Fairy Guanyue did not damage the skin of the fierce tiger too seriously. After obtaining the skin and bones of the fierce tiger, the two flew towards the tower overnight.

When they came to the tower, they only met a few people from the Five Sound Sect. But when they returned here, there was only one person from the Five Sound Sect left outside the tower, but there were two more people on the side.

One of them is a monk wearing cassocks.

Fading away from the grand gathering of Lingxiao Sect, everyone also saw the meditator.

On the other side, a man in black clothes exuded an aura that kept strangers away, and waves of cold demonic energy continued to overflow from his body.

This is a man of magic.

At this time, the three of them seemed to be listening carefully to something. Suddenly they heard a sound breaking through the air, and the three of them looked back.

When Miaoyin of the Wuyin Sect saw Fairy Guanyue, she nodded her head in a friendly manner. Then, her eyes fell on the tiger skin and tiger bones held by Fairy Guanyue. A look of surprise appeared in her eyes. The senior brothers and fellow apprentices left at almost the same time as Fairy Guanyue and the others. Now the senior brothers and the others have not yet returned, but Fairy Guanyue and the others are only two of them, yet they returned so quickly!

When the Zen cultivator saw Fairy Guanyue, he didn't react at all. He looked away very well and continued to close his eyes and listen to the sound of the drum.

Even the demon cultivator quickly looked away, obviously not wanting to conflict with Fairy Guanyue.

Guan Yue just glanced at the two of them, seemingly not minding that there were two more people here, and just flew to a broken drum with Cao Zhen.

Normal drum skins are extremely troublesome to make, but the drum in front of you is much simpler. It is enough to simply put the tiger skin on the drum and hold it tight.

Afterwards, Guanyuexiang handed the tiger bones to Cao Zhen.

Miaoyin saw the actions of the two people, but looked into the distance. He didn't know how high the musical attainment of the person led by Fairy Guanyue was, but he knew that the other person didn't listen here for long at all.

The drum beats in the tower may sound ordinary, but in fact they contain countless changes.

Even with his musical attainments, when he heard it now, he was only eight or nine percent sure that he could resonate with the drumbeats in the bell tower.

The other party didn't listen to the sound of the drum before. Now even if the drum is repaired, it can't resonate. He still has a chance. As long as his senior fellow apprentices can return quickly and for a while, Fairy Guanyue will not directly make trouble. As long as their guess is correct, they can enter the tower first.

As soon as his thoughts came to an end, a dull drum sound came from his ears.

Did the other party beat the drum?

Is he crazy? He has never heard the sound of drums, and he beat them as soon as he came here. Isn't he afraid that if something goes wrong, danger will be directed at him from the tower?


A look of surprise suddenly appeared on Miaoyin's face, and she looked towards the figure playing the drum in disbelief.

The frequency of the other party's drumming and the sound produced by the drumming were exactly the same as the sound coming from the tower. For a moment, the air around the other party vibrated, and then the tower pressure began to vibrate.

The next moment, behind the other party, the closed door suddenly opened.


Miaoyin's eyes suddenly widened. This was a success. She had been staying here since she came here, listening to the drum beats, but she still wasn't completely sure that she could resonate with the drum beats in the tower.

But the other party didn't stay here at all. When he came here, he just beat the drum and resonated. What kind of musical attainment is this? Who is Fairy Guanyue looking for!

In Miaoyin's eyes full of surprise, the other party seemed to be grabbed by an invisible big hand, and he was grabbed into the rear door.

Guan Yue had been standing beside Cao Zhen. She was the first to react and turned around to follow Cao Zhen into the gate. However, the next moment, the wooden door of the gate closed with a bang.

Guanyue felt a terrifying push coming from her. She was at the limit of the golden elixir stage and couldn't even block the push, so she was pushed back.

Fairy Guanyue was stunned for a moment, how could this happen? Could it be said that only those who play music can enter it? No one else can enter, but is there any danger in the tower?

If there is danger in this tower, Cao Zhen is just a Nine Visions Golden Pill, how can he resist it?

Now, she can only pray that there is no danger in this tower.

All around, the other three people looked in the direction of the tower with different expressions.

In the tower, after Cao Zhen entered the tower, he saw a winding staircase that spiraled upward to the top of the tower.

And around the stairs, there were many large drums. As he entered the place, these large drums started to sound immediately. With each drum sound, a sound wave shot out, shooting towards him rapidly.

This ruins is somewhat similar to the ruins that the Eclipse Demon entered, but the ruins in front of him look more dangerous.

