Cao Zhen once thought that he had nothing to fear in the current Little Era when the universe was reversed. But after seeing his mother cry, he found that he was still afraid of something.

Cao Zhen quickly explained: "Mom, I told you that I will be in seclusion for a long time. I am not here to see you."

"You still have the nerve to say that you said you would be in seclusion for a long time. I thought you would be in seclusion for a few months, but it's actually a few years. Do you know how many years it has been since you came back?" Mother Cao's voice was full of emotion. Choking, she stretched out her hand and gestured with the number four and said, "Forty years, you haven't come to me and your father for forty years! Not four days, not four months or even It’s not four years, it’s forty years!”

When Cao Zhen first went out to experience mortal life, he would still contact the disciples of the Baifeng Sect and his parents. But later, when he was completely immersed in mortal life, he did not contact his parents again. His own disciple.

In the yard, Father Cao, who was studying fishing gear, suddenly looked over when he heard the sound. Although he no longer knew how many times he had communicated with Cao Zhen through Zhonghua Cloud, he knew clearly that he could not resist his son. He subconsciously turned his head and looked around, then looked in the direction of Mother Cao and asked, "Xiao Zhen is back?"

Although he tried his best to conceal his inner excitement and wanted to appear calmer, his trembling hands betrayed his true inner thoughts.

That was his son. He had not seen his son for more than fifty years, and had not even heard his son's voice for forty years.

Now, his son finally appeared again. Although he still couldn't see his son, he could not calm down after living for a hundred years.

Mother Cao nodded slightly. Although she had too many things to say to Cao Zhen, she couldn't help but care about Cao Zhen first.

"What have you been doing all these years? Have you been in seclusion for forty years?"

Cao Zhen finally had the opportunity to speak and said, "Actually, it can't be said to be in seclusion, but am I not a cultivator? I feel that after cultivating an immortal, I am somewhat separated from ordinary people, so I left the immortal sect and entered the mortal world, but As a mortal, I have been a mortal in various ways. I have been a woodcutter, a merchant, a farmer, and a fisherman.

Then unknowingly, I forgot that I was an immortal cultivator, and that I could still contact you... In short, you can understand it this way, I experienced a different life immersively. "

Cao's mother also knew what immersion meant. Hearing this, he couldn't help shouting: "So, you are immersed in experiencing other lives. Do you have children?"

Cao Zhen was stunned for a moment, and replied subconsciously: "I haven't even found a wife, how can I get a child?"

Mother Cao immediately shouted: "Without children, what kind of immersive experience do you have? Tell me, how old are you now? At your age, you should have grandchildren. If you get married early, you might even have great-grandchildren." Well, you don’t even have a child, and you’re not even married!

Didn't you say that you are the number one master in the world you are in? Why, the number one master can’t find a wife? Aren't you lying to us by deliberately saying that you are the number one master? In fact, you are just a gatekeeper in a sect? Or the cook in the kitchen? "

Cao Zhen said speechlessly: "Mom, you can't look down on the Tao boy and the cook."

"Are you talking to the Taoist boy and the cook? You are not really a Taoist boy or a cook, are you?" Mother Cao looked at the air in front of her suspiciously and guessed, "Then when you were guarding the door, there was no Notice, did you offend a big shot? Or maybe the food you cooked was not delicious, and then you offended the big shot, and you were imprisoned for more than forty years, so you can’t contact us? "

Cao Zhen was really convinced by his mother's imagination. He quickly explained: "No, do you think that based on your and dad's IQs, your son can do so poorly?"

Mother Cao glanced at Father Cao, with a look of pride on her face and said, "I do believe in myself, but the problem is, your father's IQ..."

Seeing that the topic was getting further and further away, Cao Zhen quickly said: "Mom, let's not talk about IQ. You have read those fairy time travel novels over the years, right? Let me ask you, which protagonist is the worst? I am How could a time traveler be so bad?

I am really the number one master in our world. However, although I am the number one master, our world is not peaceful. Didn't I tell you before? I temporarily became the leader of our sect, the leader. I am still the national master of our dynasty. I have to be responsible for the sect and the dynasty. I am busy all day long. How can I find time to find a wife?

When I'm done with my work, I'm going to have an immersive experience, and I don't have time to find a wife. "

"Then you are done with your work now. You have time to find a wife. Find me a wife quickly, and then give birth to a big fat boy so that I can see my grandson..." Cao's mother just wanted to talk about seeing her grandson, but she thought that Cao Zhen was not It's not on Earth, but in another world. His face couldn't help but darken again.

