Cao Zhen heard from Beiyan and Duoduo that he had encountered a white tiger. It was either an ordinary white tiger or one of the four holy beasts.

But the white tiger took advantage of them twice, and both times they all ran away.

Naturally, he wanted to catch such a white tiger and let it return to the Baifeng Sect as a guardian beast, but he had no choice but to covet it.

As a result, this white tiger ended up with Xiang Ziyu. What was going on?

It seemed that both Bai Hu and Xiang Ziyu had obvious injuries on their bodies.

Xiang Ziyu's physical body is not weaker than his at all, and this is a white tiger. Even if it is not an adult, it is one of the four holy beasts, and its physical body must be extremely terrifying.

How could the two of them get hurt?

Could it be that this man and one tiger just had a big battle?

In his sight, after Xiang Ziyu took two steps, he suddenly stretched out his hand to hold down Bai Hu's body. Then he pushed his arm hard and was about to fall on Bai Hu's body.

Bai Hu felt Xiang Ziyu's power, and his body swayed suddenly, but Xiang Ziyu's power was not used enough and he did not jump on Bai Hu.

Then, it was dressed roughly, and a pair of tiger eyes showed a fierce light, as if it was going to swallow Xiang Ziyu alive.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Xiang Ziyu didn't seem to notice the anger in Bai Hu's eyes. Instead, he looked at Bai Hu with an unhappy face and shouted, "What are you looking at? What are you doing when I ride?" Yeah? If it weren’t for me, you would have died long ago.

Now, both of us are injured, and we need to find a place to heal first. You have four legs and can run away. I'll ride on you and run away quickly. Is there any problem? "

With that said, Xiang Ziyu stretched out a hand again and grabbed Bai Hu.

The next moment, the white tiger suddenly opened its mouth, revealing its sharp fangs, and let out a vigilant roar.

"What are you doing? You think others can't find us, and you want to attract more people, right?" Xiang Ziyu stared at the white tiger angrily and yelled, "Also, what do you want to do when you open your mouth? Do you want to bite? I.

It's very dangerous for you to do this. Do you know? Do you know who I am? I..."

Bai Hu didn't wait for Xiang Ziyu to finish speaking, and suddenly interrupted Xiang Ziyu, and a voice full of resentment rang out: "I don't know who you are, but you must know that I am the holy beast White Tiger!

Do you still dare to ride me? If you ride on me, you are insulting the white tiger, the holy beast, and even insulting all the four holy beasts! You are looking for death! "

It is so arrogant that no human being is allowed to ride it, not to mention that this is just a guy from the immortal realm.

When Cao Zhen listened to the white tiger's voice, he felt that the voice was a bit shrill, like a woman's voice.

So, this is a tigress?

No wonder Xiang Zi is not allowed to ride this white tiger. Can he ride it casually?

Xiang Ziyu was stunned for a moment when he heard Bai Hu speak, and said subconsciously: "So you can talk!"

This was the first time Bai Hu spoke in front of him.

"Nonsense, I am an existence equivalent to your human immortal realm. I can naturally speak." Bai Hu's voice was full of contempt. He looked at Xiang Ziyu and even gave people the impression that he was caring for people with IQ problems. generally.

Cao Zhen didn't know why, but looking at Bai Hu's tone of voice and Bai Hu's movement of rolling his eyes just now, it felt like Bai Hu had rolled his eyes at Xiang Ziyu.

"I still don't know that after the alien beast arrived in the fairyland, it was able to speak human words. But who kept you silent all this time? I thought you were mute." Xiang Ziyu was despised by the alien beast, and he suddenly felt dissatisfied. Come on, the holy beast is also a strange beast. How could he, the majestic protagonist, be despised by a strange beast.

White Tiger suddenly went crazy. He waved his huge tiger claws in front of Xiang Ziyu and threatened: "I am a holy beast. Let me emphasize again. I am a holy beast, White Tiger. I am a mute? You are insulting the holy beast again. You will die." deal!"

"No, it's you who are in danger. Are you the Four Sacred Beasts? But do you know who I am? I am the protagonist, the only protagonist in the world!" As Xiang Ziyu spoke, his whole person exuded a feeling of heaven and earth, heaven and earth. The aura of being the only one in the universe, with a face full of confidence, looked at Bai Hu and said, "As the protagonist, my mount is destined to be at least at the level of the Four Sacred Beasts.

