Cao Zhencai had just taken away the flying boat and landed on the island from the sky. He suddenly noticed that people were looking at him.

And his eyes instantly fell on this place, the central location.

He had discovered when he was on the flying boat that the entire island was surrounded by mountains. And in the area where he was, if you look closely, you can see that there is a place where it seems like two mountains are coming together, with a gap in the middle.

Facing the gap, there were five people sitting cross-legged.

Five people, three men and two women.

Around here, many people seemed to be hiding themselves and not exuding any aura, but each of these five people exuded this extremely dripping aura.

Cao Zhen felt that the only difference between these five people was that they were the ones who wrote a few words in their own heads - I am not to be trifled with!

Five people, all wearing the same clothes, the style of the clothes is the same, but the colors are different. There are five colors: red, orange, cyan, blue and purple.

Among the five people, the men are all handsome and handsome.

The women are extremely beautiful.

Among them, the one in the middle among the five has sharp eyes, like an eagle. She was obviously not tall, but just sitting on the ground gave people the illusion of a majestic mountain towering between heaven and earth.

And it’s still a high mountain that has never melted with ice and snow for thousands of years.

A cold aura that kept strangers away kept coming from his body.

He glanced at the four people flying down, and then turned his eyes away from paying attention to them. It seemed that the glance he just took was just to confirm whether he knew the person coming. After discovering that he didn't know them, he stopped paying attention to a few people.

The five people no longer looked at Cao Zhen and the others, but the remaining people looked over one after another.

"These four people are not from our Nanyang Islands."

"Four unfamiliar faces, and the clothes they are wearing are obviously not our clothes."

"Why did these four people choose our side?"

"It's just a few reasons. One is that they have enemies there and don't dare to go there. The other is that they think we don't have experts here?"

"Those three women are so beautiful!"

"It's rare to see just one of these stunning beauties, but here are three stunning beauties, together with such a man who doesn't seem to have anything special."

"We have some pity for the playboy here."

Many people looked at the three women with strange expressions, and then looked at the man not far away from Lan Mei who was speaking and holding a scimitar that looked like a crescent moon.

Lan Mei glanced at the three women, her eyes also fell on the man with the scimitar, and she laughed softly: "Lianhua, this time you did not come in vain. Don't you take pity on these three stunning women?"

Lianhua glanced at the three women and said softly in a voice that only the three of them could hear: "If they were elsewhere, I would have to take pity on them. But, Tamu has just said that we are here , it’s for the ruins, and I don’t want to waste my experience before entering the ruins.”

As he said that, he turned his head and no longer looked at the man and three women.

He was right. If he were outside, he would indeed have a good chat with the man and three women. However, when such peerless ruins appeared, almost all the masters from all over the world gathered.

No one knew the origin of the person coming, and he didn't want to take the risk and cause trouble at this time.

Young Master Lianhua did not make any move. In the crowd, among a team of more than ten people, a handsome man full of sunshine, after discussing with several people in his team in a low voice, took a step forward. He walked towards Cao Zhen and others and asked in a low voice: "Everyone, are you four yourself?"

"Yes, there are four of us together." Cao Zhen looked at the person with some curiosity.

The visitor pointed around and said: "Everyone, there are only four of you, which is a bit too few. You have discovered that most of the people who came here this time are more than ten people together. Only in this way can we Only by ensuring your own safety can you ensure you can enter the ruins.”

As he spoke, he paused slightly and whispered: "There is still time before the ruins are opened, but when the ruins are about to be opened, there will definitely be chaos.

No one knows what dangers there will be in the ruins or what the condition of the ruins is. When the time comes, they will inevitably take action outside the ruins to rob other people's treasures.

You, you are not from Nanyang, and there are not many of you, so someone will definitely take action against you.

Why don't you all join our team? In this way, the other party will not attack you rashly. I wonder what you think? "

"Is that so? That's fine." Cao Zhen agreed directly without even thinking about it. He knew that these people might not necessarily have good intentions when inviting them.

