At first, Cao Zhen thought he would meet Qin Yao. After all, both of them were in the A-shaped arena.

But in the end, it was Li Ke who met Qin Yao, a genius disciple of the Sun Moon Sect.

In the Immortal Martial Arts Conference, the sixty-four strong battles began on both sides of the arena at the same time. The battle between Wu Jianzi and Wu Xiang had ended, while the other arena had already turned into a sea of ​​fire.

As the scorching flames burned, the formation on the ring was instantly triggered, and four light curtains rose around the edge, isolating the flames from the ring.

Even so, on the distant mountains, everyone could still feel the surrounding temperature beginning to rise sharply.

"This flame..."

"Above the arena, there is clearly a formation to isolate us, but here we are, we are still affected."

"The formation of the arena is just to prevent those in the arena from affecting each other during the battle, but it does not completely isolate the atmosphere of the arena."

"That's right, in the previous battle, the reason why we didn't feel the aura above the ring was that there were more people fighting, and secondly, those masters did not use their full strength. Now, there are two Ten Golden Pills with different Fight like a master of Dzogchen!"

"Actually, there are formations on both sides of the arena. The auras of this level will not affect each other, so it doesn't matter."

Above the ring, Qin Yao looked at the blazing flames and took a step upwards with a calm expression.

Taking one step forward, a crescent moon appeared in the void. She stepped on the crescent moon, and her body rose into the air. As her body flew up, the endless flames below soared into the sky, chasing after her.

Suddenly, a floating cloud appeared under Qin Yao's feet.

The white clouds are stacked on top of each other like layers of mana. The flames are so fierce that they can burn the entire arena. When they touch the clouds, they immediately burn the clouds.

Suddenly, endless rain fell down from the broken clouds, extinguishing all the endless flames below.

In the direction of the Baifeng Sect, Lu Chaoqiong had already brought the five phases back. Looking in the direction of the arena, he explained to the people of the Baifeng Sect around him: "This is the magical power of the Sun and Moon Sect, climbing to the clouds with a step on the moon. It is generally used to avoid hostility. Fang Shi, used for escape.

After using it, it was like stepping up to the clouds. If you want to attack him, you must break through the clouds. However, Qin Yao used it to block Li Ke's flame attack, which was perfect.

Therefore, when fighting, you must also know how to adapt to changes. "

As elders, it is not enough for them to just bring the disciples to the capital. They also have to explain the battles to the disciples so that the disciples in the sect can further grow.

While she was talking, she also injected magic power into Wuxiang's back to help Wuxiang heal her injuries. She also practiced the skills of Five Elements Peak. The magical power of Five Elements Peak came from the same source as Wuxiang.

With her magic treatment and the Tianyuan Qi Pill given by Cao Zhen, even if the five phases were seriously injured, some blood had returned to his face after a moment. He opened his eyes, while running the skills, treating Looking at his injury, he looked towards the direction of the ring.

On the ring, Li Ke attacked Qin Yao again.

Red flames gathered around her body and turned into flaming swords, flying towards Qin Yao in the sky from all directions.

For a moment, a chirping sound came from this side of the void, which seemed to be the sound of the air in the void being ignited by flames and burning, and also seemed to be the sound of the space being pierced by a sharp sword.

Thousands of swords were fired together, every sword was extremely hot, and every sword was extremely sharp.

Above the clouds, Qin Yao waved her hands calmly.

"The sun moves through the sky, the rivers move through the earth..."

Above the sky, the shadow of the sun and moon appeared, flying from one end of the sky to the other. Above the arena, there was a faint shadow of a river, flying from one side of the river to the other.

It was obviously just a shadow, but it gave people a sense of eternity. In the distance, everyone felt as if they had experienced day after day, experienced the sun rising in the east and setting in the west, experiencing the rise and disappearance of the moon, experiencing The river flows uninterrupted, over and over again.

People vaguely even feel that on this arena, there should be the rise and fall of the sun and the moon, and the flow of the river.

And the flaming sword released by Li Ke was washed away by the sun and moon river, and unknowingly, it dissipated invisible.

After Qin Yao defeated Li Ke's attack, he did not launch an attack, but continued to defend. After Li Ke's magical power was blocked, he released endless flames again.

