Gu Ling did not dare to enter someone else's mountain gate directly, but the other party had a golden elixir with ten visions and a perfect golden elixir with nine visions.

They entered the other party's mountain gate. If the other party attacked them, they would not be able to escape.

They didn't dare to go in, and the other party wouldn't open the mountain door. For a moment, with the middle finger of conversation, both parties became quiet for a while, and no one spoke.

Gu Ling's heart moved, and he suddenly said: "Everyone, we have just arrived in your Donghuang, and we only saw your mountain gate. We are very curious about the customs and customs of your Donghuang, and we are ready to look around. I don't know, you guys Any suggestions?"

"I really have a suggestion." After hearing what the other party said, the Five Prime Ministers said, "You'd better not take action against Ping Ming. In our Eastern Wasteland, at least in our Suppressing Immortal Dynasty, mortals and immortals exist equally. Killing mortals will be punished by law!"


For a moment, Gu Ling and all the immortal cultivators from Dongliang were stunned.

What did they just hear? Did they hear it correctly? This person actually told them that mortals and immortal cultivators are equal existences?

How is that possible!

How can a mortal compare with a cultivator!

What is a mortal? With just a move of their fingers, they could crush countless mortals to death, but they were actually equal to those who cultivated immortals!

Those cultivators actually agreed? Will they not resist and destroy the dynasty?

By the way, just now they were talking about Zhenxian Dynasty, this name...

Gu Ling couldn't help but asked curiously: "May I ask, Zhenxian Dynasty, which town is Zhen, and which word is Xian?"

Wu Xiang didn't speak, but Qiao Jingyao was the first to speak: "Zhen is the town that guards, and Xian is the word for immortal."

Although the Tianmei Sect she founded is now within the Dalai Dynasty, and the Zhenxian Dynasty, because of the coming days when Donghuang will be connected to the Central Five Continents, in order to prevent other dynasties around them from worrying about them, in order to maintain In the peace of the world, the Zhenxian Dynasty did not send troops to attack the Dalai Dynasty, which was no longer guarded by the immortal gate.

Even so, the royal family of the Dalai Dynasty was not stupid. They immediately sent a team to the Zhenxian Dynasty to pay tribute and become a vassal state of the Zhenxian Dynasty.

Therefore, the laws of the Zhenxian Dynasty also apply to the Dalai Dynasty.

When Gu Ling heard these two words, he suddenly sneered in his heart, what a guarded town, why didn't you say it was a town's town?

When these names are combined, it is clearly the town of suppression, the dynasty of suppression of immortals!

In this Eastern Wasteland, there is actually a dynasty with such a name. Those immortal sects let a dynasty ride on their heads, but they did not destroy this dynasty. They even obeyed the orders of this dynasty and were on an equal footing with mortals.

Just how incompetent can this immortal cultivating sect in the Eastern Wasteland be?

Gu Ling sneered in his heart, but there was no change in expression on his face. He cupped his hands towards the two people at the mountain gate and said, "Thank you for letting me know. I'll go take a look at other places first.

After we have seen the scenery around us, we may come to your sect and the Baifeng sect to discuss things with you. "

Wu Xiang also bowed his hands downwards. These people, wherever they want to go, they will never attack those mortals when they come to the Eastern Wasteland.

And if they want to cause trouble, besides Tianmei Sect, there is only one immortal sect nearby, and that is Baifeng Sect!

They went to Baifeng Sect to cause trouble...

They will die no more.

Gu Ling quickly left with his junior brothers, and in the blink of an eye, they were out of sight of Qiao Jingyao and Wu Xiang.

Just now he couldn't see the other party's figure, among the crowd, Gao Gongliang suddenly said: "Senior brother, the Tianmei Sect we saw must be strong on the outside but strong on the inside!

If it were Dongliang or Feitian Sect, if someone from other continents came to our gate, we would definitely invite them to enter our gate. We must understand their origins.