You don't know anyone, so you invite me to join the one-finger team? No matter how you look at this, it feels weird. Those people don't know if they want them to be cannon fodder, or if they want to make money and kill people.

However, it doesn't matter anymore, he will join a team first. This way, no one will pay too much attention to them.

Wait until you enter the ruins before thinking about what to do.

When the man heard the other party's hearty agreement, a bright smile suddenly appeared on his face, and he said with a smile: "Fellow Taoist's choice is very wise.

Yan Hanlin, I wonder where these Taoist friends are from and how they are called? "

Cao Zhen deceived him without even thinking: "Let's come to Taichu. My name is Qin Haoxuan."

"Taichu?" Yan Hanlin nodded slightly when he heard the sound. He had never heard of Taichu's name, but they didn't have many connections with the immortal sects of the major dynasties. It was normal that they had never heard of it, and he didn't think much about it. Instead, he continued to introduce himself, "Fellow Taoist, I am the nine golden elixirs, and I have completed the combined elixirs. I wonder what kind of cultivation my fellow Taoist is?

Let’s learn more about our respective cultivation levels. After entering the ruins, we will be better able to allocate how to explore the ruins. "

"Oh, I am the sixth level of the Golden Core." Cao Zhen said and pointed at the three of Lengxi, "I am the strongest among the four of us."

He is not lying, he is the sixth level of the Golden Core, and he is indeed the strongest among the four.

Yan Hanlin suddenly laughed and said enthusiastically: "The sixth level of the Golden Core, your cultivation level is not low, and our team has a big boost. Come, let's go together, I will introduce to you our other Taoist friends."

Cao Zhen was naturally happy to go along.

Soon, he discovered that this team was indeed chaotic. Apart from them, there were more than ten people who were actually composed of three other different teams.

The largest group among them is Yan Hanlin's team, which is also four people like them.

The strength of the four people in Qiuzhong, Yan Hanlin, is also the strongest. Apart from Yan Hanlin, the other three people have a golden elixir of 80% and two golden elixirs of seventh level.

As for the other people, most of them are at the seventh level, sixth level, and fifth level of the golden elixir. However, there are no people with lower cultivation levels.

After Cao Zhen came to the team, several other people quickly showed their enthusiasm and started chatting with them one after another.

Cao Zhen also knew the situation in Nanyang from chatting.

Not only did the monks in Nanyang not have much contact with the monks from Zhenxian Dynasty, Jin Dynasty and other dynasties, but also the monks within Nanyang did not have much contact with each other.

After all, Nanyang is too big.

At most, they know what masters are in the area where they are, or they know the top masters in Nanyang.

For example, the five people in the middle are the top masters in Nanyang.

"Those five, they are the top immortal sect on our side, the masters of Ten Thousand Snakes Island. The one in the middle, named Zi Snake, is a master of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen, and the other four are Qing Shen. Snake, Red Snake, Blue Snake and Orange Snake are also masters of the Ten Golden Dan and the Dan. It is precisely because their strength is high enough that the place closest to the entrance to the ruins is occupied by them."

Yan Hanlin quietly introduced the experts present to Cao Zhen and others.

"Brother Qin, you have to pay attention to one more thing. The man over there holding a scimitar is named Young Master Lianhua. In fact, many people behind his back call him Young Master Caihua.

This person is jealous and lustful. It is said that he practices a method of gathering yin and replenishing yang. I don’t know how many female monks were brutally murdered by him.

Some people even said that he sang and sang every night, changing to a different female monk every day, and those female monks, after getting along with him, all disappeared, and they should all have been killed. "

Cao Zhen was obviously stunned for a moment and said in surprise: "Change one every day? How many female cultivators have been brutally murdered by him? Isn't there anyone who cares?"

On the side, Leng Xi, Yan Yourong, and Li Ke looked at Mr. Lianhua with cold eyes.