He sighed softly and said: "You have a child, and I can't see the child. I may not be able to have a grandchild in my life."

Cao Zhen quickly comforted him: "Mom, you and my dad have practiced the skills I gave you. You can live for a long time."

"What's the use of living for a long time? Your dad and I can't go to your world, and you can't come back. Besides, the longer we live, the more relatives around us will be gone. We can survive forever, what about them? ?

do you know? Previously, I saw my relatives leaving one by one, and I couldn't bear it anymore. I found them, taught them the exercises, and asked them to practice.

But they thought that your father and I were old people, and they didn’t listen to us at all. It took a lot of effort to practice again. The result may be that we are older, or it may be that your father and I taught us wrong, and we didn’t achieve anything in practice. In the end The cancer is gone.

Nowadays, the relatives around us are getting older and fewer. In our generation, your father and I are the only ones left. I'm telling you..."

Mother Cao was still talking, but she found that her son had no response at all.

"It's like this every time, just talking and running away."

Mother Cao complained, but a smile appeared on her lips. She was complaining, but when her child contacted her, when she knew that her child was still alive, to her, this was the best news in the world. , which is also when she is happiest.

On the other side, Father Cao said with a smile: "Son, you are here to see me now."

After the time came for Cao Zhen to connect with his mother, he immediately connected with his father again through Zhonghua Cloud.

"Dad, why are you here? It seems to me that this is not the place where our family used to live. Have you settled here or are you traveling here?"

Cao's father was much calmer than Cao's mother. After hearing his son's voice, although he clearly knew that he could communicate with his son with his thoughts in his mind, in order to let his wife know what he was communicating with his son, He still said: "We moved here. The older generation of people in my hometown have left, and the remaining children of the younger generation have nothing in common with us. If they stay there, there will be no How concerned.

Moreover, although it has been so many years now, technology has become more advanced, and everyone lives longer, but your mother and I are young, still alive, and in such good health, how can we attract other people's attention.

We were too conspicuous in our hometown, so we decided to move. It happened that I liked fishing, so we came to the beach.

It's quite nice here, and no one knows us. They just treat us as two old guys living here. As long as we don't go out to ascend the throne and don't look at our ID cards, they don't know how old we are.

Then, your mother planted some vegetables in the yard when she had nothing to do, and I went out to fish in the sea. Let me tell you, I went to sea two days ago and lost a bluefin golden gun weighing more than 200 kilograms. In that scene, your father and I instantly became the most handsome guys on the ship, and the young guys on the ship even came over to help.

I still use them to help your dad? One person caught the fish, and everyone on the boat was stunned.

Now, among the people who go fishing in the sea, your father and I are this one. "

Father Cao gave a thumbs up as he spoke.

“Let me tell you, if you weren’t afraid of being too shocking, your dad and I could just go into the sea and catch the fish with our hands.

However, your mother has been a little bored lately, and she thinks I go out fishing all day instead of doing my job. Tell me, I'm not short of money now, so if Boss Ma gives you money, he will also give me and your mother some shares later.

I am so rich, if I don’t go out to play, what will I do? Do you want me to go to the construction site to move bricks? Learn from you and experience life immersively? "

On the side, Mother Cao heard the old man showing off his fishing, and she suddenly became angry and shouted: "My son finally contacted me once, why are you showing off about fishing? Ask him quickly if he has a fairy he likes."

Didn't he say that he still has several female disciples? If that doesn't work, find a few female disciples. It's best to find someone who is easy to give birth to and raise. Although your world can practice cultivation, the technology is not up to par, and there is no milk powder. So when looking for a mother for your child, you must at least not let the child go without milk. "

As soon as Cao Zhen heard his mother's words, Leng Xi could not help but appear in his mind. He shook his head vigorously, wondering what he was thinking.

He quickly said to his father: "Dad, tell mom, tell her not to think nonsense, how can I find my apprentice? There is a seniority gap in the middle!"

Cao's father had just finished complaining to Cao's mother. Hearing this, he immediately conveyed: "Your son said that he is a master and cannot marry his disciples. There is a difference in seniority."

"Why can't it work!" Cao's mother knew that although she couldn't hear her son speak, his son could hear him, and immediately shouted: "Then Yang Guo also found Xiao Longnu, why can't you find your apprentice?" Right? By the way, how many apprentices do you have now? How many female apprentices do you have? What do the female apprentices look like?"

