There are countless blood rivers in the world, and blood demons can enter the human world from the boundless blood prison through the blood rivers. For the entire human cultivation world, whether it is the Immortal Sect of the Zhenxian Dynasty, the Immortal Sect of the Great Jin Dynasty, or the members of the Immortal Sect of other dynasties, once they discover the Blood River, they will suppress it.

After all, when the blood demon enters this world, he will kill crazily, not only on mortals, but also on the immortal cultivators. For the blood demon, the immortal cultivators are the real help.

The blood demon is the common enemy of the world of immortality.

As for the countless blood rivers discovered so far by everyone in the world of immortality, none of them can enter the boundless blood prison.

The world of cultivation can only allow the blood demon to enter its own world, but cannot enter the boundless blood prison. It has always been passive.

Now, everyone has discovered the passage that can enter the boundless blood prison. This passage is too important to the world of immortality.

Moreover, this passage is two-way, people can enter the Boundless Blood Hell from here, and the blood demons of the Boundless Blood Hell can naturally enter the human world through here.

Even, because of the special nature of this blood river or passage, maybe the blood demons who can enter the world of immortality from here will be stronger and more.

Therefore, Lord Tianhuan Sword worked hard to arrange such a tomb to suppress this passage.

It is also because of this importance that he arranges tests to test those who enter this place. Only with his inheritance can the formations here be turned on and off at will.

To obtain his inheritance, one must understand the sufferings of mortals.

He believed that those who could understand the sufferings of ordinary people would definitely not do such things as betray the world of cultivation.

Even Xiang Ziyu had seemingly learned the inheritance he left behind. However, when Xiang Ziyu actually tried to break the formation, Xiang Ziyu was attacked.

A sword light shot out, seeming to seal everyone here.

Cao Zhen felt the sword intention contained in the sword light, and quickly waved his hand, using his finger as a sword, and struck out with a sword.

He doesn't have any advanced swordsmanship.

However, when he pointed with his finger, the sword technique performed by the phantom left by Tianhuan Sword Lord just appeared in his mind involuntarily.

For a moment, Cao Zhen's whole person became filled with ethereal meaning. In the last moment, hundreds of Cao Zhen's phantoms appeared in the sky, and each phantom was cut out with one sword.

Cao Zhen's sword looks exactly like the sword Xiang Ziyu used just now, but the same sword is obviously full of illusion, as if it is a sword flying from nine days away, Cao Zhen's When the sword fell, the sword filled with the power of the seal disintegrated instantly.

Then, the sword fell into the blood river. For a moment, the blood river that seemed to have been sealed immediately surged and flowed towards the outside of the tomb.

"Is this... the seal here being lifted like this?" Bei Chenying looked at the blood river that had begun to flow, glanced at Cao Zhen, and his eyes immediately fell on Xiang Ziyu, his eyes filled with deep distrust. color.

"Didn't you say that you have learned the sword skills of Tianhuan Sword Master? Why didn't you break the seal? Not only did you not break it, but also attracted the attack of the seal? If Lao Liu hadn't taken action, we would all have been The seal formation here is under attack. What is your situation?"

"I made some mistakes at that time. I must have just learned the sword technique and am not yet proficient in it." Xiang Ziyu looked at the formation seriously. The sword technique he used was the same as that used by his master. Besides, he was like this Genius, how could he be wrong!

"It's not that you're unskilled, it's that what you learned is simply wrong." Cao Zhen interrupted Xiang Ziyu ruthlessly, raised his hand and pointed outside: "The river of blood flows to the outside. I don't know, but in the end the blood demon came from the inside. Show up, or go outside, let’s keep a few people here, and a few people go outside to take a look.”

As he spoke, he rushed out.

Leng Xi's steps that were about to rush outside suddenly stopped. Instead, he looked at Xiao Beiyan and said, "You and Master go and guard outside."

If Xiang Ziyu had recovered from his injuries, she could naturally follow her master to guard outside, but Xiang Ziyu was not recovering now.

Then besides the master, the strongest person here is her. Naturally, she has to be separated from the master in two places.

