Cao Zhen waited for another five days, and after discovering that the Eight-nine Mysterious Skills of the Lingxi people had been upgraded again, he finally determined that there should be a problem between him and Xiang Ziyu.

Although his previous practice of the Eight-nine Mysterious Techniques was not as fast as Xiang Ziyu's, he still made progress.

But after Xiang Ziyu practiced the Eight-Nine Mysterious Skills to the fifth level, he himself made no progress in practicing the Eight-Nine Mysterious Skills, and it was the same for Xiang Ziyu.

Among so many people, why is it that he and Xiang Ziyu can no longer practice the Eight-nine Mysterious Techniques?

Among all people, he and Xiang Ziyu have one thing in common, they have both reached the limit of the Golden Core stage.

So, is it because of this reason that he and Xiang Ziyu can no longer practice the Eight-nine Mysterious Techniques?

If this is the case, they should not be able to continue practicing the Eight-Nine Mysterious Techniques from the beginning.

So, it must not be the reason.

So, what is the same between him and Xiang Ziyu is their physical strength?

He and Xiang Ziyu both took the same pills when they broke through. When they broke through, their bodies were reshaped, and they also knew how to record gods and demons. Because of the records of gods and demons, their physical strength was originally It is better than others.

Therefore, it is because if they continue to practice, their physical strength will exceed the limit of the golden elixir stage, so Heaven will not allow them to practice. This should be the case.

But the problem is, he can't practice now but others can, so he can't just take others with him just because they can't practice.

Cao Zhen thought for a moment, but directly taught Xiang Ziyu some of the more special methods of changing the breath and the Eight-nine Mysterious Techniques.

Ten days later, everyone finally started to set off and walked towards the Boundless Blood Prison again. The main reason was that everyone's Eighty-nine Mysterious Techniques had been stuck at level four. It wasn't that they couldn't practice. They could still practice but their progress was slow.

Now, their Donghuang has begun to connect with the Central Five Continents. Although they cannot see the Central Five Continents, everyone knows that Donghuang is connected with Dongliang, Dongjiang, etc., and they must be flying towards the Central Five Continents at this time.

No one knows how long it will take for Donghuang to fly to the Central Five Continents. They decided not to continue practicing. They can practice at any time. When Donghuang connects to the Central Five Continents, they must return to their own. If you are from the mountain gate, you can continue to practice at that time.

However, when Donghuang connects to the central five continents, they must not be in the boundless blood prison. In that case, they will not be able to protect the safety of the Hundred Peaks Sect.

Moreover, everyone felt that the further the eighty-nine mystical skills went, the slower the practice became, so they decided to enter the boundless blood prison first.

Now is the Little Era period when the world is reversed. Their strength is strong enough. What a rare opportunity this is to go deep into the boundless blood prison!

If in normal times, they enter the boundless blood prison, I'm afraid it won't take long before they encounter monsters equivalent to the earthly fairyland, and they have no choice but to run away, nothing like this.

After Cao Zhen taught everyone the method of changing their own breath, everyone once again entered the boundless blood prison.

After hunting down the monsters outside, everyone used the Eight-nine Mysterious Techniques to change their own auras. After such a change, as expected, there were no countless monsters coming around.

Everyone also started to move forward. Cao Zhen continued to move forward, but he still contacted Yi Sheng who was still in the Baifeng Sect to confirm that there was no problem with the sect.

As everyone moved forward, they discovered that the name of the Boundless Blood Prison was indeed correct. It really seemed to be boundless. As everyone moved forward, they almost never fought against those monsters. After occasionally encountering monsters, with their strength, It can also kill monsters quickly, and then change its breath and leave quickly.

They can indeed hide from monsters by changing their breath, but when they take action, their breath will be exposed. Therefore, after they take action, they will change their breath quickly.

Everyone is the top being in the Little Era of the Reversal of the Universe, and they rarely fight along the way. What a speed, but a month later, everyone is still moving forward in the boundless blood prison, and they still don’t know how many roads are ahead. Far.

As they continued to go deeper, they encountered more and more monsters equivalent to the Golden Core stage. Even a month later, in the area they were in, except for the monsters at the Golden Core stage, no other monsters could be seen. .

However, this area looks even more empty, and it is almost impossible to see the countless monsters gathered together like those who just entered the boundless blood prison.

"Over there, what's going on?"

While they were walking, Xiang Ziyu suddenly pointed in the distance.

In the distance, you can see a canyon, which is also blood-red. At the entrance of the canyon, more than ten monsters are constantly wandering here.