The other party couldn't leave even if he wanted to, but there were clearly two masters on the Meimen gate that day, but they let us leave. Even when we left, they didn't say anything, and sent someone to follow us, letting us go. Feel free to move around in their territory.

This must mean that they are not strong enough. I even doubt that their mountain sect, and even the Baifeng Sect, have only a few masters. "

As soon as Gao Gongliang finished speaking, everyone around him nodded in agreement.

"Senior Brother Gao is right. We have seen it before. The battles among the immortal sects here are very fierce. And the two we saw are top masters. Because of their strong strength, they survived the battle. .”

"The other side's Immortal Sect is bound to have no masters left."

"Senior Brother Gu, what should we do now? Should we continue to wait for the masters sent by the sect?"

Gu Ling shook his head slightly and said: "We do have to wait for the masters from the sect to come, but before that, we also need to find out good news.

Didn't that person say before that he was from the Baifeng Sect and that the Baifeng Sect was a world-famous immortal sect?

Even mortals should know about such a famous Immortal Sect. Let's go to the city we passed before and ask if those mortals know the existence of Baifeng Sect, then we will know whether it is true or false. "

"Senior brother is wise."

"Senior brother, let me go and grab two mortals and ask them."

"No, I'll go with you. A few mortals don't represent much. We can ask more mortals. What's more, if we use means to force the question, there will be nothing that they can say willingly, which will be more true."

Gu Ling led everyone back quickly and found a city they had passed before. Everyone fell from the sky and flew into the city.

Nine people flew down from the sky, immediately attracting the attention of many residents in the city. At the same time, more policemen quickly surrounded them with knives.

One of the detectives even shouted loudly: "Bold, the Dalai Dynasty belongs to the Zhenxian Dynasty, and according to the laws of the Zhenxian Dynasty, immortals are prohibited from flying in the city, and you are violating the laws of the Dynasty."

They are located in a remote place, and no immortals usually come here at all, but occasionally immortals pass by, and they all abide by the laws. This is the first time they have encountered them. They do not obey the laws of the Zhenxian Dynasty and fly down here directly. of immortals.

Everyone is at the Golden Core Stage. In the sect, unless they meet the senior leaders or a few powerful people in the sect, no one else treats them with respect. Now, they are actually being treated with respect. Several little mortals shouted angrily.

A cold look suddenly appeared on the face of one of them.

"How dare a little mortal dare to do this, to seek death..." He stretched out his hand, magic power surged in his palm, and he was about to take action when a hand suddenly stretched out and grabbed him.

"Junior brother, don't be so impulsive."

Gu Ling grabbed one of his junior brothers and looked at the policemen surrounding him. A smile appeared on his face and he said with a smile: "I'm sorry, everyone, we are not immortal cultivators from the Zhenxian Dynasty, and we don't know the rules of your dynasty. .”

"Not a cultivator from the Zhenxian Dynasty?" The police officer took a look at the other party's clothes and found that they did not look like the style of their Dinali Dynasty or Zhenxian Dynasty. Thinking of this, he nodded slightly and said, "If that's the case, I can't blame you. However, from now on, you should stop flying in Zhenxian Dynasty, including the cities within our Dalai Dynasty. After all, not everyone, They are all as easy to talk to as we are.

Especially in the cities of the Zhenxian Dynasty, the policemen and soldiers in their cities were extremely strict in enforcing the laws of the Zhenxian Dynasty. "

"Oh, thank you for your advice." Gu Ling nodded lightly, and he was convinced that this immortal cultivator in the Eastern Wasteland was extremely weak.

Otherwise, how could they accept the rule that even immortals cannot fly in the city.

Moreover, these ordinary mortals dare to be so strong against immortal cultivators.

If anywhere in their Dongliang area, a mortal dared to collide with their immortal cultivators, they would have killed them long ago.

They are just mortals, killing is killing, no big deal.

What's more, in Dongliang, there is absolutely no mortal who dares to be so arrogant when facing their immortals.

This Donghuang may be weaker than imagined.