You met me because you were lucky, but you still don't cherish it. Let me tell you, not everyone can become the protagonist's mount. "

Xiang Ziyu said, raising his hand again and pressing down on the white tiger. He seemed to be preparing to use force to subdue the white tiger.

The white tiger roared again and twisted its body wildly, saying nothing and not letting Xiang Ziyu ride up.

One person and one tiger, it was a stalemate.

Cao Zhen finally couldn't stand it anymore and sent a message to Xiang Ziyu: "Ziyu, wait a minute. Don't think about riding the white tiger. What's going on with you?"

"Master? Why did you suddenly come to see me?" Xiang Ziyu was stunned for a moment. His master rarely came to him if nothing happened.

Moreover, he also told the master that he was the protagonist and he had to go his own way. It was best not to look for him when he went out on adventures.

"Because I am a master and you are now in the Wanjie River. I have already looked for your other senior sisters, junior brothers and junior sisters before." Cao Zhen asked again, "What's going on with the white tiger?"

Xiang Ziyu replied casually in his heart: "Ask the white tiger, it's nothing. I entered the territory of the Blood Toad Clan before and got a treasure. This white tiger also got a treasure from the Giant Frog Clan. treasure.

The treasure that the two of us put together is called the Pearl of Vicissitudes of Life. "

Pearls from the changing seas!

There was a look of surprise in Cao Zhen's eyes. If the Millennium-Twisting Pearl can increase the history of a force, and a force's passage through one day is equivalent to a thousand days, then the Songhai Sangtian Pearl can really make people live in one day. Within time, I spent ten thousand years!

Instead of adding ten thousand years, let him experience those ten thousand years.

There are so many things that can be done in ten thousand years.

It is unknown how far a talented monk can break through in ten thousand years. When he was fighting everywhere in Dongzhou as a bloody killer, he also heard some legends about the vicissitudes of life pearl.

One of the most recent legends is that of the Yin Yang Sect, the current law enforcement elder - True Lord Xuanyang.

Back then, True Lord Xuanyang was being chased by his enemies and hid in a place.

And his enemies were not in a hurry. After sealing off the surrounding area, they slowly searched for True Lord Xuanyang. As a result, in just one day, True Lord Xuanyang appeared in front of him.

The previous True Lord Xuanyang was only in the late stage of Returning to Immortal Realm, and had not even reached the peak of Returning to Immortal Realm.

But one day later, True Lord Xuanyang was an existence in the True Immortal Realm, and he easily killed his enemies.

After that, others knew that True Lord Xuanyang had taken the Vicissitudes of Life Pearl.

Others thought it was just one day, but in fact, he spent a full ten thousand years in the vicissitudes of life and broke through directly into the true fairyland!

Now, Xiang Ziyu said that he got a vicissitudes of life pearl, which was wrong. It should be half of the vicissitudes of life pearl, and the other half was in Bai Hu's hands.

He finally understood why Beiyan and the others had seen White Tiger being chased by those giant frogs twice. It turned out that White Tiger had stolen other people's treasures.

Xiang Ziyu continued: "Anyway, I don't know how those two alien races separated the Pearl of the Vicissitudes of Life, and one tribe took part of it.

After we each obtained the treasures, we were both hunted by these alien races. At the same time, we can also feel that the treasure is on the other person's body, and we also want to snatch the treasure back from the other person's body. "

Then, the two of us met, and there were also aliens who were chasing us. We naturally joined forces to kill the aliens who were chasing us.

Then Master, you came. "

"So, the current situation is that unless you take the initiative to give your half of the vicissitudes of life pearl to the white tiger, otherwise, the white tiger will definitely follow you."

Cao Zhen instantly knew the reason why this person and the tiger could still be together. Xiang Ziyu wasted some time just now when he opened his mouth. His time was limited and he did not dare to delay, so he quickly told the business.

"If you were outside, somewhere else, you would have no problem being with such a white tiger, but now, you are in danger.

The reason why the Wanjie River cannot be used to display immortal energy and demonic energy is because of a woman named Qingshi Demon Lord. My teacher also told you about that woman.

That woman has the energy of chaos and can use demonic energy.

Moreover, she now specializes in killing those masters and robbing them of their resources. If you are with White Tiger, the other party will most likely attack you.

What's more, the other party may also know that you have the pearl of vicissitudes of life in your hands, and they are more likely to take action against you.

