Within the Zhenxian Dynasty, the flying boats of the major immortal sects and the immortals are not allowed to fly directly into major cities. Let alone big cities, even small towns are not allowed to fly directly into them. But there is one exception, that is, when recruiting disciples, they are allowed to fly directly into the town.

The reason for this special situation is that in the past, there were always people who secretly pretended to be members of the major immortals when recruiting disciples, and abducted many children.

After all, it was only later that the Grand Master announced that when the major immortal sects recruited disciples, they could fly down directly from the city.

In this way, ordinary mortals will naturally not be able to pretend to be members of the major immortal sects.

As for people from other immortal sects, there are also fake ones, but not many.

For example, if a mortal pretends to be a member of the Baifeng Sect, it is really difficult to find the Baifeng Sect. Moreover, the laws of the Zhenxian Dynasty do not allow immortal cultivators to take action against mortals.

But it's different if the cultivator pretends to be an immortal. The Baifeng Sect will naturally use the means of cultivating immortals to find the other party.

Jijiang City is one of the largest cities in the area where the Baifeng Sect is located, but there has never been any other immortal sect pretending to be the Baifeng Sect to recruit disciples.

In Jijiang City, everyone looked at the flying boat falling above their heads. After exclaiming, they discovered something different.

"Strange, why is this flying boat so big?"

"Yes, ten years ago, when the Hundred Peaks Sect's flying boat came, it was not this big. It was not even half as big as this flying boat."

"I have seen the Hundred Peaks Sect come to recruit disciples three times. The previous three times, the flying boats of the Hundred Peaks Sect were all about the same size. Only this time the flying boat is particularly big."

"Isn't it better that the Feizhou is bigger? The bigger the Feizhou is, it proves that the people of the Hundred Peaks Sect want to recruit more disciples."

"You're right, this is a good thing."

Amid everyone's discussion, the flying boat stopped, and then, figures flew out from the flying boat.

Suddenly, everyone below was shocked again.

"what's the situation?"

"Why are there so many immortals?"

"There were only a few immortals here before. Why are there dozens of immortals this time?"

The people of Baifeng Sect did not completely fly down, but stayed on the sky.

Soon, a group of disciples looked and among them, a disciple from Feixian Peak said: "Senior Brother Mi Lian, you should be in charge."

Mi Lian is the nine golden elixirs, which has completed the existence of the combined elixirs.

Hearing the sound, he slowly spoke: "Baifeng Sect is here to recruit Taoist boys. If you are qualified, we will stay. If you are not qualified, we will leave on your own."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a bronze mirror in his hand, an earth-viewing mirror.

In fact, Bei Yan was leading the team this time. He didn't want to host it at first, but Bei Yan came directly to the city first. The rest of them discussed it and decided that he would host it.

As for the order of the people below, he is naturally not needed to maintain it. There are still policemen below.

One by one, the policemen saw the immortal appear and soon began to shout at the crowd.

"Don't move around. Take pictures of everyone. There is no difference between the first test and the second test."

"Don't be crowded, everyone has a chance."

"Don't move forward, everyone stands still."

With the policemen all around, although the people below were shouting, there was still no crowding or chaos.

Mi Lian looked at the crowd below who had already stood up, and a stream of spiritual energy in his hand suddenly poured into the looking glass. For a moment, the looking glass emitted a dull yellow light, and as he moved, it shined on the one below, He looked like a child of eight or nine years old.

This child looks very smart, but as the light shines, the light emitted by the geoscope does not change at all.

Mi Leng didn't hesitate and pointed directly at the second child.

Below, the child who was first exposed had no reaction, as if he didn't know what was happening, but a middle-aged man next to the child had a look of disappointment on his face.

"The light has not changed, which means that my child does not have the qualifications to become an immortal. Alas... My son has been smart since he was a child. I have always thought that he has great hope and can become an immortal..."