Both of them are famous geniuses among the top ten immortal sects. They are both female cultivators, but their fighting methods are completely different.

Li Ke used various flames to continuously bombard Qin Yao.

And Qin Yao, after accidentally attacking once and being blocked by the golden light spell cast by Li Ke, stopped attacking and focused on defense.

Li Ke's attack was fierce, but Qin Yao's defense was imperceptible. All the magical powers of the Sun Moon Sect, after she displayed them, were like defensive magical powers.

On the surrounding mountains, everyone was mesmerized as they watched the two people, one attacking with all their strength and the other defending with all their strength.

"This is true genius!"

"The control of this magical power is too high."

"The combat experience of the two of them and their adaptability in battle are both top-notch existences."

"There's no telling who can win."

"I feel that Fairy Qin Yao is stronger. After all, Fairy Li Ke has been attacking, but her attacks cannot penetrate Fairy Qin Yao's defense at all."

"Perhaps it's not that Fairy Qin Yao doesn't want to attack, but that Fairy Li Ke's attacks are not only fierce, but also wave after wave, continuously, giving Fairy Qin Yao no chance to attack at all."

In the direction of the Sun Moon Sect, several elders looked at Qin Yao who was constantly defending, but there was no trace of panic or worry on their faces.

If other disciples of the Sun Moon Sect encountered Li Ke, they might indeed be worried about their disciples. Even with such a fierce attack, the other two Ten Golden Pill Vision Dzogchen of the Sun Moon Sect met, I'm afraid I've lost.

But Qin Yao is the strongest among the three Ten-Golden Pill Vision Dzogchen of their Sun and Moon Sect!

Among the several elders, one looked very old, her skin was shriveled, and her face was covered with the surrounding female elders. Looking at the form in the field, she sighed softly and said: "Tu Zhuque has accepted it." A good apprentice, if this continues, Qin Yao may have to use that magical power if he wants to win.

She originally planned to save her magical power for last, but she met Li Ke in advance and could only reveal her final trump card in advance. "

On the ring, a huge transparent wine pot appeared in front of Qin Yao. In the wine pot, two phantoms, One Day and One Moon, appeared.

The two phantoms rotated rapidly in the wine pot, forming a strong suction force that sucked all the flames released by Li Ke into the wine pot's magic weapon.

"The sun and moon in the pot of the Sun and Moon Sect! How many defensive magical powers does Fairy Qin Yao have?"

"Fairy Li Ke's attack failed again."

"Look, Riko is attacking again now."

From the huge golden elixir composed of ten visionary golden elixirs behind Li Ke, streams of rich mana spewed out like an erupting volcano.

Flames like lava spurted out from the golden elixir and headed straight towards Qin Yao.

The flames flew past, and there was a burst of chi chi in the air all around, and sparks ignited on the surface of the arena specially prepared for the golden elixir stage.

Qin Yao had already fallen from the clouds to the ring. Feeling the fiery power coming, a look of helplessness appeared in her eyes.

Li Ke's attack was so fierce that she could only defend herself continuously. Even the occasional counterattack could not break the weird golden light body-protecting power of Li Ke.

If this continues, although she can defend against Riko's attacks, she will not be able to defeat Riko.

If it continues to be consumed like this, it will have a consequence. Whoever runs out of mana first will lose. Both of them have the Great Perfection of Ten Golden Pill Visions, and both come from the top ten immortal sects. They must have many treasures and talismans to restore mana in their hands. If they continue to consume, I really don't know who will run out of mana first.

She was confident that she would not be weaker than Li Ke, but she did not dare to bet, let alone bet.

She still has the last trump card, why should she bet that her magic power will be better than Li Ke?

At that time, she just wanted to use it, but she couldn't use her last trump card.

Although she wanted to save that magical power until the end to use it, but now, if she doesn't use that magical power, she really can't find a chance to win.

"The sun and moon are eclipsing each other!"

Behind Qin Yao, the golden elixir that had been combined into one suddenly had a tendency to split.

The next moment, the golden elixir completely separated and turned into two strange golden elixirs. One of them was round and blooming with golden brilliance, like the sun in the sky, while the other one was like the crescent moon in the sky.