Gu Ling was thinking in his mind and asked: "We come from a remote place. We came to you because we heard the name of Baifeng Sect and wanted to go to Baifeng Sect to seek enlightenment. I don't know, do you know about Baifeng Sect? "

The purpose of his coming here was to confirm whether the news about the Baifeng Sect that that person said was true or false.

All around, everyone heard the words "Baifeng Sect", and the faces of the old people in the distance suddenly showed complicated expressions. It can be said that the reason why their Dalai Dynasty became a vassal state of the Zhenxian Dynasty was because of the Baifeng Sect.

Although they are not people in the world of cultivating immortals, they also know that all the three major immortal sects of the Dalai Dynasty have fled. They know that those three major immortal sects left the Dalai Dynasty because they offended the Baifeng Sect. Where.

Because the three major immortal sects were not around, their Dalai Dynasty fell into chaos for a while. Later, the Zhenxian Dynasty sent people and the Baifeng Sect also sent immortals, and the Dalai Dynasty restored stability.

The Dalai Dynasty was originally a dynasty, but later, it became a vassal state of the Zhenxian Dynasty, and they were filled with joy.

However, slowly, as time went by, they discovered that after they became a vassal state of the Zhenxian Dynasty, their lives became easier and easier.

First of all, the taxes levied by the court were reduced, and their status was improved. Even the immortals were equal to them.

Even when they encounter natural disasters, their ancestors will come to help them.

Their lives are becoming more and more prosperous.

Therefore, those old people felt very complicated after hearing the name of Baifeng Sect.

But there are more young people who are full of pride and gratitude after hearing the name of Zhenxian Dynasty and Baifeng Sect.

They only know that the Baifeng Sect is the strongest immortal sect in the world, and they are very close to the Baifeng Sect. If their children are suitable for cultivating immortals, they may even have the opportunity to join the Baifeng Sect.

Many young people heard the sound and shouted.

"Of course we know the Baifeng Sect!"

"Is there anyone in the world who doesn't know about the Baifeng Sect?"

"Yes, Baifeng Sect, that is the number one immortal sect in the world!"

"The leader of the Hundred Peaks Sect is the best master in the world."

"It can't be said that he is the best master in the world. To be more precise, he is the best master in our Eastern Wasteland."

Gu Ling and others, listening to the crowd's shouts, looked at each other with smiles in their eyes.

Apparently, that person was not talking nonsense. The Baifeng Sect was indeed an extremely famous immortal sect. Even these people said that the Baifeng Sect was the best immortal sect in the world.

Gu Ling remembered what the man said to him before and asked curiously: "By the way, I heard before that a person is the peak master of Five Elements Peak. It is said that Five Elements Peak is the second-ranked peak of Hundred Peaks Sect. , I wonder if you know about Five Elements Peak?"

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone around him shook their heads.

"Five Elements Peak? I don't know."

"We only know that Si Baofeng should be called this."

"That's right, it's the Four Treasures Peak. Cao Zhangzong is from the Four Treasures Peak."

Gu Ling was stunned for a moment. What was the Four Treasure Peak? A peak of the Hundred Peaks Sect? The person before said that the first place is Feixian Peak and the second place is Five Elements Peak. Do these people not know?

Among the crowd, an old man who looked a little old shook his head after listening to the crowd's words and said: "You are really ignorant. You don't even know about Five Elements Peak. Five Elements Peak is the second highest peak in the Hundred Peaks Sect. , ranking first is Feixian Peak.

My brother was recruited by the Baifeng Sect back then. Five years ago, he left the Hundred Peaks Sect and came to see me in the city. He told me that he joined the Five Elements Peak. Moreover, he directly worshiped the peak master they did not have as his disciple. "

When Gu Ling heard the sound, he immediately ran to the old man and asked, "So, do you know what the Five Elements Peak Master looks like?"

"That's what you're asking. I've never seen my brother's peak master. How do I know what he looks like?"


Gu Ling was about to ask again, but a figure suddenly appeared in the sky high in the city.

