Cao Zhen climbed the steps. After climbing for so long, he also analyzed it.

The reason why they were able to circle back must be because of the formation, and the special thing about this formation is that sometimes when they go downstairs, they are still going upstairs, and when they go upstairs, they think they are going downstairs.

Moreover, they couldn't tell whether they were going upstairs or downstairs, so they walked around for so long without going out.

As for the method that Li Ke thought of, he had never thought before that his IQ was really suppressed. Fortunately, Li Ke's method didn't work, and he also had a method.

When Li Ke heard that Cao Zhen asked Lingxi to help, he was stunned for a moment and asked strangely: "Why do you want Lingxi to help?"

The reason why Yan Yourong was asked to help was because Yan Yourong mastered the Five Elements Magical Skills. Of course, she could also see that Linghu Gudu should also have water-based skills and magical powers, but she was not familiar with Linghu Gudu. It was Yan Yourong who helped.

But Lingxi?

What makes Lingxi special is the talisman?

What can the talisman be used for?

Cao Zhen turned around and glanced at Li Ke. If it weren't for the fact that Li Ke was recovering from a serious illness and still looked very weak, he would have really wanted to tell Li Ke the answer.

Aren't you humiliating yourself?

Cao Zhen no longer paid attention to Li Ke, but looked at Lingxi with a smile and said: "Come on, Lingxi, listen to the master, you can walk down a few times."

"Go down?" Lingxi didn't know what the master was going to do, but after hearing what the master said, she was still very obedient and walked toward where she thought she was going.

Cao Zhen stared at Lingxi closely. After Lingxi took two steps, he suddenly shouted: "Lingxi, stop, you go up again."

Lingxi was still confused, but she would not refuse the master's words and immediately walked up after hearing the words.

Cao Zhen's brows furrowed deeply. While looking at Lingxi, he murmured to himself incomprehensibly: "It's strange, why is the amplitude of walking up and walking down the same? The amplitude of trembling , it should be different, it should be more obvious downwards."

He was still wondering, but Li Ke seemed to have discovered something. She suddenly blocked his sight, stared at Cao Zhen with an angry face and shouted: "What are you looking at again? Why are you... shameless..."

"No, why am I so shameless!" Cao Zhen was speechless. "I also want to find a way to leave. Forget it, this method doesn't seem to work."

Lingxi was still dumbfounded and didn't know what the master and his wife were arguing about.

Linghu Lonely laughed secretly, but he was afraid that Cao Zhen would transfer his anger to him, so he didn't dare to laugh too obviously, so he could only hold back his laughter, and for a while, his whole face was covered with it. of red.

Soon, several people returned to normal and continued to think about ways to leave.

Cao Zhen was even inspired by Li Ke's method and took out a pill directly from the Qiankun Bag.

The water flow will forget to go down, so the elixir will naturally go down. If the water flow falls on this step, what about the elixir?

Cao Zhen flicked the elixir to the ground. Suddenly, the elixir seemed to be sucked by something, but it didn't even move.

Cao Zhen tried again, but the pill seemed to be stuck to the ground, and it would not roll no matter how hard he tried.

There was no other way. He could only put away the elixir and look at the people around him. He had no choice but to look at others and there was nothing they could do.

"We have no other options for the time being, so let's go first."

As Cao Zhen spoke, he looked at Li Ke and asked, "I'm afraid you won't be able to leave for long if you look like this. How about letting Lingxi and Yourong take you away?"

"No need!" Li Ke waved his hand and rejected Cao Zhen directly, and then walked forward. Cao Zhen and the others could not walk up the steps very fast before, but now, with Li Ke, their The speed dropped instantly.

The Nirvana Pill can indeed restore Li Ke, but it does not allow Li Ke to return to her peak instantly.

The way Li Ke looks now, she doesn't even look much stronger than an ordinary mortal.

After walking a long way, there were even beads of sweat on Li Ke's face.

Cao Zhen followed behind, looking at Li Ke who was moving slowly, and even felt a little impatient in his heart. He was walking too slowly.

Suddenly, Li Ke's progress stopped. Instead of climbing the stairs forward, she turned around and started going downstairs.