And above everyone's heads, the real scorching sun completely disappeared at this moment.

The sun and the moon shine together!

"What's this?"

"After combining the elixirs, you can indeed separate your golden elixirs for use, but that will only separate them one by one. What is happening to Fairy Qin Yao? She actually divided her golden elixirs into two parts, and... It’s still a day and a month.”

"Why do you feel that Fairy Qin Yao's Sun and Moon Pills seem to be competing with each other?"

On the high mountain, each disciple was surprised, and many elders from the top ten immortal sects couldn't help but exclaimed.

"The eclipse of the sun and the moon! Qin Yao actually practiced the eclipse of the sun and the moon, and he practiced it successfully!"

"The people from the Sun Moon Sect really dare!"

A group of disciples heard the elders of their immortal sect exclaiming and quickly asked.

"Elder, what kind of magical power does the sun and moon eclipse together?"

"Is this magical power famous?"

While everyone was confused, behind Qin Yao, on that day and month, the two split golden elixirs each emitted a ray of light. The two rays of light merged into one place and rushed towards the flames released by Li Ke at the same time.

The next moment, after the flames touched the golden and silver light, they were swallowed up instantly.

The devoured flames did not disappear, but appeared behind Qin Yao in the huge sun and moon golden elixir.

It looked as if it had been swallowed by the Sun and Moon Golden Pills.

Moreover, the brilliance of the sun and moon golden elixirs are competing for each other's flames.


"Fairy Li Ke's flames were all swallowed up."

"Look, Fairy Li Ke has released flames again, but this flame is still being devoured."

Elder Ai Yunqi of the Baifeng Sect, who rarely spoke, looked solemnly in the direction of the arena, looking at the flames that were being swallowed by the sun and moon golden elixir, and explained: "The eclipse of the sun and moon has not appeared for a long time. To be more precise, the disciples of the Sun and Moon Sect have not practiced the eclipse of the sun and the moon for a long time.

It can even be said that almost no one from our contemporaries practices the practice of eclipsing the sun and the moon.

You all know that the magical power of the Sun and Moon Sect is actually to pursue the sun and the moon to shine together, and to release the sun and the moon at the same time, so that the power of the sun and the moon can join together.

However, a solar and lunar eclipse is exactly the opposite. A solar and lunar eclipse causes the sun and the moon to rise together, but separates the sun and the moon from each other and competes with each other.

The eclipse of the sun and moon is contrary to the normal magical power of the Sun and Moon Sect. It is precisely because of this that practicing cultivation is extremely dangerous. If you don't do it right, you will go crazy and your foundation will be severely damaged!

The eclipse of the sun and the moon is a magical power created by a senior of the Sun and Moon Sect of our previous generation. After he created the magical power, he competed with the masters of the ten major immortal sects without any defeat.

He is vaguely known as the top master of the top ten immortal sects. It relies on the eclipses of the sun and the moon.

Therefore, many people in the Sun and Moon Sect began to practice the eclipse of the sun and the moon, and all the practitioners were talented disciples of the Sun and Moon Sect.

Because that senior once said that when the sun and moon eclipse each other, non-geniuses cannot practice.

However, even among the geniuses of the Sun and Moon Sect, none of them succeeded in practicing under the eclipse of the sun and the moon. Not only that, but several geniuses had their foundation damaged.

The Sun and Moon Sect has always been a relatively high-ranking sect among our top ten sects. However, the Sun and Moon Sect also had obvious gaps because of the group of geniuses who practiced the eclipse of the sun and the moon. The vitality of the Sun Moon Sect was greatly damaged.

Those are all the geniuses of the Sun and Moon Sect’s golden elixir period and the eclipse of the sun and the moon. Although we don’t know how to practice the eclipse of the sun and the moon, we also know that the eclipse of the sun and the moon can only be practiced after completing the elixir combination.

Moreover, once you become the Earthly Immortal Realm, you will no longer be able to practice the eclipses of the sun and the moon.

Since then, the eclipse of the sun and the moon has become a taboo magical power of the Sun and Moon Sect. It has never been heard of anyone from the Sun and Moon Sect practicing the eclipse of the sun and the moon!