"Senior Brother Gu, Senior Brother Huang has brought people here. In addition to Senior Brother Huang, there are also Senior Brother Xu Yan from the Jumu Sect and Senior Sister Hua Zhiyu from the Gulan Sect. Senior Brother, please go and pay homage to the two of them."

"Senior Brother Huang is here?"

Gu Ling was shocked when he heard this. Senior Brother Huang was naturally Senior Brother Huang Feng. He was considered to be a member of Senior Brother Huang's lineage in the Immortal Sect.

As for the other two, they are also the existences of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen. Those two were not from their Feitian Sect, but from other immortal sects.

However, because of Bai Wu's appearance, and their Feitian Sect was the closest immortal sect to Bai Wu, the two masters also came to their Feitian Sect to help guard it.

However, they are only helping to guard, they will not obey the orders of Feitian Sect, even if their leader is the deputy leader of Dongliang.

Now that they have entered the Eastern Wasteland, there is only one reason. The alliance leader ordered them to come here!

The leader of the alliance really paid enough attention to sending three masters of the Ten Vision Golden Elixir Dzogchen at one time.

Gu Ling flew towards the distance at high speed. Originally, after asking the question, he planned to kill these mortals directly.

However, there were three beings with ten visions and golden elixirs arriving, waiting to ask him for news, but he could not delay.

As for the mortals in this city, they can just wait until they break through the so-called Tianmei Gate and leave the Donghuang Continent and return to Dongliang.

These mortals in the city dare to disrespect them as immortals. These mortals must die!

Soon, several other people followed Gu Lingfei away, and not long after, they saw the golden elixir stage one by one.

At a glance, including them, there were nearly a hundred Jindan-level beings gathered here, and the weakest among them were all Jindan-level beings.

Among them, the three leaders stood at the front of the crowd.

One of them was wearing a black robe, and the whole person gave people an unusually sinister feeling.

Gu Ling first raised his hands to this sinister man and said, "I have met Senior Brother Huang." His senior brother was not so sinister at first, but later, due to various things, his whole personality changed drastically and he became much colder.

Huang Feng nodded slightly, but he didn't look so sinister anymore. Gu Ling was his.

Then, Gu Ling looked at another man who looked very handsome and said, "I have met Senior Brother Xu."

Finally, his eyes fell on an upper-middle-class woman wearing a long blue dress and holding a long blue whip. He cupped his hands and said, "I have seen Senior Sister Hua."

Hua Zhiyu also nodded, and then said: "Okay, there is no need to say polite words. Please tell me about this piece of Eastern Wasteland and what it is like."

"Yes, I found that Donghuang is very weak. They should have experienced battles before..." Gu Ling quickly told everyone what he had discovered in Donghuang.

"The Zhenxian Dynasty? The largest dynasty is called Zhenxian? This immortal cultivator in the Eastern Wasteland is really a coward."

"The strongest immortal sect in the Eastern Barren is still in the Immortal Suppressing Dynasty, and the peak master of the second-ranked peak is just a Nine Visions Golden Elixir Great Perfection? The strength of this Eastern Barren is really poor. "

"There is an immortal sect. The location of the mountain gate is excellent, but only two people have appeared? And one is from another immortal sect?"

"If they let you leave, they must be lacking in strength."

Everyone around them laughed when they heard the sound, and at the same time they looked at the three leaders.

Although the three of them are all in the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Great Perfection, Huang Feng is the oldest, and Huang Feng is also from the Feitian Sect. The Feitian Sect has the most disciples here, and both Hua Zhiyu and Xu Yan are vaguely... Led by Huang Feng.

"There are only two people, the Golden Elixir Dzogchen with Ten Visions and the Golden Elixir Dzogchen with Nine Visions. And among us, there are hundreds of Golden Elixir Stages, and there are three Golden Elixir Dzogchen with Ten Visions.

So, what else needs to be considered? Kill them and rush into their mountain gate. When the time comes, what can be grabbed depends on everyone's ability. "

Huang Feng raised his hand and pointed at Gu Ling and said, "You lead the way and charge directly into the opponent's peak."