That woman is from Wan Xiao's sect. If you are so high-profile, I'm afraid the other party has already found out the information about you. "

"Can you cast demonic energy?" A look of surprise suddenly appeared on Xiang Ziyu's face, and then he whispered, "Forget it, let her go for now. Master, don't worry about me, I am the protagonist, that woman can't find me Yes, I know a very, very hidden place, and I will hide in it with White Tiger."

Cao Zhen listened to Xiang Ziyu's words and let out a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Xiang Ziyu didn't have any iron heads. He said that even if the other party could use demonic energy, he would not be afraid.

But, that's right.

Although Xiang Ziyu sometimes doesn't have the same mind as a normal person, Xiang Ziyu is not really stupid, so how could he be so stupid and tough with someone who can display the realm of immortality here.

Just as Xiang Ziyu finished speaking, he noticed that the master's voice had disappeared. He turned to look at Bai Hu and said, "Little Bai Hu, let's go. I will take you to a place.

The outside world is too dangerous, and there is a person here who can cast demonic energy. That person might be eyeing our vicissitudes of life Dzi Bead.

It just so happens that your brother, I know there is such a place, which is extremely hidden, underground. The other party will never find us. "

"Don't call yourself brother in front of me. First, you are not from our White Tiger clan. Second, I am older than you."

Bai Hu fiercely gestured his tiger palm in front of Xiang Ziyu, but he still followed Xiang Ziyu obediently and said, "You do have some skills, and you also know that there is someone who can cast demonic energy." .

However, you only know half of it. "

Although Bai Hu cannot transform into a human being now, when he spoke, there was a look of arrogance on his face: "This girl can tell you that in this world, there are actually two people who can cast immortals. Angry and demonic.

Don't ask me why I know this, because I am the holy beast White Tiger! Although this girl is not an adult, and although she cannot use the immortal energy in her body, she is far from what you can compare with. "

Baihu said and raised his head proudly, making this human being always look amazing. Now he must be scared. There are two people in the Wanjie River who can cast fairy energy or demonic energy.

But when it looked at the human opposite, it found that this human said matter-of-factly: "I know there are two people. The reason why I only said one person is because the other person is one of our own, so of course you don't need to worry about it." .”

"You are one of your own?" Bai Hu's eyes fell on the peaks embroidered on Xiang Ziyu's sleeves, and he exclaimed in a low voice, "Is there anyone else in your Four Treasures Peak who possesses the energy of chaos?"

Xiang Ziyu was stunned for a moment: "Do you still know about our Four Treasures Peak?"

The white tiger looked at Xiang Ziyu as if he were an idiot. He was very suspicious of how this human being could cultivate to such an extent.

Does it really think it is an ordinary beast?

Not to mention that he is one of the Four Holy Beasts, even an ordinary strange beast, after cultivating to the Earthly Immortal Realm, his spiritual intelligence has become enlightened and he can recognize the clothing of all major religions.

Xiang Ziyu felt Bai Hu's gaze and immediately realized that he had really done something stupid. Because Bai Hu had not spoken and the white tiger was not yet an adult, he habitually regarded the white tiger as an ordinary one. tiger.

This opening was immediately exposed.

Just as he was thinking about how to remedy it, Bai Hu's voice sounded again: "I know, it must be your master.

I have met your senior brothers before. Your people are all here. It is impossible that your master will not come.

Moreover, it seems that among your brothers, you are the strongest. If you had Chaos Qi, you would have used Chaos Qi long ago, so that person can only be your master. "

Seeing Xiang Ziyu's surprised look, Bai Hu finally became proud again and shouted, "Am I right?"

"That's right." Xiang Ziyu pointed at himself and said angrily, "I don't have a senior brother, I am the senior brother!"

He only has two senior sisters, so there is nothing wrong with him saying that he is the senior brother.

Bai Hu became more and more convinced that there was something wrong with Xiang Ziyu's head. The key point of the question was, was he a senior brother?

Shouldn't he know that his master possesses the energy of chaos?

After reading Xiang Ziyu, Cao Zhen did not interrupt the connection with the Chinese Cloud. He followed the Double Sword Fairy slowly forward while opening the Chinese Cloud and observing the situation of the All-powerful Demon King.

Before, the All-powerful Demon Lord only went out at night and hunted everywhere, but now she started to hunt even during the day.

With this kind of hunting frequency, it is obvious that the All-powerful Demon Lord must have found the energy of chaos.