Cao Zhen and Xiao Beiyan had just arrived outside the tomb, but they found that in the blood river outside, the blood was already boiling, and the entire world seemed to be shaking.

Inside the tomb, Leng Xi and others felt the changes in the blood river outside, and they left the tomb one after another.

In the blood river outside, the bright red blood kept rolling, like long bloody dragons, almost flying into the blood river.

It gives people a vague illusion that the entire world is shrouded in this blood mist. In the blood river, blood-colored bubbles rose up one after another, as if they were about to break through the sky, and kept heading towards the sky.

At the same time, streams of bloody and brutal blood surged out of the blood river.

The next moment, all the endless rivers of blood flew up into the sky, as if they were falling into the sea and falling into a huge mountain. They would wash away the sea water, but what was washed up in the blood river was blood!

As the blood flew down, huge blood demon figures appeared one after another in the blood river.

Cao Zhen had also encountered a blood river before and saw a blood demon flying out of the blood river. But what he saw at the beginning was a blood demon flying out of the blood river. However, in the blood river in front of him, there was Six blood demons flew out at once!

The appearance of these blood demons is also different. Some are like poisonous snakes, but they have dozens of short legs under their bodies. Some have two heads, one of which is like a wolf dog, and the other head is like a bat. Generally, some are covered with tentacles...

Torrential flames surged out from their bodies.

The next moment, a sword light flashed.

Xiang Ziyu took action.

Just now, he wanted to unlock the restriction, but after the sword fell, he lost his master.

As the protagonist, how could he fail?

He wanted to get everything back for his failure just now.

For a moment, hundreds of Xiang Ziyu's shadows appeared again in the sky. Each shadow also swung a sword. This sword was the same as when he used his sword technique before. However, the flying sword technique gives people a feeling that these hundreds of phantoms have become more illusory, making people wonder whether there are phantoms.

The phantom is illusory, but the sword light wielded by the phantom becomes more solid. These hundreds of sword energies may become sharper, thicker, and more unpredictable...

The same sword, executed twice before and after, makes people feel that it is executed by two completely different people. It seems that the disciple is executing it in the front, and the master is demonstrating the same sword technique in the back.

The sword light fell.

Suddenly, in the river of blood, the huge bodies of the blood demons that had just appeared were instantly broken into pieces and completely chopped into pieces!

Although Xiang Ziyu's injuries have not healed yet, although he has not used the magic weapon, and although he has just learned this sword technique, all six blood demons have died with one strike of his sword!

As the blood demons died, they turned into a pool of blood and returned to the blood river. However, there were six more drops in the blood river, which looked unusually conspicuous.

Behind him, Bei Chenying raised his hand and grabbed the six drops of blood from the air. He frowned and looked at the rolling river of blood below, with a headache on his face and said: "Senior Tianhuan Sword Lord said that with the blood of the blood demon, Dye the tombstone red and you can go out.

However, after the blood demon died, the blood fell directly into the blood river, and each monster only left behind a drop of blood that was like blood essence.

We are not going to use this drop of blood to dye the tombstone red. When will we achieve enlightenment? "

Cao Zhen also frowned. When he first heard the remaining image of Tian Huan Sword Lord saying that he could go out by dyeing the tombstone red, he didn't realize how difficult it would be.

Although the tombstone is also huge, the blood demon is also huge enough, and the blood demon is made of blood. Is it difficult to dye the tombstone completely red?

However, the current situation is that they will most likely use this blood essence to dye the tombstone red drop by drop. How long will it take!

"Or is it not actually dyed red with this essence and blood? What kind of treasure is this essence and blood used for cultivation? Can we test it and water it directly with the blood in the blood river?"

Xiang Ziyu raised his hand and sucked, and endless mana suddenly poured out. The blood in the blood river seemed to fall into a whirlpool, flying out uncontrollably and rushing towards the tombstone.

But the next moment, a golden light shot out from the tombstone, and the blood instantly evaporated in the air.