A smile appeared on Gu Ling's face, and he quickly turned around and flew away.

What Senior Brother Huang Feng said is that after breaking through the opponent's mountain gate, everyone can grab whatever they want. What they can grab depends entirely on their own ability.

It seems fair in this way, but in fact. Sixty of the one hundred Golden Core Stage disciples are disciples of their Feitian Sect. There are more of them, and the resources they will be able to plunder will inevitably be greater.

The other party has such a big mountain gate, and it can also give birth to the Ten Visions of Golden Elixir Dzogchen, so there must be no shortage of resources inside.

If their Feitian Sect was led by someone else, he might not be able to share many resources, but even if he grabbed them, the other party might also say that all the resources grabbed by everyone in the Feitian Sect would be handed over to be distributed by the head sect.

But now it was Senior Brother Huang. He was Senior Brother Huang's man, and Senior Brother Huang would not let him take out the resources he had grabbed.

Gu Ling flew towards Tianmei Gate with excitement on his face.

Not long after, he flew to the front of Tianmei Gate again.

At the Tianmei Gate, above the mountain gate, Qiao Jingyao and Wu Xiang saw the people who had gone and returned, and the strangers with golden elixirs emerging behind them, their faces instantly became solemn.

Huang Feng looked at the mountain gate before the postponement, with a look of satisfaction on his face: "Very good, this mountain gate is bigger than what you said, and the spiritual energy is more abundant. Even if I stand here, I can feel the fullness." of aura.”

As he spoke, he looked at Xu Yan and Hua Zhiyu beside him and said: "You two, there are only two people in their mountain gate. Even if they activate the mountain protection formation, their power is limited. The three of us will join forces to break through the opponent's formation." how?"


"That's the way it is."

After the two people finished speaking, huge golden elixirs composed of strange golden elixirs appeared behind the three of them.

"Ten Visions of Golden Elixir Dzogchen?"

Above the mountain gate, Wu Xiang looked at the golden elixir released by the other party, and his heart suddenly froze, and he said in a deep voice: "Zhang Qiao, the reinforcements from our Baifeng Sect have not arrived yet. The other party seems to be trying to attack us directly. If we take action, we're afraid we'll be in trouble."

Previously, he had also thought about the other party's purpose in coming to their Donghuang, and also thought that the other party would take action.

However, now is the Little Era period of the reversal of the world, and their strength in Donghuang is not weak by any means. If the other party wants to take action, they should take it into consideration.

What's more, the other party comes from a remote place like them, and they all want to be connected to the central five continents. Isn't the other party afraid of starting a war with us all in the East Wasteland and attriting each other? After connecting with the central five continents, they will be unable to resist the central five continents. people?

Thinking of this, Wulian hurriedly shouted to the broadcaster: "Everyone, do you want to take action? Please think about it, we in Donghuang can't say how strong we are, but the people with the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen are far more than a hundred The number of positions is that in our Baifeng Sect, there are ten golden elixir great perfections with ten visions.

Are you planning to attack our Donghuang? When the time comes, we in the Eastern Wasteland will fight with you in the Eastern Xinjiang, and you will definitely suffer heavy losses. Are you confident that you can stop the immortal cultivators from the central five continents? "


Huang Feng and others were stunned for a moment when they heard the sound, and then realized that Gu Ling must have lied and deliberately said that they were from Eastern Xinjiang.

As for what the other party said, there are far more than a hundred Golden Elixir Great Perfections with Ten Visions. What, there are ten Golden Elixir Great Perfections with Ten Visions in one immortal sect. It is simply nonsense.

Their immortal sect really has so many Ten Visions and Golden Elixir Great Perfection, how could they not send people to guard the border?

Now I am afraid that I and others will do something, so I am afraid and want to scare myself and others?

It's just a joke. Do you really think you are stupid for waiting for others?

"Do it!"

Huang Feng sneered, and suddenly flew to a place about three miles away from Tianmeimen Mountain Gate. Among the ten golden elixirs behind him, strong mana flowed. The next moment, on his hands, mana gathered together to form A touch of silver light.