Cao Zhenzhen didn't expect that he would end the connection with his mother and be connected to his father now. Moreover, he was not in the same world and could not escape his mother's urging to marry.

He quickly changed the subject and said to his father: "By the way, Dad, you can fish, but Mom doesn't have those hobbies. You can't let her watch TV series at home every day and then go out to dance in the square.

Anyway, you are not short of money now. How about you and mom go traveling and see everywhere? By the way, if you see anything, you can also keep the centuries-old Ganoderma lucidum and ginseng. I can teach you alchemy. "

His parents can practice, but the speed of practice without medicinal materials is limited after all. Now, his parents can survive because of practicing his technique, but what about another five hundred or a thousand years?

My parents are on Earth, and it is too slow to improve their cultivation. They can only use medicinal materials. They can only hope that medicinal materials can be found in inaccessible places on Earth.

"Go out for a walk, yes, I've told you a long time ago that I want to go out for a walk. Your mother can't bear to part with the chickens she raises and the vegetables she grows."

As Father Cao spoke, he looked back at his wife and shouted, "Did you hear that? My son told us to go around and look for ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum that are hundreds or thousands of years old.

Those things are definitely not available in ordinary places. We can go to the Tianshan Mountains, Shennongjia, the depths of the Amazon, and Mount Everest... where else? By the way, we can go and see those unsolved mysteries and mysterious places. "

Father Cao seemed to have thought of the scene of going to those mysterious places, and he became excited.

However, Cao Zhen found that he had disconnected from his father and the time for communication had come.

"Mysterious place. I guess my father must go to some place like Bermuda or Shennongjia to see it. Anyway, my parents are both cultivated now. Although they are not high, there is no danger on earth. If they want to see it, they can Go check it out.”

Cao Zhen is not worried about his parents' safety.

"After a while, I will contact my parents again and ask them about their current situation. However, as soon as I contact my parents, they urge me to get married, which is a bit unbearable."

When Cao Zhen thought about urging the marriage, Li Ke could not help but appear in his mind.

The two of them are still Taoist couples in name only.

Just as he was thinking about it, a voice came from outside the door. It was the voice of his disciple Zhu Peng.

"Master, Master, Master's Wife is here to find you, Master's Wife is here."

As the voice fell, a fierce knock on the door came.

Then, the scolding voice of Senior Sister Leng Xi came: "Zhu Peng, this is Master's door. You are not allowed to knock on Master's door like this. Master, let's go first."

A look of surprise appeared on Cao Zhen's face. He really didn't expect that Li Ke would come to him.

He quickly walked to the door and opened the door of the cave. Suddenly, a beautiful face came into view.

I haven’t seen her in fifty years, but Li Ke is still so beautiful.

At the beginning, it made sense for Li Ke to be ranked extremely high on the Zhenxian Dynasty's favorite list.

Outside, all the disciples from Sibaofeng ran away in a sensible manner after seeing Li Ke's arrival. Li Ke was the only one outside.

"Come in." Cao Zhen knew that although he couldn't see those disciples, he was not sure about those disciples. Beiyan definitely didn't know where he was hiding to peek, so he simply invited Li Ke into the cave.

Cao Zhen's Dongdu is also different from before, at least not as simple as before. The walls in the cave are also inlaid with luminous pearls.

Speaking of which, although the disciples at Sibaofeng also built caves for themselves, most of the time they lived in the built houses.

After Cao Zhen closed the door, he looked at Li Ke and said, "I'm really surprised. I didn't expect you to come to me."

Li Ke's pair of pearl-like eyes immediately widened when she heard the sound. What are these words! I heard that this guy was back, and I kindly came to see him, but it turned out that he was doing well. What did he mean? Shouldn't he come?

The smile on Li Ke's face disappeared immediately, and he said with a dissatisfied look on his face: "It's nothing, as the great elder of the Hundred Peaks Sect, I saw the head master coming back, so I had to come and take a look.

Also, how is senior Long Aotian doing? Why didn't Senior Long Aotian show up for so long? "

She had no intention of asking senior Long Aotian questions, but if she didn't ask, wouldn't it look like she came to Cao Zhen specifically?

Cao Zhen nodded secretly, that's right, he said, how could Li Ke be so kind, knowing that after he came back, he still came to see him alone, it turned out that he was looking for senior Long Aotian. After disappearing for these years, Long Aotian naturally disappeared as well.