"Don't think about it. This is a great formation built by a strong man who could be ranked third in his era. We can't let the blood in the blood pool dye this tombstone red." Beichenying shook his head. Shaking his head, he raised his hand and shot out a drop of the blood demon's essence, shooting it directly towards the tombstone.

This time, there was no light blocking the tombstone. The blood of the blood demon fell on the tombstone, leaving a small red dot.

Judging from the size of the tombstone, this redness is even negligible. Everyone even felt that if they had not felt the spiritual energy and had not regained their power, they might not have been able to see this little red dot in their former mortal form.

Yisheng looked at the size of the tombstone, then looked at the blood essence in Bei Chenying's hand, and asked in a low voice: "The blood essence of the blood demon fell on the tombstone... So, do you really need to use this blood essence to dye it?" Through the tombstone?”

"That's not necessarily the case!"

The blood river surged again, but this time, what flew out of the blood river was no longer six-headed blood demons, but five-headed blood demons.

Perhaps because the blood river has just been opened, the strength of the blood demon flying out of the blood river is not particularly strong, probably only around the first level of the golden elixir.

Although Xiang Ziyu was injured, the injury only made him weak. It was no problem for him to deal with several blood demons equivalent to the first level of the Golden Core.

Before anyone could take action, he raised his hand and sucked at the blood demon in front of him.

Suddenly, these five blood demons had just emerged from the blood river. Before they could react, they were dragged out of the blood river and landed directly on the tombstone.

But Xiang Ziyu looked directly at Xiao Beiyan beside him and shouted: "Blow them up."

Wasn't it just blood in a river of blood?

Then he directly blasted these blood demons on top of the tombstones to see if it would work.

Xiao Beiyan knew what his senior brother meant, but he didn't understand. He just blasted these blood demons himself, so why did he let himself do it?

Xiao Beiyan thought for a moment, but still raised his hand and waved. In the sky, the shadow of a giant hammer fell. With one blow, the bodies of the five blood demons exploded, and bright red blood spilled down. Tombstone.

The next moment, a ray of light shot out from above the tombstone, and a golden sword light suddenly flew up.

Almost at the same time, Xiang Ziyu also swung his sword.

The reason why he didn't kill those blood demons directly was because he was waiting for this moment.

Yes, this formation was indeed set up by Lord Tianhuan Sword. Under normal circumstances, with his current level of cultivation, he would naturally not be able to compete with this formation.

But now that the Little Era of the Reversal of the Universe has come, Heaven no longer allows the existence of power above the Golden Pill.

The masters of the Earthly Immortal Realm are all about to fall asleep. Even if they are not asleep now, once they use the power of the Earthly Immortal Realm and are noticed by Heaven, they will immediately fall asleep.

The same is true for the formation. Although the formation cannot sleep, it cannot exert power beyond the Earthly Immortal Realm.

With the same power at the Golden Core stage, he could not stop the sword light.

Xiang Ziyu used his sword again, as if to prove himself. This sword he still used what he called the Heavenly Fantasy Sword Technique, and compared to the previous two times, this sword technique looked more exquisite. , more powerful.

In the void, the golden sword light emitted from the tombstone collided with the hundreds of sword lights displayed by Xiang Ziyu. For a moment, the sword lights displayed by Xiang Ziyu shattered one after another.

Even though this sword only has the power of the Golden Core stage, it comes from an existence that may be ranked third in his era.

In fact, it is not comparable to Xiang Ziyu in his heyday, not to mention that the swordsmanship Xiang Ziyu performed was only the swordsmanship he had just learned.

In just the blink of an eye, the golden light broke through hundreds of sword lights and shot down on the spilled blood.

The blood and water were instantly evaporated.

However, although Xiang Ziyu's sword light was broken, it also affected the golden sword light. This sword did not evaporate all the blood, and some of the blood still spilled on the tombstone.

However, the next moment, there was a burst of chichi on the tombstone, and the spilled blood dissipated instantly, leaving no trace on the tombstone.

"Okay, don't try again." After Li Ke saw all this, he shook his head and said, "This whole world can be regarded as a formation. After all, it was set up by a peerless master. His momentum can easily overwhelm you. Found the loophole.