"As long as one understands the music and has reached the level of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen, he should be able to avoid these sound waves. However, if the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen does not understand the music, he will not be able to climb on it. "

Cao Zhen looked at the waves of sound coming one after another and walked forward with a relaxed expression on his face. As he walked, he felt the changes in the sound waves around him.

"The sound wave has become stronger. At this level, Lie Yan before Nirvana should have almost reached its limit."

"The sound waves are still increasing..."

"This place... huh? We've reached the end? However, with this level of sound waves, I don't know if Lingxi and Yan Yourong can rush over."

Cao Zhen quickly reached the top of the tower.

The top of the tower is the spire, which is not large. There are three things placed here, one of which is a big drum.

The previous sound came from this big drum.

The whole body of the big drum is black, and there are patterns of ferocious beasts painted on the drum surface.

Cao Zhen looked at the big drum and just raised his hand to knock it casually. Suddenly, a wave of air visible to the naked eye shot out from the big drum and shot around, hitting the walls on both sides. The sound echoed, and for a while The whole room was filled with a dull sound that sounded like the feet of ancient ferocious beasts stepping on the ground. It seemed that there were countless ancient ferocious beasts running wildly from a distance.

These lines of business rushed directly into his body, resounding from his heart. The sound was as loud as thunder exploding from his body. What was even more terrifying was not that the sound was loud, but that these sounds were indescribable. The roars of the ferocious beasts above seemed like countless ferocious beasts trying to devour him.

"This divine weapon is not weak. It even feels stronger than Yan Yourong's Wrathful Dragon Sword. However, this is the relic of the Heavenly Dao's attack on the Wuyin Sect. In such a high tower, it is It would be a little unreasonable to give such a magic weapon."

Although it seems that he entered here easily, that is because his musical attainments are too high. If it were anyone else who tried it, he would not be able to enter here so easily.

Not to mention anything else, it's not easy to find that ferocious tiger. You can't kill that ferocious tiger without any strength at all.

They killed her simply because Fairy Guanyue was at the limit of the golden elixir stage.

Cao Zhen looked at the other two treasures.

On one side of the big drum, there are two things floating in the void. The one in the middle is a token, and the other side is an extremely thin beam. Around the beam, mana surges, which is obviously just The light beam seemed to be alive.

"This is divine thought!"

For example, some simple skills and some simple magical powers can be taught directly through oral instruction. However, when the skills reach a certain level, like the Eight-Nine Mysterious Skills, the ten levels before the Eight-Nine Mysterious Skills can also be taught. Even the first level can be taught orally, but the subsequent levels of the Eight-Nine Mysterious Skills cannot be taught directly to others through dictation.

The same goes for the spells after magical powers. The spells are too complicated and cannot be transmitted through oral instructions or secret books.

Many powerful people want to teach their skills or spells to future generations only through spiritual thoughts.

"I don't know if this divine thought is the divine thought of a Kung Fu method or some kind of magic." Cao Zhen looked at the divine thought, thought about it, and then directly put the divine thought into the Qiankun bag.

He has no shortage of skills.

Even after entering the Earthly Immortal Realm, he has more spells that he can use.

After all, whether it is Zhang Daoling or Yuding Zhenren he is connected to, they are too strong. They are more about practicing and studying spells, not magical powers. In fact, they are proficient in more spells.

Just like Xiang Ziyu, after he discovered Xiang Ziyu's immortal body before, he also wanted to teach Xiang Ziyu some magical powers about the power of yin and yang, but the problem was that Zhang Daoling's magic about the power of yin and yang was all magic, and there was no magical power. Xiang Ziyu won't be able to practice magic until he becomes an Earth Immortal.

In short, neither skills nor magical powers are very important to him, and his disciples don't need them very much either.

He entered this place in cooperation with Fairy Guanyue, so there is nothing wrong with giving this divine thought to Fairy Guanyue, and then he can use the token and the magic weapon.

Cao Zhen looked forward and grabbed the last treasure, the token.

As soon as I took the token, I felt a cold feeling. It was not the bone-chilling feeling, but the cool feeling of gently touching ice cubes with your hands in the summer.

The next moment, the air in front of him suddenly fluctuated, and then he flew down from the air. The tower in front of him instantly turned into a tiny tower and flew into the token in his palm.

Outside the tower, everyone happened to see the tower flying into Cao Zhen's palm.

A cold murderous intent flashed in the demon cultivator's eyes, but the next moment, the murderous intent in his eyes dissipated instantly.

Fairy Guanyue had already flown up and landed in front of Cao Zhen.

Sure enough, there was no danger in the tower, so Cao Zhen got the treasure in the tower? Even the tower was taken by Cao Zhen.