"Oh, Senior Long Aotian, now is the Little Era period when the world is reversed. It's not like you don't know that Senior Long Aotian, although he has not fallen asleep due to his heaven-defying means, will still be affected in the end. So, if nothing happens, If so, Senior Long Aotian will naturally enter a semi-sleep state.

Of course, if there is an emergency, Senior Long Aotian will still show up. "Cao Zhen started to cheat.

As he spoke, he paused slightly and asked, "What do you want from Senior Long Aotian?"

Li Ke casually made up: "It's nothing serious. It's just that our Zhuque Peak recently accepted a disciple with very good qualifications and a top-notch immortal body. I want to ask Senior Long Aotian for a suitable technique. "

Cao Zhen suddenly remembered that when he came back, he heard what Liao Youdi said and said that Zhuque Peak had accepted a genius disciple named Zhen Yu.

Thinking of this, he asked: "Are you talking about that Zhen Yu? What kind of immortal body does that girl have?"

At that time, Liao Youdi only told him that Zhen Yu was a top-level immortal body of fire, but did not tell him what specific top-level immortal body it was.

"Yes, it is indeed Zhen Yu." Li Ke nodded and said, "Zhen Yu is the Chiyang Immortal Body."

"Red Yang Immortal Body?"

Cao Zhen thought for a moment and immediately thought of the most suitable technique for the Chiyang Immortal Body.

Speaking of which, Zhang Daoling is good at alchemy, and alchemy is naturally proficient in fire magical powers and techniques. Therefore, Zhang Daoling's theoretical knowledge of immortality also includes a lot of fire magical powers and techniques.

"As for the skills, you don't need to ask Senior Long Aotian. Before he fell asleep, he gave me several skills and asked me to choose one to teach Yisheng.

Among those techniques, there is a technique called Chiyang Lun Tian Jie, which should be suitable for you, the new disciples of Suzaku Peak. I will pass the technique on to you later. "

A disciple of Suzaku Peak, that is, a disciple of the Hundred Peaks Sect. After obtaining the skills, he becomes stronger, and his prosperity will be stronger. Teaching the skills to others is equivalent to strengthening himself!

As Cao Zhen spoke, he even took out a pen and paper and started writing down the exercises.

Li Ke was stunned for a moment. She knew that Cao Zhen was completely different from her in the eyes of senior Long Aotian. Cao Zhen should be a direct disciple of senior Long Aotian, while she was even a named disciple. The kind that doesn't work.

However, Senior Long Aotian is too concerned about Cao Zhen.

Yisheng was just a disciple of Cao Zhen, not Cao Zhen himself. Long Aotian actually took the initiative to prepare several exercises for Yisheng. Cao Zhen randomly picked out one of them. The exercises that Yisheng had not used before were all red. Yang Lun Tian Jie is such a top skill.

The Chiyang Lun Tianjie is a top-notch fire-based technique. As the former chief disciple of Suzaku Peak and now the master of Suzaku Peak, she has only heard of the name of this magical power, but has never seen it.

In fact, no immortal sect in the entire Zhenxian Dynasty possesses this magical power.

It seems that the Sun Moon Sect possesses half of the natural understanding of the Red Sun Wheel.

However, Cao Zhen just casually took out the Chiyang Lun Tian Jie!

This is just one of the many techniques Long Aotian prepared for Yisheng, and Yisheng is only a disciple of Cao Zhen. Cao Zhen now has a total of seven disciples. Senior Long Aotian gave Yisheng After preparing the exercises, then at the beginning and later, the exercises should also be prepared for Cao Zhen's other disciples. Moreover, Senior Long should not favor one over the other, and the exercises he prepared must also be of equal existence.

How many exercises do you need to prepare?

And Cao Zhen, how many other techniques does he have?

Li Ke was calculating the number of skills that Cao Zhen might master in his mind. Cao Zhen continued to ask: "By the way, how has our Baifeng Sect developed over the years? How about your Suzaku Peak? How has it developed? Like? This is the first disciple with top-level immortal body qualifications that you have accepted?"

"What number?" Li Ke was interrupted by Cao Zhen. After hearing Cao Zhen's question, he gave Cao Zhen a hard look and shouted: "Do you think that the top immortal body qualifications are just weeds on the roadside? Wild flowers everywhere?

It is extremely rare to have a top-level immortal body, and it is even more rare for this disciple to have a fire-type immortal body and be a female cultivator.