If you want to leave here, if you want to dye this tombstone completely red, you must use the blood and essence of those blood demons. "

While Li Ke was speaking, he glanced at Xiang Ziyu again, but his eyes were filled with wonder. Xiang Ziyu had just learned swordsmanship, and what he had learned might even be a fake swordsmanship.

But every time Xiang Ziyu performs his sword technique, people can feel the huge progress.

She calls herself a genius. She cultivates magical powers and can practice various swordsmanship and knife skills quickly enough. However, she is far from being able to achieve such great progress as Xiang Ziyu in such a short period of time.

Now she suddenly understood why Cao Zhen had asked Xiang Ziyu to be the master of teaching skills. If Xiang Ziyu practiced other magical powers, it would be so fast...

Impossible, swordsmanship and magical powers are still different, and all magical powers are different. Some people are good at the magical power of fire, and some are good at the magical power of water. It is impossible for someone to be good at all magical powers.

Xiang Ziyu may be able to practice magical powers quickly, but it is impossible for him to reach such a perverted level.

Cao Zhen had already opened his panel again and looked at it.

Heavenly Fantasy Sword Technique (Magic Modification): Level 11!

In a short period of time, Xiang Ziyu only used his sword technique three times, but this magically modified sword technique has actually reached the eleventh level!

This is the power of Everything Connected!

Therefore, this kid Xiang Ziyu didn't work hard enough to practice his magical powers before. After he returns, he must let this kid Xiang Ziyu practice his magical powers well.

No, if you let him practice, he might not be able to practice well.

Since he is already the head sect, everyone in the Baifeng Sect must obey his arrangements, and he can also use a large number of facilities in the Baifeng Sect.

As a sect master, it is not too much to find a small dark room. When the time comes, Xiang Ziyu will be locked directly in the small dark room and let this boy practice his magical powers. This boy will cultivate all his magical powers to the ultimate perfection of the golden elixir stage. Before, we were not allowed to go out, so that’s not too much!

While Cao Zhen was thinking, the blood river in front of him surged again. In the blood river, blood demons flew out one after another. This time, there were seven blood demons. However, before these blood demons could launch their attacks, everyone's attacks were already falling. .

In an instant, all seven blood demons died.

The two previous times when the blood demon appeared, Xiang Ziyu directly killed or caught it. But this time when the blood demon appeared, everyone took action. Xiang Ziyu only grabbed one and killed it.

"This, the speed at which the blood demon appears is too slow." Xiang Ziyu was unhappy and shot a piece of the blood of the blood demon onto the tombstone. As expected, the tombstone did not respond to the blood of the blood demon. On the tombstone, there was once again a red mark of blood.

"These blood demons are not enough for us to kill. Master, let's just go down and enter the boundless blood prison." Xiang Ziyu simply suggested to Cao Zhen: "Anyway, at this moment, we are not allowed to possess more than the golden elixir stage. The power exists.

We are the strongest beings in the world. With our strength, wherever we go we can’t go without a fight. Let's just go in and kill enough blood demons, and then come back with the blood essence. "

"The strongest in the world? Don't think that just because you made it to the last four in the Zhenxian Dynasty's Immortal Martial Arts Tournament, you really have no opponent, not to mention that you haven't recovered yet. But..." Cao Zhen Looking at the tomb in front of me, I was really moved.

On their side, there are so many Ten Vision Golden Elixir Dzogchen. Without the existence of the Earthly Immortal Realm, with their combined efforts, no one should be able to stop them, unless the other party uses the human sea tactic.

However, if they can't defeat the human sea tactic, why can't they run away?

With their strength, as long as they are not wrapped up layer by layer, like cabbage, no one can keep them.

Now, it is indeed too slow to stay above and kill these blood demons, but it is indeed much faster to enter the boundless blood prison and kill the blood demons!

After pondering for a moment, he nodded and said: "In that case, let's enter the boundless blood prison! However, after everyone enters, please do not go deep. If there is danger, return immediately."

