to imitate other people's suggestions of two strings of one and three strings of one. But we can prepare in advance, two strings of four and two strings of five. These are equivalent to giving a chance of error tolerance. For example, you bought Out of four games, if three were right and one was wrong, wouldn’t it be a pity?

So we provide you with other methods. For example, if any three of the four games are correct, it is considered correct... We can also provide four in a row, which will allow more error tolerance.

For example, if you buy four people, any combination of three of these four people is correct, then it is considered correct. If you play the whole team for four games, it is even higher. But this way, you can buy more games. After all, there will be different combinations, and the principal will be increased... These methods need to be calculated in advance, and they cannot imitate them in a short time. "

Yi Jin listened for a long time before he understood what it meant.

In short, these methods seem to provide you with more choices and make it easier for you to guess, but they actually cost more.

The last thing that makes money is the gambling house.

He just didn't understand. How did he come up with these ideas?

"High, really high!" Yi Qiancheng praised repeatedly. This time, he was really impressed that he could play so many tricks when placing bets.

Yisheng continued what he had just interrupted by his brother and said: "Father, Master has helped us like this. Shouldn't we express our gratitude? For example, this time, we will give a portion of the money we earned through Master's method to Master." ?”

"This...can't be calculated like this, because with these novel ways of betting, I don't know how many people will come to our gambling shop. These are impossible to calculate. Moreover, with Peak Master Cao, this time the immortals will compete for martial arts. At the conference, our Xingkui Gambling House will definitely be the gambling house with the biggest gains among all the gambling houses! It will also be the most famous gambling house. The reputation of our gambling house will greatly increase. These benefits are immeasurable.

It was only given to Peak Master Cao, part of it. The money earned from betting in the Immortals Martial Arts Tournament was really not enough, the difference was too much. "

After Yi Qiancheng thought for a moment, he looked at Cao Zhen and said: "Master Cao, I know you are an expert, but you helped us, we are just ordinary people, and we don't know how to thank you.

How about this, I will give you 60% of my equity in Xingkui Gambling House, and I want to give 10% of the equity to Master Cao Feng, as a way of thanking Master Cao Feng, and I also ask Master Cao to accept it.

I know that Master Cao is an immortal cultivator and may not care about these things, but this is my intention. If Master Cao does not agree, I will feel very sorry. I also ask Master Cao not to refuse. "

Yi Qiancheng said, without giving Cao Zhen a chance to speak, and immediately said: "Yisheng, this time, thanks to you, I can get to know Peak Master Cao and learn about this method. Therefore, I also took out a I’ll give you the equity in Cheng Xingkui Gambling House.”

After saying that, he felt a sense of pride in his heart. Master Cao Feng was Yi Sheng's master and he had given his daughter equity. As a result, Master Cao could not refuse.

He only gave 10% of the equity of Xingkui Gambling House, but he attracted Master Cao to his side. This business is profitable no matter how you look at it.

At that time, when the world is reversed and the Little Era comes, the world will really be in chaos.

If someone else touches Xingkui Gambling House, they are touching Peak Master Cao's interests. Dong thought that for the benefit of the reincarnated great master, there were several disciples and Taoist companions of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Great Perfection around him.

Before the time comes, tell Peak Master Cao behind it and see who dares to move.

Now that you have the relationship with Xingkui Gambling House, are you still afraid that you won't have the opportunity to slowly deepen your connection with Peak Master Cao in the future?

As for the other 10% of the shares, Yisheng was originally his daughter. He was just such a precious daughter, why should he give her some dowry in advance?

"This... the head of the Yi family has said so. If I refuse, it will not give the head of the Yi family face, so I will accept it."

Cao Zhen looked at the opposite side with a smile on his face. Yi Qiancheng was a good person. He would really help him if I had something to do.

A 10% stake in Xingkui Gambling House would be worth so many spiritual stones and spiritual crystals. The key point is that Yi Qiancheng is nice to talk to. He is obviously the one who gave him things, but it makes people feel that he has suffered a big loss and that he has made a profit by accepting the gifts.

I like to make friends with such people. When I go back, I can refine the elixir myself. After I break through to the golden elixir, I can have some free time to chat with Yi Qiancheng about how to cooperate in depth.

Yi Qiancheng saw that Cao Zhen had agreed. For a moment, his smile became brighter. He looked at Yi Jin aside and said: "Now, go find all the accountants in our gambling shop and tell them what your sister just said." Those betting methods tell them and let them calculate how they should bet in order to ensure the best interests of our gambling house."

Cao Zhen listened to Yi Qiancheng's words without any surprise in his heart.