"Look at these monsters, do they look like the disciples who are responsible for guarding the gates outside the major immortal sects of us humans? There may be a gate for monsters in this canyon."

Cao Zhen nodded slightly. This situation must be abnormal here.

"Let's go and have a look."

Cao Zhen pondered slightly and led everyone forward.

Although they can change their breath, they can't change their appearance now. They have changed like monsters. After all, the seventy-two transformations are not what they can practice now.

Monsters are not blind. As a few people approached, more than ten monsters instantly discovered their presence. Suddenly, each monster roared, but the next moment, rays of light flashed through.

Each monster fell instantly.

Although these monsters are already in the golden elixir stage, they are still far behind the others.

However, as everyone took action, they felt that the auras of monsters were coming from the canyon.

Cao Zhen and others rushed into the canyon, and monsters suddenly appeared in their sights. They haven't found so many monsters for a long time.

Every monster has reached the golden elixir stage, and according to visual inspection, there are even a hundred of these monsters in total.

There are even monsters that are equivalent to the existence of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen.

"So many monsters?"

"Did we break into the monster's lair?"

"Stop talking nonsense and kill all the monsters as soon as possible."

Although there were a lot of monsters on the opposite side, the strength of everyone was too strong. In a short time, all the monsters were dead. Then, Cao Zhen and others quickly changed their auras.

And Cao Zhen flew directly towards a red mound not far away from him.

On the mound, there is a blood-red plant that is only one foot tall. The most special thing about this plant is that its stems and leaves are like crab legs.

Bloodthirsty leaf lotus is an elixir that can only survive in the darkest places. This is a sixth-grade elixir, and it is extremely difficult to find. Its value is even higher than some seventh-grade elixirs!

And here, he saw ten bloodthirsty leaf lotus plants.

After the end of the Little Era of the Reversal of the Universe, the bloodthirsty Ye Lian must be used to refine the elixir needed for himself and his disciples to break through.

Now, there were actually ten bloodthirsty leaf lotuses placed directly in front of him.

Cao Zhen did not hesitate and uprooted each bloodthirsty leaf lotus.

However, on the other side, Xiang Ziyu ran to a pool in the center of the canyon. The pool here was naturally filled with bright red blood.

Beside the pool, there are pieces of blood-red crystals. These crystals are translucent, and you can vaguely see that there are lines in the crystals, but some have more lines. , some lines are just less.

"What is this? Why did those monsters collect so many and put them beside the blood pool?"

Xiang Ziyu picked up a blood-colored crystal out of curiosity, and suddenly, mysterious and powerful experiences came from him.

"Such a strong aura, what is this?"

Xiang Ziyu's low cry immediately attracted the attention of everyone around him. Cao Zhen also took away the bloodthirsty leaf lotus plants, flew to the blood pool, looked at the blood-colored crystal stones, and whispered: "This is blood Condensed crystals, it can be said that most magic weapons use blood condensed crystals when refining them."

Cao Zhen said, after seeing everyone's eyes looking over, he added: "Of course, what I am talking about is not the magic weapon everyone calls, but the real magic weapon, the magic weapon used by people after the Earthly Immortal Realm."

After staying in Donghuang for so many years, he also discovered that Donghuang likes to call many treasures magic weapons, but according to Zhang Daoling's knowledge of cultivation theory, those are not considered magic weapons, they can only be called treasures.

Magical weapons can only exert their power after entering the Earthly Immortal Realm.

Of course, things like Lingxi's Qiankun Bagua Talisman and Xiang Ziyu's Tiangang Earth Evil Bead should all be considered magic weapons. However, neither Xiang Ziyu nor Lingxi has broken through to the Earthly Immortal Realm, and neither has fully exerted the power of the magic weapon. That’s all.

"Almost all magic weapons are used for refining them? Then this thing should be very valuable."

"Then why are they piling up around this pool of blood?"

"This pool of blood..."

The next moment, a popping sound was heard, and Xiang Ziyu jumped into the pool.

The other people around him have become accustomed to Xiang Ziyu's lack of fear of death.

This is a blood pool in the boundless blood prison, and there are several streams all around that are mixed into this blood pool.

When a normal person encounters this place, shouldn't he test it first to see if there is any danger in the blood pool?

Xiang Ziyu was lucky and jumped in directly.

But when he woke up, Xiang Ziyu dared to jump directly when he encountered places where he could not fly. What else did he not dare to do?

Not long after, everyone heard a loud noise coming from below, and then, the blood in the entire blood pool suddenly rose into the sky, and endless waves of energy surged out of the blood pool.

"What a powerful attack. Is Xiang Ziyu in danger?"