As the All-powerful Demon King goes around killing masters, she will always be seen by others when flying. Moreover, after she kills someone, she doesn't clean up the battlefield at all and leaves immediately.

Because they can't fly, everyone will feel hungry and tired, and they will also look for caves to rest. As he kills more people, the chances of being discovered in the caves where she has killed people also begin to increase.

Especially, when she kills people during the day, those people will not enter the cave. In most cases, she kills people directly on the road.

In this way, when others see the corpse, they will naturally be able to detect the traces of the spell.

Soon, many people in Wanjie Hanoi learned that there was a master who could cast spells here, and the opponent was still killing people crazily.

For a time, everyone was in danger.

The Qingshi Demon Lord didn't care about this at all, and she didn't care at all whether others knew that there was an existence that could release spells, which would kill people faster.

Within the territory of the Chaye Clan.

Cao Zhen followed the Double Sword Fairy and finally saw three small lakes as the sky fell.

In every lake, there are springs constantly spurting out.

And around these three lakes, there were even more people from the Chaye tribe.

"This is the Shaye Demon Spring." The two swords pointed at the three small lakes and said, "The largest one can give birth to two more arms, and the smallest lake can give birth to six arms.

However, the question now is how we should rush into the lake. It is impossible for these guards to leave here easily. "

"Won't you leave easily?" Cao Zhen asked in a low voice, "In other words, under certain circumstances, they will still leave here?"

"Yes." The Fairy of Double Swords nodded slightly, "These alien races have so-called holy places. If their holy places are attacked, most of the Chaye clan here will rush away, and it is estimated that only a few Chaye clan will be left. Night Clan, that is no longer a concern.

However, their holy land is even more heavily guarded than here, with more experts, so that is obviously not a good choice.

Our only way is to continue to wait, waiting for them to relax, and then rush over quickly, each with a spring of water. "

"Just rush over?"

Cao Zhen looked at the guards around him. If it were him, there would be no problem in rushing over and bringing a sip of spring water.

But if you add these people, it will be troublesome.

Moreover, the spring that adds six arms is the farthest away, and it is not easy for him to rush over without using his immortal energy.

Therefore, if the holy land is far enough away, the best way is to attack their holy land.

Cao Zhen turned to look at the Double Sword Fairy and asked in a low voice: "Where is the holy land of the Chaye Clan? Is it far from here?"

"Holy Land?" Fairy Double Swords suddenly widened his eyes and said in shock, "Fellow Daoist Ye, you'd better not pay attention to Holy Land. The guards there are at least twice as many as here, or even more."

Cao Zhen insisted: "You just need to tell me where the holy land is."

Seeing Cao Zhen's insistence, Fairy Double Swords could only say: "Going eastward from here, about twenty miles away, there is a mountain, and behind the mountain is the Holy Land."

"In that case, just wait until all the guards here leave." After Cao Zhen finished speaking, he quietly moved forward into the distance.

Twenty miles away was far enough away, and more importantly, it was from behind a mountain, so no one would see me even if I flew up.

As for the people of the Wanxiao Sect, he did not believe that the Wanxiao Sect could send people to monitor the core of the Chaye Clan and the holy land of the Chaye Clan at all times.

In fact, if there were not the two fairies of the Double Swords, it would be easy to get the Night Demon Spring. He would just fly over to get a mouthful of spring water, and then fly back to Ruoyun.

Now, I can only take a little trouble and go around the holy land first.

"Fellow Daoist Ye, did you really go to the Holy Land?" Fairy Xunjian looked at the departing figure and said with worry, "Although Fellow Daoist Ye is strong, there are too many guards in the Holy Land. He has to go to the Holy Land to distract the guards. The plane is too dangerous. Alright."

Although she didn't know Ye Liangchen's origins, after spending so many days together, she felt that Ye Liangchen was a really nice person, and she didn't want the fellow Taoist she just met to die like that.

"Since he is going to the Holy Land, he should be confident." Fairy Shuangjian glanced at Ruoyun who was standing aside, hesitated slightly, and then said, "Fellow Daoist Ye never said what he was doing here. At first, I thought, He came here for these night demon springs.

But now it seems that he has no interest in the Chaye Demon Spring. Perhaps his destination is the holy land of the Chaye Clan.

However, I don’t know how he will leave after going to the Holy Land and causing commotion. "

Ruoyun just looked at the direction where the master left without saying anything, wondering why the master's purpose was the holy land of the Chaye Clan.