"let's go."

Under Fairy Guanyue, the belt-like silk satin appeared again. She pulled Cao Zhen down onto the silk satin, directly controlled the silk satin, and flew towards the distance.

Although she is at the limit of the golden elixir stage, Cao Zhen is not.

The high tower here suddenly disappeared, and many people would definitely rush here to find out.

She was afraid that if she continued to stay here, some lunatics would come and attack Cao Zhen directly.

Although she is strong, if there are too many people attacking Cao Zhen, she will not be able to take care of them.

I have already got everything in hand, so there is no need to stay here.

All around, whether it was the wonderful sounds of the Five Tones Sect, the Zen cultivator, or the demon cultivator, they just watched the two people fly away without any expression.

Fairy Close Moon, they are really no match.

Even besieging the Moon Fairy? The three of them are not necessarily the opponents of Fairy Guanyue. What's more, the three of them do not belong to one force. How could they take action?

Besides, they're not crazy.

After Fairy Guanyue flew Cao Zhen for a certain distance, she stopped in a deserted place, turned to look at Cao Zhen and asked, "What did you get inside?"

Cao Zhen was the only one who entered the tower. In the end, the tower even became smaller and flew into Cao Zhen's hands. Therefore, if there were treasures in the tower, they must have been taken away by Cao Zhen.

"There is a lot of drums." Cao Zhen took out the drum first.

Although Fairy Guanyue didn't understand the music, after Cao Zhen hit the drum, she nodded slightly and said, "Yes, this drum is not an ordinary magic weapon. If you refine it again later, it can be used as a magic weapon. "

As she said that, she still stared at Cao Zhen and asked, "Besides this big drum, there should be other treasures inside, right?"

"There is also a ray of divine thought." Cao Zhen took out the ray of divine thought and said, "I don't know what kind of divine thought it is, and I don't know whether it contains magical powers, spells, or exercises."

"Divine thoughts!" Fairy Guanyue was moved instantly. This is the divine thought left by Heaven!

Cao Zhen also saw the importance Fairy Guanyue attached to this divine thought. He didn't even take back the divine thought, but took out another token and said: "This is the third treasure, a token. The last tower Even if I just fly into the token, I don't know what purpose the tower has.

I see that you seem to be very interested in that divine thought. How about this? I take away the token and the big drum, and give you the remaining divine thought. "

It was useless for him to ask for spiritual thoughts, so he naturally chose to ask for two other things.

When Fairy Guanyue heard this, a look of surprise suddenly appeared on her face. Cao Zhen didn't want that divine thought. In her opinion, what Cao Zhen needed most was divine thought.

After all, the Immortal Sect that Cao Zhen came from shouldn't be strong. In this case, he should want spiritual power to enhance his strength. Why would he want the big drum and tower?

The big drum is indeed a very powerful magic weapon, but magic weapons can be forged, so how can it compare with that divine thought.

So, what Cao Zhen wants is this tower?

Are there any secrets in the tower that I don't know about?

After all, only Cao Zhen entered the tower.

Suddenly, Fairy Guanyue thought a lot again. Cao Zhenshi took out these three treasures. Are there really only three treasures?

Just like that divine thought, why did Cao Zhen give it to himself so simply? Could it be that there were other divine thoughts in it, and Cao Zhen just took out this divine thought to kill himself?

Fairy Guanyue thought of many things at this moment, and a cold look flashed in her eyes. Suddenly, her face turned cold and she said, "Show me your Qiankun bag."

"My Qiankun Bag?" Cao Zhen was stunned. Can the Qiankun Bag be shown to others casually? Even his disciple has never seen his Qiankun Bag.

"Guanyue, if you want to see my Qiankun Bag, it's a bit inappropriate, isn't it?" Cao Zhen couldn't help but feel a sense of boredom in his heart. Looking at the incomparably beautiful Fairy Guanyue in front of him, he felt a sense of disgust for the first time. At the same time, a black aura rose from his heart and spread to the surroundings.

Suddenly, at the next moment, an extremely weak, almost imperceptible aura rose up in his body at the same time, rushing toward the black aura.

As the aura became almost negligible, but as the aura exploded, Cao Zhen felt the aura instantly.

This is……

It’s the spirit of a prosperous age!

It is not the aura of the prosperous age technique that I have practiced!

It seems to come from the Baifeng Sect and the prosperity of the Four Treasures Peak.

The aura of the prosperous age suddenly erupted and enveloped the black aura in an instant. In just a moment, it swallowed up the black aura completely.

Cao Zhen was shocked in his heart, what happened to him just now? Did you just want to take action?