The next moment, the silver light flew into the sky, constantly changing in the void, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a huge meteorite, as if flying down from nine days away, and hit heavily in the direction of Tianmei Gate.

At Tianmei Gate, Wuxiang quickly entered the eye of the mountain-protecting formation. Pieces of spiritual crystals had already been thrown into the formation by him. In his body, streams of spiritual energy quickly poured into the formation.

There is no way, Tianmei Sect really doesn't have any masters. Among the disciples, only Qiao Pomo is at the Golden Core stage, and he is also responsible for taking care of other disciples. There is really no manpower to maintain the large formation, so we can only rely on him.

Fortunately, the mountain-protecting formation of Tianmeimen was set up by Beiyan. Beiyan also learned the formation of Baifeng Sect and imitated the mountain-protecting formation of Baifeng Sect. However, the previous battles of Baifeng Sect were based on paper , he is the person in charge of the mountain protection formation, and he is also familiar with the mountain protection formation of Tianmeimen.

In an instant, a silver light rose in the sky above Tianmeimen Mountain, covering Tianmeimen like a gauze garment.

The huge meteorite shadow fell and hit the light screen, but it could not take another step forward.

Although Huang Feng is the existence of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen and is stronger than the Five Phases, the Five Phases are now relying on the mountain protection formation, so they can naturally block Huang Feng's attack.

On one side of Huang Feng, an antique long harp appeared in Xu Yan's hand. He sat cross-legged on the ground, raised his hand and pressed it on the harp. As his fingers waved, the strings trembled slightly. , and then, a sound wave visible to the naked eye suddenly shot out. The sound wave was so sharp that it was like a magic weapon. It easily split the surrounding air, revealing a clear white space.

Every time his fingers crossed, a wave of sound would be emitted from the strings, and the speed of his fingers would become faster and faster. Waves of sound would continue to shoot out, towards the light curtain of the Tianmei Gate Mountain Guard Formation. , but in the blink of an eye, it hit the light curtain.

Suddenly, the entire Tianmei Gate light curtain began to tremble crazily.

"Use the formation to block the attacks of two people. I think you can block the attacks of three people?"

Hua Zhiyu laughed ferociously, and suddenly flew forward, flying directly to a distance of only one mile from Tianmei Gate before stopping, and a long green whip suddenly flew out from his hand.

The next moment, the long whip, which looked as thin as a wicker, suddenly grew larger and longer, and spread forward at the same time, like a long green snake flying out of the deep sea.

It was obviously a soft long whip, but when the long whip was swung, it seemed to be filled with unparalleled power that could destroy the heaven and the earth, and it crashed down.

Wherever the long whip passed, the entire space trembled. On the ground, due to the long period of stability, lush green grass grew in front of Tianmei Gate.

At this time, countless weeds were affected by the energy brought by the long whip, and instantly shattered into countless powder, and even countless pieces of soil were thrown out.

The next moment, the long whip was about to fall on the light curtain in front of the Tianmei Gate. Suddenly, a long whip shot out from the top of the Tianmei Gate, and instantly wrapped around the long whip shot by Hua Zhiyu. above the whip.

Qiao Jingyao finally took action.

She turned her wrist, and suddenly the long whip in her hand shook. Suddenly, the two people's long threads were completely entangled together, like two long snakes entangled with each other.

Hua Zhiyu suddenly raised her head and looked at the Tianmei Gate.

"The Great Perfection of the Golden Elixir with Ten Visions? Who hasn't achieved the Great Perfection of the Golden Core with Ten Visions? Let's see what the methods of the Great Perfection of the Golden Elixir with Ten Visions in the East Wilderness are up to."

She sneered, and brilliant flowers suddenly appeared on the green whip. Some flowers were delicate red, like condensed blood, and some were pure white, with no stains visible on them. Some are blue flowers, like ice gathering...

From the flowers, the light shot out, not towards the light curtain, but directly toward the whip in Qiao Jingyao's hand.