The man sighed. This was not the first time that he had brought his child to the Baifeng Sect to recruit disciples. He knew that if the shining light did not change, it would prove that the child did not have the qualifications to become an immortal.

On the side, several other men also sighed.

"No, it still won't work. This is the second time this year that my child has joined the Immortal Sect to recruit disciples. That means he has no hope."

"Hey, the eldest and second child in my family can't do it, and the third child can't do it either. Are we, the old Zhang family, destined to have no chance of cultivating immortals?"

"Isn't it still possible? Doesn't it mean that if you train as a military officer, it will be easier to be selected? My son has been sent to practice martial arts by me since he was a child, but the result is still..."

"Failed, still failed!"

Mi Ning shines the light one after another. As long as the light of the looking glass does not react to each person, it will immediately shine on the next person. With such efficiency, in a short period of time, the qualifications of several people have been checked. , and without exception, none of these people's qualifications are suitable for cultivating immortals.

The children may be young and don't know anything, but the adults know that their children have not been chosen.

For a time, some kept whispering, some kept shaking their heads, and some even screamed in grief, and some even shed tears.

The Baifeng Sect selects immortals only once every ten years. Some children only have this opportunity to cultivate immortality once in their lives. An opportunity to change your destiny.

Especially now that the whole world is in chaos.

They hope even more that their children can join the Immortal Sect.

Although the police officers around them understood the mood of these parents, they had no choice but to make the children who had been selected move forward and get out of the way.

The crowd moved forward slowly.

In the blink of an eye, more than two hundred children had passed the test, but no child was selected. For a while, the parents waiting behind them became more and more nervous.

"What's going on? Why hasn't anyone been chosen this time?"

"Just wait, maybe our child will be chosen."

"Liao Laosan, don't stand still. Move forward. You are quite capable. You and your mother-in-law brought five children."

"Stop talking, it's our turn."

The people who were talking about it just now became even more nervous.

And this Liao Laosan was holding a child in his hands and carrying another on his back. As for his wife, she was also holding a child, and there were two children on the left and right.

Soon, the geoscope shone over, and first it hit the child that Liao Laosan was holding. However, there was no reaction. Then, the light fell on Liao Laosan's back, but there was still no reaction.

The light turned again and fell on the child held by Liao Laosan's wife, but there was still no reaction.

Liao Laosan's face even showed a look of despair, but there was still a glimmer of hope in the despair. He had fallen in love with his fourth son.

He has a total of five children, but four of them are sons, and only the eldest child is a daughter.

Soon, the look on his face was almost completely despairing. When the light fell on his fourth child, there was still no change.

However, the light did not stop at all, and soon, the light fell on his fifth child, the only daughter among the five children.

Suddenly, the original pale yellow light suddenly changed. In this light, a blue light suddenly appeared. The next moment, the light above the light suddenly became stronger. This light even completely covered up the pale yellow light.

Everyone's eyes suddenly fell on Liao Laosan's daughter.

And above the horizon, the disciples of the Hundred Peaks Sect suddenly showed a look of surprise on their faces, and then they were overjoyed.

The appearance of other rays of light in the earth's looking glass proves that the other person has the qualifications to cultivate immortality. The most common one is a light of other rays of light. The thicker the light and the stronger the rays of light, the better the qualifications for cultivating immortals.

The bright light in front of him proved that he had met someone with excellent qualifications for cultivating immortals.

"Geoscope, look quickly, there is a picture emerging on the geoscope!"

Suddenly, among the disciples of the Hundred Peaks Sect, someone shouted low, and everyone looked at the looking glass. On the looking glass, a group of blue flames appeared. The flames burned fiercely, making people feel as if It seems to freeze the whole world, and it also seems to melt the whole world.

And from the edge of the geoscope, little snowflakes and streaks of sparks appeared.

"This is the Immortal Body!"

"It is indeed an immortal body, no doubt!"

"This immortal body, this is the ice and fire immortal body!"

"Extremely rare ice and fire immortal body!"