In fact, Yan Yourong could not help but have the urge to draw the sword directly and kill the handsome young man.

Yan Hanlin whispered: "I don't know exactly how many people he has harmed. There should be thousands of female cultivators. In fact, he was not that excessive before. After all, there is still an earthly fairyland in the world.

But after the Little Era when the universe was reversed, he went completely crazy. His own cultivation level is high enough, and he is the perfect existence of the Ten Visions and Golden Elixir. Others can't do anything to him.

Moreover, he is on the Island of Evil on weekdays, and there is nothing anyone else can do to him. "

"Evil Island?" Cao Zhen heard the term and asked in a low voice, "But is it an island where all evil people are there, or is there a force called the Island of Evil?"

"The Island of Evil is not a force. That island was originally a hiding place for some monks who were being hunted.

Later, slowly, more and more monks who were being hunted were hiding in the Island of the Evil Man. Gradually, the name of the Island of the Evil Man came into being. As for the previous name of the Island of the Evil Man, I don’t know.

On the Island of Evil, there are no laws and everyone on the island can kill at will.

However, there is one thing. If you are a person from outside the island and want to enter the Evil Island to seek revenge, it does not matter. The Evil Island will not stop you.

As long as you have the ability, you can find your enemy and kill him directly.

But before that, you have to think about it. That is the Island of Evil. What kind of people are there on the island? If you kill your enemy, you will be seriously injured, or you may have some treasure that is valued by the enemy.

It is very likely that you will be besieged by countless masters on the Evil Island and be killed directly. Of course, if you are strong enough and you kill your enemy without any damage or any treasure that others are looking for, it is possible for you to get out of the Island of Evil. Of course, it is only possible.

Although the Evil Island is not united internally, everyone is extremely xenophobic. After all, everyone has enemies. Therefore, when they see an outsider entering the Evil Island, if the other party is not hiding in the Evil Island to avoid their enemies like them, , it is very likely that he will also be surrounded and killed by everyone.

In addition, there is no problem for one person to enter the Evil Island. If two people enter the Evil Island, they will definitely be hunted by everyone on the Evil Island.

The rules of the Evil Island are that only one outsider can enter the island at a time. This is also the only rule on the entire Evil Island.

It is precisely because of this rule that after hiding in Villain Island, there is almost no need to think about facing the enemy's pursuit. The only thing that needs to be considered is to survive on Villain Island. "

After talking about the Island of the Evil Man, he whispered again: "Apart from Young Master Lianhua, the woman beside him is Lan Mei, who is also a top master of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Great Perfection and also comes from the Island of the Evil Man. .

The Island of the Wicked is not safe. There are only a few good people who can board the Island of the Wicked. Therefore, on the Island of the Wicked, you may be attacked and killed by others at any time.

In addition, there is another list on the Island of Evil, which is the Island of Evil, the people who should not be messed with.

Among them, Lan Mei ranked second on that list, even higher than Lianhuagongzi. "

As he spoke, he paused slightly and continued to introduce: "And the man behind who looks like an iron tower is Tamu. He is also a master of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen, and he also comes from the Island of Evil.

However, it is said that Natamu is one of the few monks on the Island of Evil who never attacks others in a sneak attack. Although these three people are also from the Evil Island, the Evil Island is not a force, and they are also suspicious of each other, so they are not united.

Otherwise, if these three people unite, the middle position must be occupied by the three of them. "

Cao Zhen nodded at the sound, looking like a curious child, and asked: "So, besides these people, are there any other masters of the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions and Golden Elixir?"

Yan Hanlin shook his head and said: "No, at least among the people I know, there is no master of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen. After all, it is the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen, the most top existence in the Little Era when the universe is reversed. ! Where are there so many masters of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen!"

"Oh, then I'm relieved." Cao Zhenqing nodded, while Yan Hanlin didn't think much about it.

Cao Zhen and the four others stayed in Yan Hanlin's team. Slowly, two days passed. More and more people are coming to the island.