Unexpectedly, now, they actually asked Qin Yao, one of the most outstanding disciples of their Sun and Moon Sect, to practice the eclipse of the sun and moon, and Qin Yao also succeeded in practicing it.

The most terrifying thing about the eclipse of the sun and moon is that after absorbing the opponent's magical power, it can be used for one's own purposes and enhance one's own strength.

Li Ke, I'm afraid it's dangerous. "

Disciples from other immortal sects in the top ten sects also learned about the existence of eclipses of the sun and moon from their elders.

"The eclipse of the sun and the moon? I feel that this magical power is more appropriately called the eclipse of the sun and the moon. The flames released by Fairy Li Ke are their food!"

"The senior of the Sun and Moon Sect was able to defeat the top ten immortal sects without losing once by relying on the eclipse of the sun and the moon. Then Fairy Qin Yao..."

"Fairy Qin Yao has become the Sun and Moon Sect, and even the second genius in the world to cultivate the eclipse of the sun and the moon!"

"I'm afraid Fairy Li Ke has no chance."

"Although the Hundred Peaks Sect has many people entering the top sixty-four, today, the competition has just begun, and the disciples of the Hundred Peaks Sect will lose two games in a row."

Li Ke felt her flames being sucked away continuously, and felt Qin Yao's increasingly stronger aura, with a look of madness on her face.

Absorb my power?

Suck my fire, huh?

Okay, I'll let you suck it, and I'll see if you can suck Suzaku Yahuo!

On the huge golden elixir that merged into one behind Li Ke, the image of a Suzaku suddenly appeared, and a breath full of ferocity, violence, and violence swept across the entire arena.

The next moment, a Suzaku's cry came out, and a sacred beast Suzaku gathered by flames appeared in everyone's sight and rushed towards Qin Yao.

The red flames reflected the sky. Even if there were formations to block it, the entire world except for the arena next door was dyed red.

She doesn't use Suzaku Yahuo easily. After all, the later the trump card is exposed, the better.

However, now, she has no other choice but to release the Suzaku sub-fire.

She didn't believe it. Qin Yao's magical power could even devour the Suzaku sub-fire.

The huge flaming Suzaku almost completely filled the sky above the arena, and the hot breath spread throughout every inch of the space, including the mountains.

"This breath!"

"Flame Suzaku?"

"This crimson color, this terrifying that the pressure of the sacred beast Suzaku?"

"The Suzaku Fake Fire! It must be the Suzaku Fake Fire. It comes from the Zhuque Peak of the Hundred Peaks Sect. One of their former peak masters has cultivated the Suzaku Fake Fire! The Suzaku Peak must have the inheritance of the Suzaku Fake Fire!"

"Suzaku Pseudo Fire vs. Sun and Moon Eclipse, who will win and who will lose?"

"The eclipse of the sun and the moon swallowed up the Suzaku false fire."

The moment the sun and moon golden elixir behind Qin Yao swallowed up the flames in front of him, his expression suddenly changed. How could this flame be so fierce, that pressure, that power? This was definitely not the Suzaku fake fire!

not good!

She frantically activated the Sun and Moon Golden Pill behind her, trying to stop swallowing it, but the Sun and Moon Golden Pill behind her was completely out of control and was still devouring the terrifying flames crazily.

The eclipse of the sun and the moon causes the power of the sun and the moon to compete with each other. After practicing, it will also have a consequence. If you practice your magical powers to a small level, you will not be able to control your magical powers.

And she has not mastered the eclipses of the sun and the moon to a small degree. She can no longer control the eclipses of the sun and the moon.

"If I continue to absorb this power, I'm afraid my golden elixir will be damaged!"

Qin Yao was horrified because she could not control the eclipse of the sun and the moon. The only thing she could do now was to forcefully drive the eclipse of the sun and the moon out of her golden elixir.

Qin Yao suddenly opened her mouth and bit her tongue hard, causing blood to flow out. In an instant, her whole body's aura suddenly surged.

After a short burst of power, she forced it to move, and the sun and moon golden elixirs behind her merged and merged into one golden elixir.