Master probably doesn’t even know what the holy land of the Chaye Clan is.

Master, the reason why he took action was just to help himself.

Cao Zhen walked all the way and climbed over a mountain. The Chaye clan suddenly appeared in his sight. The number of Chaye clan guards here was twice as many as the guards of the three magic springs combined.

Moreover, among the three guardians of the magic spring, only the smallest and strongest magic spring has an eight-armed Zhaye tribe next to it.

But here is the Chaye Clan with eight people and eight arms.

It can be seen that there should be a large formation here, but now the immortal energy and demonic energy cannot be used, and the Chaye tribe cannot use their own energy, so the large array has lost its effect.

And in the great formation, there are these graves one after another, which are obviously the graves of those masters from the Chaye Clan who have not yet awakened.

But in the center of this formation, there is not a living tomb, but a huge altar.

In the center of the altar is a huge blood pool. In the blood pool, streaks of bright red blood exude a strong bloody smell, and there is even a trace of evil spirit in it.

"Why does this evil spirit feel so similar to the evil spirit in the Boundless Blood Prison? Does this altar have anything to do with the Boundless Blood Prison? Could it be that these alien races are still suppressing the Blood River?"

Cao Zhen glanced at the altar, the immortal energy in his body was quietly circulating, and the next moment his figure suddenly rushed out.

His physical body is already extremely powerful. At least in this river of all realms, he has not met anyone with a physical body that can rival his.

After exerting his immortal energy, his speed skyrocketed as he moved. He even caused bursts of sonic booms while flying at low altitude.

He had just rushed out, and the huge movement immediately attracted the attention of the guards guarding the place.

One by one, the Chaye clan suddenly shouted and rushed towards him.

It's a pity that no matter how many these Cha Ye tribes are, they are useless. He didn't sprint on the road, but flew directly.

He quickly passed by the Chaye clan and flew to the front of the altar, with streams of immortal energy condensing in his hands.

A ball of white light flew out of his hand and fell straight into the blood pool.

The entire altar also has a formation, but because now all the breath except the energy of chaos has disappeared, the altar's formation has also lost its effect.

As the spell fell, the next moment, the blood pool exploded, endless blood flew into the sky, and the entire altar exploded, revealing an unopened passage below the altar.

Although the passage is not completely opened, you can still feel the rich blood evil energy behind the passage.

River of blood!

This is the passage to the boundless bloody hell!

These alien races are not suppressing a river of blood. On the contrary, they want to open a passage to let the monsters in the boundless blood prison come out from here.

He remembered what the Double Sword Fairy had said before. When their masters from the Wanxiang Sect came to attack the Chaye Clan, they were blocked by all the foreign races.

They also wondered why all the foreign races helped the Chaye clan. Now, he finally knew the answer.

Because of this passage to the boundless bloody hell!

These aliens wanted to lead a large number of monsters into dangerous places, but he couldn't tell what they were going to do next.

As the altar exploded, for a moment, the Tousha Ye tribe roared like crazy, but Cao Zhen was in mid-air, and they could not attack Cao Zhen at all.

"Forget it, let's fall down first. Otherwise, what if these Chaye clan find that they can't attack me and don't let the Chaye clan on the other side of the magic spring come to support me?"

Cao Zhen thought for a while, but still fell to the ground. In an instant, countless Chaye tribe ants came over.

Suddenly, golden rays of light appeared around him.

Although he can't fly, he can now use the energy of chaos, which can naturally condense body protection spells.

For a time, the Chaye tribe's attacks fell one after another, but they were unable to break through the defense of his body protection spell.

In anger, each Chaye tribe screamed crazily, and their voices could be heard far away.

Where the Chaye Devil Spring was, a rapid roar filled with endless anger came from the distance, and the guards of the Chaye Clan left one after another and flew away into the distance.

In the blink of an eye, all the guards here disappeared.

"This...what did Fellow Daoist Ye do? How did it cause such a big commotion?"

Fairy Wushuang was stunned when she looked at the Chaye Demonic Spring without any guards. It was recorded in their Wanxiang Sect that if the holy land of the Chaye Clan was attacked, the guards here would go back to rescue them, but not all of them would go, no matter what. A small group of guards were left behind.

Now, all the Chaye clan have run away. What is going on?

Ye Liangchen won't take away the holy land of the Chaye clan, right?

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