And the entire island finally started to move.

It's not the island that's moving, but the mountains surrounding the island.

As the mountains moved slowly, bursts of dull sounds came.

What Cao Zhen had seen before was the connection between the two mountains. The two giant mountains were like two gates, slowly opening towards both sides.

"The ruins are open!"

"Finally, this peerless ruins can be opened."

"I wonder what kind of ruins this is!"

"Yes, this island did not exist here before. This island seemed to appear out of thin air."

The gap between the two mountains is getting bigger and bigger, but people can't see clearly what's going on in the mountains. The endless thick fog has been pouring out from the gap in the mountains and rushing toward the crowd.

"Back off!"

"The fog is too thick, even we can't see the fog clearly!"

"Exit the range of the fog!"

After everyone saw the fog, they chose to retreat at the same time.

It was the one who occupied the best position. The five people from Wanshe Island all retreated towards the rear.

However, the fog continued to spread, and soon it enveloped everyone on the island.

Those who come here are all beings at the Golden Core stage, and there are even very few beings below the fifth level of the Golden Core. After all, although the peerless ruins are said to be, the person who can finally get the benefits from the ruins is not necessarily the one with the highest cultivation level. By.

Everything depends on personal opportunity.

However, if your cultivation level is too low, coming here is really as close as sending yourself to death.

For large ruins like this, most people do come for the ruins, but there are also some people who come for the ruins on the one hand, but they think that it would be great to be able to obtain the treasures in the ruins, but the odds are so high. too low.

In fact, they came for the people who came to the ruins. They came to hunt.

However, even if everyone's cultivation level is so high, they still can't see clearly under the mist.

After Cao Zhen saw the thick fog coming, a series of body-protecting magical powers appeared on his body.

Almost the next moment, the golden light spell that had just appeared on his body suddenly shook!

Someone is attacking him!

It is a magical power of the fire system. However, the power of this magical power is average and it did not break the golden light curse.

His body-protecting magical power was not broken, but screams could be heard from all around.

Now, everyone is in the fog, and no one can see anyone else.

Under such circumstances, many people immediately choose to condense their magical powers for body protection. However, those who are hunting immediately launch attacks in all directions. They don't care where they attack or who they hit, as long as they hit the person, It's not just their own people.

Cao Zhen could feel the magical powers falling down one after another, bombarding his body-protecting magical powers.

In the thick fog, the aftermath of the explosion of magical powers continued to attack the surroundings.

He did not attack, but used his body-protecting powers to protect himself.

Based on his cultivation level, unless several people with the Ten Visions Golden Pill Dzogchen attack him at the same time, he will not be in any danger.

And Leng Xi, Yan Yourong and Li Ke are all existences of the Ten Visions and Golden Elixir, so naturally there will be no danger. As for the others, he doesn't know.

The fog is thick and seems to be coming from inside the mountain peak continuously.

It wasn't until a stick of incense passed that the fog began to slowly dissipate.

Cao Zhenzhang never moved a step in the continuous fog, and Lengxi and the others also didn't move. Looking back, he quickly saw the Lengxi and the others who had withdrawn their protective powers.

Not far from him, Yan Hanlin and others were also standing here.

However, one of the dozen or so people before had obviously been seriously injured in the attack just now, and the other two people also had some injuries.

In fact, two more people fell to the ground.

In the chaos just now, they were directly killed by someone's magical power!

"Fellow Taoist Hongde, sincere Taoist friend!"

Yan Hanlin screamed in pain, quickly raised his hand, and directly took away the collars of the Qiankun bags from the two men. Then, he handed them to the two slightly injured men and whispered: "My condolences, This is their Qiankun bag.”

When Yan Hanlin was picking up the Qiankun Bag, there were people around him who were also picking up the Qiankun Bag.

For a moment, what they focused on was not the opened ruins, but picking up the Qiankun Bag and making a fortune from the dead.