However, the magical power of the sun and moon eclipse only left two shadows of the sun and the moon.

In the distance, everyone was stunned when they saw Qin Yao's movements.

"what's the situation?"

"Why did she combine elixirs again?"

"Fairy Qin Yao has combined the elixir, so the eclipse of the sun and moon she used..."

At the moment when the elixir was combined, the power of the flames absorbed before the eclipse of the sun and the moon, as well as her own remaining power in it, collided crazily, and at this moment, the Suzaku sub-fire came in again.

Under the collision of the three forces, the phantom of the sun and moon with the magical power of sun and moon exploded.

In an instant, a loud noise sounded like the world was exploding and the void collapsed.

In the center of the arena, pieces of gravel shot up into the sky and flew towards the surroundings. The next moment, flames swept up from the center of the explosion. Under the power of the explosion, a huge flame vortex was formed, and waves of terrifying power rushed towards the surroundings.

In just one breath, the vortex of flames has swept across the arena.

Not far away, after Qin Yao completed the elixir combination, he immediately stepped forward, and the shadow of the moon appeared under his feet.

Step on the moon and reach the clouds!

In just a blink of an eye, she appeared above the layers of clouds.

But the next moment, an endless vortex of flames swept over. The floating clouds under her feet that had blocked Li Ke's several attacks were completely melted in an instant, and the rainwater emerged. But in just one breath, these countless raindrops They were all evaporated.

The blazing flames swept Qin Yao into it.

The genius fairy of the Sun Moon Sect fell from the sky to the ground and fell heavily on the ring.

At the other end of the arena, Li Ke stood in the flames like a god in flames. The ferocious flames burned the arena to black, and even burned the stones on the arena to the point of melting. There was no way he could cause any damage to her.

This book is her flame!

The sudden change made everyone watching on the surrounding peaks unable to react for a while.


"Is this? Why did the flames suddenly burst out?"

"Fairy Li Ke turned defeat into victory?"

"Fairy Qin Yao, why did she suddenly glass out her magical power from her golden elixir before?"

"She forcibly separated her magical power from her golden elixir." In the direction of Wuliang Temple, a kind-faced old monk wearing red cassock shook his head gently and sighed: "She must have discovered that Li Ke used The power of the flames was too terrifying and exceeded the limit that her Sun and Moon Golden Pills could bear, so she separated her magical powers and allowed the Sun and Moon Golden Pills to reunite.

She made the wisest choice. Otherwise, just look at the moment when the magical power exploded at the end of the sun and moon eclipse. If she didn't get rid of this magical power, the consequence would be that her golden elixir would be severely damaged. Any bad injury will damage his Dao foundation and affect her future cultivation. "

"Can't bear it? If the magical power of the sun and moon eclipse has swallowed a more terrifying power, will it explode on its own if it cannot bear it? If so, this magical power does not seem to be so terrifying."

"Yes, it is so difficult to practice when the sun and moon meet and eclipse, and it is so dangerous to use it once you have mastered it. In this case, why do you still need to practice that magical power?"

"No, the eclipse of the sun and the moon is indeed a top-notch magical power. However, Qin Yao is only in the golden elixir stage now and has not yet mastered the practice. Only when she becomes the fire of the earth fairyland can she truly display the terrifying power of the eclipse of the sun and the moon. . Besides, not everyone is like Li Ke, who possesses the terrifying flames of the Suzaku Pseudo Fire."

As the old monk from Wuliang Temple spoke, he shook his head again and said with some confusion: "It's just that the Suzaku Pseudo Fire shouldn't be so strong. The arena was destroyed."

As Li Ke retracted all the flames, the flames extinguished, revealing the scene on the ring.

The arena is made up of huge stone bars piled up one after another, and then covered with a layer of hard bluestone slabs.

But now, all the bluestone slabs on the arena have been burned, exposing strips of stone, and most of those stone strips have also been burned away.

Qin Yao was lying on one of the stone bars, and she fell into a coma. She had forced the eclipse of the sun and moon out of her sun and moon elixir, and was injured by the backlash. The fusion of her power, the power of Li Ke's previous flames, and the power of Suzaku Sub-fire hit her head-on, and even the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Perfection couldn't hold her back.