Cao Zhen was immediately stunned and whispered: "You are so good, what are you doing downstairs again?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Ke turned around again and started climbing up the stairs. After climbing twice, he started going downstairs again.

He was behind Li Ke, who started to go downstairs. In this way, Li Ke was closer to her, but when he looked at her, Li Ke was getting further and further away from him.

Not only her, but Riko also became farther away from each of them.

In just a moment, everyone noticed the change in Li Ke's position.

"Li Ke, what are you doing?"

"You are getting farther and farther away from us. Have you found the real path? How did you do it?"

Li Ke also stopped and looked back at everyone. Her sickly pale face seemed to have a blush due to the movement of distance. She smiled brightly and said: "I am getting farther and farther away from you. It is true. Because I found the true path.

Because you are not always climbing up like me, but you are climbing up and down. And I keep climbing up, and the distance between us will naturally become wider. "

Lingxi looked curious and asked everyone's doubts: "But, how do you judge when you are climbing and when you are going downstairs?"

"It's very simple, because of the body." Li Ke looked at everyone and explained, "Although the formation here is very clever, it blocks many of our senses, making it impossible for us to tell when it is time to go downstairs through our eyes. When is going upstairs? It even makes us feel that going downstairs and going upstairs feel the same.

However, there is one thing that this formation cannot change, and that is our body's fatigue. Going upstairs is definitely more tiring and takes more effort than going upstairs.

I felt that it was more energy-saving, so of course I went upstairs. I felt that it was more energy-saving, so of course I went downstairs. "


"Effortless and effortless?"

For a moment, several people were stunned, but Cao Zhen reacted quickly and shouted: "I see. In fact, this formation is indeed breakable for a mortal, because as a mortal, he climbed up at the beginning. He doesn't feel tired when walking or going downstairs, but if he walks a lot, he will naturally feel tired. He will naturally find that going downstairs takes less effort than going up.

However, we are different. Although we cannot fly, we have not become mortals. We are still in the golden elixir stage. For us, let alone such a short time, even if we go for ten years or hundreds of years, we will not feel tired, and naturally we will not be able to distinguish this subtle difference.

But Li Ke, she has just recovered. She was still in a weak state, so he could tell the difference quickly.


"So, while my body is still in a weak state, while I can still feel tired and tired, follow me now.

I can feel that my body is recovering rapidly, and I don't know what strength it is. When I really recover, I won't be able to tell when I am going upstairs and when I am going downstairs. "

As Li Ke spoke, he took the initiative to walk in front of everyone, then looked at them and said, "Now, follow my footsteps."

As soon as he finished speaking, Cao Zhen saw Li Ke walking down the steps.

Although it seemed that Li Ke was walking downwards, he was quite convinced that Li Ke was climbing up the mountain.

Cao Zhen followed closely.

In his sight, Li Ke would change direction every time he walked for a period of time. It seemed that he was walking up the mountain for a while and down the mountain for a while.

However, no one doubted that Li Ke was following Li Ke.

Slowly, after walking for a long time, Li Ke suddenly stopped and looked at everyone with a headache on his face: "My body is recovering faster and faster. I have been walking, so I should be getting better and better." The more tired I get, the better I feel as I get older. I don’t even feel tired anymore, and I can’t tell whether I’m going up a mountain or down a mountain.”

Everyone around was stunned again, and Lingxi asked with concern: "What should we do now? We may have walked half the way, or even more."

"What to do? Of course there is only one way." Li Ke looked at Lingxi and said resolutely: "Lingxi, attack me."

"Ah?" Lingxi was stunned for a moment and waved his hands repeatedly, "Master's wife, I don't dare."

Not to mention that this is Master's Taoist companion, even if he is not, he is from the same sect and is the great elder of their Baifeng Sect. How could she attack Li Ke.

"Don't hesitate. If I ask you to fight, just fight." Li Ke urged, "I can't feel the fatigue now, and I can't tell how to go up the mountain and how to go down the mountain. But if you attack me now, let me After I was injured and my condition deteriorated, I could naturally tell the difference.