After he understood the sword intent of Lord Tian Huan Sword, he naturally had a method in his mind on how to open and close the passage into the boundless blood prison.

After entering the Boundless Blood Prison, the passage must be closed.

After all, after Tianhuan Sword Lord entered the boundless blood prison, he could not stay in the passage all the time. He had to go deep. Once he went deep, if the passage was not closed, countless blood demons would naturally rush out through the passage.

After killing a group of blood demons, everyone immediately rushed into the blood prison passage.

After entering it, everyone discovered that the passage of the so-called boundless blood prison was not filled with blood as they had thought before.

It seems that because of the reversal of the universe in the minor era, this passage is also full of strange phenomena, and the sun and the moon exist at the same time.

The passage was unusually wide, and in the middle was a raging bloody river. Endless blood flowed from the other end of the passage and flowed into the world where they were.

On both sides of the passage, there are two narrow stretches of land.

In the blood flow, there are blood demons, exuding endless fierce power.

They had already felt the smell of blood choking their noses when they were outside. Now, entering the passage, they felt the smell of blood, which seemed to make people faint.

In the middle of the passage, in the river of blood, blood demons noticed the people who suddenly entered the passage, and they immediately let out roars. For a while, blood arrows, blood light, and blood-colored mist flew up and attacked everyone. Come.

What greeted them were two groups of hot flames.

Lihuo Tianfeng, Zhuque subfire!

This side of the world was instantly filled with flames. Under the scorching flames, the pages in the blood river were dried instantly under high temperature, not to mention the blood demons in the blood river.

Under the joint efforts of Li Ke and Yi Sheng, there was even a vacuum in the Blood River. However, soon, the blood-colored river water filled the river.

And the number of blood demons in this blood river is equally astonishing.

"There are too many blood demons in this passage. Are these blood demons unable to enter our world through this road over the years, so they are all squeezed together?"

"According to this situation, we don't even need to leave the passage. We just need to keep killing the blood demons in the passage."

Everyone was at the top level of the Golden Elixir, even the weakest Yi Sheng was also at the Nine Visions Golden Elixir, and Beichen Ying and Li Lingwei were also the ones suffering from the Wind and Fire Catastrophe.

Most of the blood demons in front of us are equivalent to the first, second, or even third level of the golden elixir. Blood demons that are equivalent to the ordinary sixth level of the golden elixir are rarely seen.

Although these blood demons were weak to everyone, as they kept coming, everyone did not need to leave the passage and killed the blood demons directly in the passage connecting the boundless blood prison and the human world.

Slowly, Cao Zhen even had the illusion that he played online games in his previous life and upgraded by killing monsters in the game.

While everyone was killing the blood demon, suddenly, the entire sky turned black.

In the void, the sun and moon suddenly disappeared. The Heavenly Dao, which had been fluctuating, also stopped at this moment.

Bei Chenying quickly reacted and whispered: "The way of heaven has stopped moving, the vision has disappeared, this is... the reversal of the universe has completely arrived. Now, I am afraid that all the beings above the golden elixir are asleep! Now , this world has really become a world where the golden elixir is respected and the golden elixir is the strongest!"

"Quickly, continue to kill the blood demon. We must return to the Hundred Peaks Sect as soon as possible. All the masters above the golden elixir are sleeping, and some conspirators may be taking action. Although, we all know that our Hundred Peaks Sect is simple There are many masters of Dzogchen, but some people know that we are not in the Baifeng Sect.

In the Ten Thousand Horses City, those who left the Golden Core Period probably saw us entering this place. They knew that we were not in the Baifeng Sect.

If they spread the news, or they directly attack our Baifeng Sect. "

In the crowd, Yisheng listened to the conversation between several senior sisters and elders. He hesitated for a moment before speaking: "Master, I always feel that the people in Ten Thousand Horses City are not from the Dalai Dynasty.

If they are really from the Dalai Dynasty and come to cause trouble near our Baifeng Sect, we can easily think that it is them. They shouldn't be that stupid. I feel that someone may have deliberately instigated us and the Dalai Dynasty. "

Come to Dynasty.