"Is this...Fairy Qin Yao unconscious?"

"That is the Great Perfection of the Golden Elixir with Ten Visions! If it were a person with the Great Perfection of the Golden Elixir with Nine Visions, I'm afraid they would all die. The power of this flame is too terrifying!"

"Look at the arena. There is a formation on it. That formation can withstand the full power of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir. But now, the arena is still destroyed like this!"

"This is the first time that the arena has been destroyed since the Immortals Martial Arts Tournament began!"

"Fairy Li Ke, the flames released at the end were too terrifying."

"That's not just the power of Fairy Li Ke's last flame, but also the power of her previous flames, as well as the power of Fairy Qin Yao's magical powers, otherwise she wouldn't have exploded with such power!"

"But the main power is Fairy Li Ke's flame power. Didn't you see that the other two powers were suppressed by the power of Suzaku's pseudo-fire released by Fairy Li Ke at the end? This is why Fairy Li Ke was not injured at all. reason."

"I know about the Suzaku fake fire, but this is the first time I have seen such flames. I didn't expect that just the Suzaku fake fire is so terrifying, so how terrifying is the real Suzaku fire."

In the direction of Thousand Cave Gate, an elder frowned and looked at the arena that was burned into pitch black. He turned to look at Haoyue Xingjun and asked with confusion: "Xingjun, this Suzaku fake fire..."

A look of disdain appeared on Haoyue Xingjun's face, not for Li Ke, but for the knowledge of everyone around him.

"Suzaku Fake Fire? Who said it was Suzaku Fake Fire? With the Suzaku Fake Fire, how could it have such power? How could it be compared with this fire? This is the Suzaku Sub-fire!"

"Suzaku Yahuo?" The old man on the side was completely stunned. This was the first time he heard this name.

"Suzaku sub-fire, second only to the Suzaku fire, the Suzaku flame, it can be said that the Suzaku fake is the fake Suzaku flame, but the Suzaku sub-fire really contains the meaning of the Suzaku fire. It's just very, very thin, but No matter how thin it is, it is still the fire of Suzaku."

Lord Haoyue Xing turned back to look at the elder of Qiancao Sect, and said in a preachy tone: "Let's put it this way, cultivating the Suzaku Pseudo Fire has nothing to do with the Suzaku Fire, and you will not be allowed to practice the Suzaku Fire again. It’s easier. However, after cultivating the Suzaku sub-fire, you can then take a step further to cultivate the Suzaku fire.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the disciples of the Thousand Caves Sect all around him couldn't help but exclaim in surprise.

"Suzaku Yahuo?"

"Contains a hint of Suzaku's fire?"

"This...there is such a flame in the world?"

"Why didn't we know?"

"Peak Master Cao, it must be because of Peak Master Cao. Don't forget that Peak Master Cao is also a reincarnated power. As for Fairy Li Ke, haven't the people from the Hundred Peaks Sect already said that Fairy Li Ke belongs to Peak Master Cao? Taoist companion, Peak Master Cao can help his disciples to cultivate Lihuo, so there is no reason not to help his Taoist companion."

"So, this battle was not about Fairy Li Ke defeating Fairy Qin Yao, but Peak Master Cao defeating the Sun and Moon Eclipse."

"Suzaku Yahuo...Fairy Li Ke actually possesses such flames. Then other masters will be in bad luck if they encounter Fairy Li Ke again."

"In this case, if Fairy Li Ke doesn't meet Peak Master Cao or Lord Haoyue Star early on, I'm afraid she is destined to enter the top eleven."

"That's not necessarily the case. Don't look any further. There are also Old Man Ziran, Old Man Four Jue, and disciples of the Shinto Sect."

"In short, Fairy Li Ke's strength, I think, is guaranteed to be among the top eight!"

"It's a pity that Fairy Qin Yao was eliminated early despite being so strong."

"Yes, Fairy Qin Yao, it would be good if she entered the top sixteen before being eliminated, then Fairy Qin Yao would still have a chance to compete for the top eleven, but now, Fairy Qin Yao has been eliminated."

For a while, the sounds of sighs continued to sound.