After all, I haven't fully recovered yet. You just need to attack me a little and don't hurt me too seriously. Probably, you can attack me with the power of three, no, two fairy bridges. "


When Lingxi heard the sound, she immediately turned back to look at her master. After seeing her master Cao Zhen nodding, two fairy bridges appeared behind her, and then a talisman appeared. She raised her hand and blasted Li Ke with the talisman.


There was a muffled sound, and Li Ke's back was attacked by the talisman. She stumbled forward and spat out a large mouthful of bright red blood. Her face, which originally seemed to have regained its red color, also changed instantly. Get pale.

Even Yan Yourong on the side stretched out a hand to stabilize Li Ke's body and prevent Li Ke from falling out.

Li Ke took a deep breath, then pointed forward and said: "Let's go, follow me and keep going."

There were two female cultivators here. When she was looking for someone to attack her, she naturally found one of the two female cultivators. Among them, Yan Yourong's attack methods and style were known to everyone. Naturally, she chose the one who looked much gentler. Lingxi, I didn’t expect that Lingxi’s attack would be so cruel.

If she had known earlier, she should have chosen Yan Yourong. Forget it, she would have chosen Cao Zhen.

After Li Ke was injured, he quickly figured out the direction and led everyone forward.

However, despite the injury, her physical condition was improving greatly.

Although this improvement will not repair her body, her cultivation and her overall strength will improve again.

For example, with the same injury, a person with only two fairy bridges may be barely able to bear it, and may even fall into a coma.

However, if it were a person from Xianqiao Dzogchen, the injury would appear to be much lighter.

If it were in another Dan Formation stage, even the injury would be nothing.

Therefore, as her strength slowly recovered, her cultivation also began to recover. Slowly, she could not accurately judge whether the road in front of her was going down the mountain or up the mountain.

She could only stop directly, looked at Cao Zhen and said: "Come, attack me, this time use the power of the eight immortal bridges."

For Cao Zhen, this was the first time for him to hear someone ask him such a request, and he was still a woman. He immediately hit Li Ke.

After Li Ke was injured, he once again discerned the path and led everyone forward.

About half an hour later, Li Ke's voice sounded again: "Come, attack me, use the power of two pills."

"Attack me...use the power of five pills."

"Attack me..."

Along the way, Li Ke kept asking Cao Zhen to attack her.

After she was ravaged, Li Ke had to lead everyone forward. As she walked, Li Ke shouted with an unhappy look on her face: "I suffered a big loss this time, because you kept attacking me.

Let me tell you, when I get to the place, I must take the big head. "

"Okay, no problem."

"I agree!"

Everyone heard this and nodded in agreement. Without Li Ke, they might not even be able to get out of this place, let alone reach the core of the tower and get the treasure.

Li Ke still had to let others attack her, but with all this effort, there was nothing wrong with Li Ke taking the big head.

"Sixty percent." Li Ke stretched out his hand and gestured like a bull's horn and said, "I will get sixty percent, and the rest of you can only get one tenth."

This place was so special, and there was such a palace, she couldn't believe it. After a while, they really arrived at the palace, and there were still no treasures!

Cao Zhen didn't know how long he followed Li Ke. He even forgot how many times he beat Li Ke.

As they walked all the way, a huge platform finally appeared in front of them!

It is the highest platform of the entire building!

The platform is built on a platform as smooth as jade.

Cao Zhen and others climbed onto the platform and looked down. Suddenly, densely packed steps came into view.

"We have finally reached the top of the mountain!"

"Sure enough, there is nothing wrong with Li Ke's current method."

"But this platform won't be the treasure house here, right? Why are you looking at... the map!"

There is a map in the middle of the platform.

Cao Zhen and others did not move, but looked at Li Ke.

Li Ke nodded slightly and walked towards the map. They had agreed before that she would take the big head. Now that there seemed to be only one map on this huge platform, it was natural for her to take it.

Soon, Li Ke grabbed the map in his hand.

However, before she could see what the map looked like, the map actually flew up and landed on the [] platform, completely integrating into the platform in an instant.

The next moment, images appeared on the smooth, mirror-like platform.

Images of mountains and rivers emerged.

Cao Zhen looked at the impact of this scene and instantly felt that he was no longer within the ruins, but flying to the sky, looking at the endless rivers and mountains above the sky.