We at Zhuque Peak are extremely lucky to be able to recruit Zhen Yu this time, who else is it? "

"Really? But, fifty years ago, didn't there appear a Liao Youdi in our Baifeng Sect? When I entered the mountain gate today, I met her. From the look of her, she was about to break through and become a strange person. The golden elixir has reached perfection!

She is also a top fire immortal body and a female cultivator. I know that in fifty years there have been two female cultivators with top-notch fire-type immortal bodies. This is not as rare as you said. "

"You have the nerve to talk about Liao Youdi!" Li Ke suddenly became angry when he heard Liao Youdi's name, and shouted with dissatisfaction: "At the beginning, if I hadn't followed you to the ruins and missed the selection of disciples, Liao Youdi would have joined in the end. It’s our Zhuque Peak.

That girl, it was me who saved her in the first place, and she has always admired me. If I were in the Baifeng Sect, I would definitely be able to get her to join Suzaku Peak.

The result was good, because after following you to the ruins, Liao Youdi joined Qingluan Peak. The people from Qingluan Peak said that she could be trained as the next peak leader. Can't we at Suzaku Peak train her as the next peak leader? I don’t care whether I am the peak master or not. "

Li Ke really didn’t care whether she became the peak master or not. This time, if it wasn’t for the Little Era of the Reversal of the Universe, their Suzaku Peak didn’t have the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Great Perfection besides her, so she agreed to become the Master. Peak master.

If, in addition to her, Suzaku Peak had the existence of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Great Perfection, or if it had received a genius with a top-level fire body like Zhen Yu, she would definitely push for the position of peak leader.

As a peak master, you have to worry about this and that every day, and you should not be free to do anything.

Cao Zhen was speechless when he heard Li Ke's complaint: "No, I didn't beg you to go to the ruins. You took the initiative to go there."

"That's because we are Taoist couples in name. You went there, how can I not go? And I went to a ruins and followed you everywhere. In the end, I didn't catch any treasures. Not to mention, I took a piece of Nirvana. Dan.”

The more Li Ke thought about it, the more she felt that she was at a disadvantage. She looked at Cao Zhen and shouted: "No, you have to give me some compensation. Senior Long Aotian taught you the skills, it's impossible that he didn't give you magical powers, right? In this way, you can't Give me some magical powers as compensation."

"Supernatural power? That's fine." Cao Zhen agreed happily. Anyway, giving him magical power would enhance the strength of the Hundred Peaks Sect, and he would not be at a loss.

Li Ke was stunned again for a moment. When did Cao Zhen become so easy to talk to and agree so happily? With Cao Zhen's character, shouldn't he take the opportunity to kill himself severely?

When he asked Cao Zhen to pretend to be his Taoist companion, Cao Zhen wanted to extort a large amount of spiritual stones.

Now, Cao Zhen promised himself without asking for anything. Could it be that...

"I said, don't use those ordinary magical powers to send me away."

"Who are you looking down on? Don't worry, what I give you must be top-notch magical powers, given by senior Long Aotian." Cao Zhen was helpless. Do he look like that kind of person?

Li Ke thought of another question and said: "Then you have a magical power? Let me tell you, one magical power is not enough."

"Three, three magical powers are enough?" Cao Zhen wrote the "Red Yang Lun Tian Jie" with a pen while stretching out his other hand and three fingers. At the same time, he also added, "You are also a fire body. , those magical powers are also suitable for you, and you can practice together when the time comes."

Li Ke looked at Cao Zhen with an increasingly weird look. Cao Zhen today was abnormal and too generous.

Who doesn't know that Cao Zhen is the most greedy for money? How did Cao Zhen become one of the Six Evils? He went to the Divine Weapon Tomb in the Immortal Weapon Workshop, got a bunch of magic weapons, and then sold them to various peaks.

He even sold scriptures to other peaks, which actually fulfilled the last wish of his seniors in the peak. He was able to do such things, which shows how greedy he is for money.

Even in the years since Cao Zhen was no longer a member of the Baifeng Sect, Cao Zhen's disciples have been running the business of selling talismans in Sibaofeng. I don't know how many spiritual stones Sibaofeng has earned in these years.

But now, Cao Zhen doesn't want anything, but directly gives him magical powers and skills.

This guy, he must be developed.

Li Ke recalled the scene he saw in the ruins.