This time, the Immortals Martial Arts Conference is to elect the National Master and the ten Immortal Generals who will protect the country. These are eleven people.

But according to the competition format in which two people compete against each other, no matter how you choose, you will not directly select the top eleven.

Therefore, the rules of the Immortal Martial Arts Tournament were announced by the Grand Master before.

That is, the top eight will automatically get the top eight rankings.

The remaining three places are selected from the other eight people who were eliminated.

Eight people competed against each other, and the last two remaining won the top ten spots.

The remaining spot is for the losers of the semi-finals to compete with each other. Eleven people were selected in this way.

So entering the top 16, even if you lose, you still have a chance to win the top 11, but before the top 16, if you lose, you have really lost.

On the ring, as the referee declared Li Ke the winner, Li Ke flew back to the position of the Hundred Peaks Sect, and the elders of the Sun and Moon Sect naturally hugged Qin Yao back.

At this time, in the direction of the Sun Moon Sect, the elders and disciples all had extremely solemn expressions.

Firstly, Qin Yao was hit hard, and secondly, Qin Yao lost, so their chances of being ranked among the top 11 of the Sun Moon Sect became extremely slim.

Qin Yao is the strongest among the three Golden Elixir Dzogchen of the Sun and Moon Sect.

The other two are probably slightly weaker than Li Ke who has not used Suzaku Sub-fire, and are probably on par with Nie Jie of the Hundred Peaks Sect. How can they compete for the top eleven?

The battle between Li Ke and Qin Yao was not short.

As the two of them decided the winner, on another arena, a master of the Great Perfection of the Ten Vision Golden Pills from the Faji Sect also defeated his opponent. A master who also had ten golden pills, but only had Eight of them are visionary golden elixirs, not from opponents from the top ten immortal sects.

As a result, the two arenas will once again have people competing on the stage at the same time.

Cao Zhen looked at the arena that had been burned by Li Ke's flames and had several broken stone bars. He then looked at the distance and saw that the grand master had no intention of changing the arena. He couldn't help complaining in his heart. This grand master is really awesome. It's so stingy that even the arena was destroyed and they didn't change it.

Soon, the referee's voice came out again from below the two arenas.

"A-shaped arena, Shenyun Sect, Xiao Zhongsheng battle, Baifeng Sect, Feixian Peak, Lieyan!"

"Yi-shaped arena, Baifeng Sect, Yisheng fought against Wuliang Temple, it was empty."

As the referee's voice fell, countless exclamations came from all around again.

"He's from the Baifeng Sect again."

"This is just the beginning of five groups of duels, four of which have people from the Hundred Peaks Sect."

"Are we going to let the people from the Baifeng Sect finish the fight first?"

"It's interesting. When Kong came to Wuliang Temple, he also recognized Peak Master Cao as the leader. Now, he wants to fight directly with Peak Master Cao's disciples."

"Actually, it's not bad. After all, Yisheng only has nine golden elixirs of visions and has not yet combined elixirs. It is difficult to continue. As long as he meets a golden elixir of ten visions, he will lose.

In fact, it would be wonderful if several other disciples of Peak Master Cao, such as Yan Yourong and Xiang Ziyu, met Kong. "

"On the other hand, there is another duel between Bai Feng Sect's Lie Yan and Shen Yun Sect's Xiao Zhongsheng. They both have the Ten Vision Golden Elixir Great Perfection. I don't know who can win between them."

At the position of Baifeng Sect, Cao Zhen patted Yisheng gently and said softly: "Disciple, master is very satisfied with your ability to reach this point. Don't show off. You are the future of our Four Treasures Peak."

"Master, this disciple will definitely not embarrass the master." Yisheng nodded heavily and flew towards the arena.

Cao Zhen kept slapping Yi Sheng, and his whole body froze. Am I telling you not to embarrass the master? Isn't it obvious what I mean? I am telling you that the future is yours, and it doesn’t matter if you lose this time.

I say this because I am afraid that if you fight with others and get seriously injured, why do you mean to fight for your life instead?

Fortunately, the opponent was empty.

On the ring, Yisheng looked at Yisheng who had fallen one step behind him, nodded slightly, showed a smile, and said with a smile: "Junior sister, I didn't expect that I was the first to meet a few of us. Disciple of Senior Cao."