A gambling house is not a charity hall, it must be for profit.

In the previous life, weren’t those gambling companies the same?

Their ultimate goal is to make money. They will raise a large number of actuaries with high salaries to calculate how to set odds so that they can make greater profits.

Therefore, the vast majority of those who participate in gambling lose money.

The minor ones are burdened with debts and become a gangster; the more serious ones are the loss of one's wife, children, and family.

Therefore, he generally does not bet. If he bets, he bets on himself.

This is not gambling or fighting, but directly cheating!

If he can't bet on himself and let him bet on others, he won't bet on it. Because he doesn't want to give money to the gambling house!

As Yi Jin left the room, Yi Qiancheng looked at his daughter. He no longer talked about business matters, but smiled and said: "I heard, daughter, you showed great power in the ring today, alone. I beat nine people. There is another person on the other side who is like you and has eight golden elixirs."

"Father, I'm still far behind. Compared to my brothers and sisters, I checked too much." Yisheng said, blaming himself a little, "Moreover, my control is also a bit poor, and I severely injured several people. .Actually, I didn’t want to hurt them like that, but my judgment and control were still not enough.”

She is not a kind woman and doesn't want to hurt the other person.

However, she was referring to those people at the third and fourth levels of the Golden Core. There was a big gap in strength between them and her, so there was no need for her to severely injure them. She blamed herself more for not being able to control things well enough.

"I can't blame you for this kind of thing." Yi Qiancheng saw his daughter blaming herself and quickly comforted her, "They must be prepared to be injured if they participate in the Immortal Martial Arts Tournament.

Since it's a martial arts competition and you're talking about fighting skills, it all means the same thing. In the ring, anyone can get hurt. What's more, I also heard that someone was beaten to death in the ring today. "

When Yi Qiancheng said this, his voice suddenly stopped, and he looked at his daughter with worry and asked: "Xiaosheng, you... you will be in danger if you participate in this conference. Although you are eight golden elixirs of visions, , but after all, there are still ten visions, golden elixirs and great perfection. When the time comes, you meet them..."

He just wanted to say that when he met those who couldn't beat him, he should just admit defeat, but when he saw Cao Zhen on the side, he swallowed these words. If he said such words, he would definitely offend Peak Master Cao.

But he said that he still wanted to say it, but he had to find an opportunity when Master Cao was away to tell his daughter.

As soon as Yisheng heard his father's words, his face immediately became serious. He looked at Cao Zhen and said, "If I meet them, I will try my best not to embarrass the immortal sect or my master. We Baifeng Sect..."

"Wait a minute..." Cao Zhen interrupted Yi Sheng directly, "How many times have I taught you, if you are insignificant and underdeveloped, don't be promiscuous and don't get ahead.

When you really can't beat it, don't fight. Have you forgotten what Master taught you? Keeping the green hills, you don’t have to worry about having no firewood.

Why does Master tell you to stack armor first and practice body protection magic skills first? It is to ensure your own safety. Look at your third senior brother, don’t look at his various forms of promiscuity. But do you know why Master agreed to let him go down the mountain without stopping him? It's because his body-protecting magical power is strong.

Remember, safety is the first priority. Being able to bend and stretch, advance and retreat, this is the real wise man and the real brave man. "

Yi Qiancheng heard this and repeatedly agreed: "Master Cao is right, keeping yourself safe is the most important thing."

As he spoke, he reached into his arms, took out a jade bottle and said: "I know that you are going to participate in the Immortals Martial Arts Conference, so I went to ask for this bottle of elixir. In case any of you are injured, you can also take it.

However, time is a little tight, and I only got five pills from this bottle of pills. "

His words were addressed to Yisheng, but in the end the elixir was handed to Cao Zhen. The meaning was obvious. Cao Zhen could freely use this bottle of elixir.

Cao Zhen took the elixir and sniffed it gently, looked at Yi Qiancheng and said with a smile: "Guiyuan Yiqi elixir is indeed a healing elixir used in the golden elixir period, but this elixir is not bad and can heal injuries." The speed is too slow, and if someone is severely injured due to some special magical powers, this elixir may not be able to completely heal the injury.

If it were Tianyuan Qi Pill, that would be great. That kind of elixir can treat no matter how serious the injury is, no matter how weird the injury is, as long as it is caused by a person who cultivates the golden elixir. "

Cao Zhen said, sighing softly: "It's a pity. Although I can refine Tianyuan Qi Pill, I don't have enough medicinal materials on me."

"Medicinal materials? What medicinal materials are needed?" Yi Qiancheng said quickly: "Our Xingkui Trading Company also deals in various medicinal materials. Master Cao, just tell us what medicinal materials you need."