At that time, everyone in the ruins saw Cao Zhen and the fourth prince of the Qitian Dynasty competing for the last treasure, and then Cao Zhen entered the palace.

Obviously, Cao Zhen got the last treasure.

Then, when relics appear, and relics of heaven and earth phenomena appear throughout the Eastern Wasteland, even during the Little Era when the universe is reversed, power beyond the limits of the Golden Core stage can appear, attracting tribulation formations, and even relics that can resist tribulation formations, then How great the final treasure will be!

Li Ke has always wanted to know what treasure Cao Zhen got in the ruins.

But Cao Zhen never said anything, and it was difficult for her to ask.

After all, you can ask a lot of things, but there are many secrets in the world of immortality that cannot be asked casually. It is not uncommon for even asking the other party to madly attack them.

If she were Cao Zhen's real Taoist companion, she could ask, but the two of them were just pretending to be Taoist companions, so naturally it would be difficult for her to ask.

Moreover, he also knew that even Cao Zhen's disciples didn't seem to know what treasure Cao Zhen had obtained.

I just know that the treasure is very important to the remnants of the Qitian Dynasty.

Cao Zhen's attention returned to the rice paper in front of him. While writing the explanation of Chiyang Lun Tian, ​​he asked: "By the way, in the past fifty years, in our Baifeng Sect, besides my few disciples, have there been any other disciples?" Born, what kind of genius with the Ten Visions of Golden Core Perfection? Or did he receive some kind of genius disciple?"

"No, in the past few years, our Four Treasure Peak has given birth to some people with ten golden elixirs and combined elixirs, and they also have a lot of visions, but they are only those with nine visions of gold elixirs, eight visions of ten gold elixirs, and ten different phenomena. Like the golden elixir Dzogchen disciples, there is no rebirth.

After all, the Perfection of the Ten Visions and Golden Elixir is really rare. If we don’t count your Four Treasure Peaks, our Hundred Peaks Sect, this group of disciples, only has three Ten Vision Golden Elixir Great Perfection existences, and even, to be more precise, Lie Yan can’t be counted. You can imagine how rare it is to achieve the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir. "

Li Ke paused slightly as he spoke, and then continued: "However, I think it won't be long before our Baifeng Sect will have two more geniuses with the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Great Perfection."

Cao Zhen asked curiously: "I know that one is Liao Youdi, but there is another one? Who is it?"

"Shen Lidi of Feixian Peak. Do you still remember that when Bei Yan and the others went out to recruit disciples together, there were two immortal bodies among them, both from the same family, and at that time, the mother of those two children was still pregnant. She is pregnant, should we take her back to the Baifeng Sect?"

Cao Zhen nodded slightly and said, "Remember, you mean, this Shen Lidi is the child from back then?"

"That's right." Li Ke nodded and said: "After the child was born, we checked it immediately. He also has an immortal body, and it is a top-level immortal body. He is a Guiyi immortal body.

And his talent is also excellent, because he was born in our Baifeng Sect and received instruction very early. Then when he was ten years old, he left the academy and joined Feixianfeng.

Now, forty years have passed, and he has become the Nine Vision Golden Pill. Moreover, a while ago, he also vaguely condensed the shadow of the tenth Vision Golden Pill.

Thinking about it, after Liao Youdi's breakthrough, Shen Lidi will also break through and become the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir. "

"This...that is to say, which family has three immortal bodies?" Cao Zhen was stunned. What was the situation of the parents of the three children.

"To be more precise, they are four immortal bodies." Li Ke explained, "Four years after Shen Lidi was born, his mother gave birth to a younger brother. Although that child was not a top-level immortal body, he was They are also of medium immortal body. However, they did not have any more children after that."

Li Ke said, paused slightly, and looked at Cao Zhen who hesitated slightly before speaking: "The couple seems to not want to have any more children, or it may be for other reasons. In short, they have not had any more children.

However, the four children they had given birth to were all immortals, and one of them had a top-level immortal body. Even if the other three children were not top-level immortals, they were all extremely talented. Nowadays, they are all in the Golden Core stage.

Therefore, someone in our Baifeng Sect once suggested that we could discuss it with the two of them and let them have another child.

However, this matter was directly rejected by the deputy headmaster. The deputy headmaster said that it is their freedom whether they have children or not. We, the Baifeng Sect, must not force two people just because the child born by the other party is talented. If you give birth to a child, wouldn't that turn the other person into a reproductive tool? In that case, what's the difference between our Baifeng Sect and the Demon Sect? The matter was settled here.