Cao Zhen sighed softly, this is the world of cultivation. Those mortals all want to become immortals and cultivate immortality, but they don't know that many times, the world of cultivation is far more cruel than the mortal world!

He did not grab the Qiankun bags of those who died, but looked towards the mountains not far away.

Where he was, the two mountains that had been closed before were completely separated, revealing a large gap.

But in this gap, there are sharp wind blades that are constantly blowing and dancing, as if time and space are flowing in turbulence.

Although these wind blades look extremely sharp, based on everyone's cultivation, if they are careful, they should be able to successfully break through the wind blades. But now, no one has stepped directly into the ruins.

Although all ruins are dangerous, there are also ruins that are friendly to those who enter, and there are ruins that are extremely dangerous for those who enter.

The ruins in front of you released that kind of rich mist the moment it was opened. I am afraid that the owner of the ruins deliberately left it there to make everyone kill each other.

This is obviously a strange and dangerous ruin for those who enter.

No one knows if they will be attacked immediately after entering the ruins, or what kind of attack they will suffer.

Just after everyone picked up the Qiankun bags of the dead, on Snake Island, among the five snakes, the red snake wearing red clothes suddenly raised his hand towards the one not far away from her, who looked a little fat. The man said in a commanding tone: "You, go in."

Since we don't know the danger inside, we naturally find someone to go in and explore first.

"Me?" The person who was pointed out had a look of surprise on his face. For a moment, his face was full of helplessness, and he said speechlessly: "No, why did you let me in? So many People? Why did you choose me? Look at there are so many people here, why don’t you choose someone else? "

Cao Zhen looked at the fat man who was pointing into the distance from a distance. This man was stunned. You were unlucky to be selected, but in this case, why did you still fire the map cannon?

Although Red Snake was a female cultivator, her whole person was filled with a sinister and terrifying aura. When she saw that the fat man she had chosen did not enter the ruins, her eyes suddenly showed an angry look, and she said coldly: "Come in, Or die!"

The fat man heard the sound, but he did not enter the ruins immediately. Instead, he looked at Red Snake seriously and asked, "Do I have a third option?"

"court death!"

Red Snake was obviously not a patient person. She saw that the fat man was not just like this. In the ruins, a pair of eyes full of sinister color like poisonous snakes suddenly flashed a strange red light. Behind him, ten golden elixirs emerge.

The ten golden elixirs have completed the combined elixir, and among these ten golden elixirs, five more golden elixirs are vision golden elixirs. The vision in each of the golden elixirs is the vision of a snake. Among them Some are small snakes that are only a foot long, while others have huge mouths open, as if they are giant snakes that want to swallow the whole world.

A silver aura quickly emerged from her body and spread around. She obviously didn't notice the strange-looking fat man in front of her, so she raised her hand and waved forward.

In an instant, a phantom of a palm appeared and struck towards the fat man.

It was obviously a palm, but at this moment, everyone felt that a giant snake that had been starved for tens of thousands of years was opening its bloody mouth and biting the fat man.

The fat man faced the falling palm, but there was no look of panic on his face. He opened his mouth and took a sudden breath.

In an instant, a huge shadow of a whale suddenly appeared in front of him. The whale was as big as a mountain. With one breath, the shadow of the palm waved by the red snake seemed to be swallowed.

The next moment, the giant whale disappeared. Behind the fat man, a huge golden elixir composed of ten golden elixirs appeared.

The ten golden elixirs are all visionary golden elixirs!

The visions in this golden elixir are different. Some of the visions in the golden elixir are huge whales, some are sharks, some are black turtles, and some are rolling rivers. Some are waterfalls, and other visions are like a giant dragon!

Although all the visions are different, they are all related to water.

"The Ten Visions of Golden Elixir Perfection!"

Everyone around was shocked instantly!

"He actually hid this master of the Ten Visions and Golden Elixir Great Perfection!"