He saw mountains, winding rivers, endless deserts, vast grasslands...

He even felt that he saw the Baifeng Sect, and saw all the places he passed by when he went to the capital before, but there were no buildings or cities in these places. What he saw were magnificent mountains and rivers!

What he saw was not only the Zhenxian Dynasty, but also Nanyang, the endless sea, and the Jin Dynasty that he had visited before with the Grand Master...

He saw the howling wind, the falling snow, and the heavy rain...

This time he didn't see any people, and naturally he didn't see any masters either.

I don't know how long it took before he finally woke up.

But the other people around him were already looking at him. It was obvious that everyone had woken up before him!

"Master, you finally woke up." Lingxi saw that Cao Zhen was awake and immediately asked with concern: "Master, what did you see just now?"

"Mountains and rivers, endless territory." Cao Zhen turned to look at Lingxi and asked curiously, "Could it be that what you see is different from me?"

Lingxi shook his head and said: "It's no different. What the disciples saw were also the mountains and the endless ocean."

"That's right, we all see the same thing." Although Linghu Lonely wondered why Cao Zhen woke up slower than them, he didn't ask more and said with a depressed face, "This picture is obviously... Like the picture we got the second time, it's not a map, it should be one of those five pictures.

You see, this picture has also become blank at this time. However, in the last picture, we felt the masters fighting against the catastrophe, and we all had some insights. This time when we looked at the mountains and rivers, although there was some excitement in our chests, it did not have any impact on our cultivation. help. "

Li Ke said angrily: "Don't say it, I haven't complained about anything yet." She was the saddest one. This time she had promised to take the big shot, but the result was like this.

Of course, it cannot be said that pictures are not important.

After all, she also knew that the formation of this ruin seemed to be due to those five pictures, and now, they had obtained two of them.

The greatest treasure of this ruins is most likely the collection of five pictures.

However, now that they have two pictures, they can't see anything special at all. Perhaps, they have to put all five pictures together to see any change.

However, for the other three pictures, they have no clues at all now.

Everyone searched on the platform for a long time, but could not find any other treasures, so they had no choice but to continue walking along the road.

After walking past the platform, everyone was even more surprised to find that the steps in front of them were no longer the same as before, and they could not tell whether they were going up or down.

There is no formation on the road ahead.

Everyone moved forward, and soon, a stone door appeared in front of them. With a gentle push of both hands, the stone door opened easily, and everyone finally came outside.

For a moment, everyone's expressions became complicated.

They said it was dangerous this time, but in fact, they had not experienced any attacks at all, but it was not dangerous. If Li Ke hadn't happened to wake up and Li Ke was weak, they might still be trapped in the tower now, and even more so. I don't know how long I was trapped inside.

However, after struggling for a long time, they felt like they had gained nothing when they left the tower.

However, the picture they obtained seemed to be one of the five pictures that formed the ruins.

Soon, Linghu Duoling took out a map, looked at the crowd and said: "We have completed one map, but we have another map, or, how about we take a look at this other map? Let's Go to another map?"

Cao Zhen and others looked at each other and nodded slightly. Now they can only leave like this.

Soon a few people got up and started moving along another map.

However, after they left the tower, it was already afternoon, and it didn't take much flight time before the sky gradually became dark. Everyone quickly found a cave and entered the cave.

At first, after they entered the ruins, perhaps because everyone was on the periphery, they were able to meet other people, and even entered other people's caves twice. Later, someone broke into their cave and wanted to Take action against them.

But now, perhaps because they have begun to go deep into the ruins, and everyone is going deep into the ruins to go to different locations, they have not seen anyone else for a long time.

Entering the cave, Li Ke was pushed into the innermost part of the cave by everyone, and then began to meditate and practice. Cao Zhen also opened the Chinese Cloud. This time, he did not rush to see the Sun Eclipse Demon first, but found his parents first. , after chatting with his parents for a while, he connected with Xiao Beiyan again.

I watched the situation of Baifeng Sect through Xiao Beiyan.

Now, it has been almost two months since he left Baifeng Sect.

During this period of time, there were no changes in the Baifeng Sect, and nothing major happened. Everything was business as usual.