He did not put his hands together. If he met other opponents, he would put his hands together and even chant a Buddhist chant. Those were just for outsiders to see.

Yisheng is half a man of his own, so he doesn't need to be so pretentious.

Yi Sheng knew that the few of them Liao Kong was referring to were Liao Kong himself and Qing Mozi from the Bi-Mo Sect, Jiang Yan from the Bingfeng Sect, Wu Jianzi from the Jian Sect, and Lu Yiren from the Confucian and Taoist Sect. They recognized Master as the five people who led the way.

Five of them have also entered the top sixty-four, and even Wu Jianzi has entered the next round.

She cupped her fist towards Kong Kong and said, "Please give me some advice, senior brother."

She used to be extremely arrogant, but since she entered the Baifeng Sect and realized how ordinary she was, and saw the talents of her senior brothers and sisters, she has become very polite, asking her senior brothers and sisters for advice on weekdays, They will also clasp their fists and salute.

As she finished speaking, the referee's "start" voice also sounded below the ring.

Behind Yisheng, nine golden elixirs of visions immediately appeared, and then he took out the Unlimited Formation, and the formation instantly unfolded.

Opposite her, behind Ling Kong, the golden elixir that merged into one also appeared. The visions in each of his ten golden elixirs of visions were different. Eight of them were dragons. Zhong, Yaksha, Asura...and other eight types of celestial dragons.

As for the other two golden elixirs, one of them has a closed lotus. Within one is a Bodhi.

After the ten golden elixirs were combined, these ten golden elixirs seemed to have gathered into a huge Buddha statue!

A sense of solemnity as a precious elephant emerged from his body. He was obviously not very old, but at this moment, when people in the distance looked at him, they felt as if they were looking at an enlightened monk.

Liao Kong didn't take action, just waiting for the formation to unfold, feeling the power of the formation and the sense of restraint coming from the formation.

He could feel that under the suppression of this formation, his strength was only about 95% of what it was in its heyday.

"What a magical formation. Sure enough, no matter where I move, I will be suppressed by the formation. This formation must have been made by Peak Master Cao. Peak Master Cao is really a genius in the world who can refine such a magical formation." Formation diagram, however, this formation diagram seems to be more suitable for the elixir formation stage, but has much less impact on the golden elixir stage."

In the distance, in the direction of the Baifeng Sect, Cao Zhen looked at the young disciples who were using the formation diagram. He suddenly looked back at his disciples and asked: "How many of you are left that Yisheng can suppress using the formation diagram?"

"About 95%." Leng Xi quickly replied: "After we became the Great Perfection of the Ten Golden Pill Visions, the opponent's array formations had much less power to suppress us.

We have tried it. Under the realm of fellow practitioners, using the formation diagram can probably leave 90% of the opponent's strength. "

Cao Zhen nodded understandingly and sighed in his heart. He was still too poor. If it wasn't for the purpose of raising his cultivation level to the Golden Core Stage, he should have obtained more resources to transform his disciples' Sovereign Wuji Formation. Refined again.

The Duzun Wuji Formation that was originally refined was more suitable for the Dan Formation stage. After reaching the Golden Dan, although the suppression effect is still there, it is easier to break through the Duzun Wuji Formation with the power of the Golden Dan.

Especially when facing an opponent like the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions of the Golden Core, even if the opponent's strength is not stronger than your own, you can still hit the energy and break the formation.

If there was any surprise, it was Leng Xi. Leng Xi combined the Sovereign Wuji Formation with her talisman, which not only made it more powerful, but also made it more difficult for others to break through.

Cao Zhen asked Leng Xi curiously: "What about you? How much cultivation can you suppress the other party?"

Leng Xi did not directly answer Cao Zhen's words, but sent a message to Cao Zhen into the secret path: "Back to Master, I have tried it with my junior brother and junior sister. The disciple used the array with all his strength to suppress their cultivation. Only Eighty-and-a-half percent left.”

Eighty-and-a-half percent means the remaining eighty-five percent, which is quite a lot.

Therefore, among his disciples, the strongest may still be Leng Xi.

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