"This requires a lot of medicinal materials. I need..." Cao Zhen looked around and asked, "Do you have a pen and paper? I'd better write it down."

"Yes, of course there is." Yi Qiancheng quickly found the Four Treasures of the Study, and then he discovered that the rumors outside were indeed true. Master Cao's calligraphy was truly unique in the world.

Master Cao Feng writes very fast, but every word, even every stroke and every stroke of every word is like a work of art.

These words...

Why are there so many words?

The more Yi Qiancheng looked at it, the more wrong he became. Do you need so many kinds of materials to make alchemy?

Cao Zhen finished five pages of writing before he stopped writing and said: "These are the materials needed for alchemy. Sorry for the trouble, Master Yi. Speaking of which, you may be injured in every round of the Immortal Martial Arts Tournament. If possible, , at least send the materials today, so that I can refine the elixir as soon as possible."

He really didn't trick Yi Qiancheng. These medicinal materials were really just for refining the Tianyuan Qi Pill. They were just a few more types of medicinal materials to speed up the formation of the pill.

Under normal circumstances, it would take more than fifty days to refine a Dan Furnace Tianyuan Qi Pill. After so many days, the conference would have been held long ago, and the grand master might even be asleep.

Therefore, to speed up the maturation of the elixir, more medicinal materials are needed. If he didn't need so many medicinal materials, he wouldn't have collected the wool of Yi Qiancheng and bought the medicinal materials to refine it.

"Don't worry, Master Cao. I will send someone to get the medicinal materials. I will meet you as soon as possible and deliver the medicinal materials to your residence."

"In addition..." Cao Zhen looked at Yi Qiancheng and continued: "Master Yi, I need an alchemy furnace that can accommodate one person. In addition, I also need some medicinal materials..."

As he spoke, Cao Zhen looked at Yisheng and blamed himself: "Speaking of which, I was too busy before and neglected Yisheng. Most of the magical powers that Yisheng is practicing now are also the magical powers of our Baifeng Sect.

However, I also have a special magical power here, which is actually suitable for Yi Sheng to practice. It's just that to practice this magical power, you need some medicinal materials..."

"Master Cao, if you need any medicinal materials, please write them down." Yi Qiancheng quickly stepped aside, his excitement unabashedly revealed.

The meaning of Cao Feng's words couldn't be more obvious.

His daughter had previously practiced the magical powers of the Baifeng Sect. Although the Baifeng Sect was also one of the top ten immortal sects, the skills her daughter practiced could be practiced by anyone.

As for Peak Master Cao, he now wants to teach his daughter the magical powers that he only knows.

Peak Master Cao is a reincarnated power, and his magical powers must be shocking to the heavens and the earth!

Why, Peak Master Cao has not taught his daughter this magical power before, but he wants to teach it today.

What does this mean?

This shows that Peak Master Cao may not have regarded his daughter as one of his own before, but today, Peak Master Cao regards his daughter as one of his own.

Could it be that the equity he gave away had an effect?

Sure enough, immortal cultivators also love money, even more than ordinary people. Even the reincarnated power is the same. I have also heard people say that the higher the level of cultivation, the more resources are needed for cultivation!

As a reincarnated power, he must want to restore the cultivation of his previous life as soon as possible, so he needs more resources.

After Cao Zhen wrote down all the medicinal materials Yisheng needed to practice his magical powers, he briefly chatted with Yi Qiancheng and took Yisheng back to Yi's mansion. Then, he replaced Gu Chengyu. Start refining the elixir yourself.

Gu Chengyu could only help him take care of the alchemy furnace, but if he wanted to speed up the refining of the elixir and make the elixir take shape quickly, he still needed to do it himself.

The list of medicinal materials Cao Zhen gave Yi Qiancheng were not all the most common medicinal materials. There were some medicinal materials that, under normal circumstances, even those with money might not be able to buy them.

This was also the reason why he didn't buy the medicinal materials to refine the Tianyuan Qi Pill himself.

But when he returned to Yi Mansion, about two hours later, Yi Qiancheng sent people to deliver the medicinal materials. All the materials for refining Tianyuan Qi Pill and Yi Sheng were delivered.

"This... the richest man is the richest man. He gathered all the medicinal materials that day."

Cao Zhen was multitasking. He took out an alchemy furnace again, lit a fire and started refining the Tianyuan Qi Pill. In addition, he also asked Yisheng to prepare a third alchemy furnace. After asking Yisheng to light the fire for the alchemy furnace, Pointing at the alchemy furnace, he looked at Yi Sheng and said, "Jump in."

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