Xiao Beiyan, on the other hand, seemed to like the fool named Zhu Peng very much. After observing, he found that Xiao Beiyan didn't even practice much, and spent most of his time guiding Zhu Peng in practice.

Cao Zhen watched for a while before quitting and starting to connect with the Sun Eclipse Demon.

In the winding and narrow corridor, Eclipse Demon and Qianjiao walked side by side.

Cao Zhen was stunned for a moment. How long had it been? He and others had been delayed in the tower for a long time. Now that he was out of the tower, they were still wandering around in the maze-like place.

When are they going to turn around?

In other words, the place they went to, like the place they were in, actually had a formation, but they hadn't found a way to crack it yet?

After the Eclipse Demon and Qianjiao walked a certain distance, three forks appeared in front of them again. But this time, Qianjiao did not walk into the forks immediately, but took out the forks from her arms. Got a special talisman!

The next moment, she raised her finger and lightly scratched one of her index fingers with a nail stained with a few blue flowers. Suddenly, her finger was broken and blood flowed out.

Qianjiao quickly drew on the talisman paper with blood.


Cao Zhen could tell at a glance that what Qian Jiao drew was a map, and the Sun Eclipse Demon also discovered the problem. He immediately exclaimed: "Junior sister, what are you doing? Drawing a map? This talisman paper, Who do you want to contact?"

While Qianjiao was drawing the map seriously, she replied without raising her head: "Junior sister, I will naturally contact the Fourth Prince. As for this map, it is naturally the map that brought us here.

Senior brother, you haven't seen the map when we arrived, but this map was the first to pass through my hands. I clearly remember what the map looks like.

Now, the time is almost up, and it is time to inform the fourth prince to come here. "

She didn't raise her head the whole time, as if she wasn't afraid at all. The Sun Eclipse Demon would take advantage of this moment to attack her.

"Inform the Fourth Prince!" The Eclipse Demon was suddenly startled and asked loudly: "Why did you ask the Fourth Prince to come here? Let the Fourth Prince and the Third Prince rob the treasure here together?

However, you should know that some of these treasure maps are real and some are fake. If the map here is fake, then we can't get anything. Wouldn't you let the fourth prince run in vain? "

Qianjiao finally raised her head. She looked at the Eclipse Demon with a smile on her face: "Senior brother, are you concerned about the Fourth Prince? Have you already made up your mind to defect to the Fourth Prince?"

"I..." The Eclipse Demon had a headache on his face, as if he was in a tangle.

Seeing the Sun Eclipse Demon's appearance, Qianjiao couldn't help but shook her head slightly and said: "Brother, you are really not suitable to be in our Demon Sect. You are more suitable to go to the so-called famous and decent sects, to go to the top ten immortal sects. You are too Be kind, what do you care about at this time? Why do you estimate the Third Prince? Has the Third Prince ever truly regarded us as human beings?

As for our Sun-Moon Demon Sect, what they value more is the Sun-Moon Demon and the Blood-Moon Demon. They don't value senior brother, so why should you be loyal to them, senior brother?

Forget it, I also know that you are nostalgic for the past, senior brother. Since you can't make a decision, then I will help senior brother make a decision. When the fourth prince comes here and finds us, senior brother, don't say much, just agree with me and say you It's good to have taken refuge with the Fourth Prince. Otherwise, the fourth prince will definitely take action against you, senior brother.

Also, senior brother, we have been here for so many days, and the chance that we got a fake map is not high. This should be a real map, so I have to draw the map and inform the fourth prince.

In addition, even if this is really a fake map, it doesn't matter. Because, after the Fourth Prince arrives, regardless of whether it is a fake map or not, the winner will be the Fourth Prince.

The third prince has already separated everyone. You think, when the fourth prince enters this place, what will be the result if the third prince's people meet the fourth prince and the others? "

" informed the fourth prince that you want to kill the third prince!" The Sun Eclipse Demon's expression suddenly changed.

"That's right." Qianjiao simply admitted: "When the third prince entered this place, his first goal was to get the final treasure, and the second was to suppress the fourth prince.

However, the purpose of the Fourth Prince entering this place is to get the treasure and kill the Fourth Prince at the same time!