"This time, we actually encountered such an immortal body. This ice-fire immortal body is no less powerful than the Suzaku Peak's, Senior Sister Li Ke's Bifang Fire Body, and Senior Sister Yisheng's True Yang Body from Sibaofeng." !”

"Senior Sister Li Ke has already attained the Great Perfection of the Golden Elixir of the Ten Visions, and Senior Sister Yisheng has also attained the Golden Elixir of the Nine Visions. There is a high probability that she will become the Great Perfection of the Golden Elixir of the Ten Visions."

"So, our Baifeng Sect has another seedling of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Great Perfection!"

"The harvest this time is really great!"

"This is an immortal body. The last time our Baifeng Sect selected a disciple with immortal body qualifications, we still selected Yisheng."

"Our Baifeng Sect has a wide range of disciples to choose from, but sometimes, even when we choose disciples every ten years, not even one immortal body appears!"

In the excitement of everyone, Mi Lian even stopped the continued testing. If they met a child with ordinary qualifications, they would at most ask one person to take the child away. But when they met a child with this kind of immortal body, they would naturally have to take the child away. Paused.

Mi Leng even flew down from high in the sky. Behind him, several disciples of the Hundred Peaks Sect also landed next to the girl.

In the crowd, Xiao Beiyan felt a little uneasy when he heard the exclamations of Mi Lian and others. Just like that, he met an immortal body?

The last immortal body of the Baifeng Sect was his junior sister.

When the junior sister chose her sect, all the peak masters of the hundred peaks of the Hundred Peaks Sect were dispatched to shamelessly snatch the junior sister away.

This shows the status of the Immortal Body in everyone's mind.

Did you just meet an immortal body like this?

Is this a coincidence? Or is it like the third senior brother said, he is the protagonist, and if he takes his place, he is half the protagonist?

Or is it actually my luck that is really good?

Although everyone around had never seen a child with immortal body qualifications being selected, they could see the bright light and the performance of the immortals of the Baifeng Sect and knew that this Liao Laosan's daughter was extremely extraordinary.

Suddenly, complicated eyes looked at Liao Laosan, some of which were full of envy, and some of which were full of jealousy.

"Liao Laosan, you are so prosperous!"

"Liao Laosan, your daughter, your daughter's talent is so terrifying that the immortals came right down."

"Congratulations, Liao Laosan, you are about to turn over!"

Voices of congratulations kept ringing out.

There was also joy on Liao Laosan's face, but it was not the ecstasy that everyone imagined. Instead, Liao Laosan's wife was in tears at this time and kept touching her tears with both hands.

Mi Lian fell, and first looked at the little girl. It could be seen that the little girl's family conditions were not good. In fact, the residents of Jijiang City lived a pretty good life. Moreover, today was the day when the immortal came to choose his disciples, and everyone also Come dressed in your best clothes. In this square, it is rare to see people wearing patched clothes.

But this little girl's clothes were full of patches, and her pants were even a little short, revealing a section of her dark calves.

There were even a few slender scratches on the girl's face, including a stuttering wound.

The little girl looked about twelve or thirteen years old, and she looked very thin, but there was a perseverance in her eyes.

She is already sensible at her age, at least she knows that she must have been chosen, but even though she was chosen and dominated by so many immortals, her face did not show any look of ecstasy, and her eyes remained blank Look forward resolutely.

Mi Ling looked at the little girl's resolute eyes, but the more he looked at it, the more delighted he became. Even if this girl is not an immortal, she just has this resolute look and this calmness after being selected. After cultivating as an immortal, she will have a lot of confidence. Achievement.

After all, on the road to cultivating immortality, it is not just about qualifications, but also whether the Taoist heart is strong. In other words, a strong Taoist heart is also part of the qualifications.

This little girl is not only a fairy, but you can tell by looking at her eyes that she must be a child with a strong Taoist heart, like a rock.

The Baifeng Sect really selected an extremely rare and good seedling this time.