Cao Zhen was shocked and quickly jumped into the blood pool. As soon as he entered the blood pool, a strong smell of blood suddenly came.

He has been in this boundless blood prison for a long time, and he has now adapted to the bloody atmosphere in the boundless blood prison.

But now, he felt the bloody smell, which was very choking.

Over the past few years, he has even been able to tell whether the opponent is a monster equivalent to the Golden Core stage or a monster equivalent to the Formation stage just by the bloody aura of the monster.

The bloody aura in this blood pool is stronger than the monsters in the golden elixir stage, much more intense.

Suddenly, another huge earthquake came, and Xiang Ziyu's voice came at the same time.

"I don't believe it anymore. I am now at the limit of the golden elixir stage. As the protagonist, you are a sleeping monster, and I can't kill you."

As the words fell, an extremely powerful force suddenly came from below, and endless blood flew up, revealing the figure of Xiang Ziyu below. Also exposed was the figure of a huge monster opposite Xiang Ziyu. figure.

Under Xiang Ziyu's attack, the body of the monster opposite exploded.

But on its body, the blood that exploded gathered together and turned into a drop of bright red blood.

Xiang Ziyu raised his hand and grabbed the special blood in his hand.

Behind, Xiao Beiyan, who entered the pool with Cao Zhen, happened to see the scene in front of him. He reacted instantly and exclaimed: "This? A monster that has reached the earthly fairyland? This blood pool is its sleeping place. Then, we just beat him to death?"

"We didn't kill it, I killed it. Let me see if there are any other treasures around here."

Xiang Ziyu started searching along the blood pool as he spoke. After a moment, he cursed loudly: "Poor ghost, really poor ghost. A monster equivalent to the earthly fairyland has nothing at all."

"Okay, since there is nothing, let's leave quickly. We have already exposed our aura before, and then you just released your magical power here and exposed your aura again. If you don't leave, it will attract a group of monsters. Although we are not afraid, we will It’s also very troublesome.”

Cao Zhen quickly led everyone away from the canyon.

After they flew some distance, they stopped, and then Xiang Ziyu took out the special drop of blood.

"This is the condensed blood drop after the death of the monster. I can feel the powerful power in the blood drop, but I don't know what use this blood drop has. Master, do you know?"

"I..." Cao Zhen was talking about not knowing the function of writing blood drops. Whether it was Zhang Daoling he had connected with, or the Golden Light Holy Mother who he later connected with, or the Jade Ding Master who had just failed to connect, in their memories of cultivating immortals, There wasn't even a record of the blood river, so he naturally didn't know what the use of the blood droplets condensed after the monster died.

Cao Zhen could only shake his head and said: "I don't know what the use of this blood drop is. After all, when I was a teacher, there were not so many blood rivers in the era, and there was not much research on monsters."

Listening to Cao Zhen's words, Li Ke felt more and more admiration in his heart. Cao Zhen was really powerful. He said he didn't know, it must be because Senior Long is not around now and there is no one to ask.

He can also casually give a reason, which is really fast.

Speaking of which, Cao Zhen has been pretending to be a reincarnated great master for more than fifty years. During these fifty years, his disciples and even the entire world have not discovered that Cao Zhen is a fake reincarnated great master. Yes, this guy is pretty awesome!

Cao Zhen didn't wait for everyone to think too much and continued: "Let's keep walking and see if there are any places guarded by such bloody monsters. Such places may be places where monsters sleep."

Their judgment was correct. In the following days, as everyone moved forward, they discovered that every place guarded by monsters indeed had sleeping monsters.

As they continue to go deeper, there are more and more places like this.

Moreover, every bloody monster has various elixirs and blood crystals in its sleep.

The most special thing is that after every sleeping blood-colored monster is killed, a drop of blood like blood will condense.

A few people kept killing and killing like this. Unknowingly, they had been in the boundless blood prison for a year, but in a year, the outside world had not changed much.

Donghuang has not yet seen the central five continents, but in the boundless blood prison, Cao Zhen and others discovered a strange place again.

"What's going on here? Why do these rivers of blood converge in one place?"

Cao Zhen and others looked at the river of blood in front of them, and they were all surprised. After deliberation for a while, everyone walked forward along the blood river.

Slowly, the bloody atmosphere around him became darker and darker.

Then, a passage appeared in their sight.

"The passage of the blood river? Could it be that the passage into the boundless blood prison is not the only one we saw at the beginning?"

Everyone was confused and walked forward, but strangely, compared to the passage they entered into the Boundless Blood Prison, there were no monsters in this passage of the Boundless Blood Prison.