The third prince, when he enters here, he has to prioritize things, but the fourth prince must achieve all his goals, and the fourth prince also has such confidence, and he is even more capable. This is the relationship between the fourth prince and the third prince. The biggest difference between them! "

While Qianjiao was speaking, her hands never stopped. She had already finished drawing a map before she was shown.

Then she raised her hand and pointed, and a ball of flame rose from her hand, quickly igniting the talisman.

Cao Zhen looked at the burning flames, but he quickly thought in his heart. This Qianjiao had already passed the map to the fourth prince, and the fourth prince was very likely to arrive.

Then, the third prince's people all separated. After the fourth prince's people arrived, they gathered together, and they also knew the marks made by the fourth prince and others.

At that time, if they keep walking, they may encounter the third prince's people, and then, if they are the third prince's people, or the third prince is killed by the fourth prince.

This does not seem to be a good thing for myself, the Baifeng Sect, or even the Zhenxian Dynasty.

The third and fourth princes are obviously not easy to deal with. If they both succeed, they can still compete with each other. If one dies, the other will immediately dominate.

If the third prince dies, what about the Sun and Moon Demon Sect?

He didn't believe that the people of the Sun and Moon Demon Sect would fight to the death with the fourth prince because of the death of the third prince. It was possible that the Sun and Moon Demon Sect would join other princes, or it was also possible that the Sun and Moon Demon Sect would be directly taken over by the fourth prince.

By then, both the Sun and Moon Demon Sect and the Red Refining Demon Sect will be under the control of the fourth prince. With the two demon sects working together, the trouble will be even greater.

Therefore, it is best not to let the third prince die.

The best thing is to let the third prince know that the fourth prince wants to kill him, and then make the two princes completely incompetent.

The current situation is that the fourth prince is already preparing to plot against the third prince, and the third prince is still trying to get the inheritance of the relic first. How can this be done?

You two have to give up your inheritance together and fight each other first!

Or should I say that I also enter here and then find an opportunity to weaken the strength of the fourth prince?

If there is a chance, seriously injure the fourth prince first?

Of course, it would be better if he could catch the fourth prince and the third prince in one fell swoop and kill them all.

Moreover, maybe after entering, I can get the final treasure?

Qianjiao just said that some of those maps were real and some were fake, so the other map in her hand might be fake.

However, the map they are entering now, and they have been there for so long, is very likely to be true.

In addition, so many people went in to explore the way for him and others, and he also knew the marks quietly left by Qianjiao and the Sun Eclipse Demon.

With such a bargain, why don’t you pick it up yourself? Why don’t you join in!

Qianjiao just drew a map, but she also saw it.

Cao Zhen quickly made a decision. After disconnecting the China Cloud, he quickly took out a pen and a map from his Qiankun bag and began to draw quickly.

Following his movements, Lingxi, Yan Yourong or Linghu Linghu immediately paid attention.

"Is this a map?" Linghu looked at Cao Zhen curiously and asked, "Where did you get such a map?"

"You don't have to worry about where I got the map. I naturally have my own methods. What I want to say is that the maps here are either true or false. The other map in our hands is not known to be true or false, but, But I can be sure that this map is real."

Cao Zhen paused slightly as he spoke, looking at Linghu Alone, with a solemn look on his face, and said in a deep voice: "However, if we go to this map, it is very likely that we will encounter strong enemies, extremely strong enemies. enemies. After we go there, we may not have much opportunity to explore, but will continue to conflict with others.

Actually, you don't need to go with us, you can leave by yourself. "

He wanted to take action against the Fourth Prince and the others, but Linghu Gudu had no grudge against the other party, so there was no need for him to involve Linghu Gudu.

What's more, after all, they only met Linghu Gudu when they entered the ruins. At the critical moment, he couldn't completely believe Linghu Gudu, so he proposed that Linghu Gudu could leave by himself first.

"Leave? You are driving me away." Linghu Gudu was stunned for a moment, then immediately shouted, "You are trying to get rid of me, but I won't leave. I want you to come with me, Go and helm the biggest treasure! Besides, it’s better if there is danger. Only when there is danger will the harvest be greater. You don’t need to say any more, I will go with you.”