Xingyue Mansion.

Among the three major immortal sects of the Dalai Dynasty, the East China Sea Mirage is located above the sea, and the Duankong Sect and Xingyue Mansion occupy the two highest mountains of the Dalai Dynasty.

Among them, the Duankong Sect occupies the highest mountain, while Xingyue Mansion is the second highest mountain.

Although the three major immortal sects are said to be about the same strength, there is still a gap between them.

The strongest among them is the East China Sea Mirage, and the weakest is the Xingyue Mansion.

The Great Lai Dynasty chooses the immortal sect to be in charge of the dynasty every thousand years.

Within ten thousand years, Donghai Mirage could control the Immortal Sect almost half of the time, while Xingyue Mansion could only control it twice.

Xingyue Mansion, the highest point, on Xingyue Peak, at this time, two men and one woman, three people who are temporarily in charge of Xingyue Mansion, and are also the three strongest golden elixir stage beings in Xingyue Mansion, gathered together. Apart from the three of them, In addition to the person, there is a man wrapped in a black robe. The man's face is covered with a black mask, making it impossible to see his appearance.

Among the three people in Xingyue Mansion, the only woman asked this mysterious man in black: "What should we do now? Donghai Mirage already knows everything. They have found out that Elder Xue and Elder Yang are from our Xingyue Mansion. and Duan Kong Sect.

They will inevitably have suspicions, suspecting that one of the two great sects, ours and the Duankong Sect, wants to assassinate them, or even suspect that the two of us have joined forces.

Now, the minor era of the reversal of the universe has completely arrived. All the masters above the Golden Core stage have fallen asleep. The people from the East China Sea Mirage have sent a message, asking us three immortal sects to set off to the Hundred Peaks Sect to attack and destroy the Hundred Peaks Sect.

However, if there was not another force attacking the Baifeng Sect, they would not take action. Got it. Then, they will doubt us even more. When the time comes, the people in East China Sea Mirage will become more and more cautious, making it even more difficult to complete our plan. "

Elder Xue and Elder Yang, one comes from their Xingyue Mansion and the other comes from the Duankong Sect, but these two people are actually from their Xingyue Mansion.

Although Elder Yang has become an Earth Immortal and joined the Duan Kong Sect when he was a child, the Elder Yang now, or in other words, the Elder Yang after becoming an Earth Immortal, is no longer the Elder Yang he was before.

It was the mysterious man in front of him who used some special means to control Elder Yang.

Then, he revealed his plan.

Once the plan is successful, their Xingyue Mansion will become the only immortal sect in the Dalai Dynasty!

The Great Lai Dynasty does not need three immortal gates, only one immortal gate is enough!

All the plans were good, but who knew that people from the Sun-Moon Demon Sect suddenly appeared, and these people from the Sun-Moon Demon Sect actually knew when the Little Era of the Reversal of the Universe would arrive. , within one day, all masters above the golden elixir will fall asleep!

Even the people from the Sun and Moon Demon Sect knew that Cao Zhen and others from the Baifeng Sect were not here! All their plans were disrupted if they wanted to unite the three major immortal sects of the Great Lai Dynasty to attack the Baifeng Sect!

The face of the man in black was covered with a mask, and it was impossible to tell what had happened to his expression, but through his exposed eyes, it could be seen that his gaze had not changed at all.

He Jiejie laughed strangely and said: "It was originally our plan to attack the Hundred Peaks Sect, but our plan was bigger and more complicated at the beginning. This time, the Sun and Moon Demon Sect actually helped us and accelerated our plan. Planning process!

So, why don’t we send people to attack Baifeng Sect? Moreover, who told you that no force before us would attack the Baifeng Sect?

Don't worry, the people from the Red Refining Demon Sect have already set off, and they will attack the Baifeng Sect before us. "

"Red Demon Sect?" Among the three people, a handsome and extremely young man suddenly showed a look of surprise on his face and whispered, "Why did the Scarlet Demon Sect attack Baifeng Sect? They should I wonder, Cao Zhen, Leng Xi, Xiang Ziyu and others are no longer with the Baifeng Sect. Are they crazy and directly attack the Baifeng Sect?