With so many masters on their side, it was easy to break through the mountain gate guarded by only two people.

She didn't need to worry about how to break open the other party's mountain door. The other party happened to be a wood-type monk. Now, she just wanted to compare with the other party to see which one of them was stronger.

These flowers have just appeared, but the next moment.

A plum blossom suddenly appeared on the opponent's long whip.

It is just a plum blossom, but at this moment, this plum blossom seems to have sucked away all the spiritual energy in the surroundings, the heaven and the earth, and the life force nearby.

The delicate sparks on her whip withered instantly.

On the flower, all the power shot out also dissipated.

A look of surprise suddenly appeared on Hua Zhiyu's face, what kind of magical power is this? How could a plum blossom crush all her strength to pieces?

Qiao Jingyao looked at the woman across from her with a cold face. She had lost to Cao Zhen in the Immortal Martial Competition of Zhenxian Dynasty because of her magical power.

Afterwards, the Grand Master taught her magical powers, but the magical powers taught by the Grand Master were also limited. In fact, her magical powers were still few, and she still suffered a loss after encountering an opponent who was comparable to her.

Until the Tianmei Sect where she was was destroyed by the Demon Sect, until she left the Tianmei Sect, her heart was extremely angry and sad.

Within her body, a plum blossom blossomed.

She finally knew why their Tianmei Sect was called Tianmei Sect.

That plum blossom is Tianmei.

And that plum blossom is not just a plum blossom, but contains inheritance, including skills and magical powers.

If it weren't for the inheritance in Tianmei, even if she had a top-notch immortal body, she might not be able to cultivate the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Great Perfection by herself.

After she broke the opponent's attack, her hand movements did not stop at all. Behind her, around the golden elixir of vision, endless mana surged, and her whole person's aura continued to rise. Then, she suddenly pulled her long whip.

Suddenly, Hua Zhiyu felt a burst of terrifying power coming from the long whip in her hand. This power was so strong that she lost control of her whole body, and her body unconsciously followed the long whip and rushed towards the opponent.

Her face was not absolutely beautiful, but there was a look of deep shock and confusion on her fair face.

Her own body was out of control. Naturally, it wasn't that the other party's power was too great, but that the other party's magic power was too strong!

We all also have the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Great Perfection, how could the other party have such strong magic power!

Qiao Jingyao looked at the woman who was getting closer and closer to her, with murderous intent in her eyes.

Her immortal sect was attacked by a demon sect before, and the sect was destroyed. All her junior brothers, junior sisters, master and uncle died, and she was the only one in the entire sect who escaped.

At that time, she swore that she would revitalize the Tianmei Sect and never allow the disciples of the Tianmei Sect to be killed like this again.

But not long after she re-established Tianmei Sect, these people came to Donghuang and even arrived in front of her mountain gate. Without saying anything, they attacked her Tianmei Sect and wanted to destroy Tianmei Sect. .

In a daze, the tragic scene of her uncle and master, her junior brothers and junior sisters being massacred and killed by the Demon Sect that day once again emerged before her eyes.


The anger in Qiao Jingyao's body continued to rise, surging like a tsunami, and murderous intent soared into the sky!

She will never allow what happened that day to happen again, and she will never allow anyone to break through her Tianmei Gate and massacre her disciples!

Back then, her cultivation was still weak, but now, she has reached the perfection of the Ten Visions Golden Pill!

Qiao Jingyao's wrist suddenly turned, and the long whip that had been entangled with the opponent's green whip suddenly became straight. As the whip in her hand changed, the long whip in the opponent's hand was thrown out.

The next moment, Qiao Jingyao raised her legs and kicked on the ground, and her whole body suddenly jumped out like lightning.

Hua Zhiyu originally flew only one mile away from the Tianmei Gate. As Qiao Jingyao dragged her over, the distance between the two became even closer. Now she exploded with all her strength and flew in front of Hua Zhiyu in just an instant.

Qiao Jingyao's eyes were fixed on the opponent's neck, and the long whip in her hand had turned into a spear. On the spear, phantoms of vines appeared, and the vines were covered with barbs.