Mi Leng looked at the girl with a kind smile on his face. He even knelt down slightly and asked, "Little sister, tell me, what is your name?"

When everyone around him saw his performance, they suddenly shouted.

Many of them were not participating in the recruitment of disciples by the immortals of the Baifeng Sect for the first time. However, in the past, when the ancestors of the Baifeng Sect recruited disciples, most of them would directly take the selected children after asking. Some even talk to the parents of the children only after taking them away.

Among them, if they really meet those children with good qualifications, the most the immortals can say to the parents of the children is that the children are good and have good qualifications.

They have never seen any immortal fall down directly and squat down to talk to the children.

After all, that is an immortal!

Although the laws of the Zhenxian Dynasty said that there was no distinction between immortals and mortals, everyone knew that the immortals looked down upon their mortals, and the immortals all had their own pride.

But now, this Immortal from the Hundred Peaks Sect has put down his pride.

Moreover, this immortal is obviously the leader among the immortals recruited by the Hundred Peaks Sect this time!

How talented is this Liao Laosan's daughter to make the immortal behave like this!

When the little girl heard the question from the immortal in front of her, she finally opened her mouth and said slowly: "My name is Liao Youdi."

These five simple words clearly came from a child, but they gave people a cold feeling, as if the cold wind was blowing broken jade.

"Oh..." Mi Leng looked aside and glanced at Liao Laosan's four children. The clothes on these four children were obviously much better than Liao Youdi's clothes. At least they fit well and didn't have many patches. If you need to ask specifically, you already know what the three characters Liao Youdi are.

He smiled at Liao Youdi again, and then looked at Liao Laosan. Perhaps because of Liao Youdi, his face became much kinder when he looked at Liao Laosan, and he said with a smile: "Your daughter has excellent aptitude for cultivating immortals.

In our Baifeng Sect, the last time someone with such qualifications for cultivating immortals appeared was a young disciple of the current Zhang Sect, and now he is also one of the few masters of our Baifeng Sect.

She is very suitable for cultivating immortals. Are you willing to let your daughter come to our Baifeng Sect to cultivate immortals? "

In the past, when the Baifeng Sect recruited disciples, they always took a fancy to them, so they notified their families and then took them away directly.

But since the Grand Master came to power, the rules for recruiting disciples in all immortal sects have changed. If you want to recruit disciples, you must obtain the consent of the children's families.

Because immortals and mortals are equal, consent must be obtained.

However, this point is actually just one more question, among those mortals, who doesn’t want their children to join the Immortal Sect?

In particular, the Baifeng Sect is one of the top ten immortal sects. All children valued by the Baifeng Sect will not have a parent who disagrees with joining the Baifeng Sect.

The reason why he asked this was just a matter of routine.

However, Liao Laosan looked at the kind-faced immortals, listened to the congratulations of everyone around him, and looked at his sons, but he bravely shouted: "I can let my children go to you." Baifeng Sect, but you have to agree to one condition."

As soon as he finished speaking, a look of surprise suddenly appeared on Mi Lian's face. This was not the first time he went out to recruit disciples. He had already had experience before, so this time he was sent out to assist Bei Yan. This was his first time. When you encounter people like this, you still dare to make conditions with them.

In fact, this was the first time he heard that there were mortals who would make conditions with the immortals after their children were chosen.

When everyone around heard Liao Laosan's words, their eyes widened and they looked over in disbelief.

Even a few people who knew Liao Laosan started shouting.

"Liao Laosan, you are crazy. The immortal values ​​​​your daughter. It is your daughter's blessing. Why don't you agree quickly?"

"Liao Laosan, what's wrong with you!"

"Hurry up and agree!"

Liao Laosan listened to everyone's words, but was not moved at all. He pointed to his son in his arms, then raised his fingers to the other sons around him, and said: "If you want to accept me, My daughter will be taken away with my other four sons."

He is not stupid, he can see that his daughter's talent must be very good and terrifying, otherwise these immortals would not be like this.