No, after all, the Baifeng Sect is one of the top ten immortal sects of the Zhenxian Dynasty. Even if Cao Zhen and others are no longer there, the foundation of the Baifeng Sect is still there.

If the people of Scarlet Demon Sect and Baifeng Sect fight head-on, even if they capture Baifeng Sect, they will suffer heavy losses. Why should they do this? "

"Why can't they do this? The Scarlet Refining Demon Sect has a grudge against the national master, but they also hold grudges against the ten major immortal sects.

At the beginning, the Scarlet Lian Demon Sect and the Sun and Moon Demon Sect had approached the ten major immortal sects, hoping that the major immortal sects would join forces with them to jointly fight against the Grand Master. This includes today's top ten immortal sects.

They believe that the Grand Master is self-strengthening, and by combining the power of all the great immortal sects, they can also severely injure or even kill the Grand Master. But the major immortal sects refused.

The reason for the refusal is that the Red Refining Demon Sect is a demon, and their righteous way will not cooperate with the demon to deal with the Grand Master.

Because of what happened back then, the Scarlet Refining Demon Sect and the Sun and Moon Demon Sect also held a deep grudge against the major immortal sects. Therefore, it is not surprising at all that they take revenge on the top ten immortal sects.

As for the Baifeng Sect...the current national master of the Zhenxian Dynasty is in the Baifeng Sect. If they had to choose, they would naturally choose to take revenge on the Baifeng Sect first.

In short, the people from the Red Refining Demon Sect will definitely attack the Baifeng Sect. When the time comes, you and the people from the Sun and Moon Demon Sect will attack the Baifeng Sect together. "

After the man in black finished speaking, he quickly disappeared into the darkness.

And the three of them were standing here.

For a long time, among the three of them, the one who had not spoken before seemed to be extremely young, in fact, he was the youngest among the three.

But all that can be felt from him is calmness.

He looked into the distance and whispered: "Even if the Red Refining Demon Sect hates the Baifeng Sect, it is impossible to really use the entire sect's strength to attack the Baifeng Sect. There must be reasons we don't know about this.


As he spoke, he paused slightly and said: "There is another possibility. The Red Lian Demon Sect has united with the Sun and Moon Demon Sect. The people who went to the East China Sea Mirage are from the Sun and Moon Demon Sect, and the person in front of me is Chi Lian. People from the Demon Sect.”

Among the three, the female who was the first heard the sound and immediately shouted: "He is from the Red Refining Demon Sect? How is that possible? Their Red Refining Demon Sect will be the first to attack the Baifeng Sect.

By then, if their attack on the Baifeng Sect is not as violent as we imagined, we will not take action. That way they would lose their manpower in vain.

If they really use all their strength to attack the Baifeng Sect, and they attack first and we attack next, they will still be consumed first. No matter how you look at it, the loss will be theirs. How could that person be from the Red Refining Demon Sect?

Moreover, when the Master Zhang was here before, we were in contact with the other party's forces.

The various methods shown by the other party... I am not looking down on the Red Refining Demon Sect, but if the Red Refining Demon Sect had those methods, they would not have been hiding in XZ all these years, even hiding their lair. "

"I'm just talking about a possibility. In short, this time is a rare opportunity. If we can really destroy the Baifeng Sect, not only can we divide everything in the Baifeng Sect, but our Dali Dynasty is the closest to the Baifeng Sect. , all the territory of Baifeng Sect will be taken over by us in the future.

This is only good for our Dalai Dynasty and our Xingyue Mansion, but not bad. Moreover, we have already cooperated with each other and cannot interrupt it.

Once it is interrupted, once the plan fails, when the minor era of reversal of the universe ends, that will be the day when our Xingyue Mansion will be destroyed.

However, we must be careful. After arriving at Baifeng Sect, our people must pay attention.