He has now discovered that since he was with Cao Zhen and others, his luck has not been generally good. Although he has encountered dangers, he has also encountered dangers in the past. Moreover, compared with Cao Zhen and others, he has encountered dangers. The danger is even greater and even more dangerous!

However, under such danger, he may not necessarily gain anything.

But after walking with Cao Zhen and others, if there is danger, there will definitely be gains.

In this case, he would not be separated from Cao Zhen and others.

"Okay," Cao Zhen heard Linghu Gudu's promise, looked at Linghu Gudu with a solemn expression, and said in a deep voice. "Since you still want to be with us, because there may be a big war in the future, let me remind you first. If we really fight against each other, you must not do anything like cowardice or escape."

"Don't worry, I, Linghu Lonely, am not that kind of person!"

Linghu patted his chest alone to assure himself of his character.

Although Li Ke did not participate in the conversation between the two, she quietly transmitted the message into the secret and asked Cao Zhen: "But Senior Long contacted you? Where we are going, the map you drew was given to you by Senior Long of?"

"you guess."

Cao Zhen did not directly answer Li Ke's question, leaving Li Ke to guess everything.

One night passed unconsciously, and Cao Zhen and the others quickly left the cave and flew in another direction according to the map drawn by Cao Zhen.

Seven days!

It took Cao Zhen and others seven days to fly to the end of the map.

At this time, Li Ke had already fully recovered, and even her aura was much stronger than before.

A huge palace appeared in front of them, and Cao Zhen led everyone into the palace.

Soon, the forked roads appeared in front of them.

"Is there a fork in the road?" Linghu looked back at Cao Zhen alone and asked, "Should we go separately?"

"No. Let's go together! Look, this door will open at any time. I don't know how many people will enter this place. What if we are separated and encounter a strong enemy?" Cao Zhen shook his head firmly. He didn't know now. Whether the prince has entered it or not, I don’t know how many people there are in the fourth prince’s group. But looking at the lineup of the third prince’s side and based on what Qian Jiao said, it is estimated that the fourth prince’s people will not be less than the third prince’s people, and their strength will be no less. Strong and not weak.

They divided the people into parts. When the time came, what would they do if they met the Fourth Prince!

Linghu Lonely nodded repeatedly. It didn't matter if they didn't separate. He just asked casually.

Cao Zhen thought for a while, then directly chose the fork in the road that the third prince had entered before, and followed it.

Anyway, he can watch the situation of Eclipse Demon and others at any time through Zhonghua Cloud, so there is no need to enter the fork in the road where Eclipse Demon and others entered. He would like to see where the Third Prince and the others have entered before.

Entering the forked road, he walked all the way forward, and at the same time looked at the stone walls on both sides. However, when he walked to the end of the corridor and the forked road appeared again in front of him, he did not see anything left on either side. mark.

The third prince did not leave any mark!

Cao Zhen frowned tightly. The third prince had said before that everyone should leave marks. When Qian Wu met Sun Eclipse Demon and Qianjiao before, he also asked them why they didn't leave marks.

Therefore, he naturally thought that except for Qianjiao, the traitor, everyone else should have left their mark.

He had thought very well before. After entering, if he saw a sign, he should exit directly, then go to the next intersection and go directly. The third prince's people would take a road they had not walked. In that case, it would be equivalent to the third prince and others giving He explored the path, maybe he can actually get the biggest treasure here.

But now, where the third prince entered, there was no mark left.

Did the third prince, like Qianjiao, leave his mark elsewhere, or?

"Let's look for it. This is the original entrance. If someone enters here, they may leave a mark."

Cao Zhen was not in a hurry to pass the fork in front of him. Instead, he looked at the people around him and motioned for everyone to look for the marks together. However, no one found any marks after searching for a long time.


Third Prince, that really left no mark.

Cao Zhen discovered that none of these so-called princes were fuel-efficient.

The fourth prince directly arranged people around the third prince, but the third prince didn't seem to trust the people under him, so he didn't even leave a mark.

In other words, the only person the Third Prince trusts is the middle-aged man who has always been by his side?

"That's it, there's no mark, let's move on."

Cao Zhen thought for a while and decided not to change the route and continue moving forward.

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