These immortals must really want their daughter to join the Baifeng Sect.

So, now, these immortals are begging his daughter to join the Baifeng Sect, so he can naturally negotiate terms.

What's the use of having my daughter join the Baifeng Sect?

Daughter, sooner or later the water is thrown out. Besides, by the time her daughter completes her training from the Baifeng Sect, how many years will it have been since she came back?

Across the street from his own home, Zhao Luoguo, everyone knew that his elder brother had been selected to join the Baifeng Sect.

I heard from my father that at first, everyone envied Zhao Luoguo and his family. Everyone said that Zhao Luoguo's family must have become prosperous. At that time, his family was so poor that they could hardly untie the pot. But after his brother was selected to become an immortal, a big family in the city asked Zhao Luoguo's father to help him and gave him a fortune. An easy job.

Then, when Zhao Luoguo grew up, even though he was a Luoguo, the matchmaker still almost crossed the threshold of their family. Zhao Luoguo also found the mother-in-law easily.

But slowly, now, eighty years have passed since Zhao Luoguo's brother was selected by the Baifeng Sect.

Zhao Luoguo's brother didn't come back either, and he didn't know if he was dead or something.

Zhao Luoguo's father had also died long ago. Later, the wealthy family who helped Zhao Luoguo's family also lost their patience.

Zhao Luoguo's family is not as good as his own family now.

There are many such examples. I don’t know how many people will not come for decades or hundreds of years after being selected.

The house didn't get much light either.

If your daughter doesn't come back until a hundred years later, let alone yourself, your sons will all die of old age, so what's the use of her coming back? Can she recognize those juniors she has never met?

No matter how well qualified my daughter is, it will be decades later, and I won’t even know if she is still there at that time.

My sons must have grown up by then. Who knows if my daughter will help her brothers?

Besides, the world is so chaotic now. Who knows one day, people from the Demon Sect will attack again, or people from other countries will attack?

Even if the daughter has a child, the child will stay with someone else's family.

What should the old Liao family do?

To carry on the family line, you can only count on your sons. If you want your sons to live and live better, you have to send your children to the immortal gate.

Mi Lian was stunned. He had never thought that a mortal would dare to make conditions with him. If any other mortal had said this, he would have told him to get out. But this Liao Laosan is Liao Youdi's Father, with an immortal body like Liao Youdi, the Baifeng Sect cannot miss it.


Mi Lian suppressed the anger in his heart and said patiently: "We really can't accept the four of them. Even if we really accept them into the mountain gate, they will not enter the peaks immediately. They need to enter the academy and then finally agree. Selection.

You four children have no qualifications for cultivating immortals. If they really enter the mountain gate, they will not be selected. "

Liao Laosan quickly said: "It's okay, it's okay. They can't enter the peaks. That's because they are not good at it. As long as they can enter the Hundred Peaks Sect."

As long as the children can enter the Baifeng Sect and cultivate immortality, it will be fine.

Mi Lian frowned slightly, but said patiently: "We in the Baifeng Sect have rules. People like this who have no qualifications to cultivate immortals cannot be admitted to the sect."

"These rules are all set by people. Otherwise, how about you being accommodating?" Liao Laosan looked at the other party's polite attitude and became more and more certain in his heart. His daughter's qualifications are indeed good. Otherwise, the other party would have been angry a long time ago, but now , the other party also explained to himself that he wanted his daughter to join the Baifeng Sect. As long as the other party explained, there would be a chance to continue the conversation.

Looking at the other party's appearance, his heart moved, and he even said: "I know that your Hundred Peaks Sect has a hundred peaks. When the time comes, my daughter may not be able to join that peak, right? But my daughter, with this talent , you definitely want my daughter to join your peak, right?

I promise, as long as you let my four sons join your Baifeng Sect, I will definitely let my daughter join your peak. "

On the side, several other disciples of the Baifeng Sect who had followed Mi Lian down looked at Liao Laosan with disgust when they heard what he said.