However, although the couple did not have any more children, they had been teaching the boys in the Baifeng Sect, and they gradually came into contact with the Tao of cultivating immortals.

Although the two of them are not immortals, they do have some talents in cultivation. Now, both of them have entered the elixir formation stage, and they have all condensed the inner elixir.

They are also considered disciples of our Hundred Peaks Sect, but they have not joined any peak.

Moreover, later, the two also said that they actually wanted to have more children, but for some reason, they never had more children.

In our peak, several deacons and elders who were not asleep said that giving birth to a child with an immortal body would cause great damage to oneself, so they would not be able to have any more children in a short period of time. "

As he said that, Li Ke looked at Cao Zhen with a strange expression and said, "Of course, when it comes to alchemy, no one in the Baifeng Sect can match you. Maybe you can go and see why?"

"That's all." Cao Zhen shook his head and said, "Just like Nie Jie said, if we keep letting each other have children because the other party has a fairy body and use the other party as a reproductive tool, then we What is the difference between the Baifeng Sect and the Demon Sect?”

Li Ke nodded slightly and stopped talking about this question.

Soon, Cao Zhen finished writing the interpretation of Chiyang Lun Tian, ​​and gave three magical powers to Li Ke, who then left.

And Cao Zhen also left quickly, heading towards Seven Star Peak.

As soon as he came to this world, apart from his disciples and Elder Tongdie, Chao Zizai was the one who was really kind to him, and Chao Zizai was his sworn brother. However, due to the arrival of the Little Era when the world was reversed, Chao Zizai Because of many things, he rarely saw Chao Zizi again.

Now that he has time, he also wants to see Chao Zizai.

It has been more than fifty years since he went to Qixing Peak. In fifty years, Sibao Peak has changed greatly, but Qixing Peak is still the same as before. It looks out of place and feels very desolate.

However, the difference is that there are obviously many more disciples on Seven Star Peak today than in the past.

Cao Zhen was still halfway up the mountain when he saw the Seven Star Peak disciples who were practicing. He had never seen any of these disciples before. In addition, there was Chao Zizai who was supervising everyone to practice.

"Old Cao."

Chao Zizai immediately noticed the arrival of Cao Zhen, a happy smile suddenly appeared on his face, and he shouted instinctively. Then he thought of something else, and finally said: "I have seen the master."

All around, the disciples heard the sound and were stunned for a moment. Then they all reacted, and they all raised their hands in the direction of Cao Zhen and said, "I have seen the Master."

Cao Zhen waved his hands to these disciples, looked at Chao Zizai helplessly and said: "Old Chao, I haven't seen you for fifty years. How come we have become so dogmatic without you? We are brothers who are sworn to Jinlan. You You still want to call me Zhang Zong when you see me?"

Chao Zizai smiled and said: "You are the head master of the Baifeng Sect, and I am a disciple of the Baifeng Sect. You have just returned to our Baifeng Sect, so naturally I want to call you the master master. This is a compliment to our Baifeng Sect. Respect. Of course, now, you and I are sworn brothers to Jinlan. Unless you give the order as the head master, otherwise, you will become Lao Cao again."

Cao Zhen also laughed: "So Lao Chao, let's go for a walk?"

"Let's go." Chao Zizai looked at the disciples behind him and said, "You should practice hard here and don't be lazy. As a teacher, I will first follow your uncle to take a look at our Seven Star Peak."

The Little Era period of the Reversal of the Universe is very special because the peak masters of many peaks are asleep, so the disciples are in charge.

However, after these disciples accepted disciples, some of them thought that they were too young and not suitable to be masters, so they all accepted disciples on behalf of their masters.

Naturally, there are also some who directly recruit disciples.

As for the Qixing Peak where Chao Zizai was, Deng Qixing was no longer there, so Chao Zizai was now a master, and all of them were his disciples.

The two people walked halfway up the mountain. Cao Zhen looked around and asked, "Lao Chao, in the past fifty years, your Seven Star Peak has admitted a lot of disciples."

"Thanks to you for all this." Chao Zizai said with a smile, "Everyone knows that you and I are sworn brothers, so people will look up to me, and those disciples will also consider me when choosing their disciples. of.

do you know? Just twenty years ago, I even accepted a Immortal Body disciple. A genius with an immortal body joining our Seven Star Peak is something I never dared to think about before. "

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