Everyone moved forward along the passage, and slowly, the blue sky and yellow land appeared in front of them.

"Are we leaving the Boundless Blood Prison?"

The only color they saw in the Boundless Blood Hell was blood red.

Everyone looked around and found that outside this passage was in a canyon, and outside the passage was a huge stone sword stuck upside down!

This stone sword suppresses the blood river channel.

"It's so strange. It's obviously the Minor Era of the Reversal of Heaven and Earth, and there is no power that can surpass the Golden Core Stage. Why can just such a stone sword occupy the passage of this boundless Blood Hell?"

Everyone looked at the stone sword and found that no matter how they looked, they could not see anything special about the stone sword. Even Cao Zhen didn't see anything special about Shi Jian.

"That's all, maybe a powerful person from a certain period discovered the blood river channel, and then left this stone sword to suppress the blood river channel."

Cao Zhen shook his head slightly and sighed: "I didn't expect that in addition to the blood river passage we discovered, there is also a blood river passage. I just don't know where we are now. Come on, let's go out first. Let's go to the hall. This is Where."

Cao Zhen led a group of disciples outside. Soon, they discovered that this place was really hidden. This canyon is in a cave, and the cave is actually in a stream.

Looking at the scene in this cave, he couldn't help but think of paradise.

Leaving the stream, mountains appeared before their eyes.

After walking out of the mountain, everyone felt the abundant and rich spiritual energy that they had never felt before!

"This aura..."

"This spiritual energy is richer than our Hundred Peaks Sect's spiritual energy..."

“More filling than anywhere I’ve ever been!”

"Later, after our Donghuang and Dongliang Dongjiang were connected, the spiritual energy in each of our regions became more abundant and rich, but it was still far from comparable to here."

"Could it be that in just one year, the outside world has changed so much?"

Everyone turned to look at Cao Zhen.

Cao Zhen shook his head and said: "No, although Yisheng also told me that the spiritual energy of our Baifeng Sect, including Donghuang and even Dongjiang and Dongliang next door, are becoming more and more abundant. However, according to Yisheng's description, those spiritual energy It’s far from the level of abundance.”

"Shouldn't we find out if we ask someone?"

"Let's go and look for anyone nearby."

Everyone got up and flew out. However, they found that this place was quite remote. They flew for a whole day without finding anyone.

A day later, after they all wondered whether they had flown to an uninhabited island, several figures finally appeared in front of them.

There are four people on the other side, two men and two women. At the same time, these four people are all the existences of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen.

The four people did not ride on the flying boat, but flew directly with their swords. Seeing the people in the distance, the four people immediately flew over. One of them looked at the strange golden elixir revealed behind the people, and even raised his hand. He said: "Several Taoist friends, so many golden elixirs of the Ten Visions of Great Perfection, you are here, you must be here to participate in the grand gathering of Lingxiao Sect."

Lingxiao Sect?

Cao Zhen was shocked when he heard the sound!

In the Zhenxian Dynasty, not even in the entire Eastern Wasteland, not to mention Dongliang and Dongjiang, no immortal sect claims to be a sect!

If you want to call yourself a teacher, you must first exist for millions of years!

However, no matter it is Donghuang, Dongjiang or Dongliang, no immortal sect has existed for a million years.

Therefore, the other party suddenly said that there is an immortal sect called Lingxiao Sect. There is only one possibility. They are not in Donghuang, nor in Dongliang and other places. They have arrived in the Central Five Continents!

Only in the central five continents can there be immortal sects called religions!

He understood immediately. No wonder he and others felt the spiritual energy here was so strong. No wonder the other party saw him and others with the existence of so many Ten Visions and Golden Elixir Perfection. It turned out that he and others had arrived. The central five continents.

However, doesn't it mean that the central five continents are very special and cannot be entered by ordinary people?

Could it be said that passing through the Blood River is different? You can enter the central five continents through the blood river at will, or enter various major regions from the central five continents?

So, now, the major regions have not yet connected to the Central Five Continents, but I and others have penetrated into the Central Five Continents first?

Cao Zhen looked at the four people opposite him, but for a moment he didn't know how to speak like this. They were naturally not the people invited by the Lingxiao Sect, but after finally meeting someone, they were monks with the Ten Visions of the Golden Elixir, so he must have Find out more about the situation in the central five continents.

The person who had just spoken opposite saw that the other person did not respond, but he instinctively believed that the other person was indeed going to Lingxiao Sect to participate in the grand event, and he warmly invited: "Since you are going to attend the grand event, why not come together?"

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