He seemed to be affected by that black aura.

So what is that black breath? Isn't that the black aura that wanted to rush into his and Xianyue's bodies before? That aura had obviously been shattered in vain, so why did it suddenly appear in his body?

What about the closed moon?

Guanyue suddenly seemed to be a different person. It also depends on her Qiankun Bag. Is she also affected by this aura?

Cao Zhen just wanted to remind Guan Yue, but a look of anger flashed through Guan Yue's eyes, and she said coldly: "Whether you want to watch or not, it's not up to you!"

While speaking, Guan Yue reached out and grabbed Cao Zhen.

Although she did not release her visionary golden elixir, even so, when she reached the limit of the golden elixir stage, her speed was still astonishingly fast.

Although Guanyue is fast, Cao Zhen's speed is even faster.

Also without releasing the golden elixir, Cao Zhen just dodged back and avoided Guan Yue's grasping hand. His physical body was originally much stronger than those of his fellow cultivators at the same level due to the continuous tempering of his body when he first broke through to the golden elixir stage through cultivating the God and Demon Record. Not to mention after practicing the Eight or Nine Mysterious Skills.

Guanyue's grasp was in vain, and the hostility exuding from his whole body became more and more obvious.

"You can still dodge my attack. Even if I didn't release the golden elixir of visions, you also didn't release the golden elixir of visions. When everyone doesn't release the golden elixir, let alone you, the Nine Visions Golden Elixir. , even the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen cannot escape my attack.

Cao Zhen, you have indeed been hiding yourself. I want to see who you are and what is in your Qiankun bag. "

As Guanyue's last word fell, a huge combined elixir condensed from ten vision golden elixirs appeared behind her. For a moment, the space behind her seemed unable to withstand the power of the golden elixir's appearance. , and continued to explode, and sonic booms continued to be heard in the air.

The nine visionary golden elixirs behind Cao Zhen also appeared, and the heretic golden elixir above his head also appeared. He has not released his heretic golden elixir for a long time. After all, many times, he does not release the heretic golden elixir. , can also defeat his opponent, and he was with his disciples in the boundless blood prison before. He didn't need to exert any force, and his disciples were able to kill the monsters.

As the heretic golden elixir emerged, Cao Zhen's aura also rose to an extremely terrifying level. The next moment, Fairy Guanyue came with all kinds of flying silks and satins in her hand.

The silk and satin were flying, like a divine dragon flying down from the sky, hitting Cao Zhen's door directly.

Cao Zhen was highly concentrated, looking at the falling silk, and quickly dodged to the side. If he had been before, at such a close distance, he would never have been able to dodge such an attack from Fairy Guanyue, but Having practiced the Eighty-nine Mysterious Skills, he was able to completely dodge the flying silk.

But the next moment, the silk satin suddenly turned a corner and continued to bombard him. At the same time, the two bells on the silk satin collided together, making a dragon roar.

For a moment, Cao Zhen felt that there was really a divine dragon roaring in front of him.

He is now finally sure that Guanyue comes from the Dragon Yin Sect. This is really the Dragon Yin!

Because of the dragon's roar, he paused slightly, and in front of his eyes, the turning silk satin fell in front of him.

When there was no time to chance, Cao Zhen kept moving and continued to dodge to the side. At the same time, he shouted to Fairy Guanyue: "Guanyue, calm down. You have been penetrated by demonic energy. Check your body." Body."

"I was penetrated by demonic energy. Didn't you get possessed by demonic energy?" Guanyue's pretty face was frosty, but a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

When Cao Zhen saw this smile, a word came to his mind instantly - smile like a nightmare.

This word was probably invented for Close Moon, Close Moon...

No, why is she smiling?

Cao Zhen suddenly stopped, looked at Guan Yue in surprise and said, "No, you are smiling, are you feeling better too?"

If Fairy Guanyue was still affected by the black evil energy, she would never show such a smile.

"Master Cao is Master Cao, you can tell. Yes, that dragon roar just now made me recover." Guan Yue took back the silk and satin, looked at Cao Zhen and said teasingly: "You have hidden enough Seriously, I was affected just now, and even with all my strength, I couldn't hit you.

Moreover, it is obvious that you discovered this black demonic energy before me, and even suppressed the black demonic energy.

Master Cao, should you explain to me and your teammates now where you come from? "

Guanyue said teasing words, but her heart was filled with shock. She was affected just now, but she attacked with all her strength, but Cao Zhen completely dodged her attack. Then there was only one possibility, Cao Zhen and her Likewise, it has reached the limit of the golden elixir stage!

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