Looking at the face in front of me, the spear suddenly stabbed out!

This shot contained her endless anger, and this shot contained the promise in her heart, a promise to never let anyone break through Tianmei Gate again.

This shot contained all her magic power!

A gun flew down, and in an instant, the entire void seemed to be pierced instantly, and a huge sonic boom sounded like a mountain shattering.

Under the terrifying power of this gun, a clear crack appeared in the space in front of him, as if it was split into two in an instant.

The entire earth shook crazily at this moment, the void continued to shake, and the colors of the heaven and earth changed.

This spear seemed to pierce through the heaven and earth, the sun and the moon, and tear apart the universe and all things.

It seems that no one or any treasure in the entire world can stop this shot!

The endless anger in Qiao Jingyao's chest was all concentrated in this shot.

The words made her instantly frightened to the extreme, and all the countless hairs on her body stood up. With this shot, she even felt that this shot could turn the entire world upside down and pierce the entire world.


How could she dodge at such a close distance!

She frantically mobilized the mana in her body to gather.

For a moment, layers of green light gathered together, as if vines were rising up, crawling all over her body, wrapping her whole body in it.

However, the next moment, the spear struck down, and the countless vines that seemed to be indestructible were shattered.

Then, the green protective light on her body also shattered.

The long whip turned into a spear, carrying terrifying power and Qiao Jingyao's anger, all of which was poured onto Hua Zhiyu.

In an instant, Hua Zhiyu flew backwards.

There was a huge round hole on her neck, and bright red blood sprayed out from her neck like a fountain.

Qi and blood surged crazily in her body, and her internal organs seemed to be completely shattered at this moment. Even her vision became blurred. Looking at the figure in the distance, her heart was filled with horror and confusion.


Why is this Golden Elixir of Ten Visions so powerful?

She knew that the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen had strengths and weaknesses. She had also encountered the powerful Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen, and even competed with him, but she also lost miserably.

However, the ridiculously powerful Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen is the head of the Feitian Sect and the deputy leader of their Dongliang alliance.

It is ranked among the top ten or even top five in the entire Dongliang.

Doesn’t it mean that the strength of this Eastern Wilderness cultivation world is extremely weak? It’s not that people in this world of immortality are even taken over by mortals. There is even a dynasty here that is known as the Immortal Suppressor!

In such a place, how could the Ten Visions and Golden Elixir Dzogchen that I encountered be so powerful?

After Hua Zhiyu flew backwards for more than two miles, she fell heavily to the ground, creating a huge circular pit on the ground. The whole person passed out and died, and her neck , the blood is constantly flowing.


"No, go and save Senior Sister!"

All around, disciples of the Gulan Sect rushed toward Hua Zhiyu who was lying on the ground.

Ahead, Xu Yan and Huang Feng, who were attacking Tianmei Gate, stepped back one after another and looked warily at the woman standing on the mountain gate.

In just an instant, Hua Zhiyu, who had the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Great Perfection, was severely damaged. With such strength, he was the top powerhouse among the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Great Perfection.

Although the two of them are stronger than Hua Zhiyu, they are not much stronger.

The two of them cannot resist such an opponent. What if the opponent suddenly attacks them again?

They can only retreat!

They originally thought that with so many of them and the three existences of the Golden Elixir of the Ten Visions, they could easily destroy the Immortal Sect in front of them, which was guarded by only two people.

Unexpectedly, the battle had just begun, and one of them, a being with the Ten Visions of Golden Elixir, was seriously injured. Although he was not dead, if he continued to let it go, Hua Zhiyu would die soon.

"Do it, do it together, everyone, attack their mountain gate together!"

After Huang Feng retreated to a safe distance, he suddenly pointed his hand in the direction of Tianmei Gate. He couldn't do it. There were so many of them, and they couldn't break through the opponent's mountain gate.

No matter how strong the opponent is, how strong can it be!

There are hundreds of them, masters at the Golden Core stage!

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