"He... who looked ordinary before is actually the most top-notch master!"

Everyone was stunned.

In the distance, Young Master Lian Hua looked in the direction of the Five Snakes and sneered disdainfully: "I have said before that when all the masters gather in the world, whoever you don't know is a hidden master.

As a result, the five snakes were still so arrogant. Now they have directly selected a master of the Ten Visions and Golden Elixir to see how they end up. "

The five snakes were also stunned. They really didn't expect that when they pointed at a random person, they would actually point to a person with the Ten Visions of Golden Elixir and Great Perfection!

Among the five of them, there is also the existence of the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir, and the other four are also combined elixirs completed with the Golden Elixir. Naturally, they will not be afraid of the existence of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Great Perfection in the other party.

However, there is no need for them to fight head-on with each other before entering the ruins.

Among the five snakes, the leader, Purple Snake, was stunned for a moment, then quickly came back to his senses, glanced at the fat man, and laughed softly: "If I'm not mistaken, my Ten Thousand Snake Island has the magical power just now. According to records, it was a whale that swallowed up the world!

This fellow Taoist should be the descendant of Jingluo Island. Although I, Wanshe Island, have not had any contact with Jingluo Island for a long time, our last deputy island owner of Wanshe Island, one of his close friends, is an elder from Wingluo Island. "

Before Zi Snake finished speaking, the fat man had already said: "Oh, that's it. In this way, we can be considered our own people. Forget it, let's expose the matter of your attack on me just now."

"Of course." Purple Snake also laughed. We are all masters of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen. We accidentally had a misunderstanding, but it was just a small misunderstanding. There was no need to fight hard, but it gave others an advantage.

While smiling, he also invited: "Fellow Taoist, I am alone, how about joining the five of us?"

"Together? That's not necessary. I still have friends. It's just that my friend insisted on being separated from me and entered from another entrance. He said we would meet again after entering the ruins, so I won't come together." The fat man smiled and shook his head in determination. Are you kidding, with these five people?

There are so many people here, and these five people can find themselves wherever they look for cannon fodder. What kind of luck is this?

I would not join them in this kind of luck seeking death.

What's more, what about Jingluo Island? I'm not from Jingluo Island. What should I do if they talk to me about Jingluo Island later?

Zi Snake was just polite and wasn't surprised when the fat man in front of him, whose name he didn't know, refused. Instead, he looked at Red Snake aside.

Since this fat man is the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir, then just choose another cannon fodder to test it out.

Of course, as the strongest person among the five, he would naturally not speak casually. The choice should be made by Red Snake.

Red Snake felt Zi Snake's gaze and knew what Zi Snake wanted to do.

Her eyes quickly moved around, and soon her eyes fell on three beautiful women.

Beautiful women, what she hates most are beautiful women, especially women who are more beautiful than her.

That Lan Mei is prettier than her, but is a master of the Ten Visions and Golden Elixir. She doesn't want to offend these three women.

She turned her eyes and fell on the most prominent one among the three women. She pointed her finger and said coldly: "You, get over here!"

Cao Zhen was stunned for a moment. What kind of luck did this Red Snake have? Or did it have some passive ability? He just casually selected the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen, and now he pointed directly at Lengxi.

On the side, Yan Hanlin looked at the direction that Red Snake was pointing, and immediately took a step back. Although he temporarily formed a team with these people, the problem was that he also had his own ideas when forming the team.

Now, one of these three people has been selected as cannon fodder by Red Snake. Naturally, he does not want to come forward. Not only does he not want to take action, he even has to retreat to the back, facing being affected for no reason.

A look of surprise appeared on Leng Xi's beautiful face. There were so many people here, why did the other party choose her?

The other party asked me to be cannon fodder, so what should I do?

She turned to look at her master. He knew that when he came to this island, he used another name and chose such a place where people from Southeast Asia gathered. He didn't want to make it public.

But now the other party is directly using her as cannon fodder, so what should we do?

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