This mortal actually took advantage of his daughter like this.

Yes, the Feixian Peak where Senior Brother Mi Lian is located is indeed the strongest peak in the Hundred Peaks Sect. It is impossible to say that this girl was buried when she joined Feixian Peak.

But, what does this Liao Laosan know?

What if the senior brother Mi Lian in front of him is not from Feixian Peak, but from Hundred Peaks Sect? What about the last peak? Then Liao Laosan didn't harm his daughter!

His son is his child, but his daughter is no longer a child!

Mi Leng still shook his head and said: "Although, I do want her to join our Feixian Peak, but the rules of our Hundred Peaks Sect are not something I can change. I can't promise you!"

"No? You can't change the rules of your Baifeng Sect, then let someone who can change the rules do it." Liao Laosan felt that the other party valued his daughter, but he went ahead and shouted, "Anyway, if you If you don’t accept my four sons, then I won’t let my daughter join your Baifeng Sect.”

As he spoke, he even threatened: "Anyway, your Baifeng Sect is not the only one in our Immortal Suppressing Dynasty. If your Baifeng Sect doesn't agree, I don't believe that other immortal sects won't agree. That immortal sect agrees." On my condition, I will let my daughter join whichever fairy sect."

"You..." Mi Leng was completely shocked, and the anger in his body could no longer be suppressed, and he said angrily, "Do you know what you are talking about? Let your daughter join other immortal sects? You can You know, our Baifeng Sect is one of the top ten immortal sects.

Moreover, I can tell you that now is the Little Era period of the reversal of the universe. During this period, our Baifeng Sect is the strongest immortal sect.

Our current leader is a reincarnated power, and he is the strongest person in the world today.

I can even tell you that four of the five disciples of Zhang Zong are the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions and Golden Elixir. You may not know what the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions and Golden Elixir is. You just need to know that they all It suffices to be one of the ten strongest people in the current Zhenxian Dynasty.

Another disciple of the Zhang Sect will soon become a perfect being of the Ten Visions and Golden Pills. It can be said that if you become a disciple of the Master, there is a high probability that you will become one of the strongest beings in the Minor Era of the Reversal of the Universe.

As for your daughter, although I can't guarantee that she will be selected by the Master, with her talent, the chance of being selected is not low. Also, today, a disciple of Master Zhangzong is here, and I can even ask that senior brother! "

As Mi Leng spoke, he suddenly raised his head and shouted around: "Senior Brother Beiyan, where are you without you?"

In the crowd, when Xiao Beiyan heard the dense voice, he sighed helplessly and flew up.

On the side, the fat man who was telling the people around him his opinions and scolding Liao Laosan for not knowing how to lift people up, and the people around him were all stunned when they saw the half-year-old child suddenly flying up in front of them.

"Can it fly?"

"He can fly, is he also an immortal?"

"He is an immortal, why is he here with us?"

"No... the immortal just said that the disciples of the Hundred Peaks Sect's Head Sect are here, and he was looking for the disciples of the Head Sect, so he flew up..."

"Isn't he the number one person in the world today, the current national master, and a disciple of the headmaster of the Hundred Peaks Sect?"

"Is he one of the top ten beings in the world?"

"Why do you just look like a child?"

Everyone was completely stunned.

The old man who brought Xiao Beiyan before was also stunned for a moment, then turned back to look at the pink and beautiful girl beside him.

There was also a look of surprise in the girl's eyes, but her look of surprise was not as strong as others. It seemed that she had already known that Xiao Beiyan was an immortal cultivator, and now she was just surprised that Xiao Beiyan was talking about Baifeng. Just a disciple of the sect leader.

Soon, a happy look even appeared on her face.

Xiao Beiyan flew directly to Mi Lian's side.

Mi Leng looked at Liao Laosan and introduced: "This one is the fourth disciple of Master Zhang Zong."

As he said that, he looked at Xiao Beiyan and asked, "Senior Brother Beiyan, this is..."