If the people from the Red Lian Demon Sect and the people from the Hundred Peaks Sect are not fighting fiercely enough, and the people from the Sun Moon Sect want to tempt us to take action, we must not take action! "

After he finished speaking, he let out a long sigh. Back then, after their Xingyue Mansion elected him as the head of the Xingyue Mansion in the Qiankun Reversal Era and told him everything at the same time, he sighed inwardly.

He did not expect that the old palace master would choose to cooperate with this mysterious organization.

He knew that the old palace master wanted to change everything, change the current structure of the Dalai Dynasty, and want their Xingyue Mansion to unify the Dalai Dynasty.

He also knew that Xingyue Mansion was not the only one plotting against Donghai Mirage and Duankong Sect, but the other two immortal sects must also be plotting against them.

The three major immortal sects all know that the reason why the Dalai Dynasty has maintained the situation of these three major sects over the years is because a delicate balance relationship has been formed between the three major sects.

No one immortal sect has the strength to destroy the other two immortal sects.

And there is still a difference in strength between the three immortal sects.

People from the Duan Kong Sect also came to Xingyue Mansion, hoping to join forces to destroy the strongest East China Sea Mirage.

But the original master of their Xingyue Mansion refused because the Duankong Sect was stronger than their Xingyue Mansion. Once the strongest East China Sea Mirage is destroyed, Xingyue Mansion will be next.

The Xingyue Mansion once approached the Duankong Sect and wanted to destroy the weakest Xingyue Mansion first, but the people of the Duankong Sect also decided not to do so, because after the Xingyue Mansion was destroyed, the Duankong Sect was not far away from being destroyed. .

It is precisely because of this subtle relationship that for tens of thousands of years, the Dalai Dynasty has formed a delicate balance and has always been the three major immortal sects.

However, any balance will be broken one day, and the most anxious one is their Xingyue Mansion, because Xingyue Mansion is the weakest.

The world of cultivation has always been about the strong. Donghai Mirage has been in charge of the Dalai Dynasty for the longest time, and its strength is accumulating faster and faster.

Therefore, Xingyue Mansion and Duan Kong Sect definitely don’t want to continue to watch the East China Sea Mirage continue to grow stronger, so one day they will unite to attack the East China Sea Mirage first.

But their strength is not as good as Duan Kong Sect!

Even then, after they destroyed the East China Sea Mirage, the Duankong Sect could not destroy their Xingyue Palace because of their Xingyue Palace's mountain guard formation.

But the Duan Kong Sect is stronger and cannot destroy them, but it can suppress them in various places, after constantly suppressing their strength.

Thousands of years, ten thousand years, and one hundred thousand years later, when the Duan Kong Sect's strength reaches the point where it can crush them, their Xingyue Mansion will also be defeated.

Therefore, he understood very well that the old palace master wanted to find outside forces to destroy the other two sects.

But, why did the old palace master want to find such a mysterious force?

The old palace owner didn't even know who the other party was, so he cooperated with the other party.

If it were his choice, he would definitely not choose to cooperate with such a mysterious force whose origins are unknown. But it was too late.

The cooperation between them was too deep, and he could only continue to cooperate, even though he knew that this cooperation was tantamount to seeking skin from a tiger!

"That's all, it's useless to think about it now." He turned back to look at his senior brother and senior sister, and his expression gradually became serious. Even though he has now become the head of Xingyue Mansion, he always calls them senior sister. And senior brother, but this time, he no longer calls him that.

"Elder Huang, Deputy Palace Master Liu." He looked at the two of them with solemn expressions and said, "I thought about it, this time, I will personally lead the team to the Baifeng Sect."

"What? Are you going? You are the Palace Master, how can you leave so easily!" The woman suddenly said anxiously after hearing the voice: "Senior Brother Huang, Elder Huang is already facing a disaster, so it is not appropriate to move out. And you are the Palace Master, so it is not appropriate either. Let’s go out, let me lead the team this time.”

"No, this time, I must lead the team. This time, I am afraid it is not as simple as we thought. Deputy Palace Master Liu, you are sometimes too impulsive. You must not lead the team this time.

Remember, after I led the team to leave, I immediately sealed the mountain and prohibited any disciples from leaving. "

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