Before he finished speaking, Xiao Beiyan waved his hand and interrupted: "I have been here all the time. I know what her qualifications are. They are indeed pretty good."

As he spoke, he complained in his heart that this Mi Lian had even participated in recruiting disciples once, but he was still so stupid.

Didn't he see it? It was because he showed too much regard for the little girl that the little girl's father dared to make conditions.

Now, let's talk about immortal body. Even if the little girl's father doesn't know what immortal body is, he can know better when he hears these two words that her daughter is amazing.

In this case, the other party will put forward more conditions.

Therefore, he interrupted the other party directly.

Mi Leng was not angry when he was interrupted, but continued: "Senior Brother Beiyan, with his qualifications, can he become a disciple of the Zhang Sect?"

"Master accepts a disciple, it is not something we can decide." Xiao Beiyan glanced at the little girl, thought for a while and said, "Of course, I can mention it to the master. As for whether the master will accept her as a disciple, that's not the case. Got it. Moreover, it also depends on her performance in the academy."

To accept a disciple, of course he wanted his master to accept a few more disciples, so that he would not be the youngest disciple.

Moreover, he felt that the chance of the master accepting this little girl was quite high.

After all, this little girl really has a fairy body, and I feel that the little girl's temperament is quite similar to that of the second senior sister. The second senior sister should like this little girl and will also speak for her.

This time, I am here on behalf of the third senior brother. The third senior brother will definitely say that this is his contribution and will also help to speak.

Senior Sister, Senior Sister is the nicest, and she will definitely help you speak.

As for the junior sister, her senior brothers and sisters have all spoken, how can she disagree?

Therefore, as long as this little girl can join the Baifeng Sect, there is a high chance that she will become her junior sister, and she will not be the youngest.

Hearing the sound, Mi Leng turned around and looked at Liao Laosan and said: "You have heard it too. Senior Brother Beiyan has said so. If your daughter joins the Baifeng Sect, she has a high chance of becoming a disciple of the Zhang Sect. In this world, I don't know if there are any How many people want to become their disciples, but this opportunity is now in front of you. Don’t you cherish it? Your four sons are your children. Are your daughters not your children? Don’t you? Think about her!"

When Liao Laosan heard the words Zhang Zong, he became more and more sure that his daughter's talent was good. Otherwise, how could the other party let the Zhang Zong accept a disciple? In this case...

He raised his hand and pointed in the distance: "You all just said that the palm sect is the largest in your Baifeng sect. You can't change the rules, but you can ask your palm sect to change the rules, and your palm sect will change the rules." Zong said, if you accept my four sons, I will let my daughter join your Baifeng Sect.

Otherwise, then I will wait and see which other fairy sect agrees with my conditions, and then I will let my daughter join their fairy sect! "

"Join other immortal sects!" Mi Leng was completely furious when he heard this, and roared: "Do you know that within the area of ​​Baifeng Sect, there is no other immortal sect except us, Baifeng Sect, who will come to beckon disciples, you are like this , it will only harm your daughter. At your daughter's age, if no one recruits her to enter the Immortal Sect this time, she will have no chance at all. Do you want to harm her? "

As Mi Leng spoke, he suddenly reacted and said somewhat puzzledly: "No, your daughter is already over ten years old. Why didn't we find her when our Baifeng Sect came to recruit disciples ten years ago?"

A fairy body like this exists since birth. It is impossible for someone not to have a fairy body at the beginning and then become a fairy body a few years after birth.

So the question is, why didn’t they discover this little girl when they recruited disciples in the previous class?

Liao Laosan said indifferently: "It's nothing. Ten years ago, something happened and I didn't have time to bring her here."

Mi Leng's eyes widened when he heard the sound. He also entered the Baifeng Sect through the Baifeng Sect's selection of disciples. He knew deeply how much mortals valued the Baifeng Sect's selection of disciples.

This Liao Laosan actually went there ten years ago without his daughter. He wasted ten years of his daughter's time!

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